The Malfoys Part 30

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Lucius took us to Malfoy Manor. This place was worse than Riddle manor. Yes they were both dark, cold, and quiet. But at least ours we had each other and there was a little bit of a family atmosphere. Here, it was just Draco and his parents. Draco usually spent time alone in his room.

We walked in through the heavy hawthorn wood doors, through the foyer, and into the parlor. The room had a few windows that let in some natural light, but other than that it was mostly dark.

Tall bookshelves, portraits, and all tapestries covered the walls. There was a black leather couch and three matching arm chairs. There was a fire crackling in the fireplace as well. Narcissa Malfoy sat in one of the chairs, sipping what looked to be tea.

Draco sat in the chair beside her. His head spun around to look at us the second we opened the door, we made eye contact and I could feel my cheeks become a soft rosey pink. His smile grew at the sight of me.

We were ushered onto the couch across from them. Lucius sat in the third empty chair next to Draco. Tom was on my right, and Matteo was on my left. The couch wasn't built to have three people, and Tom and Matteo both have large shoulders so I was squished between the two of them. Not to mention they both man spread so I had no leg room as well as no arm room.

"My dears," Narcissa starts, "How are you?" She looks between me and Tom. "We're fine," Tom says with no emotion whatsoever.

Lucius clears his throat and looks to Draco, he quickly sits up straighter and asks, "Would you like some tea?"

"Yes, we would love some." Matteo speaks up. Soon a small house elf, wearing what looks to be an old pillow case. He's holding a tray with three tea cups, a sugar bowl, creamer, and a teapot.

First he hands Matteo his cup, he takes it and sips some. Next he hands me mine. "Thank you," I said softly. "Don't talk to the house elf!" Lucius snapped at me.

Tom and Matteo heads snapped towards Lucius. Draco's head was down, it seemed the floor had become more interesting. "S-sorry" I stuttered.

"It's alright sweetheart, you didn't know." Narcissa said. Lucius scoffed.

I took a sip of my tea. It coated the inside of my mouth with a rich herb flavor. Tom got his and sipped some of it. It was bitter but had a sweet undertone.

After some awkward silence, Lucius spoke up, "Are you three ready to go back to school?" We looked at each other, then back to him.

"All ready?" Tom asked. "Well, you were only supposed to be gone for the weekend and back on Monday, it's now Sunday." Lucius told us. "Oh," Tom said.

"We don't have our trunks," Matteo said. "Or our owls,"

"We will get them shipped," said Narcissa. We nodded. "Then yes, we are ready," Tom said, looking down into his tea. Draco didn't lift his head but only his eyes. I looked his way, he looked back down.


When we arrived at school, we were greeted by Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Dumbledore. Snape led Matteo and Tom away. Dumbledore approached me followed by McGonagall.

"Ms. Riddle," he started, "Professor McGonagall and I have discussed the issue of your... training, and decided not to go through with it." I secretly celebrated in my head, "Why is that sir?" I asked innocently.

"Instead, you will be studying with Ms. Granger. She seems to be very bright. We also thought you could use a friend. Instead of learning something new, you will be tasked with making friends." The party ended abruptly in my head. "Friends? I have friends." I said defensively. "Your brothers don't count." Professor McGonagall said.

I sighed. "This way," she inclined her head to the front doors of the school and I followed her. We walked through school to my common room. I only got a couple weird glances. I shook them off. At the door Percey was waiting for us. He led me inside. I stepped through the portrait wall and the common room became silent.

I exhaled, loudly. I was done with this shit. All of the looks I got. "What are you all looking at?" I snapped. They all looked away. I rolled my eyes and started for my dorm. I got to the stairs, but someone blocked me.

"Y/n!" Hermione's arms wrapped around me, trapping me in a tight hug. "Hi Hermione," I grumbled, keeping my arms by my sides. "Where did you go? Are you ok? Who were you with?" The questions poured out of her mouth one right after the other.

I could feel eyes on us, and I knew they were all listening in. "Can we just talk up in the dorm?" I asked. " Uh, sure. Is everything alright?" She asked me quietly. "Yeah, yeah everything's fine, I just don't what the whole Gryffindor house knowing my businesses," I said loudly enough for the people in the common room to hear.

We walked up the stairs, and into our dorm. My trunk was already sitting beside my bed. I walk to my bed and lie down. I close my eyes and clear my mind.

"So...?" Hermione starts. I jumped at the sudden noise, forgetting she was even there. "Sorry, just a bit tired. It was a long ride here." I roll onto my back and cross my arms over my chest. "I went home, to Riddle Manor that is, and spent time with my brothers. The Malfoys stayed with us and watched us, too." I told her. I obviously couldn't tell her who was really there.

"How was that? Spending time with your brothers?" She asked cautiously. "Fine, Toms a real arse sometimes, but Matteos is there to calm him down before anything really happens. Most of the time." I say.

She's now sitting on her bed, watching me. She has pity in her eyes, I can see it. I hate being pitied.

I sit up and hug a pillow around me, "What about you? Did you, Ron, and Harry do anything fun?" I ask.

"We got detention for being out after curfew with Malfoy." She spat, "But not until tonight. Also Dumbledore told me I'll be tutoring you?" I sighed at the mention of that. "Oh yeah,"

Y/n Riddle the Queen of Slytherin. Or so she thought.Where stories live. Discover now