My Saber Star(Complete, In Ed...

By Ryos_Shadow_Cheney

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Takes Place half a year into the disbandment of Fairy Tail. Lucy Heartfilia had sacrificed Aquarius to save... More

Chapter 1: Lucy's Sucide Attempt
Chapter 2: I Hate You! I Love You
Not a Chapter. Please Read
Chapter 3: Lucinda of Sabertooth
Chapter 4: Fairy Tail is back
Chapter 5: Hisui joins Sabertooth; U did this to me!
Chapter 7: My Saber Star 🍋
Special Mentions: Copper

Chapter 6: Seven year Coma; Lucinda Awakens

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By Ryos_Shadow_Cheney

A/N: I have decided to end this story in the next one or two chapters! There will be a total of seven real chapters and a epilogue. Also made a new cover, the orginal picture does not belong to me. I feel that with the story events, the new cover fits better then the previous one did.

Normal POV:

Year X799

Rogue's POV:

It's been seven years since that day...

Since that day, Sabertooth hasn't been the same.

She may not have been a member of our guild for very long, but during those four months Lucinda earned herself the title of "The Saber Star".

Minerva is the Queen of Sabertooth...

Yukino is the Maiden of Sabertooth...

Hisui is the Princess of Fiore so naturally she is the Sabertooth Princess, and Lucinda is our shining Star.

Sabertooth may not be as rowdy as the Fairy Tail guild, but our guild has never been completely silent...

Every since Lucinda joined the Sabertooth guild, she has snuck her way into the hearts of everyone. We've been helping her heal and discover the value of life again, while she had become the star in everyone's life... in her current state... it's like the Saber's lost our Shining Star.

Nobody smiles or speaks above a whisper. The only thing that can be heard everyday is Sting blaming himself over and over again, and Yukino and Hisui crying in the arms of Minerva and Arcadios.

The Exceeds never leave Lucinda's side.

I myself am almost always by her side awaiting the day she returns to us... to me.

I barely ever get a peaceful nights sleep anymore... the memory of that day keeps on coming back to haunt me.

I felt so weak... I couldn't even undo a simple Dragon Slayer spell. I know it's a Spell that's not for my element, but I was there that day when Raidance tought her that spell.

If only I could've taken down the spell, then I could've stoped her and she wouldn't be in this mess.

"Tell R-Ryos that I love him."

That was the last thing I heard her say when her spell finally faultered.

By the time the ladies and I were set free... it was to late...

In that moment all I could think was "Please... don't leave me... I love you!"

I wanted to tell her that, but I knew she wouldn't hear me.

I look at the sleeping beauty laying on the bed, soft snores leaving her.

She's been in a coma for seven years...

Please... come back to me Lucinda... If you can hear me, I want you to know that I love you too. I take her hand in mine and hold on tight.

I didn't notice my tears had maybe a puddle on the ground till a gold light fills the room. Once the light dies down, I look up to see a Mermaid with a long blue fish-tail, light blue hair that reaches up to her waist, and a large bust. The Mermaid has blue eyes that seem to have no pupils. She's wearing a revealing dark blue bikini top, on each arm she has a golden armlet and bracelet. There is a circlet and three piercings on her tail, and a golden belt at her waist with one light blue crystal earring on her ear. Finnishing off her appearnce is a dark blue tatto resembling the Aquarius zodiac symbol right under her collarbone.

Lucinda has told me a lot about Aquarius, so I know who this Mermaid is. How is she here? Her key is broken.

Aquarius... Ho-How are you here? I managed to voice out.

"Listen here Emo boy, You are not to tell her that I was here understand?"

Damn.. her glare

Why? She's been through so much! All she wants is to see you again!

"It's not her time... it pains me to see her in this state... Stupid brat."

How are you here Aquarius? I ask again.

"My new key is somewhere close by... I am not aloud to give the excat location, but without a key holder I am able to materialize from any water substance as long as my key is close by."

I'm going to search for it. I voice out.

"There is no need, I feel that it will find it's way here.. One more thing before I go, the Celestial King has given his blessing for either of the other Celestial Mages in your guild to use the brats keys to summon any of her spirits even without being the contracted wizard, but only if it's neccisary."

"Thank you Aquarius-san, we will." I look towards the door to see Yuki, Minerva, Hisui and Arcadios walk in.

"Cana and Gildarts are in town... we don't know why, but Sting wants us in here to help watch Cinda-chan." Minerva spoke.

Those fairies better stay away from my mate!

"Hey Emo Boy, stop growling and tell her already!"

Wait, I was growling?

Lucinda's POV:

Seven years huh? I'm drifting in a dark void, but I can still hear everything going on around me.

"Please... Come back to me Lucinda... If you can hear me, I want you to know that I love you too."

That was Ryos... he sounds like he's been crying... I know the current state of my guild, and I can't help but think why I have such and impact on them... I've only been a member for four months before I was embraced by this void.

"Aquarius... Ho-How are you here?"

What is Aquarius doing at my guild!? Her key is broken!

"Why? She's been through so much! All she wants is to see you again!" I hear Ryos shout.

Is she telling him not to tell me that she was here?

"How are you here Aquarius?" Ryos asked again.

I guess she didn't answer the first time.

"I'm going to search for it."

What are you searching for Ryos? Is Aquarius's new key close by?

"Thank you Aquarius-san, we will!" That sounds like Yuki-chan and Hisui-chan.

What I hear Minerva say makes my blood boil.

"Cana and Gildarts are in town... we don't know why, but Sting wants us in here to help watch Cinda-chan."

I don't really hate Gildarts like I do the other fairies... I never really knew him that well, and he wasn't there during the war. I can't hate someone that I barely knew and wasn't even there.

I am suddenly welcomed by a blinding light. I swim through this void and towards the light. I open my eyes slightly only to notice how tired I am, so I close my eyes again before anyone notices that I'm awake and actually go to sleep.

Cana's POV:

It's been seven years Dad... I miss her dearly, I know that she hates me and I don't even know if she's alive now. The Saber's won't let us anywhere near her!

I take a swig from the bottle of booze in my hand before I continue.

I know this gift won't make up for leaving her, but I really hope that it will allow her to began to forgive me.

"I don't know sweetheart, Lucy is a tough girl... I'm sure she managed to surive." My dad consoles.

Thanks Dad, let's go to Sabertooth.

Gildarts POV:

Cana and I just finished a job. The reward was a Gold Key and a Angel Key with Rubies. The Gold key is the Water Bearer key and the other seems to be some sort of Angel.

On our way back to the Guild we had to pass through Crocus, so Cana wanted to take the chances and go to Sabertooth to give the keys to Lucinda.

From what I've been told, Lucy attemped sucide not once, but twice! The second time was right in front of Cana, team Natsu and Master... along with the entire Sabertooth guild.

The Saber's really hate us fairies, but if any of them try to attack my precious Daughter... I will protect her.

We are now outside the Sabertooth guild. We are about to open the door when a fist of white light comes straight for Cana.

I catch the attack and throw the White Dragon Slayer back into the guild hall.

"Get out of my Guild! Fairies are not welcomed here!" The Sabertooth Master, Sting shouts at us.

We only came, because we have a gift for your sister. I must've hit a nerve cause Sting comes attacking me.

I nod at Cana while holding Sting and the other Sabers off as she rushes to the infirmary.

Hisui's POV:

As a Celestial Wizard, I can sense when Celestial key's are close by.

I sense two Gate key's approaching our Guild.

I stand up from my seat on the cot next to Cinda-chan's and walk over to the infirmary window.

Taking a look out the Window my blood boils seeing Cana and Gildarts approaching our Guild.

Arcadios, please Gaurd the infirmary door.

"Right away, Princess." He leaves the room to stand gaurd.

"What's wrong Hisui-chan, did you see something?" Yuki-chan asks me.

Cana and Gildarts are here.

"I won't let them hurt what's mine!" Rogue growls possesively.

By this point, everyone besides Cinda-chan knows that she's his Mate.

Normal POV:

Out in the main hall of the Sabertooth Guild, the Saber's are immersed in a defensive brawl with Fairy Tail's Ace known as Gildarts Clive.

"We didn't come here to start a fight... we're here because we have a very special gift for Lucinda." Gildarts claims, visibilly growing irritated of the constant attacks thrown at him.

"If that were true, than give me whatever it is and get lost!" A defensive Sting shouts while activitating his Dragon Force.

"This is something Cana must do herself, we can't just give you the gift and allow you to deliver it for us." Gildarts explains calmly while deflecting Sting's Roar attack.

"I don't want that drunkard anywhere near my Sister, she is part of the reason why Lucinda has been in a fucking coma for the past seven years! If it weren't for Makarov, Team Natsu and Cana showing up at our guild that day demanding to see my sister then maybe she wouldn't have stabbed herself!... She... she was healing... she was getting better... I wanted to see her truely smile again, but I don't know if I'll ever see her smile at all now!" Sting screamed at Gildarts.

Cana's POV:

My Dad motioned for me to get to Lucinda while he holds off the Angry Saber's.

Thank you Dad. This is something I must do myself.

While Gildarts is distracting the Saber's, I run to the infirmary doors going unoticed. When I get there a tall muscular man clad in armor is standing gaurd.

Princess Hisui must've had him gaurd the door when we first got here.

"Under the command of Princess Hisui E. Fiore, no fairies will be allowed passed this door. If you so much as defy the Princess's command, then I'll have no choice, but to arrest you."

I don't give a crap if I'm arrested! I can't let this guy stop me... I have to see Lucinda!

I don't want to hurt him, so I use my cards and put him under a sleeping spell.

Once he falls asleep, I walk past him and into the infirmary.

Once I enter the room, I am greeted by Princess Hisui's glare, Yukino taking on a fighting stance and Minerva holding a orb of territory magic in her hand.

I look past the three woman to see Rogue standing over Lucinda's bed in a protective stance with his fist engulfed in black shadows.

"What have you done to Arcadios?" I turn to look at the Princess.

He's fine, all I did was put him under a sleep spell so that I wouldn't have to harm him.

"We thought that we made it clear that no fairies are welcomed here at Sabertooth!" Minerva shoots her magic at me, causing me to doge the attack.

I'm not here to cause trouble... I'm here, because I need to make things right.

"Nothing you do will ever justify the actions of you fairies! All of you were hurt in one way or another after the Tartarus War, but all of you had someone or something to help you heal... Lucinda... she was left alone... Nobody was there for her. She held strong for half a year till it became to much for her... none of you stayed in contact with her... Watching her throw herself off a cliff that day was fucking terrifing! It's because of you damn fairies that I nearly lost my Mate... not once, but twice! I love her with all my heart! All you fairies have ever done since the war ended is hurt her! I will not let you hurt her anymore!"

Hearing what Rogue just said breaks my heart.

I fall to my knees and cry.

I know that I can't fix what happend... I know that this gift won't be enough. I don't expect her forgiveness, but I just want her to know how sorry I am for leaving her alone... I hope that one day she will forgive me.

I hold out the two keys.

"T-that's Aquarius's new key!" Yukino gasped in shock.

The revealation of the next key is what really shocks me.

"A R-Ruby key... The Ruby keys are the key's belonging to the deseased Celestial Wizards, and this particular Ruby key is... The Gate of the Heartfilia Angel, Layla Heartfilia!" Princess Hisui exclaims in desbelief.

"R-Ryos... let her see me."

T-that Voice-

"Lucinda!" We all look at her in shock.

Lucinda's POV:

I've been awake for a while now, but I don't want to see Cana.

I keep my eyes closed pretending to still be asleep while I listen to my surroundings.

I hear Sting's rant out in the guildhall.

Don't worry Sting.

Hisui-chan demands to know what Cana did to Arcadios.

She only put him to sleep so that she could see me without having to hurt him? Why is she so insistent on seeing me!? I don't want to see her damn it!

Min-chan demands to know why she's here when it was already made clear that no fairies are welcomed.

"I'm not here to cause trouble... I'm here, because I need to make things right."

Make things right... there is nothing to fix!

"Nothing you do will ever justify the actions of you fairies! All of you were hurt in one way or another after the Tartarus War, but all of you had someone or something to help you heal... Lucinda... she was left alone... Nobody was there for her. She held strong for half a year till it became to much for her... none of you stayed in contact with her... Watching her throw herself off a cliff that day was fucking terrifing! It's because of you damn fairies that I nearly lost my Mate... not once, but twice! I love her with all my heart! All you fairies have ever done since the war ended is hurt her! I will not let you hurt her anymore!"

I... I'm his Mate?

I want to let them know that I'm awake, but something is telling me that I need to keep listening.

Cana falls to her knees and cries.

"I know that I can't fix what happend... I know that this gift won't be enough. I don't expect her forgiveness, but I just want her to know how sorry I am for leaving her alone... I hope that one day she will forgive me."

A simple gift? You've got to be fucking kidding me!

"T-that's Aquarius's new key!" Yuki-chan gasped in shock.


My heart beat quickens

"A R-Ruby key... The Ruby keys are the key's belonging to the deseased Celestial Wizards, and this particular Ruby key is... The Gate of the Heartfilia Angel, Layla Heartfilia!" Hisui-chan exclaims in desbelief.

Cana... with your past actions... I didn't think that you truely meant it when you apologised, but this... this is beyond belief.

I decided to let them know that I'm awake.

I open my eyes and sit up slowly before speaking with a hoarse tone.

R-Ryos... let her see me.

I may not want to see her, but I will allow her to see me. I must know if she really wants my forgiveness.

All eyes turn to me in shock. I look down feeling two pairs of tiny arms around my stomache.

Hey Lector and Frosch. I smile softly to the two crying Exceeds.

"Cinda-chan... You're alive!" Lector cries.

"Please... d-don't leave us!" Frosch wails.

I stroke their heads.

I don't plan on putting you guys through that pain ever again.

"Sting!" I watch as Lector fly's out into the guild hall.

I quickly put frosch on my head before I am tackled in hugs by my friends.

"Cinda-chan... You idiot!" Min-chan cried.

"We've missed you... the guild hasn't been the same without you!" Yuki-chan hugs me tight with tears falling.

"Don't you ever do that again Lucinda!" Hisui-chan smacks me.

Ouch... I guess I deserved that one.

"Luc... I mean Lucinda, I..."

With Frosch still on my head, I use my magic to create a cane and walk over to where Cana is kneeling on the floor.

I look at the key's in her hand with a soft smile and take them.

Clutching the two keys to me chest, I look at Cana.

I heard... I know that you are sorry...

Someone once told me that eyes don't lie. I look behind me at Ryos who is now on the floor with us wrapping his arms around my waist.

Your eyes tell me that you truely regret what you did... Cana, I can't forgive you right away, but with time I will.

These keys... they are the keys of my adoptive Mother and my Zodiac mother.

I can't thank you enough for returning them to me.

I look around the room. I see Sting, Gildarts and Lector standing at the door.

As of now, I am ready to mend my bond with you Cana.

"D-do you really mean that?" Cana asks with tears.

Only if you want to start a new as Friends. I smile.

"Y-yes! I just hope that you will forgive me someday."

Someday I will, and maybe Someday you will be my sister again. With that she pulls me away from Ryos and into her arms.

I hestiantly return the hug.

Sting, Ryos... I want Cana and Gildarts to be allowed to visit.

"You are the only two fairies that are welcome in our guild, so when You visit either come together or alone." Sting growls.

"If you hurt my mate ever again... You will regret the day you were born." Ryos threatens causing tears to sprout from my eyes.

"Please don't cry Cinda-chan!" Frosch wails from my head.

I'm not crying Frosch, I'm laughing!

The next I know, everyone is hugging me even Gildarts!

"I didn't think I would get to see that genuine smile again!" Sting swipes away a tear.

If the rest of the fairies are just as regretful as you Cana... then I might be able to welcome them back into my life again.

"Feel free to visit Fairy Tail whenever you are ready." Cana smiles.

It will be a while, but the first ones I want to see are Erza and Gray. Cana gives me her lacrima number along with Erza and Gray's.

Thank you Cana! I hug her one last time.

Everyone leaves the infirmary leaving me with Ryos and Frosch.

He takes my chin so I'm looking into his eyes.

What he say's makes my heart flutter.

Rogue's POV:

Once everyone else leaves, I take her chin so she's looking into my eyes.

It's now or never!

Lucinda... ever since that day when we were children... I knew you were my mate. You are Sabertooth's shining Star... You make me happy. When you're hurt then I am too. I want nothing more then for you to be happy.

You are my one and only Saber Star!

I love you more than life itself Lucinda... Please don't ever leave me... I can't live without you.

I close my eyes bringing our lips together in a sweet gentle passionate kiss.

Once we part for air, I look back into her beautiful eyes filled with love.

"You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that Ryos. From that day when we were kids, I also knew that you are my mate. Simply being with you makes me happy. I won't leave you as long as you never leave me! I love you too Ryos!"

I bring her in for another kiss. This one being a fight for domiance between our tounges. Of course I came out as the victor.

"Does this mean Cinda-chan is Frosch's Mamma?"

Shit, forgot Frosch was still on her head.

I take Frosch off her head and hold her between the two of us.

"Yes it does Frosch! This does make me your mother." My beautiful Saber Star cooes adoringly.

"About damn time bro! It's that season, so take her home! I'll watch Frosch." I look to the door to see Sting with a smug look.

"It's mating season, isn't it?" I respond by picking her up bridal style and leaving the guild.

"Be gentle Rogue or you will have all the ladies coming after ya!"

Damn Orga!

Both Lucinda and I blush hearing what Orga said and feeling the glares of the ladies.

Once we get to my house, I close and lock the door before taking her to the bed.

I love you Lucinda and I want to be forever your's.

"I feel the same Ryos, go ahead claim me."

With granted permission, I smash my lips to her's once again as we share a heated love filled kiss.

A/N: Going to read some Rolu mating lemons so I can get some ideas for how to go about with the next chapter.


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