Crossover Story: Guilty Glitch (Part 1)

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[2074 A.D]

Age of Crusaders...

In this world, magic exists and it had been used as an unlimited energy source. All of the technology was developed and surpassed the old modern civilization.

A beautiful young man named Rimuru Tempest is working as a salaryman. He is just a normal human looking for a partner in his life. Sadly, he has bad luck when looking for a woman, so he was kind of jealous.

All of a sudden, a gigantic laser beam appeared and destroyed everything in Japan. A last moment of his life before it is flashed away.

(Damn! I never thought the world will end so quickly. I still don't live my life to the fullest and even have a girlfriend too. I guess I will be more aggressive in my next life.) - Rimuru

Japan had been destroyed. It only left a few survivors of Japan, so survivors are being protected in the colony.

After that, everything is black...




Rimuru started to see something outside of his existence as he saw a universe, star, galaxy, and include crimson space with a giant red cube.

(What did I just see? Is that a dream?) – Rimuru

The first thing he touches is a rock and then he opens his eyes.

Everything around him is dessert as it's nothing more than stone and rock.

"What happening!? I need to search for an answer." – Rimuru

Before he goes, he needs to put on clothing first. Luckily, he learned some summoning magic that stored his clothes just in case like this.

"*Sigh* I thought I will go search while naked." – Rimuru


After a short walk, he found a gigantic hole on the surface.

"So, this is where a laser beam that I saw... Who could have done this... Huh?" – Rimuru

Suddenly, he somehow saw a screen like it come out of magic. He saw something called Analysis. Without thinking, he pushes it and causes several pieces of information into his brain.


He collapsed after the amount of information sent to his brain too much...


Rimuru wakes up at night after doing something carelessly.

"Uh... I shouldn't have touched on Analysis. It causes me so much headache." – Rimuru

Taking a moment to calm himself down, he tried to open the screen again. He saw a database of himself.

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: Human (Formerly), Gear

Ability: Analysis


(A Gear? What is that? How?) – Rimuru

Suddenly, he somehow remembers the history of Japan was destroyed and someone wears a hood.

His name was That Man.

He noticed that Analysis is a power that allows him to receive information but in exchange for that, his brain will be overloaded by it.

And Devourer is another power that allows him to absorb anything including Organic and inorganic, even energy too.

(That Man... I need to track him... but how...) – Rimuru

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