Hospital Part 21

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I must have blacked out because when u woke up I was in a quiet room with fluorescent lights that stung my eyes. My body ached all over. I looked to my right and saw Matteo sleeping in the bed next to me.

To my left was... Harry?! What was he doing here? He was sitting in a chair asleep. I looked down and saw our hands were interlocked.

Oh no.

But I didn't move my hand. I felt so safe. So at ease with him here. Like no one could ever hurt me.

I let my eyes adjust to the light and looked up at him. Studying him.

He looked so at peace. His messy dark brown hair fell over his forehead covering his scar. His glasses a little lopsided on his nose, and his mouth—he had soft, pink lips—was open the slightest bit.

Finally I tore my eyes away from him to see madam Pomphery quickly walking over to me with a tray.

It had multiple bottles of different shapes and sizes, all with gross looking liquid filling them.

As she got to me she set the tray down loudly on the table in between Matteo and I.

The noise caused Harry to startle awake. At the same time Matteo awoke too. I discreetly ripped my hand from Harry's grip.

This caused him to look down at me. I saw a flash of confusion mixed with sadness on his face but that quickly went away when he saw I was awake.

"You're awake!" He said, and moved a bit of my hair out of my face. He smiled. I smiled.

No butterflies this time, just pure happiness. I was soon awakened from this trance when Madam Pomphery started speaking.

"Yes, she is awake." She said, annoyed. "And so are her two brothers, and they all need to be tended too." 'Tended to?' I thought.

I looked at Matteo, who was now sitting up in his bed, glaring at Harry. Unfortunately for him, Harry was still looking at me.

Madam Pomphery poured some of the thick green liquid onto a spoon and held it out to me.

I looked at her confused, she really thinks I'm going to take this willingly? I shook my head at her.

She let out a small laugh and quickly forced the spoon in my mouth. Harry laughed once too but I quickly shot him a look and he stopped.

Whatever she just put in my mouth tasted like tar. It was the worst thing I've ever tasted. I want to be stubborn and not swallow it but it was so gross I couldn't hold it in my mouth any longer. So I eventually ended up swallowing whatever that disgusting medicine was.

It seemed she had done the same to Matteo and he too, couldn't handle the taste and swallowed it.

"What was that?" I asked disgustedly.

She was about to answer but stopped as someone walked into the infirmary.

I turned my head to see who it was. Professor Snape and Dumbledore.

Ugh why were they here? Matteo fell back down into his pillow annoyed just by the sight of them.

"Thank you very much Madam, for nursing these children. If I may, I would like to speak with them alone."

She nodded and quickly scurried away, drawing the curtains around the beds so we could have more privacy.

Snape looked at Harry, he looked confused but finally got the hint and got up to leave. He gave me one last smile and left behind the curtain.

"I have done some thinking about recent events and decided you, neither Tom will be expelled from Hogwarts." He said to Matteo.

I could visibley see Matteo relax at that. "But..." Snape started. "Because of your actions and injuries you will be returning home with me," he paused. "For about a week, to recover."

'Why with him- oh... with Father.'

"And y/n?" Dumbledore asked. I turned to look at him, "you will start your lessons with me when you return. Matteo, you will fulfill your punishment this afternoon." Matteo's eyes widened. This made Dumbledore smile.

They both left. "This afternoon?" Matteo said shocked. I could tell he was terrified. "I barely know how to ride a broom. How am I going to get all the way up to the hoops?" He looked at me. I felt sorry for him. I really did. But all I could think about is how I am going to tell Father I'm not a Slytherin.

Y/n Riddle the Queen of Slytherin. Or so she thought.Where stories live. Discover now