Rimuru One Shot/Ideal/Short S...

Door polopui656

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Random Ideal The cover doesn't belong to me. it belongs to the respected owner. Meer

Crossover: Rimuru in Yandere Simulator part 1
Crossover: Rimuru in Konosuba part 1
Crossover: Rimuru in Konosuba part 2
Crossover: Rimuru in Konosuba part 3
Crossover: Rimuru in Konosuba part 4
One-shot: Tensura with Lunch Box
Crossover Story: Guilty Glitch (Part2)
Short Story: Beelzebuth's Awakening Part 1
Short Story: Beelzebuth's Awakening Part 2
Short Story: Beelzebuth's Awakening Part 3
Short Story: Beelzebuth's Awakening Part 4
Short Stoty: Beelzebuth's Awakening Part 5
Ideal: Bleach x Tensura

Crossover Story: Guilty Glitch (Part 1)

759 11 3
Door polopui656

[2074 A.D]

Age of Crusaders...

In this world, magic exists and it had been used as an unlimited energy source. All of the technology was developed and surpassed the old modern civilization.

A beautiful young man named Rimuru Tempest is working as a salaryman. He is just a normal human looking for a partner in his life. Sadly, he has bad luck when looking for a woman, so he was kind of jealous.

All of a sudden, a gigantic laser beam appeared and destroyed everything in Japan. A last moment of his life before it is flashed away.

(Damn! I never thought the world will end so quickly. I still don't live my life to the fullest and even have a girlfriend too. I guess I will be more aggressive in my next life.) - Rimuru

Japan had been destroyed. It only left a few survivors of Japan, so survivors are being protected in the colony.

After that, everything is black...




Rimuru started to see something outside of his existence as he saw a universe, star, galaxy, and include crimson space with a giant red cube.

(What did I just see? Is that a dream?) – Rimuru

The first thing he touches is a rock and then he opens his eyes.

Everything around him is dessert as it's nothing more than stone and rock.

"What happening!? I need to search for an answer." – Rimuru

Before he goes, he needs to put on clothing first. Luckily, he learned some summoning magic that stored his clothes just in case like this.

"*Sigh* I thought I will go search while naked." – Rimuru


After a short walk, he found a gigantic hole on the surface.

"So, this is where a laser beam that I saw... Who could have done this... Huh?" – Rimuru

Suddenly, he somehow saw a screen like it come out of magic. He saw something called Analysis. Without thinking, he pushes it and causes several pieces of information into his brain.


He collapsed after the amount of information sent to his brain too much...


Rimuru wakes up at night after doing something carelessly.

"Uh... I shouldn't have touched on Analysis. It causes me so much headache." – Rimuru

Taking a moment to calm himself down, he tried to open the screen again. He saw a database of himself.

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: Human (Formerly), Gear

Ability: Analysis


(A Gear? What is that? How?) – Rimuru

Suddenly, he somehow remembers the history of Japan was destroyed and someone wears a hood.

His name was That Man.

He noticed that Analysis is a power that allows him to receive information but in exchange for that, his brain will be overloaded by it.

And Devourer is another power that allows him to absorb anything including Organic and inorganic, even energy too.

(That Man... I need to track him... but how...) – Rimuru

"You are an interesting one..." -???

Rimuru turn around and saw a man of light cerulean skin who is in an expensive car.

"Who are you?" – Rimuru

"I'm That Man. Your existence caused something unexpected. So, I take my time to approach you." – That Man

"What do you want from me?" – Rimuru

"Let me explain a bit. After the destruction of Japan, you wake up with the body of Gear. Normally, you will die like the rest of the Japanese. All of a sudden, a strange phenomenon was caused. That phenomenon is you or I said Rimuru Tempest" – That Man

In front of That Man, Rimuru seems to understand what he means but it doesn't explain why Japan had been destroyed.

That Man offered his hand for explaining the history of the current world. while Rimuru knew this strange man no doubt is plotting something but...

Rimuru took his hand and shank it as an offer. That Man invited Rimuru for a ride on his car.

That Man started the car and then they ride away from this place.




Next day,

That Man explained to him the existence of Gear, the annihilation of Japan, the Crusaders and even more.

The famous one must be Sol Badguy.

Rimuru thinks about how sinful this world was... He still needs a lot of preparation.

"Hey! Do you know about some weapon that I can use?" – Rimuru

"Nope! My gun is so precious that I use it as my favorite. But I think I have something interesting for you but you make your own." – That Man

That Man told him about a project called the Outrage. A powerful weapon that Sol Badguy has created to fight against Gear. This weapon had been split into 8 components which were later known as the Eight Sacred Treasure.

"I guess I will use a traditional katana as a memorial of my home... UHughh!!!?" – Rimuru

Again, his brain started to experience massive headaches but he still manage to stay awake.

That Man is amused by this phenomenon.

"It seems your ability is causing your problem again." – That Man

"What do you know about this? – Rimuru

"Information Flare absorbed with your body and soul into Gear but not like other Antimatter Gear." – That Man

"Antimatter Gear?" – Rimuru

"More like a living bomb." – That Man

Rimuru dropped sweat by it. That Man further explains that Japanese people was been used as living bomb due to their body filled with overwhelming information Flare inside their body. Once it reaches its limit, he pops a balloon as an example.

"If I was a bomb, should I be exploded right now?" – Rimuru

"Nope. Your body had absorbed it. Your Gear transformation is more different than those two pure Gear Cells. By the way, you should own me something, do you understand." – That Man

"I know. Let's get this over with." – Rimuru




[2173 A.D]

The battle of Rome...

Rimuru is now tasked with a mission to observe the battle, also he can do as much as he wants. He hides his face with a mask

(So much chaos there. Many citizens have been killed by those Gear.") – Rimuru

Rimuru noticed a young girl is trying to escape from Gear. As a good heart person, he rushes into the battle to save the girl.

Large Class Gear attacks the girl. Rimuru stop the attack and finished it with swordplay.

"Flowing Water Slash" – Rimuru

A single slash as it feels like water down a stream.

A Gear had killed but there were still many of them. He looks back at the girl.

"Run! Don't look back." – Rimuru

The girl ran away as he said so.

"Now then let's finish this." – Rimuru


Rimuru eliminated those Gear but there are still many lefts until...

"Who are you?" - ???

A Mecha approached Rimuru with an annoying look.

"I'm Rimuru. You must be Justice." – Rimuru

"You are Strange. Your existence is nowhere to be seen. What are you?" – Justice

"I just here by order." – Rimuru

"Even show. I will destroy you with your mankind." – Justice

Justice and Rimuru battle started.





Justice attacks with unbelievable speed. Rimuru was caught off guard by this, and only block it while he is being sent away.

She blasts GAMMA RAY with a minimum level at her opponent.

Surprisingly, Rimuru used his unique ability to absorb the energy. Justice is pleasant by this power.

(Interesting Power... Now I can see why no corpse around here. This person could be a Gear but I can't control him. Why?) – Justice

Justice is puzzling by this person.

Rimuru began to strike but was blocked. Justice shapeshifts her hand into the claw to attack. Both of them enter close-combat

Many slash, counter, and parry...

Justice immediately teleported from the distance and fire multiple missiles at him. Rimuru dodges as many as possible.

While Rimuru was dodging, Justice was charging electrical energy to unleash her powerful attack.


Justice charged electrical energy at maximum to finish this pest.

Rimuru who was done dodged all of the missiles. When he senses massive energy inside Justice's body...

(This level of energy! She is going to blow up this planet at this rate!!!) – Rimuru

Unfortunately, Justice began firing her signature attack.

"Perish!!!!!!" – Justice

GAMMA RAY had been fired at Rimuru. Without any barrier spell or Spatial Control, he is doomed to death...

"DEVORER" – Rimuru

With this, Rimuru absorbs Justice's attack with the largest radius.

Burn... Hot... he can feel the burn inside his body while continuing to absorb all of the energy from Gamma Ray.

After done absorb, Rimuru fall to his knee while Justice was amused by this.

"You have done well. For Gear, I would control you before this fight begin. But due to the strange glitch when I tried the contract, I was unable to control you. For now, I will spare you. Hope we can fight again." – Justice

Justice and her army leave this place. Rimuru takes a rest and notices the same girl that he saves.

Rimuru thinks he should leave right now but the girl holds his clothe while crying.

"Don't cry now. Here, Let's comfort you" – Rimuru

Rimuru hugs the girl who is crying.

'What is your name?" – Rimuru

"Chloe Aubert." – Chloe

"Nice name. Chloe, you should go somewhere safe." – Rimuru

Chloe still holds his clothes as she doesn't leave. Her family was dead, so she was left alone.

Suddenly, a young knight appeared at two of them.

"Survivor! Sorry about this but you need to get out of here." – Young knight

"Yes. Can you take care of this girl safe for me?" – Rimuru

"Yes. How about you?" – a young knight

"I have a personal thing to do before I go, so please take care of her for a moment." – Rimuru

Knight nod. Before that, Rimuru give the girl his mask as a memorial

"Can I have your name?" – a young knight

"Rimuru Tempest." – Rimuru

"My name is Ky Kiske. I hope we meet again." – Ky

After that, Ky guided Chloe to the ship. Chloe looks at Rimuru with a sad tear.



Rimuru received the phone call from That Man.

"Hey! Hey! I heard you are bad with women. Now after transforming to Gear, you get a girlfriend now." – That Man

"Shut it! What do you want?" – Rimuru

"Keep a low profile. You don't want other third-party crash into your place right. So, keep the distance and no one knows this conversation." – That Man

Rimuru manages to have a semi-normal lifestyle.




[2175 A.D]

The Final Battle

The Holy Order or Crusader finally defeated Justice and seal her away in the prison. Before the end of the year, the Order was disbanded.

Before the Order was disbanded, Chloe who had been saved by Rimuru, join the Order and quickly climbed her rank up to captain while Ky Kiske is now Commander. She is also a prodigy of swordsmen and talent but her only goal is to meet her savior.

In some missions, Chloe encounters another girl who fought Gear on her own. She recognized a Japanese person. Chloe introduced herself to her. Her name is Hinata Sakaguchi, unlike Chloe, she was saved and sent away from her home place by a masked-man before the destruction of Japan. She joins Order because of Chloe's request.

Chloe and Hinata are like a sister to each other despite both being friends.

Hinata acknowledged the mask that Chloe wear in a battle. The mask belongs to someone who once comfort her when she was sad.


Without a Command Gear, the remaining Gear army goes completely dormant immediately. Expect, Rimuru had taken an army of Gear for himself to build a nation. He completely absorbs and analyses the remaining part of Justice after she was defeated. Thought this way, the remaining Gear follow the new leader to a safer location for them to live.

Rimuru somehow taught them to possess some intelligence. Under New leadership, an army of Gear spend themselves in a peaceful era and focus on building a new nation for themselves.


[2177 A.D]

The Post-Holy War Era

Global damage has left the post-crusader world almost left the world unrecognizable, various areas have become stateless no man's land. The remain of EU and Russia consolidate to form

The United Kingdom of Illyria

The country that was originally the source of all Gear production is decimated.

There are survivors, but most cities are in complete ruins.

Government exists heavily in the pocket of the Assassin's Guild, which has risen to political aspiration and is also in possession of a number of Forbidden Beasts.

All remaining destroyed or stateless are placed under the jurisdiction of the UN's International Police Force with the exception of South Africa.

At this point, the Post-War Administration Bureau [P.W.A.B] is officially deployed to undo as much global damage as possible.

The remaining Japanese people are placed into the Colonies protected by a magic barrier and guarded by IPF with no entry, no exit policy.

The Sacred Order of Holy Knight is disbanded.

Ky, unable to adjust to normal life joins the IPF.

Chloe chooses to be a wanderer to find the savior while Hinata worried by her, follows as well.

Kliff retires, leaving Holy Order days behind him for good, he does not stop martial arts training, however, and eventually becomes the first non-Japanese person to use and master Ki magic.




[2180 A.D]

The Missing Link...

Five years after the crusader, a rumor starts going around the population...

"Justice will return."

World leaders determined this to be a credible threat evidenced by the unexcepted erosion of the walls within Justice's dimensional prison. With great concern, the UN announces the 2nd Sacred Order Selection Tournament.

An event to find the most capable recruits for the 2nd Sacred Order of Holy Knight.

Those who will stand ready should Justice ever return.

There are strange rules to the tournament, however.

Incarcerated criminals and even children are permitted entry, bloodshed was allowed, but strangest of all was the champion's prize

"A Single Wish."

A Single Wish any wish at all. The tournament begins. Many of the strongest fighters of the post-war era are attracted to the event each in search of their own truths.





Chipp Zanuff

Millia Rage


Axl Low

Chloe Aubert

Hinata Sakaguchi

And the most noticeable...

Ky Kiske

Sol Badguy


Rimuru Tempest


In tournament.

Rimuru fought himself through a number of Candidates into the battle.

Surprise to him, a strike of a young girl was so precise and fast that he barely blocks it.

Hinata Sakaguchi

Rimuru and Hinata change each other blow and slash.

"You're still alive. How?" – Hinata

"Uh... Did I know you?" – Rimuru

"..." – Hinata

She looks sad when hearing the answer. She stops her attack and only walks away from him.


After Sol defeat Justice, Rimuru spends his small time observing him.

Watching him leaving, he said...

"The Betrayal of his kind, The Slayer of his kin... Guilty Gear..." – Rimuru 

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I do not own any of the pics im going to use and the pictures belong to their rightful owner
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its yagi but with consequence don't own dc or mha no of the pictures here are mine all rights go to original owners
8.7K 391 16
I DO NOT OWN THIS. ALL CREDIT GOES TO KachuFuugetsu on AsainFanfics.com. Thank you
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π΅π‘Žπ‘˜π‘’π·π‘’π‘˜π‘’ π‘‚π‘›π‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘‘π‘ !!❀️ Oneshots of BakuDeku! I Don't own My Hero Academia it goes to it respectful owner!! Cover is mine but pictures i...