An Unusual Mate

By TempestariiDragon

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Brooklyn Kelly or Brooke for short is a part of the Talkeetna Shifter Clan in Alaska because she is a shifter... More

An Unusual Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Author's note
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Author's question
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty

516 31 1
By TempestariiDragon

Chapter Twenty

I head to Morgan's office where I suspect that the Alpha pair and the Beta pair will hopefully be. Loki is following me even though I told him it was probably better for him to stay in the kitchen with the others as he wouldn't be allowed in when a meeting was taking place.

I urge "Loki either go back to the kitchen or your room or even the library if you want as you won't be allowed in."

Loki objects "I want to stay by your side Brooklyn just in case."

I comment "It's not like I'm in any danger."

Loki argues "But you're injured."

I argue "For fucks sakes Loki my injuries have been seen to there's nothing you can do to make me heal any faster."

Loki admits "I could use my magic to heal you."

I object "No thank you I don't want you using your voodoo powers on me not when I'll heal soon enough anyway."

Loki denies "I do not have voodoo powers!"

I roll my eyes and notice that we've arrived at Morgan's office.

I notify "If you're going to be a pain in my ass and persist on staying nearby then wait here if at any point you decide to go somewhere knock on the door and tell me."

Loki comments "I will do so."

I knock on the door and wait a second before entering giving Loki a stern look before shutting the door. The Alpha pair and the Beta pair are indeed in here.

Morgan sighs before notifying "You don't need to be here Brooke."

I object "Don't treat me like an invalid because I got injured by Greta. I've already had Loki doing that and it's already pissing me off."

Roxy comments "She has every right to be here as Head Enforcer babe. Not letting her join in on this meeting when she runs security would basically mean you don't respect her decisions."

Morgan asks "What do you think then Brooke?"

I admit "I think you should give the old cow another chance. I may not like her very much but I wouldn't want her to be exiled. I don't think you want her to be exiled either. She has never done anything before which has made you question her loyalty to you before she has only ever rivalled my authority because of my past. We all know that she has a problem with me being in a position of power over her because of what I've done in my past and because of what my Snow Leopard is like after what has happened to me."

Morgan asks "How can you be the one who is requesting that she gets another chance? It was you that she wronged."

I explain "I defend her because I've been in a similar situation to the one she is in now on more than one occasion. She lost control of her Wolf one time. How many times have I lost control over my Snow Leopard?"

Aaron adds "She may defy Brooke regularly but she has never defied you Morgan as the Alpha Male."

Morgan argues "But she has defied Roxy though."

Roxy comments "That was because I had made a decision which would have caused a lot of injuries to the others in the Clan and possibly even a few deaths."

Morgan sighs then announces "I really don't know what to do. She disobeyed the rules for the Challenge. That is one of the only rules which I have to discipline severely for and you guys are asking me not to."

I suggest "We're not suggesting that she does get away with disobeying the rules for the Challenge we just don't want you to do something that you'll regret later on. As someone who has lost all of my family elders don't let yourself lose her because of this."

Morgan asks "Then what do you suggest should be her punishment for what she did?"

Quinn suggests "How about she goes into solitary confinement for a few days?"

Morgan comments "That's not a bad idea but that'll mean that she'll be in there while we're away."

I notify "That'll be the right amount of time for her to reflect on what she did. Also since her animal is a Wolf which craves being surrounded by their Clan it'll affect her more to be away from the Clan than it would for someone like me whose animal is naturally solitary."

Morgan nods then announces "Well that settles that matter."

Everyone nods their heads breathing out a sigh of what I guess is relief.

Morgan asks "Where is Loki?"

I admit "He's waiting outside the room."

Morgan asks "What is your status with him?"

I announce with a sigh "I have no idea. He acted on his feelings this morning before the Challenge."

Quinn asks "What do you think is going to become of this?"

I admit "I don't know but I can say that my Snow Leopard is protective of him although I don't know why."

Roxy asks "Do you return the feelings?"

I sigh before admitting "Maybe I don't know. I don't fully understand my feelings over him."

Roxy and Morgan share a look that suggests that they know something that I am missing.

I ask "What aren't you telling me?"

Roxy smiles "Nothing it's for you to discover for yourselves and not for us to tell you. I said that Loki earlier as well."

Morgan announces "Brooke if you do claim him it will make no difference to whether or not he is accepted into the Clan.""

I notify "I never expected it to make a difference and anyway I haven't claimed him yet and I don't know if I will at this moment in time. I don't know if I will continue to feel for him in the way he seems to feel for me. I'm going to wait until after we return from North Carolina before I act on anything."

Quinn announces "I don't think we should wait until after North Carolina to decide whether he should be in the Clan or not."

Morgan notifies "We don't have time to organise an assessment though not when we leave today."

I suggest "I still think that you should observe him over the time in North Carolina."

Morgan nods and comments "Agreed but it still goes to say do not tell him and do not tell Greta or anyone else of what has been discussed in this meeting."

We all agree and soon leave the room. Loki is leant up against the wall and looks up when we exit the room. I walk over to him and he pulls me into a hug. I return the hug although rolling my eyes at his neediness.

Loki asks "Are you well?"

I ask "Of course I am why I wouldn't."

Loki explains "You're injured I'm just making sure that you're well."

I object "I am not an invalid Loki."

Roxy smiles "She's never been one to seek help Loki just remember that and she hates being treated like an invalid. You treat her like she needs help and you'll get on her bad side quickly won't he Brooke?"

I add "And you'll likely find yourself on your back as well in no time flat."

Quinn asks "What you two going to do in the time before we leave?"

I admit "Pack what I want to bring with me, get Loki to do the same, ask Raya, Rocco and Jett to do the same as well and quickly make up the rota."

Morgan comments in disbelief "You still haven't done that."

I smile "I haven't been in my office."

Loki asks "Are we going to North Carolina today?"

I admit "Yes we are. Aren't you excited by that Loki?"

Loki groans "Excited isn't the word to describe my feelings for this trip. The word I would use is dread."

I laugh and begin to walk towards the kitchen where I hope at least one of the Enforcers is in there.

Arriving in the kitchen I'm pleased to find five out of the seven Enforcers are in here. The only people missing are Maya and Pierce. Maya should be on gate duty and Pierce is probably checking the fences. Of course there are other people in here but I need the Enforcers more than any of the others.

Raya smiles "We can't be stitch buddies anymore Brooke."

I smile "Nope but that's a good thing though."

Rocco asks "When are we supposed to be leaving for North Carolina?"

I admit "Today so Rocco, Raya and Jett you guys need to pack."

Nora asks "What's going to happen with the rest of us."

I admit "I'll have a meeting with the people who are staying behind before we leave."

Raya asks "How long do we have until we need to leave?"

I announce "We'll be leaving not long after lunch."

Rocco comments "Not long after Greta's judgement is released."

I nod my head wondering if he's going to ask if I know Morgan's decision on whether or not to exile the old cow. I may dislike her but I am not lying when I say that it wouldn't be the same around here if she wasn't here for me to banter with. I know I can banter with Loki but I can only go so far with him.

Rocco looks at me with a question clearly lingering in his blue eyes.

I request "Spit it out Rocco I can tell that you want to ask something."

Rocco asks with a sad laugh "You know me too well.  Okay then do you know what Morgan is going to do about Greta?"

I shake my head and plain blank lie "I don't know honestly I don't."

Rocco sighs but nods accepting my answer. I glance at Loki who is staring at me with a harsh glare. I glare back at him. He's probably picked up on the lie considering that he's the God of Mischief and Lies.

I announce "Alright meet in my office in two hours just before lunch. I want every Enforcer there. I will organise for someone else to cover the gate."

I already have someone in mind to watch over the gate while I have this meeting. Kira. She was once an Enforcer but had to step down because of confidence issues a while ago. I've been trying to convince her to retry for Enforcer status but my attempts have been to no use as she doesn't really want to know.

The Enforcers around me nod their heads and some begin to file out of the kitchen while I look for Kira among the remaining people in the kitchen. When my eyes land on her sitting in the corner I begin to walk towards her Loki again following not so far behind me.

Kira looks up from her coffee and newspaper as I approach a smile spreading across her face.

I ask "Hey Kira can you do me a huge favour in about two hours?"

Kira nods her head asking "Sure what's the favour?"

I notify "I need you to go onto gate duty while I have a meeting with the Enforcers."

Kira asks "Why me?"

I explain "I only ask because of your past status of which I still believe you should retake. You'd make a brilliant Enforcer again Kira. We'd support you all the way."

Kira sighs then comments "I'll go on gate duty for you Brooke but I'm still not confident enough to retake my title as an Enforcer."

I sigh then offer "I could offer to just do the training with you. I'm going to be doing the training with both Isaac and Loki. You are more than welcome to join in. It'll help you with your confidence."

Kira hesitates for a moment then comments "I'll think about it. No promises Brooke."

I nod my head and smile "Thank you anyway. Let me know if you want to take up my offer."

Kira nods and returns to her coffee and newspaper. I turn and quickly walk away with Loki again following after me.  We quickly exit the kitchen and head upstairs.

Loki asks once making sure that no one is around "You lied to Rocco why?"

I admit knowing better than to lie to him "Because I was asked not to tell anyone that I know Greta's fate."

Loki asks "What is to become of her?"

I notify "I am not at liberty to tell you that Loki."

Loki goes to argue but I order "Do not ask again for the answer Loki as I can't tell you. It's for Morgan to reveal and decide upon."

Loki sighs then asks "So what are we doing now?"

I notify "We're packing as we leave for North Carolina in a few hours or so."

"Will you help me as I don't know what I need to bring."

"Sure I don't mind helping you."

"What else wouldn't you mind helping me with?"

"You know for someone who has never kissed another person before me you sure are dirty minded."

Loki laughs which sends sparks rippling through me like wildfire. I laugh alongside him.

I smile "Come on trouble let's get you packed up first."

I lead him into his room and grab a large holdall bag which should be plenty of room to store some of Loki's clothes in. I predict that once we get to North Carolina we'll only stay there for three days at the most. The first day will most likely be formalities where we're introduced to the Clan in North Carolina. The second day will be where Morgan, Roxy and the Alphas from that Clan go over the political side which will be boring as hell. I am not looking forward to having to sit through that with my mouth shut. The final day will be where the Clan either throws us out if talks go south or they'll hold some sort of celebration to celebrate the forming of an alliance. They'll probably have some sort of party on the first day in the evening to informally welcome us.

Loki asks "What will I need in North Carolina?"

I admit "A lot of clothes that don't hold heat that's for certain as it'll be a lot hotter there than it is here other than that not much else as we shouldn't be there for that long only like three days at most possibly and hopefully."

Loki asks "Do you know much about this Clan?"

I admit "Well from talks with the Clan and reports from allied Clans they appear to be a friendly Clan. They don't have many enemies but those that they are enemies with have been reported to have been beaten every time they have even tried to challenge them. I don't know what Shifter animals any of them have and I doubt I'll get to know that. I'm just hoping that they don't have any Snow Leopards."

"I know it's a touchy subject but why don't you like other Snow Leopards other than Thea and Phoenix?"

I turn to face Loki with a sigh.

Loki adds "I don't ask much of you Brooklyn and I know you have no reason to trust me but I assure you that you can trust me. I will not use what you say to harm you."

I notify "I'm not ready to tell anyone of my past Loki let alone you. I know it might sound harsh but I can't tell you at least not until I'm ready."

Loki reassures "I shall wait until you're ready."

I comment lightly "You know for someone who once wanted to enslave human kind you're quite the sensitive one."

Loki admits quietly "Just for you Brooklyn. I appear to only be like this for you."

Well that pulls at the heart strings.

I urge changing the subject before anything happens "Come on let's get your packing done. We've got a lot to do in a very small amount of time."

Loki asks "As far as I'm aware we've only got to pack what belongings we both need. What else more can there be?"

I explain "Yes we've both got to pack but I've got to have two separate meetings with the Enforcers, implement whatever Morgan's decision is and make sure that each car we're taking has the correct equipment in to ensure that everyone can communicate with each other over the distances we'll be covering. I have to make sure that the Bugatti is in working order as well as if that breaks down then we'll be in trouble."

What makes it more annoying is that I could have had Roxy and Morgan in the same car as me if my new car wasn't still being made. The joys of ordering in a car which hasn't even been released yet. My new car once it's actually been released is going to be a Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat. I swear I'm addicted to Dodge Chargers of different kinds. Well I do have one already and now I'm just getting the new and improved version with a little personal meaning to it you know with the name of Hellcat and all it does describe me a bit. My animal is a type of wild cat and I'm a tricky little bitch at the best of times. I've been called a Hellcat a few times by some of the Clan members so when it comes I'll be getting it decorated basically to take the piss of that nickname.

Truth be told I could just take the Land Rover but I really don't want to plus since Rocco is taking his it'll mean that I'll have to drive quickly in order to stay ahead of them since Morgan and Roxy will be riding with Rocco. Jett is supposed to be taking Aaron and Quinn in one of his cars. He hasn't said what car he's taking yet which is extremely annoying. Maybe I should just take the Land Rover because then I can take the Alpha's, Loki and one other Enforcer and Rocco can take the Beta's and the last Enforcer. Actually if my other newer car arrives today as it's supposed to then we'll be fine. It would be a squeeze what with Loki but I'm sure we could manage it. I can't believe I forgot about that other car. Well actually it is supposed to be a present for Phoenix's mating ceremony but I guess I can just get him something else. This is the problem with having enough money to throw about. Let's just hope that it arrives when it's supposed to arrive. The newer car is going to be a Subaru WRX STI. I'm not the person with the most cars not by a long shot. That honour resides with the Alpha himself who owns a staggering ten cars. I will own six by the time the Hellcat arrives and that's when I'm not buying anymore for myself. I might try and see if I can teach Loki how to drive and then I might buy him one but that's only if he gets accepted into the Clan without any problems. That's it I have a car fetish I love cars probably a bit too much.

I add "Actually if my new car arrives on time then I'll have to prep that instead of the Bugatti as to be fair using the Subaru would be a better move."

Loki groans "I do not understand what this Bugatti and Subaru are Brooklyn I do not understand a lot of Midgardian things."

I smile "They're types of cars."

Loki asks with an irritated sigh "Why must there be different types they all do the same thing and they all make me feel sick?"

I explain "Different cars can do different things."

Loki makes a disapproving sound and heads over to the wardrobe and starts to pick out random pieces of clothing which he must think will keep him cool in North Carolina.

I notify "I'll have to make a stop somewhere and get you some travel sickness pills. That'll stop you from feeling sick in the car hopefully."

Loki questions "Hopefully?"

I explain "They don't always work but it's worth a try at least that way you should enjoy the ride a little bit more."

"I guess I'll have to trust you."

"Don't you anyway?"

"Of course I do Brooklyn I have always trusted you. It's just as I said this morning I feel connected to you and that has lead me to trust you in such a small space of time."

I look at Loki as he's turned to me and we lock eyes. Loki walks toward me with uncertainty crossing his face. I tilt my head slightly in confusion. Loki eventually reaches me and lightly takes my face in his hands tilting my head up closer to his.

Loki whispers "Forgive me."

He leans down and kisses me lightly yet not in a dominant enough way to keep me from taking over. As I begin to kiss back I take control pushing Loki back towards the wall. He collides with the wall which makes him gasp into my mouth. I continue to kiss him making it clear that I'm in charge and that I'm the more dominant one. Loki moves his head breaking the kiss as he struggles for air.

I ask taking the chance to ask "Why did you ask me to forgive you?"

Loki notifies "I was unsure whether or not you were fine with me showing you my feelings in this way. I am still unsure as to why I hold these feelings towards you after all I don't consider myself being able to feel."

"You are such a plonk. You showed me your feelings this morning and I didn't push you away."

"That is true."

I move away from Loki now that the moment has passed. I'm glad it hasn't passed kissing yet otherwise the urge to claim his sorry arse would probably be too great for me to resist. I don't understand why I feel like this either. I yearn to claim him as mine and mine alone but I don't know why. It's not a lie when I say that I like him but I just don't understand why I like him with the urge to claim and protect. I would say love but I don't think I can anymore not after what's happened to me. 

I urge "Come on we've got to pack."

Loki nods and returns to removing clothing form his wardrobe and roughly throwing them onto the bed. I begin to assess his clothing choice and place the clothes that would suit the situation into the holdall bag.

I admit "You can bring some kind of formal clothing but more on the casual side as well as knowing usual customs there will be parties of some sort."

Loki asks "Is this good or bad?"

I notify "Depends on your personal view of parties and also what the Clan in North Carolina are going to provide."

"Do you like these parties?"

"I don't mind them it just depends on what occurs during them."

"What can occur during them?"

"A wide variety of things can happen. It's hard to explain."

Loki stops picking clothes out of the wardrobe and walks over to me and begins to follow my lead in folding up clothes and placing them in the holdall bag.

I ask once we've packed everything up "Is that all you want to bring with us?"

Loki nods and explains "Well I've got ten possible outfits that I could possibly wear."

I smile "I know I packed most of them into the holdall."

"Then why ask me if that was all I wanted to bring with me?"

"Because you have forgotten socks, pants and something to sleep in."

Loki quickly fetches as many pants and socks as he'll need then grabs a pair of pyjamas out of a wardrobe draw.

I smile once he's come over to stand beside me "That's better."

Loki asks "Are we to pack your clothing now?"

I notify "Yes."

I grab Loki's bag and head out of his room again with Loki following behind me. We arrive at my room and I immediately enter it. I grab my holdall bag which luckily is a different colour to Loki's. I head over to my wardrobe while Loki sits on my bed.

I pick out multiple articles of clothing from short shorts to full length jeans, from vest tops to short sleeved tops.

After very quickly picking out clothes and just as quickly packing the clothes into my holdall bag I begin to lead Loki towards the kitchen with the bags.

"I see your dirty face, high behind your collar, what is done in vain, truth is hard to swallow."

I quickly fish my phone out of my pocket and answer it not bothering to check the caller ID.

I greet "Hello."

The voice on the other end of the phone announces "Brooklyn your new car is just arriving. You're needed to sign for it."

It's Maya who must still be on gate duty for the time being. I really hope Kira goes out to take over soon.

I ask "Where do I need to go to sign for it?"

Maya announces "The garage."

I announce "Alright I'm on my way there now."

I hang up and slide my phone back into my pocket. I glance back at Loki who is staring at me with a clear look of confusion written on his well sculpted face.

I explain before he can even ask "My new car is here so I have to sign for it to show that it's been delivered."

Loki asks "How did you know what I was going to ask?"

I admit "Because you're predictable and you're bloody nosy trouble."

Loki moans in annoyance "Why must you keep calling me trouble."

I smile "Because your self proclaimed title is God of Mischief and I'm not calling you mischief. People who are mischievous are usually troublesome so hence why I'm calling you trouble."

Loki denies "I am not troublesome though."

I smile in question "Who the hell are you trying to kid?"

Loki asks "Kid? What does that mean?"

Oops I keep forgetting that Loki isn't originally from Earth and therefore won't know the sayings.

I smile completely giving up "Never mind."

Loki rolls his eyes and follows me as I lead him to the garage so that I can sign for the car which will then allow me to prep the thing.

Arriving in the garage I see a skinny man looking around at the cars in the garage. I clear my voice and walk closer to him my eyes narrowing at him, scanning him for any sign of threat. He jumps looking up at me and Loki in a panicked fashion.

The man stutters "H..hello."

I greet bluntly "Hi."

The man asks "Are you Brooklyn Kelly?"

I announce "Yes I'm Brooklyn Kelly Head Enforcer to this Clan."

The man notifies "I need you to sign for the uh car."

I admit bluntly which only scares the man even more "I know why you're here."

The man smiles awkwardly and offers me a clipboard from a distance. I take it from him while giving him a look showing him I'm not trusting him much. It's a natural reaction to new people. I quickly read over the paperwork before signing the paperwork and handing it back to the man.

I ask "Anything else you need?"

The man shakes his head fear still in his eyes.

I order "Then you're no longer needed in this territory and I would think it would be best if you leave."

The man nods and disappears out of the garage door and up the path leading to the gate.

I walk over to the Subaru and begin to inspect and prep it. Loki follows me and places his bag into the boot of the car.

Loki comments "You could have nicer to that man."

I smirk "I could have."

Loki asks "What did he ever do to you?"

I ask "What did the human race do to you before you tried to overthrow us in New York."

Loki defends "That's complicated."

I ask "How so?"

Loki grumbles "I don't want to talk about it."

I roll my eyes and continue to prep the car eventually I manage to finish my adjustments.

I announce "Come on I've got to gather the Enforcers."

I fish out my phone and call Rocco.

"Hello what can I do for you?"

"Gather the Enforcers in my office. It's time to sort out the Clan for when we're away."

"Who's going on gate duty?"

"Kira is going on gate duty."

"Have you managed to get her to agree to become an Enforcer again? We kind of need more Enforcers as the Clan is rather big and there aren't many Enforcers."

"I don't know if she's warming up to the idea yet or not. We might get people from the North Carolina Clan wanting to join ours if all goes well then I might be able to test some of them for Enforcer status if they show promise."

"Who knows what the future will bring."

"Now isn't that the sad truth. Anyway gather the Enforcers in my office as quickly as you can."

I hang up the phone and head to my office as quickly as I can with Loki following closely behind me.

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