DxD: Tempest Lord (Redux)

By VolcanoMix

18.1K 698 120

12 years ago, a terrible, terrible storm swept across Kuoh Town. Amongst the destruction, a boy had vanished... More

A Returning Face
Something Supernatural (1)
Something Supernatural (2)
Sacred Gears
Siege (1)
Siege (2)
Annoying Devils
Training In The Mountains
Training In The Mountains (2)
Gremory Vs Phenex (1)
Gremory Vs Phenex (2)
Gremory Vs Phenex (3)
Gremory Vs Phenex (4)
Gremory Vs Phenex (5)
Gremory Vs Phenex (Finale)
Back To Normal

The Nun

1K 43 5
By VolcanoMix

"Oh my, I really wasn't expecting this." Rias said, observing Issei's arm closely.

It was the day after Issei's run in with Kalawarner, and he had visited the Occult Research Club after classes.

"What is it?" Issei asked, curious but also somewhat nervous.

Rias hummed quietly. "I see. Perhaps my gamble of using all eight pawns on you was worth it after all."

"Really? What's my sacred gear then? I didn't really have a chance to figure it out."

Smiling, Rias took a step back. "You, Issei, happen to be in possession of the boosted gear."

"I have no idea what that is."

"I'll explain to you a little more about sacred gears." Rias exclaimed. "Previously, I told you that sacred gears are gifts given to humans."

Issei nodded. "Right. I remember that."

"What I didn't tell you is that there are numerous amounts of different types of sacred gears. Not all of them are on the same level, however. And some are much more common than others. That is to say, there can be multiple of the same sacred gear currently in existence."

"Really? So then, is there someone out there with the same gear as me?" Issei asked. Rias shook her head. "Your sacred gear is one of the few exceptions."

"The boosted gear is one of thirteen sacred gears that belong to a class of their own. The longinus class."

Issei scratched his head. "I feel like I've heard that word before..."

Rias nodded along. "Yes, it is the name of the man who pierced the savior in the side with a lance. Although in this instance, it refers to his lance."


"The longinus are sacred gears that are unlike any other. They are completely unique. Only one of each may exist in the world at a time." Rias revealed. "Not only that, each one holds the capabilities to slay gods."

Issei's eyes bugged out of his head. "Wha-wha- me!? I can kill gods? With this thing!?" He shook his arm around. "Me?! Are you serious!?"

Rias laughed. "Obviously not in your current state. But yes. Each longinus holds the power to kill gods. The boosted gear that you hold doubles its user's power every 10 seconds. Therefore, it can be seen as growing stronger infinitely."

"Oh, wow..." Issei muttered, unable to find any other words.

He looked at his gauntlet covered arm thoughtfully.

Did I really... always have this power inside me? This whole time, and I never knew.

But what will I do with it now?

"I think," Rias started, bringing Issei out of his thoughts. "That in celebration of this news, I will give you your very first task as a devil."

Issei was surprised to hear this, but also excited. "Really? My first job? Am I finally taking my first step to being an ultra powerful devil harem king!?"

"You could view it that way, I suppose."

"Then what is it? Tell me!"

Rias smiled slightly.


"This is fucking bullshit!" Issei shouted as he biked around town, delivering flyers. Flyers.

"I signed up for big titty devil servants, not this shit!"


Two hours. That's how long he had to go around, dumping flyers in people's mailboxes.

"Damnit... I thought I was finally going to do some cool devil shit, but it's just being a delivery boy."

Issei sighed. Maybe this was what he signed up for after all. It was a strange experience, being a devil.

He could see, hear and feel better, especially at night. But during the day he felt slow and drained.

But besides that and the wings, he didn't really feel all that different. And the menial task of handing out flyers felt strangely human.

"Man, this sucks."

Suddenly, he felt the minor impact of something hitting him from behind. He heard a girlish yelp, and then someone hitting the ground.

Issei turned his head, and he was met with a glorious sight of white panties as the girl who had bumped into him completely fell over.

"Oh dear, why am I always so clumsy?" Issei was snapped out of his fantasies. What am I doing? I should be helping her up, not ogling her!

"Excuse me, are you alright?" Issei walked up to the girl and offered her his hand.

"Oh, thank you so much!" She took his hand and he helped her up. After doing so, Issei was finally able to get a good look at her. She had long blonde hair and big green eyes.

Issei was briefly stunned. The girl bowed to him. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you like that."

Shaking his head, Issei tried to assure her it wasn't a big deal. "No no, it's fine. Really."

Shit. I need to think of a way to keep this conversation going. Quick! Think of something interesting!


Something interesting that isn't boobs!

While Issei's brain failed to think of anything relevant, the girl clapped her hands together in a shy, pleading gesture.

"Actually, and I know this might be a little much, could you please help me?" She asked him.

"Of course! With what?" Issei asked.

"Um... I need to get to the local church, but... I'm completely lost. Could you maybe point me in the right direction?"

Issei nodded rapidly. "Sure! I can guide you there no problem." He was a little confused to hear that she wanted to go to the church considering that it was basically abandoned, but he decided not to question it.

"Thank you so much." The girl bowed again. "Oh! My name is Asia by the way, Asia Argento." The blonde smiled at him.

"I'm Issei Hyoudou." Issei replied with a goofy smile of his own.


On their way to the church, the pair of Issei and Asia walked through a park.

"This town is lovely." Asia commented, looking around. "It looks so calm and peaceful."

"You think so?" Issei rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess nothing really happens here." Well, that was the case before he was almost murdered.

"If you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you going to the church here?" Issei asked her.

"I was assigned here." Asia answered with a smile. "I'm a nun."

"Ah." Issei nodded. "But, the church here has been abandoned for years now."

Asia's smile turned a little sad. "Then, isn't it better for me to be here?"

Issei wasn't really sure what she meant by that. However, before he could ask, they both heard the sound of crying. A child crying.

Not too far away, a young boy was sitting on the ground, crying. He had a scrape on his knee.

Before Issei knew it, Asia was already gone from his side and approaching the boy.

"There there." Asia knelt down to him and spoke gently. "A strong boy like you shouldn't be crying over something small like this, right?"

To Issei's surprise, Asia raised her hands and held them just over the boy's injury. And then, a soft green glow emanated from her hands. Soon enough, the boy's knee was completely healed.

As Issei watched, there was a sudden and sharp throb in his left hand. He winced, and stared at the hand for a moment.

Freaky. What the hell was that? That was the hand his sacred gear formed in, he realized. His eyes went back to Asia.

Is it... reacting to that?

The child looked up at Asia with wide eyes of surprise, and admiration. But before he could thank her, his mother came searching for him.

"Kaito, honey! Where are you?"

"Mommy!" A middle aged woman rapidly approached them. She scooped the boy up, before giving Asia a nasty look.

"You shouldn't speak to strangers, Kaito." She said, before briskly walking away.

Issei narrowed his eyes at the woman, before shaking his head.

"Sorry about that." Asia apologized to Issei. She didn't seem upset at all. "You agreed to help me, and I took up more of your time."

"What? You healed that kid. I can't be mad about that." Issei assured her. "Let's keep going."

Asia blinked at him, before smiling again. "Right!"


"So that thing you used to heal the kid..." Issei trailed off as they continued walking, waiting for Asia to answer.

"Oh, that?" This time, Asia's smile seemed a little sad. "I must have startled you, right?" She asked.

"Well, I was maybe a little surprised." Issei admitted.

"It was a gift from the Lord." Asia revealed. "He gifted me with the power to heal others. So I believe it is my duty to use it to help as many people as possible."

"I see..." Issei nodded. So then, she's kind of like me? Is that why my hand reacted that way?

"Well, that's a great thing, isn't it?" Issei asked. "Helping so many people, I mean."

"I think so, too." Asia said quietly.

The silence was somewhat uncomfortable, but Issei wasn't really sure what to say to break it.

That is, until they finally arrived to their destination.

Issei stopped, and so did Asia. "That's the church over there." He said, and Asia looked up. The church could be seen poking out beyond some trees. "Oh, you're right! I'm so glad I finally found it!"

Staring at the church, Issei couldn't look away. There was something strange about the building. Almost as if...

All of a sudden, Issei was filled with an immense sense of danger and imminent death. He barely held the urge to keel over and vomit.

W-what the fuck is that!?

"I'm really thankful for your help." Asia turned to him and spoke, but Issei barely heard her.

"If it's okay with you, I'd love it if you could come up with me. I'll brew you some tea."

Issei stared at her, wide eyed and confused. He didn't say anything, still finding it difficult to understand her, his senses overwhelmed.

"I-I-I-" Issei gulped. "I need to go." He told her.

Asia frowned. "Oh, that's too bad. Are you sure? I'd love it if you could join me, just for a short while."

She wants me to go up there. He finally realized.

"I'm really sorry, but I have something to do. Real busy. Can't stay any longer." He said quickly, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"I understand." Asia said sadly. "Then, please visit whenever you can. It would be lovely to see you there." She smiled kindly at him.

Yeah, fat fucking chance of tha- "I'll try to visit whenever I find the time!" Issei clenched his teeth. "Now, I really need to get going. It was nice meeting you!" He started speed walking away.

"It was nice to meet... you..." He was gone before Asia could finish.

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuck was that!? Issei panicked to himself as he seperated himself from the church as best he could.

Eventually, he finally seemed to create enough distance for the feeling to wear off. He let out a heavy breath, sitting down at a nearby bench.

"I thought I was going to shit myself."


Rias slapped Issei across the face when they next met each other at the occult research club.

"Never go near the church again. Do you understand me, Issei?"

Issei was stunned by the hit, so he didn't say anything at first.

"The church is sacred ground belonging to the enemy. It is the most dangerous area for devils to be. What on Earth could you possible want over there?"

"I was just giving directions!" Issei argued back. "It's not like I went in myself!"

"Right, escorting a nun to a church." Rias rolled her eyes. "Do you seriously not understand what the problem with that is?"

"No, I don't." Issei admitted. "If it's such a big deal, explain it to me!"

"You are a devil." Rias pointed to him. "That girl as a nun. You are on opposing sides. Enemies. I shouldn't need to explain to you why the church is bad. Surely you would have felt it for yourself."

Issei cringed, as he did vividly remember the feeling.

"Asia's a nice girl. She's not some devil attacking witch or something. I don't get the big deal with just talking to her."

Rias sighed to herself, massaging the bridge of her nose. "Issei. You must promise me you will never go near the church or that girl again."


"Issei, promise me right now."


"You can't leave until you do."

"...I promise." Issei said, slightly sulking.

"Good." Rias said, still staring at Issei. His sour mood on clear display.

"Issei, when you accepted becoming a devil, you also became my servant. While I do not wish to treat you poorly, or as a traditional 'servant', you are still my responsibility. Not only do your actions affect myself and everyone here, they can affect devils at large." She explained to him.

"And beyond that..."

"I worry about the safety of my servants."

Issei was silent for a moment, before nodding. "I understand." He answered. "I'm sorry."

"As long as we're now on the same page, all is forgiven." Rias smiled.

"Now, about that other matter I asked you about..."

Issei's eyes widened. "Oh, that. Yeah, I don't think Suk-chin is gonna join."

"I see. Are you sure?"

"Yeah. He always shoots me down before I can even finish talking. And please don't ask me to talk to him about it again, it's starting to make me uncomfortable."

Rias nodded. "I see. It's really shame. I'd like to continue trying to convince him, but I don't exactly want to harass him... oh well. Something to think about later."

Rias clapped her hands together. "Well then, I believe this meeting is now over. If any of you have any pacts to go complete, then do so. Otherwise, you are free to go."

Issei didn't really understand what 'pacts' meant, but he just assumed he didn't have to do one. Whatever it was. So, he turned to leave.

However, much to his surprise, Rias called out to stop him. "Issei, wait."

"Yeah?" He turned back around.

"Normally, it would be a bit longer before you start doing pacts." Rias began. "However, Koneko happens to be double booked tonight." She gestured to the white haired girl, who was still sitting on the couch. "So, it would be greatly appreciated if you could fill in for her."

"It would be pretty rad." Koneko said dryly, not looking at him.

"Uh... sure? But I don't really know what you want me to do right now." Issei voiced his confusion. Rias nodded. "Of course. A pact is when a devil is summoned by a human in order to fulfill their desire." She explained.

"Oh. But, are you really sure I can do the job?" Issei asked. "I can't really do anything."

"It should be fine. The requests we get are usually rather mundane." Rias assured him. "Besides, it's not as if you'll be in danger or anything. If you cannot fulfill a request, then it is what it is."

"Alright then." Issei shrugged. "If you're fine with me doing it, I don't mind."

A chance to do actual devil shit? Count me in!

"Perfect." Rias smiled. "Now, please step forward. I'll prepare the magic circle to transport you to the summoner's location."

"Wait, what?" Issei's eyes widened. "Am I going to teleport there?"


"Awesome!" Issei cheered. "Alright, I'm in! Let's do this! Beam me up!"

Issei stood where Rias told him to, and a crimson magic circle appeared in the ground beneath him.

Holy shit, this is so fucking cool!

The magic circle glowed brightly, before crimson light filled the room.

The light vanished, and Issei was now still in the clubroom.

"The fuck?"

"Oh." Rias placed a hand over her mouth, hiding a smile. "I see."

"W-what? What is it?" Issei asked quickly, suddenly feeling embarassed.

"No, it's okay. Really, it's fine." Rias tried to reassure him. "It seems there isn't enough demonic power in your body to allow you to make the jump." She explained. "But, there is an... alternative method to get you there."


"This is bullshit! Bullshit I tell you!" Issei cried out for all to hear. "This is a tragedy with no equal! The world itself is against me! Everything and everyone is my enemy!" 

The world was not being very kind to him today, that was certain.

The magic circle failed. It fucking failed, because apparently he didn't have enough magic power to jump through it.

But to him it was just bullshit and the world was clearly out to get him,

"What kind of a devil rides around town on a bicycle to make deals with humans?!"

But eventually, his humiliation came to an end as he arrived at his destination. A shabby looking apartment building. It had the correct address written down, so Issei wasn't concerned about the appearance.

He started to climb the stairs, trying to find the correct building. "Let's see here... there it is!" Issei knocked on the door. "Hello? You summoned a devil right? I'm here to hook you up!"

The door pushed open from the force of Issei's knocks. "Huh?"

"Uh... hello? Is anyone there?" Issei asked uncertainly as he peered inside. No response.

Hesitantly, announced his intentions before taking a step inside. "I'm the devil you summoned? I'm stepping inside now! Is there anyone home?"

But once again there was no response. Issei was starting to grow a little uneasy. He was certain he didn't get the address wrong. No, even if he did, there was something very wrong here.

This feeling, it was like before. When he was almost killed.

Issei decided he was going to turn back as he turned a corner into the living room. But as he made that decision, the sight that he witnessed made his legs practically give out.

There was a massive pool of blood flowing across the floor. In the middle of it, a dead body. A mangled, brutally maimed body.

"W-what the fuck?!"

Issei heard the sound of a door being opened behind him.

"Well well well. What do we have hear?" A voice asked. Issei's head snapped in the direction it came from. A man with white hair and in priest robes was beginning to approach him.

"If it isn't a disgusting piece of devil trash." The man grinned. "You've arrived just in time! Do you like my gift?"

Issei said nothing. Every time he thought words would come out of his mouth, there was nothing but silence.

"Ah, a bit of a rude one, aren't you?" The man scowled momentarily, before grinning again. "That man over there was a criminal, you know? Yes, a very terrible criminal indeed."

Issei said nothing again, and the man continued. "He committed the most heinous crime imaginable! He conspired with filthy devils, and summoned them to aid him in his evil acts!" The man declared loudly. "How could I, a distinguished man such as myself, allow such scum to live?!"

"The answer is that I can't, of course!" Reaching into his pocket, the man pulled out a strange object. A sword hilt. He pressed a button, and a beam of light similar to a blade erupted from the hilt.

Finally, Issei found some words. "...Is that a lightsaber- holy shit!" He shouted as he scrambled to his feet as the man charged at him like a bloodthirsty monster. The man swung his light sword into the floor where Issei once was.

"No no no! I can't just leave it at that, can I?" The man asked, pulling his sword out of the floor. "I, Freed Sellzen, hate blue balls more than anything else! I can't leave a job half finished! It isn't enough to just kill the filthy bastards who make pacts with devils! I need to purge the source of the evil itself!"

Before he could even begin to let the situation properly sink in, Issei found himself dodging another sword strike. The man, Freed, began to attack him quickly and mercilessly. 

Unable to properly fight back, Issei could only avoid the blade. He wondered if becoming a devil was really a good idea to begin with, considering that all that had happened to him so far was doing grunt work and getting jumped.

"Huh, you're a bit quicker on your feet than I expected." Freed commented, as Issei stumbled around the room, dodging his attacks ungracefully. The kid's movements were sloppy, but he had a decent sense of danger, it seemed. "Do you mind?"

"I fucking do mind actually!" Issei managed to bark back. 

"How unfortunate." Freed sighed. "Then, I'll have to use my secret weapon." He smirked. "You're wh-"

"Kablam!" Freed shouted as he pulled out a gun and shot Issei in the leg.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Issei cried as crumpled to the floor, holding onto his leg. It hurt. It hurt so much that he could barely think. 

"Ah, I sure do love guns. Blessed bullets sure do put the pain on devil scum, don't they? Kekekekeke. I'm sure it's really fucking painful, isn't it?" Freed laughed as he started to approach Issei. "Don't worry, you won't be thinking about the pain in your leg for very long." He said, pointing his gun at Issei's arm.

Issei grit his teeth, and to Freed's surprise, slowly began to stand up. Well, as well as he could with a bullet hole in his left leg. A flash of green light appeared around Issei's hand, and his sacred gear appeared.

"Oh? Well, I can't say I don't like it when my prey fights back. Yes, it's much more amusing to watch them try to stand over and over again, only to keep failing. So please make sure to try your best." Freed lowered his gun.

Issei charged at Freed, but the priest simply stepped to the side. "Too slow." He said mockingly, casually swiping Issei across the back. "Hm. Now, shall I cut off all your limbs before killing you, or fill you up with bullet holes?" He pondered for a moment, looking away in thought.

He quickly came to a decision. "Both. Both is good." He nodded to himself, before turning back to Issei. "Hope you enjoy yourself as much as I do, devil scum."

A shrill scream filled the room, catching the attention of both Freed and Issei, as well as causing the former to once again cease his attacks on the boy. They both turned their heads to see Asia Argento standing at the edge of the room in shock. 

"Asia? What are you doing here already? Did you finish setting up the barrier?" Freed asked the girl.

She held a hand over her mouth, her body trembling. "D-don't... don't do this!" She stuttered weakly. Freed only sighed. "Right, right. You're new. Well, you had to learn eventually. This is what the job is all about, girlie." Freed smiled widely. "We kill all the unfortunate souls who have been seduced by evil."

Asia's eyes widened as they moved past Freed, and over to Issei. She recognized the boy she had met earlier. "What...? No... This can't be! Issei?"

Issei grimaced. "Asia, I can explain..."

Freed slowly looked between the two, blinking in confusion. "Huh? Wait. Do you two... know each other?" Freed asked incredulously, before he started laughing uproariously. 

"That is hilarious!" He said.

"Issei, why are you here?" Asia asked Issei, who could only avert his gaze. "I'm here because... I'm a devil, Asia."

As Freed started to calm down, his brow furrowed, as he seemed to think about something. "Wait, does this make me the third wheel?" He sounded disgusted by the idea. "Well that's just rude as hell!" He snarled.

"I'm really sorry, Asia." Issei said. "I didn't want to lie to you, I promise. That's why I thought it would be best if we never saw each other again."

"Okay, okay! Dramatic reunion over!" Freed waved his sword in the air. "Listen here girl." He looked over at Asia. "Contact between our kind and theirs has been expressly forbidden by the fallen angels. So get any sort of ideas out of your head, okay? Our job is to kill and that's what we're here to do!"

Freed turned back to Issei and lifted his sword into the air. "You're lucky that I'm just about fed up with this shit, so you get to die nice and quick!" 

Asia rushed around him, and stood firmly between Issei and Freed.

"Asia..." Issei whispered in shock.

"You can't do this!" Asia said, tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

Freed tilted his head. "The fuck I can't." He holstered his gun and bitch slapped Asia across the room.

"Listen here you little harlot." Freed grabbed Asia and pinned her against the wall. "Have you lost your fucking mind or something? This. Is. What. We. Do." He lifted his sword up high. "I have orders not to hurt you, but you see, I have this certain problem." He smirked.

"I have a hard time listening to orders that don't involve killing people."

"Let her go."

Groaning, Freed turned back to Issei. "Come on, what is it with you two? Will you just-"

Issei was standing up again, and he was looking at Freed with fire in his eyes. Freed hummed. "Well well well, I like the look in your eyes, boy." He dropped Asia. "Fine then. Let's dance!" He charged forward.

Before Freed could close the distance, a crimson light flashed brightly as a magic circle appeared in the room. From the circle, a figure shot out and clashed against Freed.

"Kiba!?" Issei was surprised and confused.

"Thought you could use some help." The blond smiled at Issei as his blade clashed with Freed's. 

From the same portal, Akeno and Koneko emerged as well.

"Huh? What the hell is happening now?" Freed blinked, seemingly unconcerned. "We're getting a full on gangbang now!" 

"Gross." Koneko commented.

"Meh, I'm not into kids anyways." Freed shrugged. "Well, I do love killing them."

"You're certainly a piece of work." Akeno said, smiling. 

"And you are a hot sexy piece of ass!" Freed put his attention on her. "Oh yeah, a sexy devil bitch sure does get me riled up! Come on! I'll take all of you on!"

"...In a fight, right?" Issei couldn't help but ask. Nobody seemed to listen to him, however.

A stream of crimson lightning shot out of the portal and towards Freed, forcing him to dodge.

"You can certainly try if you'd like." Rias' voice sounded out, before she too stepped into the room. "But I highly doubt you can handle that."

Freed was starting to get annoyed. "Okay, how fucking many of them are you!? This is starting to to turn from hot to annoying real fucking quick!"

"Well, you won't have to worry for much longer." Rias smiled, her power crackling. Freed laughed. "You stupid bitch, you think you can just all show up here and nothing would happen?"

There was another surge of energy, and everyone who felt it looked up. Freed started to cackle. "It's only natural that my bosses would show up!"

Rias clicked her tongue, before looking at Issei. "Issei, get over here now!" Issei's eyes widened. "What? Why?"

"Because a whole squad of fallen angels is getting ready to attack, dude." Kiba replied, helping Issei stay on his feet. "No reason to risk such a big battle here."

"Wait, then what about Asia?" He asked worriedly, looking over to the girl. Asia looked at Issei with the same worried expression.

"Only members of my family can pass through this circle Issei, let's go now!" Rias commanded, but Issei kept trying to resist. "No! If you have to leave her then leave me too! She risk herself to save me! I-"

Koneko drove her fist into Issei's gut, practically knocking him out and stopping his resistance.

"Sorry, Issei. But this is the way it has to be." Rias told him as she teleported them all out of there.


"Damnit!" Issei cursed to himself as he stood in the playground the next day. "I couldn't get her out of there." 

Issei was lucky to make it out with his life, but he felt guilty. When the girl who defended him despite him being a devil was still in the clutches of the fallen angels.

Grabbing onto the monkey bars, Issei tried to do a pull up. "I need... to get stronger...!" But alas, he was unable to. His grip slipped, and he fell to the ground. "I fucking suck." He lamented, before shaking his head. "No, I need to man up if I want to save Asia."


"Damnit, this has been the only thing on my mind all day and night, I'm even hearing her voice..."



"I'm standing right in front of you." Issei blinked, and was surprised to see none other that Asia Argento herself standing in front of him. "Asia!?" He blurted out. "What are you doing here?"

"...I ran away." She smiled at him. "After what happened the other day, I didn't want to be around those people anymore."

"Oh, well, that's good, I guess..."



"Trust me, there's no other way." Issei said seriously to a nervous Asia. "That's how you have to do it."

"Are you sure?" Asia asked. "It just seems... so dirty..."

Issei nodded. "Everyone does it, it's normal."

He smiled. "This is how you eat a hamburger. With your hands!" He unwrapped one of the burgers that they had bought.

The two of them were sitting at a booth inside a fast food joint. Issei took a large bite out of his burger. Eventually, Asia followed his lead and took a bite from hers after unwrapping it.

Her eyes widened as the flavor filled her mouth. "This is... delicious!" She stared at the burger. "I don't think I've ever had anything like this before."

"Really?" Issei raised an eyebrow. "Hm. What was your life like before coming here, then? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

Asia smiled, but it was a bit sadder this time around. "Well, I spent my entire life with the church. I was abandoned by my real parents." She revealed to Issei. "They left me at the foot of a church when I was a baby, and that's where I grew up."

Asia continued with her story. "When I was a few years older, but still very young, a puppy that was gravely wounded wandered into the church. I prayed as hard as I could that God would grant His mercy to the dog. And when I did, a miracle happened. The puppy was healed."

"It was your powers?" Issei asked, and Asia nodded. "That's right. That was the day my powers manifested." Asia answered him. "Because of them, I was transferred to a larger church. People from all over the world came to visit me. I would heal them, and I was called a saint."

Asia smiled sadly. "Those days were truly wonderful. I was so happy to be helping so many people."

"Then what are you doing here?" Was Issei's next question. 

"One day, while I was on a stroll, I encountered a man. He was very badly hurt." Asia began. "Naturally, I used my powers to heal him." The girl's hands started to tremble slightly.

"But as soon as I did, I was apprehended by the same people who called me a saint." She said. "The man I healed wasn't a man. He was a devil, just like you." Issei's eyes widened.

"They called me a witch for having the power to heal devils, and I was excommunicated from the church." Asia finished. "That's why I'm here now."

A tear rolled down her cheek, and landed on the table. "But even still..."

Asia forced herself to smile through the tears. "I still don't regret helping that man."

Issei watched as Asia struggled to not cry. What kind of scumbags would treat a girl like Asia that way?

He offered her a smile. "Hey," He started, getting her to look at him. "I know a fun spot for us to check out, if you want to."


Their next stop was the arcade. While Asia was completely inexperienced in games, Issei was able to show her around all the different machines. Even if it was her first time in an arcade, Asia seemed to be enjoying herself greatly. 

While they walked along, Issei noticed Asia staring at something. He followed her gaze, and saw what she was looking at. "Oh, you like stuffed animals?" He asked. She was stared at the claw game, which had a bunch of mouse-like stuffed animals as the prize.

"Oh!" Asia stiffened up, blushing slightly upon being caught. "No no no! Not at all!" She shook her head. Issei kept staring at her. "Well, maybe a little..." More staring. Asia shrunk into her hood. "Yes."

Issei smiled. "Then watch this." He said confidently.

With extreme ease, Issei was able to win the claw game, and capture a stuffed animal. He leaned down to grab it, then handed it to Asia. "I'll admit it at the risk of coming off as a huge nerd. I've spent hundreds of hours at all of these games."

"Oh wow!" Asia grabbed onto the toy, staring at it in amazement. "Thank you so much!" She hugged it. "Whenever I hold onto it, I can be reminded of how wonderful today has been!"


After the arcade, the pair took a walk over to the park. 

"Issei." Asia said as they walked. "I really want to thank you again for everything you've done for me." 

"Seriously, Asia. You don't need to thank me so much." Issei told her, but Asia shook her head. "You don't understand. I told you my story before, but I..." She trailed off for a moment. "I never had the chance to make any friends before. So I'm really happy you decided to spend time with me today."

Issei smiled at her. "Well, I'm-"

A dark energy surrounded the area, causing Issei and Asia to falter. The entire atmosphere shifted in a single moment.

"Well, isn't this just adorable?" 

Issei tensed up when he heard that voice. No...

He looked up, and sure enough, floating above them was her. It was the girl who started all of this by trying to kill him.

"Asia, why don't you be a good girl and come back to us?" Formerly disguised as 'Yuuma', the fallen angel Raynare asked in a deep and sultry voice.

"Just what the hell do you want with Asia you bitch?" Issei roared at her, taking a step in front of the blonde, who looked scared.

Raynare just scoffed at Issei. "Ugh. Seeing you out and about like this reminds me of that truly dreadful day we spent together. 'Please, Issei, be my boyfriend!'" She mimicked her Yuuma voice, before groaning. "And just who do you think you are to be speaking to me with that kind of tone?" 

Raynare lowered herself closer to the ground. "I heard about how you become a devil, and unlocked your sacred gear since the last time we met?" She smirked. "It would have been so convenient if you had just died back then. But unfortunately, that freak had to step in."

"But now, here you are, completely on your own, and with what I want."

"I won't go with you!" Asia shouted fretfully. Issei nodded, and glared at Raynare harshly. He was about to summon his sacred gear, but Raynare immediately blasted a light spear at him, gutting him.

Issei dropped to his knees, coughing up blood. Asia screamed. "Issei, no!"

"I don't plan on taking any more time than necessary, so let's make this quick." Raynare said. I don't know when the monster might show up. 

Asia quickly summoned her sacred gear forth, and began to heal Issei's devastating wound. Raynare smiled upon seeing her power in action. "Ah, how lovely. Asia, won't you come along now?"

"No!" Asia refused again. "I don't want anything to do with you evil people!" Issei started to get up again. "Yeah, what she said! She won't be-" Raynare blasted Issei back with a blast of light.

"Let me make things very simple for you, Asia." The fallen angel said, before floating over to Issei and picking him in one hand. In the other, she formed a spear. 

"Come with me willingly or I will kill your friend here. And you won't be able to heal him."

"Don't do it, Asia!" Issei shouted as he struggled around. Raynare slammed him into the ground. "The only reason you are getting this offer is because I want this to end quickly. But make no mistake, I will kill this boy and drag you back with me by force if I must." She said to Asia.

"Now make a choice."

Asia looked down, devastated but accepting.

"I'll go with you."

Raynare smiled, and dropped Issei. "Perfect." She floated over to Asia. 

"Asia, no!" Issei tried to run after them, but Raynare had already reached Asia. And in a flash of light, they were both gone.

"FUCK!" Issei slammed his fists into the ground. "I couldn't do a single thing!"


"How many times must I tell you?" Rias slapped Issei across the face. "No means no. When I told you to stay away from that girl, I meant it. It wasn't a request, but an order." She told Issei sternly. "And now you tell me that not only was the pact I sent you over to make a trap, but you now want to go back to the church? And you ask for my help to do so?"

"...Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing." Issei answered, not reacting to the slap despite the large mark left on his face. 

"Issei, do you have any idea what you're asking me to do?" Rias questioned. "The church is enemy territory. It could already be considered an act of war if YOU were to go there on your own, much less if I mobilized my entire peerage to stage an attack." She told him. "You want me to make that kind of risk for a girl you shouldn't have been involved with from the start? You accepted my offer to join the Gremory Clan, and it's time you start acting like it."

It was a long, silent moment before Issei finally spoke again. "Then, it might be time you released me from your peerage."

"I simply cannot do that." Rias said absolutely.

"Then you'll have to kill me." Issei responded. "Because I won't listen to your orders, even if I become a fucking stray devil or whatever the fuck those fucking freaks are!" He shouted, before storming out of the room.

After a while of awkward silence, Akeno leaned a bit closer to Rias.

"Was it necessary to be that harsh?" She asked.

Immediately, Rias sighed, burying her head into her hands.

"I don't know." She admitted. 

"Even if you're worried, that might have been a little far." Kiba noted. "Not to question your judgement or anything, of course."

"He'll definitely storm the church, even if it's by himself." Akeno said. "Will you do anything about it?" She questioned Rias, who thought about what to say before replying.

"It really would be quite the risk if I were to move personally." She started, before smiling softly. "But, there is definitely a way."


Only an hour later, Suk-chin found himself walking towards to playground after receiving a text from Issei to meet him there.

When Suk-chin arrived, he saw Issei sitting on a bench, alone. 

"Is there a reason you called me out like this?" Suk-chin asked, approaching Issei from behind. "It's kinda late, you know. Nobody else around..."

"I need your help." Issei said suddenly and seriously.

Suk-chin smiled, and raised an eyebrow. "My help?" He asked. "With what?"

Issei started to explain the situation

Issei grew silent for a moment. "I couldn't do anything." He admitted. "I completely failed to protect her." He said. "But I know where she's being held! All of them are at the church, I know it! I don't know what they want with Asia, but I know it isn't good. So please help me save her!" Issei pleaded.

Suk-chin seemed to think the situation over for a while. "You want me to help you raid the church, full of fallen angels, to save your friend."

"That's right." Issei nodded.

"And the reason you're asking me..." Suk-chin smiled knowingly.

"It's because you already asked Rias, and she refused, right?"

Issei's eyes widened. He had felt certain about this before, but all of a sudden, he was starting to grow worried.

"How... how do you know that?"

"Because you aren't the first person to reach out to me on this matter." Suk-chin revealed. "Knowing where you would go next, Rias visited me first. And you must know what she told me, don't you?"

"But... but..." Issei stumbled over his words. "There's n-no reason for you to listen to her, right?"

Suk-chin nodded. "Of course, there isn't. I'm not her servant, after all." He agreed. "So there's no reason for me to listen to her."


"But, there's no reason for me to listen you either, is there?"

As a pit started to form inside of Issei's stomach, Suk-chin's smile seemed to change. 

"Issei, I don't want to help you."

"Asia might die if we do nothing!" Issei argued back. "Who knows what they'll do to her! Who knows what they're doing right now!"

"'We'?" Suk-chin repeated, seeming confused. "How strange. Issei, what did I ever do to make you think that there was some kind of 'we'?" Issei tried to retort, but he wasn't given the time.

"Maybe because I decided to save you that time out of courtesy, it made you think we were friends?"

Issei started to feel cold. 

He realized that he had indeed gotten too comfortable talking to Suk-chin. He knew he was strong, but he didn't consciously think about the fact that this wasn't the same person he knew as a kid. 

"You really want to save the girl, right? Then let's do it this way."

It had been close to a decade, and a lot can happen in that time.

They were practically strangers to each other now in comparison. The Suk-chin now was someone that Issei knew nothing about.

"Issei, I heard from Rias that you have a longinus. Boosted Gear, was it?" Suk-chin asked, smiling widely. 

"Let's see how strong it is."


Basically as soon as I started this rewrite thinking that my things was calm enough to do so, I was suddenly caught in a fucking whirlwind and life started to beat my ass.

But that's over now, so I should be able to write again more frequently (definitely not one chapter a month right??????). I'm working on the next chapter right now, and I am hoping to get through this arc as quickly as possible so I can get to the riser arc, because from that arc and onwards is when the larger differences between the two stories will emerge.

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