~I'm sorry My Love~

By Izuku-kun_000

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Bakudeku Omegaverse (Izuku Omega, Bakugou... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28

Chapter 29

1.1K 22 10
By Izuku-kun_000

This chapter is longer than the others being 2700 words, so, enjoy!

" God, how do i even start this?" Izuku rub the back of his head.  He was kind of stressing out. And how could he not, that was like what? Half a year worth of explanation.

And Katsuki being a complete dick through them didn't make the greenette's task any easier. Could you blame him? He had to tell to his husband how bad he had treated him during that time and not push aside the emotional abuse. 

That definitely had damaged their relationship. Mio might be little and not remember it, but Izuku would. Once broken the truth can never be the same. And yet, the green haired Omega wasn't going to give up his family that easy.  Pushing away all the doubts he was having, because he knew that Katsuki from, let say, 2 months ago wasn't the same one that was infront of him today.

" Just relax" The ash blond Alpha say with a low voice. " Take your time, we have all day. I know i probably did some fucked up shit." He finishe with a  sigh.

" Wait- so, you know?" Izuku turn his head to look at Katsuki in the eyes.

" Not really, just a fuck up dream i had last night. It just felt too realistic to be a dream. So i thought it could be parts of the time i don't remember. I just need you to confirm how much of that was true, along with telling me the whole story.

" Ah, i see.... then let's begin"


By the end of his storytelling time, Izuku was even more stressed and Katsuki was sitting at the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands.

Izuku was nervous and the way the blond was silent during the whole time wasn't helping him. " And that's how we got here. You know the rest."

After he said the last of what was needed to be said, Izuku was just sitting looking at nothing in particular. Finding the floor and his fingers really interesting at the moment. He didn't go in great  detail with the story.  But the said was enough for Katsuki to confirm, that his dream indeed was true.

Not saying a word the blond quickly hug Izuku, making both of them to fall on the bed, now laying down. " Wha-" Izuku got startled.

" Sorry" Katsuki mumbled before Izuku could even voice his question. " I'm sorry, so so sorry. I'm really sorry"
The blond kept on apologizing until Izuku  stop him with a hands on his cheeks.

" Stop apologizing. I forgive you. It's fine now" Izuku placed a soft kiss on the Alpha's lips. " Caml down." He say and smile warmly. " Plus we have other things to worry about right now."

" What other things?" Katsuki raised eyebrow.

" Iida's missing"

"What? I saw him just yesterday tho. How can you be so sure he's missing?"

"About that" Izuku say up, the blond doing the same. " This isn't Iida. It's someone else. We aren't sure who it is, but we know they work for Shigaraki."

" That crusty lipsed bastard? I knew he was trouble. Not only that, but do you remember the party we attended like year and a half ago? Where almost every royal was?" Izuku nod, keeping silent to see where Katsuki was going with that. " He stared from head to toe every person in the damn room. Like he was plotting some shit.  Maybe he had some plan about how to take for every kingdom down. The recent wars he has been leading have proved this theory too. So i won't really be surprised if he's the one trying to take us down." Katsuki sigh. " So you think his people had kidnap Iida and have someone with the same appearances?"

Izuku shook his head. " Not the same appearances. We think they have used some kind of poison. We also think that the one that's pretending to be Iida is a witch. Tsu said she knew her in the past."

Bakugou nod. " I see. When do you plan on taking actions on the fake Iida? And where's Mio by the way?"

" Oh, i left her with Uraraka. I usually ask Momo to look over her when i have things to do but today i decided to give her a break and asked Uraraka instead. As for " Iida",  maybe in the next 2 days. We are trying to find him right now."

"  And you don't take actions in case we fail or they have more allys, so they don't kill him. That is if his still alive, correct?"

Izuku nod. " Correct. However i think we have  nearly found him. There were some traces, we'll go and follow them tomorrow. Well, if the rain that's coming don't wash them away until then."

" Good thinking. Then, is there anything i can help with?" Katsuki ask.

" Yep, you'll be responsible for catching the fake Iida here in the castle while we search for the real one." Izuku explain

Katsuki nod. "Got it. You can count on me."

"I know" Izuku respond with a smile.


The weather was getting worse and worse. Dark clouds were making their way over the kingdoms skies and harsh wind was beginning to blow. It was one of the worst storms they had seen in their lives. Everyone stayed home that night. As for the staff of the palace, they were given room they can stay in for the night.

Of course Izuku and Katsuki weren't about to make their subordinates ( idk if I'm using the word right, that's what my English teacher told me to write) travel home in such weather.  Risking their lives was the last thing they'd want to do.

So you can say that it was unexpected for everyone when they heard a knock on the front door of the palace. "What the-" Uraraka said and being the closest to the door at the moment she went to open it. The knights bringing their guards up again. " Who could be traveling to here at such weather?" She mumbled to herself. 

Hesitantly she cracked the door open, just enough to look outside. Her eyes widen in confusion and worry. Quickly opening the door full. " Iida! What are you doing outside?! And weren't you here just a moment ago? Why are you so wounden? What the hell is happening Tenya!" She was throwing questions at his direction like darts arrows, somehow hitting all the right ones.

He shook his head. " There's no time now, I need to see Izuku" He demanded.

" Huh? His highness? Why?" She worriedly brought him inside and signaled the knights that everything was fine. They in return nod and continue to do whatever they were doing previously weather it was talking with someone or playing a game of cards on the floor near the door, for just in case.

" It's too complicated, i need to see him as soon as possible. Also, don't tell anyone you saw me like that okay? Even to me."

" Even to you? Tenya what's happening?" She said in a serious tone.

He continue to walk towards Izuku and Katsuki's office. There was the safest for him at the moment. Though he wasn't fast by any meaning.

" Just call him, okay?" He look her in the eyes hopefully.

She sigh. " I will go get him, you wait in the office. But you have alot of explaining to do later" she warned him.

He chuckled, still making his way to the office, slowly, but surely as they say.


Ochako knocked on the door, knowing that Izuki is probably with Katsuki.

When the greenette saw her he was first confused but the got worried.
" Uraraka what are you doing here? Didn't i left Mio with you? Where is she?" He asked trying to stay calm.

" It turned out Momo didn't make it in time out of the castle. She walked by saw us and said she wanted to play with Mio. So i left her with Momo, I told her to come find me when she gets bored or exhausted. "

" O-oh..." Izuku sigh in relief. " Then why are you here?"

" Iida demanded on seeing you. He just came through the front doors all wounden and stuff. I'm not sure what happened, but he said he had to talk to you emidiatly." She informed him.

" What? He came from outside?" He ask to double check.

She nod. " I'm just as confused as you" she sighed.

Izuku shook his head. " I'm not confused, but this did made my work easier." He sigh in relief. " Okay listen carefully." He said in a low voice so no one else could hear him. "Is Iida in my office?" She nod. " Good, if you see him anywhere around the castle have the closest guard arrested him, okay?"

" What why? What do you me-"

" Shhh-" He stopped her. " Those are your orders, understand?" She look at him confusion written all over her face but nod regardlessly. " All you need to know is that the other Iida, isn't the real one. I will explain later i know you have questions. But please, go around, try to find him and have him arrested. In the meantime will go and talk to the real one."

She nod walking away from the door, going on a trip all around the giant castle.

After about 15 minutes walking she finally spotted 'Iida' talking to Shinso.
" Gotta acti normal" she mumbled to herself, slapped her cheeks, put a cheerful smile on and got closer.
" Hey boys!" She happily skip next to the fake Iida. " Hey Iida, I need to borrow Shinso for a bit. You don't mind right?" She say with a  smile.

He smile back. " Of course not."

Damn he's good she thought to herself.
" Perfect! I will give him back  in a minute!" She practically dragged Shinso away and began whispering. "Listen Shinso, this is not Iida. You have to arrest him emidiatly, before whoever that is had the chance to escape. Orders from Izuku" She added so the purple haired doesn't question it. "Knock him out or something, but we have yo be sure he won't escape."

Shinso nod. " I see then..." he walked back to Tenya.

" What was that about?" Ask 'Iida'

" Oh nothing much" He said. "Just some private stuff.  She asked for ,uh, advice. Yeah, advice, regarding some love stuff and all. I told her I'm not the best one to ask so yeah. " He was talking while getting closer. " Anyway she gave me something" He said and clung his fist like he was holding something. " Would you mind getting  a look?"

" Eh, sure" 'Iida' say and let him get closer.

" So you see this-" He brought his hand up but instead of 'showing' him something he grabbed him in a chockhold. Refusing to release him until he didn't lost consciousness.

When that happened his sigh and relief.  "There done" he told Uraraka. She nod. " What do we do with him now?" Shinso ask.

" I- ah.... forgot to ask. But lets just cuff him so he doesn't escape. That should be good enough, i guess."

Shinso shook hi head. " I don't think this will work. Let's also put him in a cell. That should do the trick, plus he's still unconsciousness." Uraraka agreed and help Shinso dragging him down the stairs to the cells, also helped him put cuffs on him. They left him there, but before they closed the door up the stairs they heard something laugh. But didn't pay it much additional knowing exactly who it was. They were locked up as well, so it didn't matter.

" We have to report this to Izuku" Shinso said.

" I know, they should be in their office"

" They?"

She nod. " Kind Izuku and King Katsuki."

" Oh, i see"


At the same time but with Izuku.


" Who was that?" Asked the spicy blond haired Alpha.

" Uraraka" Izuku respond but before he could continue Katsuki interrupted him

" Hah! What she doing here?! Where's Mio?" He ask worried.

" Calm down" Izuku told him. " She's fine and with Momo. But, Iida had come knocking on our doors."

" Ha? You mean the real one?" Izuku nod. " So he hasn't died after all" Katsuki smirked. " Knew he was tough son of a bitch. Where is he now?"

" In our office. I ordered Uraraka to find the fake one and get him arrested. You should go and find a doctor for his wounds. And i will go and talk to him"

"Tch, sure whatever. Just be careful, okay?" He said and got up from the bed, walking next to Izuku. " Promise me." He hugged him.

Izuku smile and hug back. " Don't worry, I'm sure i'll be safe. Now let's get moving. "


Just like that he walk down the many corridors, finally getting to the office and opening the door." Well, it's good to see you're alive." The greenette smile.

" Huh?" Iida ask confuse. " You knew i was missing."

Izuku pout. " You are not only one of our best fighters, you're also my friend. Do you think i wouldn't notice a change in you're behavior? "

Iida chuckle. " Of course you will. So you knew it wasn't me the hole time?"

" Well, not from the start of course" Izuku sat on him chair. " But i catch on around the middle i dare to say."

" So you have it taken care of i assume?"

Izuku thought about it. " Mostly yes. I was going to get that fake brat arrested right away" He confess with annoyance. " But i didn't know if he worked alone or with others at the time. Then you had already disappeared and i couldn't just arreste them with, what if their partner killed you?"

Iida nod understanding where Izuku was coming from. " So you waited until you found me, dead or alive." The greenette nod.

" Hearing you're finally here, i send Uraraka to find someone to arrest the fake one."

" She had one partner i think" Iida add.

"I know, also, she?" He raise eyebrow.

" Yeah it  was a blond girl with messy buns."

Izuku sigh. " So it's just as we thought. It is in fact Tsu's friend."

" Huh? Who's Tsu?" The blue haired one asked.

" Don't worry about that, she's a friend of mine. More important. The girls name is Toga. We already caught her partner. ( I forgot if i gave them a name, so let's go with Max from here😃)  . She's also working for Shigaraki." Izuku filled him in.

" Hmm" Tenya thought about it.
" Are we going to start a war with them then?" Izuku shook his head replying with  a simple no. " What- Why not? Our army is more than strong to bring them down, plus we have dragons, they don't."

Izuku chuckle at his reaction. "Because, we are going to do the same thing they did" Izuku smile evilly. "I will have a mole in his kingdom. And then one sunny but unfortunate day, the king will fall dead from an unknown poison." He said sweetly.

Iida got shivers. " I swear, sometimes, you scare me"

Izuku chuckle. " You shouldn't worry about that. I just don't want us to be associated with his death is all. So we are going to do it as quiet and discretely as possible. "

" Whatever you think is best your highness" the blue haired one bow his head to show respect towards his ruler's decision.


After,  everything went just as Izuku had said. He planted the mole and while they waited for  the perfect moment to kill Shigaraki, they also helped Max get their brothers out of that hell of a kingdom. Both of them were very thankful to Izuku for not killing or locking up for live their sibling. Toga however remained in prison for the rest of her life.

Tsu and Uraraka eventually got together and are now as happy as they can be. Going on many dates and all the things couple's do.

Same for Katsuki and Izuku. Mio being their little sunshine just brought them even more joy.

With their growing love for each other, their kingdom was growing just as much. Making it one of the best nations in existence.

They faced some more minor problems, but nothing they couldn't solve together.

~The End~

Well, i hope you all liked the ending.

I have to apologize for the long wait. Because i just finished all the exams for the end of the year and just now had time to finish it.

I would also like to thank everyone who read that book and will read it in the future. Your kind words kept me going♡ i was probably gonna delete this one, because i didn't think many people would  enjoy it.

Also i want to apologize for any misspellings and mistakes in general. As well as my bad writing.😅

Thank you❤

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