The Older Sibling's Tragic Backstory

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Y/n's POV:

I heard yelling from where I was outside the Great Hall and decided to see what was going on. Oh great, I thought.

Matteo was on the ground, Fred and George were standing in shock, Ron was deciding whether or not he should leave, Snape and McGonagall were storming towards all of them, Tom and Percy seemed to be in some sort of staring contest, and Harry was looking at me.

"Matteo!" I ran to him, everything and everyone stopped and looked at me. "Are you all right?" I knelt next to him. "Yeah, yeah. I'm good." Matteo answered, pushing himself off the ground.

"Good, let's go." I helped him up, and we started to walk away. I turned around about half way out and realized that Tom wasn't behind us. "You keep going," Matteo was wide-eyed and nodded silently. He knew what I was about to do.

I stalked back through the great hall, made my way to Tom, and stopped. Right between him and Percy. He didn't like my way.

"Ahem," I coughed. He slowly lowered his gaze down to my eyes, I saw his face shift as he saw my expression. Cold and hard.

I knew I was about four years younger and two feet shorter, but I could still intimidate my brothers. I was a Riddle of course. "Let's go." I said, "I-" he started.

For the first time since we got here I saw him powerless, I saw him lose control of the situation. Good. "That wasn't a request." I stared long and hard at him, he stared straight back.

"Yeah, run back to your dorm with your little sister." Percy teased. Tom gave me a small silent nod, slowly I turned around to face Percy. He had fiery red hair like his brothers, but his was a curly mess in his head.

"Careful," I said, still no emotion. "Oh yeah, what are you going to do?" Percy teased again. I heard Tom let out a breath, intended to be a laugh. "Tell me, Riddle. Why does your fucked up little family get to come to this school, and not deserve to go to Azkaban? Hmm?"

I don't know what went through my head or why I did it, but one second I was standing in front of Percy and the next I was on top of him. Punching him, blood splattered my clothes, and people yelling. "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY LIKE THAT AGAIN!" I yelled in his face as I slammed my fist into his nose.

I felt hands on my arms prying me off of him. I tried to fight against them but by now most of my strength had gone. I kicked him in the gut one last time. As I stood.

I politely swept the dust off my skirt and adjusted my posture. "Now we're even." I said calmly. Everyone stared. I started to walk past all of them. "For what?" Fred asked. "You hit my brother, I beat yours." I shrugged. He just looked at me, I couldn't read his face. Tom looked proud. I pivoted, then walked away. Tom fell into step beside me.

"Nice job." Tom murmured beside me. I was trying really hard not to let out a laugh all the way out the great hall. But as soon as I passed those double doors and turned the corner I burst out laughing. Matteo soon joined. Tom stood and just let himself smile a little.


All three of us were in the library studying. Or me and Tom were studying and Matteo was hitting on every girl that walked past.

Every once and a while Tom would tell Matteo to sit down and do his work or he would scare a poor first year walking by.

Finally I looked up from the book I was reading, to see Tom staring at some Hufflepuff girl. Matteo was sitting across from me so I lightly kicked his leg. When he looked up I pointed with my eyes at Tom. Matteo discreetly looked behind him at the girl. When he turned back his eyes were sad.

His expression said something between I'll tell you later and don't say anything. "Tom?" I said. "Hmm?"

"Are you ok?" I murmured. "Perfect." Was his only response. "Then why are you staring at a Hufflepuff?" His head shot towards me. "Y/n!" Matteo scolded. "No, it's alright. I'll tell her." Tom said to Martteo then turned back to me. "That's Marie," he nodded his head towards her.

"She was the first person to talk to me on the train in my first year. The only person who would talk to me. She was the only one who would stand up for me before I could for myself. We were friends till about our fourth year." He swallowed. "We grew closer. Closer than we should have. Father found out." He didn't take his eyes off her. "He told Severus, who told Dumbledore."

"What happened?" I leaned in. "He told her I had beaten up her boyfriend, again." His hands curled into fists. "Again," I asked. "He was an ass! He did not deserve her! He constantly harassed her and didn't know what 'No' meant." He whisper yelled at me. "But after she made me promise not to do it again."

"And did you?" I asked him. "No! I made a promise!" He said defensively. Promises were very important in the Riddle family. Ever since we were little, Father always made us promise things and that if we ever broke it, we would break his trust and be punished harshly.

"Oh..." I said, looking away from him towards Marie. "That's what rule five is about?" He nodded slowly. "It hasn't stopped Matteo from going through the entire Slytherin house though." He said with a small smile. "Hey!" Matteo said clearly Offended.

"You're just jealous." He shot back at Tom, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Doesn't matter," Tom started. "He was so heart broken when she told him they couldn't be friends anymore." Matteo said dramatically. "I was not!" Tom quietly yelled at Matteo.

"But you didn't seem sad when you came home that summer," I turned to Tom. "Because the best way not to get heart broken is to pretend you don't have a heart at all." Tom let that sit with us for a second. "I was stupid, I shouldn't have let anyone that close. Since then I told myself I wouldn't ever let anyone else in." Tom got up and packed his books away in his bag, "I'll see you two later," he nodded to us and left.

"He's so dramatic," Matteo said, leaning back in his chair with his feet on the table and hands behind his head. "And you're not?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "He acts like he's so mysterious and broody but in reality, the whole school knows he likes her, and all the girls like him." Matteo said, picking his nails. 

Y/n Riddle the Queen of Slytherin. Or so she thought.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt