Y/n Riddle the Queen of Slyth...

By Snimad7282

28.4K 349 142

y/n Riddle, Daughter of Voldemort, just turned 11. She has 2 older brothers, Tom and Matheo. It's her first y... More

The Birthday Part 1
The Birthday Part 2
Diagon Alley Part 3
Ollivander's part 4
The Hogwarts Express Part 5
The Encounter Part 6
The Meeting Part 7
Sorting Ceremony Part 8
Gryffindor Part 9
After the Feast Part 11
The Dreaded Common Room Part 12
Butterflies Part 13
Confrontation Part 14
Lessons Part 15
Part 16
The courtyard Part 17
Professor McGonagall Part 18
Punishment Part 19
Who's the Boss? Part 20
Hospital Part 21
The Library Part 22
Tom Part 23
Part 24
Going Home Part 25
The assignment Part 26
Home Part 27
The Deal Part 28
Part 29
The Malfoys Part 30
The Brothers Riddle Part 31
The Older Sibling's Tragic Backstory
Part 33
Poor Matteo...Part 34

The Feast Part 10

813 11 3
By Snimad7282

I leaned more into Harry's arms. He tightened his grip around me. My head was swarming with thoughts. 'What is Father going to say?', "Will Matheo and Tom ever talk to me?', 'What am I going to do?'.

After a while of sitting there together, I heard another familiar voice. "Harry, are you coming?" Ron yelled. I looked up to glare at Ron. He was glaring back. Ron was standing on the other side of the table looking at the two of us confused. Harry looked at me and smiled. "It's alright Harry. You can go. We both need to eat anyway." I said to him, sitting up out of his arms. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go eat" He got up and walked back over to where he was sitting before. I took a deep breath and started to put food on my plate.

I was slowly eating some mashed potatoes when someone sat down next to me. It was Draco. He didn't look at me, he just sat there. "Hi, Draco...?"

"Hello, Y/n" he turned to look at me, his eyes were a little glossy as well. "Are you alright?" He said in the most comforting way you can imagine. "Yeah," I said. "I guess"

I looked over at Matheo and Tom again and they were talking to each other. It seemed as though they were fighting.

I looked back at Draco and then at my plate. Which was gone, and now sitting in front of me was a dish of ice cream.

"I'm going to go back to my seat now" he stands up and shoots Harry a nasty look. "Ok," I say. I picked up my spoon and began eating. Draco walked back to Slytherin table and began to eat his ice cream.

'I wish I were over there'.

Harry's POV:

I was sitting with y/n, rubbing her back while her tears soaked my robes. I didn't mind though.

I hugged her tighter. Ron walked over to us. I acted as if I hadn't seen him and laid my head on hers.

"Are you coming?" Ron said, looking at her with disgust. 'What does he have against her? She never did anything to him?' "Yeah, one moment."

Y/n lifted her head to look at me. She sat up straighter and said "It's alright Harry. You can go." She has the most beautiful accent.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes, now go eat." She waved me away. I got up and gave her an apologetic smile. I walked away with Ron. Just as I sat down I saw Malfoy sit down beside her.

He started talking to her and then gave her a long hug. I could feel the anger inside me start to bubble.

'I'm jealous? ' I thought in an accusatory tone. 'No, I can't be. I barely even know her or Malfoy' Draco got up, looked at her and she looked back at him. He said something to her that made her cheeks flood with red. 'I wish I had done that. I wish she felt like that with me.'

He looked up at me and we made eye contact. His glare was so intense that I had to look away. He sneered then walked away to Slytherin's table.

Y/n started to eat the ice cream that had appeared on the table in front of us.

"Who were you looking at?" Rob said, trying to follow my gaze. I looked away quickly so he couldn't.

"No one, nothing. Forget it."

Hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading. If you like this book you should check out my other book, The Potters!

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