A Shadow Company Tale Sequel

By HerrHornet

2.7K 46 28

After surviving the nightmare of the previous weeks, the soldier pushes forward discovering new challenges an... More

Withdraw! Wait, we're missing one!
Finally some rest
Battle of New York City
Battle of New York City (Part 2)
Battle of New York (Part 3)
Old man's on the line
The Hunt for the Red Oscar
New Love and Meeting the Squad
The Wolves Strike
The Hunt continues
Irina's Interrogation
Arrow's Internal War
The Start of the Storm
Back on the Map
Echoes of Crisis
Clear the Beach!
The Urban War
The Garage of Hell
Rescuing the Vice President
The Flight Back
A Soldier's Pledge
Shadow Company's Return
You bought yourself time. For now.

After Action Rest

80 1 2
By HerrHornet

A/N: One of my shortest chapters for the story, but work has consumed my life as well as a few crises that suddenly dropped on me. I apologize and hope that soon everything returns back to normal so I can drop some more chapters, because we're just at the beginning of this story.

Arrow threw a log on the fire as he shuffled back into his spot, next to Frost who had removed her balaclava. Every Shadow did as the group was distanced away from those they'd consider a threat. Ivy, Roach, Angel, and Snow joined the group around the fire as Yuri stepped around the corner. He cleared his throat, "Arrow... may I speak to you?"

"Of course." He pushed himself up as Frost gave him a concerned look, but Arrow just smiled. He nodded to Yuri, following him away from the camp. Arrow noted everything including Yuri's posture which deemed he was a person stressed and in need.

Yuri turned around as he crossed his arms, speaking in Russian. "I need you to not tell anyone about my affiliation with Vaylina."

"She is your sister?" Arrow replied in fluent Russian, surprising Yuri again.

Yuri nodded. "We both grew up in a patriotic household. We both... joined causes in our own way. I joined the Army while she sided with Makarov. The two became... closed. Her daughter Ekaterina is... the daughter of Makarov before he became disillusioned with everything."

"There's a lot more to you that keeps surprising me." Arrow nodded at the revelation.

Yuri chuckled, "Same could be said about you. Hey... I'm sorry about Ka-"

"You did it to save the team. Her and I had our history, it's not going to get in the way of you two." Arrow clasped his arms behind his back as he truthfully meant everything.

Yuri stuck out his hand, "Yuri Krenskov."

"Austin Rehnskiold." Arrow returned the handshake as a new bond, a very strong one at least, was beginning to form between the two. Eventually the pair returned back to the campfire and got settled in as Frost assumed her spot, cuddling against Arrow.

Roach yawned, "Man, Price has been busy interrogating the family. Mainly focusing on the father though."

"Good riddance." Metal rolled her eyes.

Feather yawned as he blinked numerous times, trying to keep himself awake. "Eh personally, I would interrogate the mercenary."

"She's wounded and refuses to acknowledge anyone." Yuri ran his hands over his face. "Only one she wants to speak to is the one who spoke to her while she was bleeding out."

Ivy turned her gaze to Arrow, "Just don't beat her too much. Don't pick up another woman either, you already have one."

Arrow raised his hands in his defense, "I'm perfectly fine with the one I have now!"

Frost snuggled closer to Arrow, hearing this statement. "You better be... otherwise I'd slit your throat." She muttered in her sleep, everyone hearing this.

Yuri blinked, "You... and her?"

Arrow nodded. "New York. We both saved each other's lives."

Roach leaned back against the log, wrapping his hands behind his head. "All on live TV too."

"Wait, it was televised?" Arrow snapped his gaze over to Roach who nodded.

"All of it was. Old man almost cheered for your death till we all realized it was you."

Arrow frowned, "That sniper got lucky."

"You always seem to catch a bullet on every Task Force mission, we might as well name you the new Roach." Soap limped into the clearing, grinning. "Got room for one more?"

"Fuck yeah we do. Grab a seat!" Rattle grinned, sitting on his folded camp chair. He always brought it everywhere with him. Soap nodded, grunting as he sat down next to Roach.

"Hey, I'm Roach here, we don't need two of them!" He defiantly snorted.

"Arrow catches more bullets than you, Roach, it's proven at this point." Soap retorted jokingly.

Arrow held up his hand, "I may get hit more, but I don't get grounded for months on end."

Ivy bit her tongue as she tried to cover her snicker. "That's a low blow Arrow!"

Roach frowned, thinking of some way to get back at Arrow and just nodded his head. He sucked in through his teeth, "You won this one brother!" He laughed heartily after.

Arrow tilted his head back to the sky and closed his eyes for a moment as the team continued their banter. The wind blew calmly and it was a good night for Arrow. A noise drew his attention as both Price and Katana stepped out of the house, both physically exhausted. The conversations ceased as Frost lowered her head further into Arrow's lap so Katana couldn't spot her. Price groaned as he rubbed his head. "Arrow, I need you."

"Movin' Cap." He tapped Frost who rolled onto her side as she slid her balaclava over her face and withdrew a cap, throwing the hat on quickly. Arrow pushed himself up, moving over to Price.

"See if you can get anything out of them." Arrow scratched his hair as Price's face dropped to stone. "If needed, gloves come off."

"Shadow way, understood." Arrow stepped to the side as he motioned for Price to move to the fire. He turned his head to the group, "Rattle, Metal, Feather, game time."

"Moving!" All three shouted in unison as the three hopped up, rushing over to Arrow quickly. Arrow closed his eyes and exhaled, re-opening his eyes. His team knew it was Disciple One standing in front of them, and not Arrow.

"Our turn. If needed, we're going to do this the Shadow way. Only on my orders though."

"Rog sir." Rattle nodded as the group reached into their pockets, withdrawing their balaclavas and quickly pulled them over their heads. Arrow opened the door to the cabin and stepped inside once the rest of his team was ready.

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