The Birthday Part 2

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You grab your new brook stick and start to head for the front door.

"Y/n wait!" Matheo yells as he runs up behind you. "What?" You ask. "There's one more present," he says panting, putting his hands on his knees.

"There is!" You and Matheo walk back to the dining room where Tom is still standing and talking to a tall blond boy. The boy had bright gray eyes with his platinum blond hair slicked back.

You walk in and they both turn to look at you. "Draco!" You say as you set your broomstick down on the table and run to hug him.

"Hi y/n," Draco says as you jump into his arms. "What are you doing here?" You ask.

It's not very often you see Draco. You and he were childhood friends. He's only a couple of months older than you.

"Well, my father had to come to ". Matheo cut him off. "Drop off your present." Draco looks confused. "Father will join us soon y/n."

"Ok..." you say confused as to what is going on. You just decide to brush it off. Don't want this to ruin your birthday. "Here y/n" Draco hands you a little white box with a pretty black bow on top.

You quickly untie the bow and open the lid to the box. You pull off a little brown envelope with a red stamp. You look at it in awe. "Did I-" you cut yourself off.

You turn over the envelope in your hands admiring it.

On the front, it reads:

Ms. Y/n Riddle

665 Darkmouth Dr.

London, England

"Oh my gosh!" You quickly open it up. The boys crowd behind you and look over your shoulder to read what it says.

"We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students will be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on February 25th, 2019. We await your owl by no later than January 31st.

To avoid detection by Muggles, please use the entrance located at Kings Cross Station Downtown London, on platform 9¾. We look forward to having you at our school."

You stand there reading the lines over and over again. You can remember how jealous you were when both of your brothers got accepted to Hogwarts.

"Congratulations y/n," Tom says as he runs his hand on your head, messing up your hair more than it already is.

"I have to show father!" You say running out of the room. "Y/n wait!" Matheo and Tom yell in unison. You don't listen, you're too concerned with what you just read and finding father.

You slow your running down to a fast walk. You hear talking from down the hall. 'That must be a father!' You think to yourself. You stand in front of the door you heard talking behind. You look in the mirror on the wall and see your reflection. You completely forgot you haven't changed into actual clothes yet. You're wearing a nightgown and your hair is amazing. 'Thanks, Tom'. You fix your hair as well as you could.

You take a deep breath and knock on the door. All the talking on the other side stops. A tall man with greasy raven black opens the door.

"Yes? Can I help you?" He looks down at you. "Umm-" you swallow and stand up straight. "Is my father there?" At that, you hear a chair thrown back very aggressively. You flinch at the sound. "Who is it, Severus?" A voice you recognize says. 'Father'.

"Your daughter sir," you hear your father's footsteps start to get louder.

Your father opens the door. "What is it y/n?" He says in an annoyed tone. At that, Matheo and Tom turn the corner but stop suddenly at the sight of you and your father.

"I-I got my l-letter to Hogwarts." You say looking down at your feet. "That's all you had to say?" He looks at you harshly. "You interrupted my meeting to tell me a piece of paper had come in the mail?" He was yelling at this point.

"And you?" He points at Tom. "What did I tell you? Hmm? "I said, 'Keep her out of here.' Did I not?" "I know but-" Tom started. "Don't talk back to me!" Father yelled. He looked back at you.

"Y/n Monet Riddle" 'Oh no' "you know better to interrupt me while I'm in a meeting" he puts his cold hand on your cheek.

"You may go" All three of you turn to go. "Not you Tom". You and Matheo look at Tom. "You two go I'll meet you guys later for cake, ok?" Tom said with a soft, reassuring smile on his lips. He nodded and turned around and walked over to Father with his head up high.

Matheo grabs your arm and drags you down the corridor. "But we have to wait for Tom?" You say. "He said he will join us later," Matheo said whilst giving you a glare.

Later you and Matheo are playing checkers on the leather sofa in the great room. Draco walks in and sits down and sits on the matching armchair. "Where's Tom?" He asks.

"He's with father," Matheo says, not looking up at him as he captured your bishop. "Aww man," you say.

Tom walks in, "who wants cake?" He says with a small smile. You look up at him, he had an imprint of a hand on the side of his face.

"What happened-" you start but Matheo kicks you. "I do" Draco says.

You all get up and walk over to him as he walks back in with the cake. It's a small cake with buttercream and small strawberries on top. Your favorite.

Tom puts 11 candles on top, they all sing happy birthday to you as you sit there awkwardly. "Make a wish," Matheo says with a smile on his face.

'I wish for an amazing school year with lots of new friends' You blow out your candles

"What did you wish for?" Draco asks. "I can't tell you or it won't come true," you say with a smile spread across your face.

Hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading. If you like this book you should check out my other book, The Potters!

Y/n Riddle the Queen of Slytherin. Or so she thought.Where stories live. Discover now