Facades of Souls

بواسطة JihoonsDaddyDaniel

1.3K 59 2.3K

. He too ... was a tempter; he, too, was a link to the second, the evil world with which I no longer wanted t... المزيد

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chaptet 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

137 4 64
بواسطة JihoonsDaddyDaniel

   " Now, you may kiss your wedded husband " the priest of the current ongoing Royal Wedding of the two eternal enemies. The Kingdom of Iyophate and the Kingdom of Viyivaria's political marriage. The Crown Prince San of Iyophate wedded to the 4th Prince of Viyivaria Wooyoung.

   The two kingdoms loathed each other but due to the sudden raise of power in Iyophate caused Viyivaria to suggest selling there youngest child to their enemies. They simply wanted to avoid any obstacle towards their kingdom. Therefore, throwing away their last heir was easier and he was less likely to ever become king.

   " Finally I don't have to deal with that useless fuck head ' son ' " whispered the elder and the head of the Viyivarian Kingdom to his wife whom chuckled. Afterall, their plan to get rid of their son and enemies was everything they needed. No matter what protests their son would make it won't make a difference, but they knew their son wouldn't even bother.

   The captain and head of the royal guards of the Viviyarian Kingdom stood in disbelief as he watched his prince get sold off to marriage like a peasant. The parents showed no remorse as the king pushed him over the stairs saying " Finally I could get rid of you for good ". Unlike the usual reaction of the guards which included feeing ignorance and looking away, the head of the guards threw his imperial coat and raised the sword infront of the king, as he stood protectively infront of Wooyoung.

" You are so stupid " whispered Wooyoung sighing and secretly wanting to scream in pain. His body hurted like hell, but it wasn't his first time. That obviously doesn't mean it doesn't hurt anymore. He was honestly shocked of how the literal head of royal guards who slayed enemies with no remorse or regard to their lives. A war machine who assassinates as soon as he steps foot in the warzone.

   " WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? " screamed the king looking at the scene infront of him in disbelief. The head of his royal guards was pointing his sword at him. As soon as the captain pointed his sword he raised his head staring daggers at the king, even making him flinch.

   " Take one step closer, your majesty and your throat will be slaughtered. " spoke the Captain with a venomous voice and gritted teeth. All the guards and maids froze in their place unable to move one inch. It was the literal god slayer and the undead Kim Hongjoong, no one dared to move not even the king himself.

" G-GUARDS KILL HIM " screamed the king in horror, eyes widened and mouth detached. At this point the king would go on his knees in fear of the man who works underneath him. As soon as some of the guards moved, the captain's two men held them on sword-point, swearing loyalty to their one and only captain.

   The vice captain Seonghwa and his right handed man Jongho all stood in position protecting their captain without any single regret. They were the kings' knights yet there they are protecting his son whom he didn't even consider his son. The king's face showed fear and Hongjoong licked his dry lips in satisfaction. However, the prince on the other hand was touching his head, only to find blood everywhere around his brown hair with blonde highlights.

   Seonghwa gave one last warning to the knight infront of him indicating his seriousness, as soon as the knight backed off in fear. He ran to the prince's aid, making Hongjoong stand up as the king shook in fear in his place.

   " My team and I will be escorting his highness to the kingdom of Iyophate as soon as possible. " said Hongjoong giving one last stern look to the king making him stumble back as he made his way to the infirmary that they usual sent the prince too.

   The captain and his men stood right next to the stage their prince was on just before he was about to get married. This may looked like the Kingdom of Viyivaria treasured their son when in fact a treason broke down in the castle causing the king to merely obey the order of the head of the royal guards.

   The prince on the other hand couldn't care less about anything and anyone. Its not like he told the guards to protect him and it wasn't his first time being thrown off the stairs by his father. It didn't even bother him how those three threw their positions in the air and came to his aid in the Iyophatian Kingdom. The prince has long lost emotion and passion throughout his life, his personality was nowhere near existent. He looked like a doll made by his father with no purpose and no life.

   The crown prince leaned down to obligate to the law of marriage and kiss his wedded husband, who pretended to close his eyes and enjoy the kiss. When in fact, the young prince barely felt anything not even a single hint of affection was seen in that kiss. Wooyoung wasn't even shocked, what would he expect from anyone anyway?

As the royal couple kissed, the room erupted with cheers and claps from all the present people. It was their crown prince's wedding afterall. The married couple made their way to their thrones, which didn't even strike the younger prince's nerve. Anyone would feel nervous sitting down on the throne of the next king.

The crown prince glared daggers at his husband which Wooyoung clearly saw but shrugged his shoulders, placing his palm on his cheeks and looking at the people. San was furious, why was he acting like it wasn't his fault he was put in this position. San blames everything on Wooyoung who had no say in this marriage or anything in general.

Hongjoong who was stationed beside Wooyoung's throne, made his way infront of Wooyoung and knelt one leg on his knees and the other on the ground. Hongjoong then carefully took the prince's hand in his and placed it on his forehead.

" I swear my sword and my soul to only serve you and be loyal to you my prince. I shall only live to protect you with my life. Wherever you are, just say my name and you will see me at your rescue, your royal highness Prince Wooyoung. I will slay whomever wish to harm you. " spoke Hongjoong as his two men bowed next to their captain. Everyone saw the scene unfold infront of them, none of them understanding what was going on.

San stared at the knights in the ground in disbelief, what were they even doing, he glanced at Wooyoung and once more, his eyes showed nothing. He looked nonchalant at the guards bowing to him, and that made him almost explode infront of all the people gathered here.

   " Why would you even do that? " whispered Wooyoung sighing as he looked at the three men on the ground infront of him. Hongjoong looked, hands still wrapped around his prince, " So you can believe in me and... " he trailed off and leaned up a little to come in close contact with his prince's ear " so that the fucker on your right knows he can't touch you " he continued and went back to his knees with a smirk on his face. Wooyoung then shrugged his shoulder as the men went back to their positions stationed next to their prince.

   San could have sworn that he saw the knight send daggers to him. They looked absolutely terrifying standing there, not on their imperial uniform nor the Iyophatian uniform. Their uniform was embodied with rare black diamonds and pearls matching their prince's natural hair color. They got this especially embroidered just to show their upmost loyalty to their prince.

   Prince Wooyoung did notice their unique uniform which matched his self. Deep down he knew he should at least thank them but at the same time this was the last thing in his head. After all, Wooyoung just felt the migraine rushing to his head constantly, the injury from the other day's side effect was still there.

   " Why are your guards wearing a different uniform?" asked San eyeing his husband who didn't even have a reaction. How would he want him to react anyways, Wooyoung gave it a little thought. Should he tell him about the fact his guards disowned their king and came to him or the fact that they were protecting him from his father ? Suddenly Wooyoung wanted to ask Hongjoong on how to answer but then again who cares, it's not like he is a part of that kingdom anymore.

   " In celebration of being my assigned guards. " spat Wooyoung in obvious lies that even San could tell he was seriously lying to him, Wooyoun's head throbbed even harder than before. Again, no medication was able to solve his ongoing migraine. San batted his eyes in disbelief, now what in the nonsense world was Wooyoung spouting? Before San could question the younger, there was a sudden announcement.

   " Now, let's welcome the royal couple to the dance ground to have their first dance as wedded husbands " the announcer announced as everyone made way for the couple to descend from their thrones. San gulped, how would he force the unbothered man next to him to start dancing all of a sudden. Before San could call out the younger, the latter stood up shocking him. Wooyoung extended his hand to the blank faced San who hesitantly placed his hands. They made their way down hand in hand as everyone cheered for the royal couple, soon the instruments made their melody as the couple started dancing gracefully.

The crown prince was shocked on how Wooyoung danced so lightly and yet gracefully, his hands placed perfectly on his shoulders. San could have sworn that his heart raced a little at the beauty infront of him, he couldn't believe his own eyes. The soulless man who didn't even flinch nor close his eyes as they sealed their marriage was dancing with a little life roaming around his eyes.

To Wooyoung, dancing might be the only runaway he had when his father mentally and physically abused the shit out of him. He loved the feeling of freedom, and that made him seek dancing even when his whole body ached. Even when his leg broke, he almost made it permanently broken but he still needed the runaway.

San's gaze didn't leave the youngers' not even for a second, while Wooyoung has given up any care in the world and just flew with the flow of music. The guards stared daggers at San, whom felt it but ignored it as he was captivated by the beautiful dance the prince was performing.

As soon as Hongjoong finally caught the eyes of his prince, he felt relief wash over him. He thanked the almighty for making Wooyoung able to express his feelings through the art of dancing. Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Jongho all knew that their prince only looks alive when he was able to tangle his leg around and spin in delicacy.

" I think I can take it from here Joongie, it seems that they are leaving " said Seonghwa eyes lingering with anger towards the parents of their beloved prince. Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa for reassurance and had a smile in return.

" You guys can go, my guilt is eating me up. I should have taken him away sooner.. " said Hongjoong sighing at his own words. He should have saved the little prince from a very long time before the permanent damage was made. Seonghwa and Jongho placed their hands on his shoulder and squeezing it.

" Even though we were late, but it was for the best or else we wouldn't have been able to do something. " said Jongho earning a grin from both boys making him pout in annoyance. " Now when did our little boy grow up " cooed Seonghwa and Hongjoong let out a laugh.

Even though his guards were a bit far from him, he still felt their presence and in fact he heard the soft laugh that escaped Hongjoong's mouth. Without even noticing himself his mouth lifted up a bit as he continued dancing without looking at his partner.

" So you can smile. " said San sounding arrogant at his remark, but Wooyoung wasn't really a person who showed any reaction. So instead of a reply or anything, he shrugged his shoulders but slighty tried to look away. He didn't want anyone to know, that he loved those three more than anyone in his life.

After all, they were there for him through all his darkest times. He never showed it, not even a little interest in them. However, they all showed him and gave him all their attention regardless of his unamused face. The three of them loved him wholeheartedly, they didn't know their love was requited but they didn't care as long as they gave him the love he deserved.

No one in Wooyoung's life ever knew anything about him. He wasn't a person who opened his mouth to speak, instead whenever Wooyoung felt worse he would suddenly just stay quiet and simply sit down doing absolutely nothing. Hongjoong called it ' the prince's recovery process' so they would leave him be until he comes out of the room.

When he does come out, his face not changing from his usual blank look, he would walk to the furthest area from the castle. The boys obviously following him to protect him, as he would start to dance his thoughts away. All of them knew how Wooyoung's dancing was simply art itself.

Once he would finish dancing, he would collapse on the floor without any warning. All the physical pain came crushing on him and he would lose to it all. Thats when the guard's finally sigh in relief as they can take their prince to the infirmary and get him treated from the wounds caused by his father.

" It seems like your parents are leaving " said San staring right through Wooyoung's orbs, what San didn't know was how that statement made Wooyoung's body feel light on his arms as his usually stiff shoulders fell out. Relaxing at San arms, who was completely bewildered at that moment. San thought that Wooyoung felt absolutely nothing but emptiness, but his body was far expressive than he thought.

He felt bothered. Why would Wooyoung suddenly relax after knowing that his parents are gone and why his dancing became even more prettier than needed. Everyone's eyes were laid on the beautiful latter as he stole everyone's attention with his dancing.

When the music started to faint and the other noble people started dancing. Wooyoung let go of San, almost immediately which made San frown. Now why the fuck did he just let go?

" Fix up that stupid face before anyone finds out that we are merely married on papers. " spat Wooyoung in the most aggressive tone. Sure Wooyoung was able to escape from his prison but its not like San was any better or their enemies were.

" What the fuck is wrong with you? " said San furious at the sudden voice, he didn't expect Wooyoung to have such a foul mouth. Wooyoung rolled his eyes at San's statement and continued to walk away from the entire ballroom.

" Dude chill, you are a crown prince for god's sake so act like one " said Wooyoung in monotone voice catching San off guard. San was offended at the stated remark and was about to throw hands, but he caught himself.

" You are so easy to read. Did that hurt your pride? Go ahead and try to hit me. " said Wooyoung which sounded like a threat rather than a remark. " You are going to regret this, Jung. " spat San sounding absolutely furious and about to lose himself in anger.

" Surely I will, now where is my bedroom " said Wooyoung abruptly stopping, making San whip his head to the back. Wooyoung was getting on his every nerve, but before San could answer the blue haired guard came closer to his prince.

What made Wooyoung suddenly ask was first he had absolutely no idea where to go and secondly because he could feel Hongjoong's anger from miles away. He didn't want his guard to end up prisoned for disrespecting the crown prince of this kingdom. Hongjoong looked intimidating when he was just standing in place and doing absolutely nothing.

   " Go straight ahead until the end of this corridor and then go to your left, there is only one door, your imperial highness. " said Hongjoong slightly bowing as his eyes diverted to the blonde crown prince, in malice.

   Wooyoung then continued walking feeling the tension between Hongjoong and San. It didn't matter to him if San was going to hurt Hongjoong because he knew that the only person capable of winning a war against the mighty Iyophate was Hongjoong himself.

" Would you like anything, my prince? " spoke Hongjoong almost sending shivers down Wooyoung's spine. Wooyoung thanked his god that he became immune to the commanding voice of Hongjoong. He still felt his face heat up from simply feeling the dominant aura of the literal captain behind him.

San didn't even notice the change in Wooyoung's body. No one even noticed because of the way they were staring bullets at each other. It was a matter of pride for San while Hongjoong was just avenging Wooyong. Wooyoung finally reached the room as the guards around the door unlocked for him. San then finally broke his gaze and looked at the source of the noise, Wooyoung made his way inside the huge master bedroom which felt like a ballroom to Wooyoung.

Wooyoung's whole life consisted of him sleeping in the infirmary, in Hongjoong's room, on the ground, on the coach but never in his own room. After all, Wooyoung was treated like shit in his own castle so he was stunned but still expressionless.

" If you need me, say my name. " said Hongjoong sounding so soft that caught San off guard. Wooyoung just shrugged his shoulder making his way to the bed, Hongjoong gave one last look at San then stood next to the room's door. He exchanged his position with the assigned guard. He wasn't going to move away from his position until his guts tells him too.

   Wooyoung sat down in their bed placing his arms and raising his head looking up. Then he cracked his neck left and right until his vision suddenly blurred and he sighed out loud which sounded like a grunt to San. Wooyoung then stood up his head erupting in all ways possible, wobbling his way towards the bathroom then locking it. San was weirded out from the behavior but decided to ignore it and take off his clothes.

Wooyoung collapsed in the bathroom floor as he touched his head, and then looked at his hands and to his dismay his hands were covered in blood. He was contemplating wether to call Hongjoong or just stay there until his head bleeds out. He tried standing once more but his legs gave up and he hated that feeling to death. He fell in the ground causing him to clutch tightly at his hair.

" H-hongjoong hyung " mumbled under his breath his voice not nearly audible to San who was calmly changing his clothes. Hongjoong barged in reaching the bathroom directly after he followed his voice, pinpointing exactly where he was.

Hongjoong took his dagger out and scrapped the bathroom's lock in a swift move, shocking San even more after the sudden entrance which was for no reason. He went inside and grabbed Wooyoung in his arms carrying him out of the room glaring at San. San had absolutely no idea, after Hongjoong took Wooyoung away he saw the blood stains from his bed and all the way towards the bathroom which had a pool of blood.

" What in the world..? " he mumbled as he looked at the trail of the blood. He couldn't simply tell a servant to clean it unless he wanted rumors to go out that San has hurted his husband on their first night together. He went out and locked the door, going to the infirmary because that's definitely the only place he would go to. But he was nowhere to be seen.

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