Single Mom

Par CathyJensen

800 88 44

Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy and the wonderful characters, it kick started my wr... Plus

Seattle Bound
The Puppy Affair
An Invitation To Dinner
Match Made In Hell (sex)
Marrying Kind
New Years Eve (sex)
A New Beginning
Two Guard Pooches
Bells For Two
Wedding Extravaganza
A Niece Is Born?
Not Much Can Be Done
Cause Of Death
Babies Arrive
A Taken Man
Romeo And Juliet's Last Stand
Black Ops

Delicious Thoughts

40 6 4
Par CathyJensen

As I burst in my brothers office I saw him hide something and I swear I smelled chocolate chip cookies. Then I didn't I couldn't find what he hid and I was here about a new project that I needed him to come in on with me financially. Soon we are talking about the project and no more chocolate chip cookie smell. His PA the beauty that she is enters with a glass of milk for his cookies. Apparently someone had to run out and get the milk he asked for. That's how I got past her without her stopping me. Christian pulls a box out from its hiding place and opens it up and the chocolate chip cookies were among many of the delicious smells coming from the box. I look at the lid again and ask who the woman and children are? I ask if he has a wife and children we don't know about? He has his PA bring another glass of milk and napkins. He hands me one cookie, you would think he didn't know me. One is not enough.

When the milk arrived I knew Elliott would not leave until he got at least one cookie. So I pulled the box out of its hiding place. I have Andrea bring me another glass of milk and napkins as well. I hand him one cookie and he says really? I hand him two more and close the lid. He looks at the photo and ask if I have a wife and children he didn't know about and the teasing starts. We enjoy the chocolate chip cookies and he wants to taste the other four type cookies. We taste one each of the other varieties, snickerdoodle, oatmeal raisin with pecans smiley face made of raisins and pecans, sugar with sprinkles in smiley faces and the last ones ginger bread men with icing and smile on his face. Elliott tried to abscond with more cookies, but I handed him a gingerbread man and told him to find a gingerbread woman to bake cookies for him. I closed the box up and guided him to the door. He asked if the baker was single? I tell him hands off the baker of the cookies.

After he sent me off with one stinking cookie and a gingerbread man at that. There were gingerbread women too in that box. He kept those for himself. I asked him if the baker was single and he told me hands off the baker. I do believe he likes the baker because he usually doesn't tell me hands off of any women. The women usually don't tell me hands off, they usually enjoy my hands on them. I take my cookie and wink bye at Andrea. I must say the baker was beautiful and she had no makeup on. I doubt she needs any at all. She looks too young to have children school age. Who knows though. I save my cookie for lunch or maybe dinner at the family. I think dinner at the family's so I can tease Christian with it.

I get a thank you call from Christian for the box of cookies on voicemail and I return the call and leave a voicemail for him. Both of us are busy people. So I guess we have said enough thank you's for now. I tell Ray and Bea that there creations were enjoyed and that Christian Grey enjoyed them immensely and he had to hide them from his brother Elliott. They wanted to cook more so Elliot could have his own as well. I told them that wasn't necessary. We make cookies for school and my work and create different faces on them. Silly faces and a few sad ones. Sad to be eaten. So we eat the sad ones. Well we eat one each and freeze the others for later. 

The holiday party was great and everyone loved the cookies Anastasia made and I was given a container of cookies along with a few others in the office, they were given to us and left with our assistants. Our assistants got a version as well. She made sure no one got their feelings hurt because they didn't get any by asking that we don't let anyone know we received the cookies. None of us told the others even though we saw the containers that she gave them in. I brought them home and Elliott said they looked and tasted like the cookies that Christian's friend made him as a thank you. Christian looked guilty for some reason. I then found out that he had covert's following her and they were the ones who saved Anastasia's life. He explained how Mia had wanted to see her and came to my office and caught sight of her and tried to get information about her and couldn't and asked him to find out about her. When no photo came up and very little information came up as well he sent coverts to follow her and she spotted them right away and called Jason and still allowed the coverts. She needed photos of the coverts and they had to tell her a phrase that she had given them and she was satisfied they were from him. The cops knew who Jason Taylor worked for and told her. Because she allowed the coverts, the covert called in backup when she saw a man and a woman following Miss Steele. That was why Miss Steele was in the hospital, she had been attacked in the women's room and about to be kidnapped and killed. So several coverts stopped it and turned the man and woman over to the cops and that is all Christian would tell us.

I can't believe all this happened and we had no idea about this until now. We found out because of cookies. Very good cookies. I had to hide my share from Elliott. Mia didn't move fast enough, Christian had his taken out to the car and promised Jason he could have half if he made sure no one got them, I just want the recipes.

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