Under The Montana Skies

By HollyHanson5

386K 13.1K 1.7K

Famous country music singer, Nora Rose needed a break from the life she was living so her parents recommended... More

1- Nora
2- Brady
3- Broken
4- Guests
5- Blowing off steam
6- Road trip for one
7- Have Mercy
8- Rain check
9- Settling in
10- Meeting the neighbors
11- It's rude to stare
12- An unexpected letter
13- Busted
14- I'll think about it
15- Taco's
16- The carnival
17- Tension
18- A Fight
19- An invitation
20- A special request
21- Is it hot in here?
22- Maverick
23- Girls just wanna to have fun
24- I'd love to help
25- I hope I can ride him someday
26- A special meaning
27- Night out
28- Night out/ Part 2
29- Surgery
30- The bonfire
31- I love kissing you
32- Birthday Cake
33- Opening up
34-First Date
35- Perfect summer nights
36- Horseback riding
37- Falling Hard
38- Cowboy
39- Family
40- It's not goodbye
41- Boo
42- Music Awards
43- Yes!

44- Forever Starts Today

11.5K 408 185
By HollyHanson5

Nora's P.O.V.

• Wedding Day •

I let out a slow breath.

Brady and I were getting married in Montana, a few towns over from our ranch in a private estate. Ed mentioned it and Brady and I reserved it immediately after seeing it.

Selena hired one of the best security companies around that protected other famous people and sometimes even government officials so that reassured me that everything was going to run smoothly.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" Dad asked as he linked his arm through mine.

I nodded and smiled. "Yes. I wish I had seen Brady before the ceremony, it might have calmed my nerves a little."

"He's happy, you know. When we were in the dressing room he said he's eagerly waiting to see his bride." Dad took the three small pictures we had printed off of Wallace and Anita and then a joint one of Henry and Eleanor and laid them through my fingers as I held my bouquet. "Henry made a comment to me a few times after he moved here, about how Brady was a good kid and we should introduce you two. I know both Mom and Dad are looking down right now, happy that you two made your way to each other. I know you went through some heartache but I think that man is perfect for you too. I've never seen you so happy."

"I am happy, Dad." I smiled again as I looked down at my bouquet of flowers. "Alright. I'm ready."

The girls lined up, Amanda was my matron of honor. Kassidy, Jenna, my cousin Julie, and two of my friends, one from middle school and another I met during my first movie role were my bridesmaids.

Standing beside Brady was Greg, his best man. Jake, Danny, Chase, Mike and Brady's friend from when he was riding bulls, Ryan were his groomsmen.

The girls started walking down the aisle one by one.

Mom helped Rhett and River get ready, they were our ring bearers and in the middle was Charlie. Of course when I brought up the idea of Charlie walking down the aisle with the boys, Brady looked at me like I was crazy, especially when I came home with a tux for Charlie.

Amanda and Kyson had a little girl, our goddaughter Josie four weeks ago. Since she was still so little she would be sitting with Amanda's parents during the ceremony as our flower girl.

The doors opened and the boys and Charlie walked up the aisle.

The doors closed again. "I can't wait to see that picture because that is going to be adorable."

Mom laughed. "I can tell you, the pictures the photographer got with Josie, Charlie and the boys are going to be adorable, so I better get one of those. Also, Carlie's a good dog. He seems very protective over you, just like Brady is."

I nodded as Mom linked her arm through my free arm. It was important to me that both my parents walked me up today. They have been my biggest supporters throughout everything and I wanted them both beside me today.

The doors opened as the music started playing. My tear filled eyes locked with Brady's and I smiled. The closer we got to each other the bigger my smile got and I noticed he had tears in his eyes too. I could see Greg from the corner of my eye smiling, patting Brady's shoulder as he whispered something to him, making Brady smile and nod before wiping the tears from his eyes.

It wasn't until my parents stopped, that my eyes left Brady's momentarily. They both gave me a hug and kiss before we turned back to the front.

"Who gives this woman to this man?"

"We do." My parents said simultaneously.

Dad placed my hand in Brady's before going to sit with Mom in their seats.

I smiled at Brady, bringing my hands up to wipe the tear that slipped down his cheek. "Hi Cowboy."

"Hi. Have mercy, you're beautiful."

The ceremony seemed to go pretty quickly and the moment I've been waiting for all day...

"I now pronounce you husband and wife... you man kiss your bride."

Brady threw his hat off quickly, tossing it to the guys beside him and pulled me in with a smile. Our lips connected and all we could hear was the whistle and cheers from our guests around us.

After pictures, we all sat down and had dinner where Amanda and Greg and a few others did speeches. Before the music started, the DJ got on the stage and grabbed the mic. "Before I kick off the night, would Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery please join me out on the dance floor."

Brady grabbed my hand and led me out to the empty dance floor.

"Brady, your wife decided to change things up a little bit for your first dance."

Brady looked at me confused. Of course we chose 'Tennessee Whiskey' to be the song we danced to but since I've gotten to know Chris Stapleton, I thought I'd ask him for a favor.

Chris walked out with his guitar and went over to the DJ. "Did you do what I think you did?" Brady questioned.

I just smiled as Chris started talking. "Good afternoon. I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening tonight. The beautiful bride asked if I could sing one of my songs for them tonight as they share their first dance and of course I said yes. Congratulations Brady and Nora, I wish you nothing but love and happiness."

Brady grabbed me as Chris started singing and held me close. "Look at your awesome connections."

I laughed. "When I first left Montana and went to the awards show. He was there and we were talking and I told him about you and how this was the first song we danced to. Then after we got engaged and we picked this song I just had to ask him if he would sing it for us."

He dipped me and pulled me into a kiss. "I can't believe I married the love of my life today. When you were holding Josie during the pictures, you know what I was thinking?"


"I was thinking that you were glowing as you looked down at that little girl and I can't wait until that's our baby you're holding."

"Me too."


Brady and I had our honeymoon in Hawaii. A week long vacation, completely by ourselves and had an amazing time. Once we got home, Brady and I took our horses out to the tree that had my grandparent's initials carved into it and added ours as well. Hoping it would bring us as much good luck as it had everyone else on the tree.


Brady and I had four kids throughout the years. A year and a half after we got married, Brady and I welcomed a little girl into the world. We got pregnant again a couple years later and had twin girls, all three identical looks to me. Three years after the twins were born, we finally got our little boy... the spitting image of Brady.

Brady and I have shielded the kids from the spotlight. Any posts I decided to share with the world, their faces were blocked out. I was very adamant about keeping them safe and out of the public eye.

Once we started having kids, my schedule changed. I tried not being gone so much during the school year once they got to that age and Brady and the kids toured with me in the summer. There was an occasional night here and there I would need to be gone but I made sure I wasn't gone more than a few days at a time.

And yes... we built our little family farm. After we were married we went to adopt a dog. When we left, Brady and I only planned on getting one puppy, but we ended up coming home with two because I couldn't choose. I blamed it on the hormones of being pregnant but Brady thinks I have an animal obsession. Either way I was happy.

The dogs traveled with us on my tour bus and the family would help look after our house and other animals when we were gone.

Kassidy opened a shop in Billings, not too far down the road from the TwoStep using the money I had given her to get a loan and start remodeling before she opened.

Jake and Kassidy got married a few years later and had a little boy. They bought a house down the road from the ranches. An older couple hinted about selling and getting a smaller place together in town and they took their offer.

My parents ended up selling their hardware store in Wisconsin and opened up a shop here in Billings so they were close to us and their grandkids. I built a smaller house for them on the Thornton ranch so they still had their privacy but close enough so we were all together.

I will forever be grateful for this life we created for ourselves and our family, knowing someday this will all be theirs too.


'This is for the ten year old girl that wrote her first song... Don't let anyone tell you, you can't do it. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough, because you are. And don't let anyone put you down. You're in charge of your destiny, screw what anyone thinks of you and be you because you will find your way. You will be happy and you find the love of your life one day when you least expect it. It just might take some time to get to your happily ever after.
❤️ Nora'

The end.

***Thank you so much for reading Eleanor and Brady's journey. Thank you for all the comments and the votes, it truly means so much to me. I hope you enjoyed it!***
Xx Holly

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