
By unholy__0

3.9M 89.1K 19.7K

AGE GAP STORY!!! Beverly clover fawn, the definition of sweetness, the most precious girl as considered by h... More

1: "he will stay here"
2: "Mr. Robot"
3: "Simba "
4: "Malyshka"
5 : "Moya dusha "
6: "Aunt Lia "
7: "Cheekys "
8: "Her genie"
9: "Grocery shopping"
10: "back home"
11 : "Mr. Nelson"
12: "Letter"
13: "Goodbye"
14: "Rescue"
15: "Panic"
16: "Taste"
17: "Mine"
18: "Assurance"
19: "Angry"
20: "Punishment"
21: "Breakfast"
22: "Skincare"
23: "Reaction"
24: "Please her"
25: "Russia"
26: "Contract"
27: "The truth"
28: "Gone"
29: "The promise"
30: "Clubbing"
31: "Drunk"
32: "Gifts"
33: "Bookstore"
34: "Missed You"
35: "Night stay"
36: "College"
37: "Office"
38: "Love"
39: "Jan"
40: "Birthday"
41: "Expose"
43: "Brownies"
44: "First"
45: "Home"
46: "Torture"
47: "Bath"
48: "His Empire"
49: "Suck"
50: "Swallow"
51: "Stars"
52: "Vera's story"
53: "Dress"
54: "Nicolas and Nitara"
55: "Jealous?"
56: "Slow"
57: "Club"
58: "Drunk"
59: "Old"
60: "Gracy's Gift"
61: "Proposal"
62: "Forever"
63: "Little Champ"
Bonus chapter 1
Bonus chapter 2

42: "Justice"

38.9K 1K 307
By unholy__0


"Not so early"

Both of them sighed in relief as if he was here to help them. Nikolai stood at the door , his blazer was missing. He rolls his sleeves up and looses his tie.

"Thank god you're here, she was throwing a fit" my stepmother said, fixing her dress.

"Oh yeah? Were you really troubling them malyshka?" He smirked walking up to them.

I shake my head , gulping.

"Fucking bitch, she isn't signing the papers" my dad replied handing the files to Nikolai.

He takes the files in his hands and then looks up at me ,  Nikolai takes a cigar out of his pocket and holds it to his mouth.

"Light it for me, Moya dusha" I say in my place. Astonished and absolutely confused with what he was doing.

"Do it" he said in his masculine voice, a hint of dominance in his voice.

I take a step closer. picking the lighter up, I light it.

All of us watch as he takes a puff and looks at me

"You said you hated it, this was the last time I'd ever smoke" with that he takes it out of his mouth and burns the papers to ashes.

We all watch as the flame comes in contact with the file. Fire ignites in them. All of them burning down to ashes and nobody does anything.

"What the fuck" dad yells, moving forward to hold his collar. Nikolai holds his hand before that and twists it.

"You fucking betrayer. You cheated on me." Dad whimpers when he twists his arms with more force.

"No you cunt, you cheated on Abigail. I'm just taking a mere revenge " he holds the cigar and pushes it deep into dad's arms.

I shut my eyes , hearing his screams. Then, I look towards the door, from where I see how she's trying to run away.

At the very same moment, the door bursts open. Bridget and aurora stood at the door. They pushed her, rora grabs her hair while Bridget punches her in the gut.

"YO BITCH" Jan brags in, a gun tucked in his waistband.

"You fucking touched what's mine" Nikolai seethed his teeth. Taking a knife out of his pocket he holds it to his face when suddenly he turns his face to me.

"We will celebrate your death today and ofcourse my tellytub's birthday" Jan kicks dad in the stomach making him lay flat on the floor.

He then holds dad as nikolai comes towards me. He won't hurt me ever now. Nikolai was here to save me.

I trust him. I love him.

"Leave baby. I don't want you to witness all of this. I'll be out in a few. Shut your ears for me pretty baby. Hmm? " he said in a soothing voice  , pushing a strand of hair behind my ear as he pecked my forehead. .

I nodded walking towards the door, ignoring all the cries as I covered my ears.

Everyone at the party had already left as Jan faked a scene telling them that there was a bomb in here.

It's over mama. Finally.


"Baby, my soul. Wake up" I feel someone shake my shoulders. I open my eyes to see nikolai's figure towering me.

"Hey, sleepyhead" he rubs my back. Helping me up.

"What time is it? What happened?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

He chuckled pulling me in his lap
"It's 12 am. Your dad is locked up. He wanted to meet you. Its totally your call baby. I'm not going to say anything. I'll support your decision" he told me.

"I want to see him, now" he nods. Not a hint of judgement on his face. He fixed my hair and intertwines our hands, walking with me.

He opens the door. The wait was long, I wanted to push everything aside and see what was going on.

Dad was tied down to the pillar, and on the other side Hannah was tied to another one. They both were beaten up brutally.

I watch as rora, Bridget and Jan waved at me as if they just didn't beat them to death. They're funny.

"Beverly, you bitch! What the fuck did you tell him huh? You're a fucking whore like your mother?" Dad yelled, making me flinch.

"Mama? A wh-whore? You're the one who cheated on her, you're the one who never loved her. You're the one who abused and killed her. And she's the whore here?" Tears threatening my eyes as I spoke, I move forward

"You were going to kill me weren't you, just like you killed mama? Just like you tortured her to death. Well I don't want to say this , b-but I really hope you die the most painful death for doing this to my mama"

"No-no! You come back here. You bitch, I gave birth to you. you're here because of me . Remove there ropes you slu-" he didn't even have time to finish the sentence when Nikolai punched him in the face making his head hit the pillar behind.

"I fucking dare you to speak to her like that again" I look down at his hands, his knuckles were bruised and busted. He has blood on them.

"Beverly, listen. I love you right? Please let me go. I always have been there for you. Please let me go" Hannah begged. Fake tears running down her face.

"You can go" I say shrugging my shoulders. She sighed in relief and my sperm donor looked at me with his busted mouth gaped

"You can go with him, to hell" I finish the sentence, making Nikolai and all my other friends chuckle.

"No please listen. I'm your dad. Beverly." He begged me . I am sorry if I'm being brutal here. I'm doing all of this for mama.

"Burn them" Nikolai took his lighter out and told us all to get out of the room

He took the lighter and burned it ignoring their screams , he looks at me and says

"Cover your ears baby" I don't question, him. I cover my ears while aurora covered my eyes and Bridget and Jan held my hands. I thank god for them.

He lit the fire, igniting the room inside. It spread like a forest fire. So quick, so deadly.

And within minutes, their screams stopped and it all ended.

Mama finally got her justice.

"We should leave now" Jan said.

I nodded and walked them to the door as they left.

"Now let us also go home my soul" Nikolai came from behind.

I smiled at him and held his finger in my hand. He pecked my hand and walked us to the car, instructing something to his guards.

I don't talk to him.  I don't say anything. I had nothing to say or maybe too much to say that i didn't know where to start from.

Author's note

WOWWWW! Finally dead. They be rolling in the deep rn. Lmao.

Also guys, the next chapter is going to be a Lil comforting in the beginning and then BOOM SMUT.

Finally after 42 DAMN CHAPTERS

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