The Birthday Part 1

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Today is Y/n Riddles, daughter of Voldemort, 11th birthday.

You wake up as your oldest brother, Tom, walks into your room. "Wake up," he says as he walks to the other side of your bed to open the blinds.

The bright sun shines on your face making you pull your blankets over your head.

Tom pulls the blankets to the end of your bed, which makes you curl up in a ball trying to keep as much of your body heat around you as possible.

Just then your second oldest brother, Mattheo, runs into your room and jumps onto the bed next to you.

"Wake up sis. It's time to open presents" he says in an excited voice.

"You got me presents?!" You say as you jump out of bed. "We'll yeah, duh. What kind of birthday has no presents?" He says while rolling his eyes.

"Come one!" He grabs your arm and pulls you out of your room, down the long hallway. Then down the stairs, as Tom calmly walks behind the two of you with his arms crossed.

Matheo lets go of your arm and yells "Last one there is a rotten egg!" He takes off running down another long corridor down to the dining room where you assumed your presents were. Tom hears this and stops for a sec to think. You slow your running but don't stop "What's wrong? Scared you're going to lose?"

At that, Tom smirks. You stop running because you have no idea what he's about to do. "Oh no, I guess I lose" as he smirks even bigger.

"Yeah, well I guess I'm just better," you say, crossing your arms and smiling. He laughs, then apparatus out of the room.

"Hey that's not fair you cheated" you yell. You start to run full speed down the corridor again. As you turn the sharp corner, you run full speed into a tall dark figure and are thrown back onto the floor at the sudden stop.

You look up to see who you just had the pleasure of running into. But before you can look, the figure says "Excuse you, Ms. Riddle" in a low voice that sends chills down your spine says. You look up to see Lucius Malfoy looking straight at you.

'I didn't know the Malfoys would be here' you thought to yourself. You scrambled to your feet. "Sorry," you said, looking down at the floor. "Run along dear. Next time watch where you are going" he says in an annoyed tone. "Y-yes sir, sorry Mr. Malfoy," you say in almost a whisper.

He walks past you. You look around the corner to make sure he is gone and take off running.

"Finally you made it. What took you so long?" Matheo said. "I stopped to say hello to Mr. Malfoy. I saw him in the hallway." You said quickly, trying to brush off what just happened.

"Ok, well open this one it's from me," Matheo says as he shoves a small gift bag into your hands.

"Shouldn't we wait for Father?" You say. Tom then clears his throat, drawing your attention to the end of the table. He's about to say something when Matheo cuts him off "He said go ahead without him"

Matheo says while looking at Tom with big eyes.

You think for a second but then agree. "Ok fine," you say. You open the little bag Matheo had given you. At the bottom of the bag, you pull out a beautiful silver, snake necklace. "Oh my gosh! It's beautiful Matheo!" You hug him tightly. "Can you put it in for me?"

"Sure, turn around," he says. You turn around with a big smile "Thank you!" "You're welcome y/n," he says with an even bigger smile, now knowing that you like it.

"Well, you set your expectations low," Tom says from across the table. Now walking over with a big box wrapped in green, silver, and black paper.

"This is from me" he sets the big box down in front of you. "What is it?" you say excitedly. "You have to open it, that's how presents work y/n"

You roll your eyes and start unwrapping the box. You open the box and as soon as you see the gift you jump from your seat and run to Tom. "Oh thank you! Thank you!" You pull him in a tight hug. He doesn't hug back. Toms isn't a big hugger, but you're the only one he lets hug him.

You run back over to the gift. "A Nimbus 2000! How did you even get one? Aren't they all sold out?" You ask, admiring the broomstick. "I have my ways," he says with a smirk.

Hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading. If you like this book you should check out my other book, The Potters!

Y/n Riddle the Queen of Slytherin. Or so she thought.Where stories live. Discover now