tale of the nine tailed x rea...

Galing kay Quackthe_duck

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what if Lee Yeon fell in love with you? who will Nam Ji-ah fall in love with? what if you were there with him? Higit pa

About y/n
A glimpse into the past
Y/N's journey from Seoul
The fox bride
important note
The fox bride -2
Not a chapter
The fox with the red umbrella
yeou gogae
first meeting
Soo young' s truth
The fall and Lee Yeon's past
the fountain of luck
The snail bride
the brothers conversation
the investigation of the skull case
the investigation of the skull case-2
The survivors of the galaxy
the survivors of the galaxy -2
The dragon King
The attractive thief and July 15
The Shaman
A sweet moment after the rescue
the direction of ghosts
the phone call
Lee Rang's Past
A sweet dinner and the man
the funeral
Meeting Shin Joo
Ah eum and Lee Yeon
Min-seo and Yeon-seo

The Hell Of Blades

429 17 9
Galing kay Quackthe_duck

Lee Yeon was suffering in the cave, The time in hell flows in a speed different from the human world's. Seven days in the real world are seven years in hell. You don't eat. You don't sleep. You can't die, either.

Taluipa ws cleaning the dust off of the book, Knight Errant. Lee Yeon's words played inside her mind, That moment was everything for me, too. That short time when she was alive. I'll take any kind of punishment. I just want to see her experience happiness and sadness in life, and grow old, like the others do. She sighed out loud, shaking her head and mumbling " foolish brat"

Y/N pov:

I kept trying to call Yeon but each time it said that the photo is turned off. I walked outside of the room and in the corridor when the lights suddenly were turned off. What in the freaking horror movie shit is going on? Should I be walking probably not but let's be careful and walk outside of this funeral hall or to Kim sae rom. I kept walking when suddenly something rolled in front of me, I picked it up and it was a ..... Black shriveled up cherry. I gasped in shock cause two girls came infront of me. I bent down to their level and told them hi, looking at their faces , I commented smilling "you must be sisters". "How old are you kiddos?" I asked.
The taller one opened ten fingers and the shorter one opened seven. "By the way, what are you doing here?" I asked them. "Lady, have you seen our dad?" They asked. "Did you lose your dad? What's the hall number?" I asked. In one of the halls their photos were there and their father was sobbing. "Do you want me to find them?" I asked, they both nodded. I outstretched my hands and said " let's go". Then I noticed something and crouched down "By the way, why aren't your shoes in correct pairs?", One shoe was pink while the other was yellow. Somebody yelled my name from behind and I stood up and turned around. Pyo jae hwan ran towards me, he lifted an empty plate and said "she ate all of the rice cakes". I smiled and said "well done". "She told me and you to go home now. She said she wants to get some rest, too. " he said. "Oh, really?" I asked, "wait" I said and turned towards the sisters but they weren't there. "Huh?" Where did those kids go?" I asked confused even though I knew he wouldn't know. "Kids?" He asked. "Yeah. They were here a moment ago" I responded. "I'm sure they left with their parents. Let's go" he reassured. I nodded by head they probably remember where their parents were and went.

"Are you going to take a taxi? I'll drop you off" I offered. "No, I'm tired to death, but my mum told me to stop by at stores and buy chewing gums. So I can get rid of petty evil ghosts from myself" he complained. "So it's to prevent misfortune" I nodded in understanding. "She's a Christian. Why is she so superstitious?" He said annoyed, he then bowed and said "see you tommorow". I patted his arm and complimented "you've done so much". He began walking away. I took out the bean bag from my pocket and to my shock it was torn and empty. When the hell did this happen? I tried recalling but I just don't remember. I began walking away when I suddenly felt my scarf being pulled from the back, I gasped in shock grabbing the scarf part around my neck, I turned my head to see the sisters pulling the scarf with creepy smiles on their face, they started running in circles around me giggling. It was getting difficult to breath, I started feeling dizzy and fell to the ground, somebody was calling my name but they felt far away from me and the last thing I remember was my name being yelled.

Lee Yeon pov

I lifted my head,the talisman I gave her got away from her. Did Lee Rang do it? Or...., "Old hag! Old hag! I have something to tell you." I said, when nobody responded, I said " I know you can hear me. Untie me". I began struggling against the cuffs yelling for her to untie me. "What's with the noise?" A strict voice said behind me. I looked towards her and pleaded "Old hag, I have to get out of here. Untie me, now". " How dare you! How dare you to say such a thing!" She said angrily. "I'll go to that place. The Hell Of Blades. It was supposed to be commutation or going to the Hell Of Blades. Then I can get out within today" I explained desperately. "Or you cannot get out, forever with that body" she said coldly. Lee Yeon turned his head away and said "I don't care".

Y/N pov

I opened my eyes but everything looked blurry so I blinked my eyes till I could see better. Pyo jae hwan came with a bowl of water, he placed on the table when he noticed I was conscious, he kneeled down and asked "Are you okay?". I nodded my head for some reason I felt super cold, "what happened to me?" I asked him. "You collapsed in front of the funeral hall" he explained. "Oh, I feel cold" I said shivering. "Do you feel cold?" He asked, standing up he wrapped a blanket around me. "What happened at that place earlier?" He asked kneeling back down. "I saw kids, twice" I responded. "How did they look like?" He inquired. "They're sisters. They were wearing pretty dresses and unmatching shoes" I described them. "Aren't they ghosts?" He asked. I raised my eyebrow confused. "When ghosts pretend to be humans, they do certain things the opposite way" he explained. "You said you don't believe in ghosts" I commented. "Wait" he said and ran to a book shelf, he took out a book (Short legends of Joseon/Short scary legends of Joseon), he came and stood infront of me, opening the book, he said "I looked into it, and that funeral hall was originally a burial ground for kids." (A burial ground for kids: A burial ground for burying bodies of dead children in the past) "A burial ground for kids? Where they used to bury dead kids back in time?" I asked. "Yes, they got rid of that and built a funeral hall" he confirmed. "By the way, jae hwan." I said, he looked up and said "yes?". That's when I noticed something, "why are you holding a book upside down since a moment ago?" I asked curiously. Suddenly the lights in the house started flickering, I looked around in fear. I heard giggling from down , I looked down and saw the sisters. "We got caught" they said and disappeared below the sofa. I stood up in fear and shock and went away from the sofa, I fearfully look around, from who knows where they might appear. I look down at book on the floor.

Third person pov

The Hell Of Blades

The old hag bought Lee Yeon to a bridge, lee Yeon stood infront of the bridge. "Cross the bridge. Once you've taken a step, you can never turn around and come back" she warned. Can I do it? With this body? Lee Yeon thought.

Y/N pov

Thank goodness the lights are back to normal! but Lee Yeon's words rang in my mind, Whatever it is, if you can see it it means it can see you, too. This bag contains red beans in the number of your age. Don't lose it. Keep it with you. I took out the bean bag from my pocket and Lee Yeon's name fell from my lips. I heard the door Bell ring, I looked at the doorbell camera's screen.... nobody was there, I switched it off.

Third person pov

Lee Yeon looked at the old hag and said "Old hag, I'll be back soon", she rolled her eyes and yelled "A sinner is crossing the hell of blades!" The fires on the side of the bridge grew bigger. Lee Yeon took a deep breath and placed his first two steps on the bridge. A knife flew and slashed his cheek, as he kept walking a knife slashed his arm, as knife kept flying towards him, he grabbed the ropes to support him.

Y/N pov

Something flashed in my mind, MY PHONE!. I went near the sofa to check when suddenly a light switched on near the entry door but before it was off. "Who's there?" I asked shakily. The light switched off but when I turned it switched back on. I gasped and began counting the number of times this happened, "1..2..3..4..5" when suddenly it started flickering like crazy. "What do you want from me?"I screamed. I felt hands grab my legs, I look down and see the sisters, "Give us your body. We want your body" the said and started shaking my legs.

Third person pov

The knives kept flying towards Lee Yeon as he tried to avoid them.

Y/N ran out of the house as the sisters followed her, she looked back and saw them coming towards her, she shrieked in fear  and ran faster.

The knives kept attacking Lee Yeon, one of the knife slashed his leg causing him to bend down and scream in pain,he kept walking ahead and one of the wood step broke and fell into the Abyss. Even though it hurt, with the help of the ropes he kept going.

Y/N kept running but the sisters were behind her, she ran into a building and locked the doors and hid at it's side, covering her mouth to make no noise. The sisters were trying to peep in when they couldn't see anything, they began banging the doors, two hands banging turned to many due to this y/n covered her ears.

The knives kept flying towards Lee Yeon and injuring him causing him to fall on the bridge, he grabbed the ropes and stood up but the knives kept injuring him causing him to groan and stumbled in pain.

When the banging stopped, y/n uncovered her ears. She peeped out of the door and no one was there, she breathed out a sigh of relief but then she heard giggling from behind, her eyes widened and she turned around and saw the sisters standing there. She screamed in fear and ran up the stairs.

Lee Yeon pulled out of a knife piercing his leg, groaning in pain. He slowly stood up and walked but his legs were injured and bleeding due to which he fell.

Y/N continued running until she reached the terrace. She caught her breath and turned around to see the sisters standing behind her suddenly more children appeared, they kept saying "give us your body".  She screamed in fear and took steps back till she reached the parapet wall.

Lee Yeon was on the bridge laying because he was unable to stand, y/n's/ ah eum's  and Lee Rang's words ran in his mind,I have 99 things bothering me, but let me skip everything for today and say one thing, Thank you, Lee Yeon. For saving ji ah and for saving me so many times. You know, I can't action , or control rain and wind, but I'll  help you and protect you someday.     I promised you, didn't I? I promised I'll protect you.(ah eum's words before her death).             Your women will die early in this life as well.  These words gave him his determination back, he rolled on his front and began dragging himself ahead .     Who she is, if she's the one I'm looking for.... I don't care about those anymore. There's only one thing I know. That rather the pain from blades cutting into my skin, the death of the woman with that face will cut me even deeper.         The memory of y/n waving goodbye with the the bean bag in her hand and the text she sent, flashed in his mind ,her text:   Because I want to get to know more about you, Lee Yeon.        So don't die. Please stay alive. Please, until I get to you, please.  He prayed.

Y/N was sobbing, terrified as  she gripped the parapet wall,the children all stood around her. I often had nightmares. No one was there to save me from them, I was always alone in the end. I got used to it. But now...
Live  the rest of your life perfectly. I will make sure you do.

y/n looked around in panick but no one was there to help her, there was no escape either, she closed her eyes sacred. Why am I looking for you? Lee Yeon. Lee Yeon!

She climbed the balcony edge and jumped down. Lee Yeon looked down and then jumped as well. Y/N closed her when she felt Lee Yeon on top of her , Lee Yeon's eyes changed Color.

Lee Yeon's umbrella turned into a sword, and he threw some coins at the bulgasari, causing it to fall.

One of the survivor of the galaxy, she wanted to help injured her shoulder causing her to fall. He was about to hit her with his hammer again. Y/n shrieked in fear and braced herself for the impact but Lee Yeon came and stood infront of her , protecting her by taking the hit on his back.

Rang threw the pieces of rock at her but Yeon stood infront of her, covering her with his jacket.

These memories made her forget about her problems for a second but as soon as y/n opened her eyes fear gripped her again.

Lee Yeon kept dragging himself ahead even though the cuts on his body made it painful, he kept going. Memories flashed in his mind too.

Y/n wasn't able to hold onto the well anymore, one of her hands slipped and the other one too , she was about to fall when Yeon's hand grabbed her wrist, saving her.

He handed what was in his hand to y/n and it wasn't a bouquet of flowers but of mugwort.

Y/n was petting Lee Yeon's head, while he looked at her confused.

Lee Yeon finnally crossed the hell of blades.

The children around y/n kept saying "give us your body". She was crying, terrified. Suddenly her legs lifted away from the ground and she fell off the building, just as she was about to hit the ground, she felt somebody's hands holding her softening her fall and preventing her death. She looked up to see Lee Yeon's injured body lying there. Her eyes widened in shock and fear, y/n ran to Lee Yeon and placed her arm under his head. y/n looked at his injured body and couldn't help but cry in worry and fear  of losing him. "Don't die, please. Don't die because of me" she cried. One of her tears fell on the ground and from that the fox marble errupted and it's aura surrounded them. Lee Yeon slowly opened his eyes and saw the fox marble aura around y/n. "Found you" he said softly.

Lee Yeon's head was close to hers(ah eum) and a small golden ball came out of his mouth and went into her's and then he kissed her and a beautiful aura surrounded them.

Inside a big house, there's a crib, inside there's the baby which Lee rang gave the man. The baby opened his eyes, it was like the eyes of a snake.

Lee Yeon lifted his hand and placed it on y/n's cheek. "I.... I've been waiting for you,too." He said softly, his eyes then closed and his hand fell from y/n's cheek. The only sound heard was y/n's crying.

Phew! That was a long chapter, anyways. That's it for today, hope you all enjoyed. Thank you for reading.


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