Poisoned Game

PeytonHazzard द्वारा

56.3K 1.3K 288

Delilah Quinn Daughter of one of the worlds best authors and adoptive daughter of one of the most powerful B... अधिक



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PeytonHazzard द्वारा

—Rosalie Cartier—

The night was getting boring and so was I. I thought that maybe things were going to be just fine but Quinn started to get carried away.

She was drinking a little too much for my liking. I didn't know whether it was alcohol or was she playing safe for the night.

I couldn't get close to her because her cover would be blown. How was I supposed to walk up to her with thousands of guys surrounding her?

It would make no sense in this mission and they would start to draw attention to whether she even likes guys or was she a lesbian.

I knew for myself that she was as straight as a pencil. She just had a tendency of having gay traits. Every straight girl had a tendency of acting gay around real sapphic women. I don't know what was the trend with that but it needed to stop.

"Dance with me, Darling."

I looked up to see some old scumbag reaching out his hands for Delilah to take.

She was being a little more cheerful than she normally was. I heard her agree to the guy and joined him on the dance floor.

The song was slow and they seemed to swerve back and forth to the music as her hands hooked around his neck and his hands stayed around her upper back.

I watched as I felt my jaw clench. I couldn't believe she was actually doing this? I mean sure she had to use her charms to get him to tell her everything she needed to know but she was doing too much for him.

She flipped her hair too much. She giggled and smiled too much. She was pressed against him way too much and she was playing with her bracelet.

She only ever played with her bracelet when she was nervous. What the hell could she possibly be nervous about? I mean, the mission wasn't that damn hard.

The song went off and a much faster song came on as I glanced over towards the other side of the dance floor.

I could see Alona and Autumn having a good time giggling and dancing together, instead of doing what they were supposed to be doing. That made my blood boil.

They were having some time off of their mission and they were dancing while Delilah was stuck dancing with some sorry old drunk man that could possibly be thinking he's getting lucky tonight.

That was wrong on so many levels, considering she was just a 17 year old girl portraying someone she wasn't. This was why I begged her to leave town. It was like she was staying around to just sell her soul. Another reason I hated Oliver.

The glass cup in my hand broke into little pieces of glass as a few people surrounding me started to stare.

I took a deep breath before the action of his hands reaching more down than they already were came into mind. I watched as he attempted to do so but my body had other plans.

My feet guided me to them as I took Delilah's waist and I pulled her away from him. She could hardly stand seeing as she was standing unbalanced.

Yeah, she definitely had been drinking and that was all the wrong signs that she should take over this whole industry at a young age. It wouldn't work out best for anyone.

"Don't you see we're dancing here?" He asked with a scoff leaving his lips.

I glared at him before looking at Quinn to make sure she was okay but she seemed to be...mad at me? What the hell did I do? Last time I checked, I was saving her. Saving her from much more than she knew.

Dealing with her, She always thought someone was against her and that wasn't even the case. This was exactly why I hated helping people. I always ended up the bad guy that was only trying to wear my cape.

"What the hell are you doing, Rosalie?" She asked as she glared at me,

"You two know each other?" he asked

Well obviously if she just said my name and she looked directly at me, I would assume we knew each other. This guy needed some serious IQ reinforcements.

I looked around the room as everyone's attention was on us. Of course middle aged--jobless bums were paying attention to us. It made sense if I was to think about it, everyone fed off drama.

"Excuse me sir, Is this girl bothering you?" One of the security guards asked him,

I glanced over my shoulder at the guard before turning back to the old man and gave him a challenging look. He seemed a little frightened at the action.

"Yes, please remove her."

"Sure thing, Sir."

As soon as the Guard tried to put his hands on me, I punched him in his face as he fell flat on his back. Must have been his first day.

"Oliver sent you, didn't he?" The old man says as he backs up to make a run for it.

He was stopped by Rorey Quinn and Genevieve Kinsley themselves. God were they so hot. I literally dreamed of being them when I got older.

"Going somewhere, Michael?" Rorey asked with her signature head tilt.

Yup, Delilah was truly her daughter. I mean, they had the same personality. They were basically the same person just Delilah had Genevieve's whole face. It was amazing how well a family could look.

"H..hi, Ms. and Mrs. Quinn" I stuttered like an idiot.

They smiled at me before waving. I smiled back as I was about to wave but Delilah took me by my shirt and dragged me out of the place.

Oj and Lucas seemed to be just walking in now and they were to be clearing everyone out so they didn't get any information on what they were doing. One false move then it would be over for us all.

Quinn on the other hand was trying her best to walk and hold herself up but I knew she couldn't. Her mothers was going to be mad when they found out that she was actually drinking. Maybe she wasn't, I mean...She was around a group of men. Someone could have spiked her drink.

Someone could have spiked her drink.

It was now all clear to me. We stopped as we got to her car and she leaned against her car with her arms crossed. I could hear footsteps behind us. When I turned around I saw Alona and Autumn walking up to us.

"You blew my case!" She yelled at me.

It was hard to take her seriously when she's never yelled at me before. Sure she said some slick things here and there but she was never the type to yell or be mean to someone. It was just the kind heart she had.

"I saved you, Someone spiked your drink and-"

"Why couldn't you just mind your own business? I wanted to prove myself. I wanted to show everyone that I can be CEO, That I can be just like my mothers, But here you are trying to play the hero."

I scoffed and shook my head. I was not trying to play the hero, I was just trying to help someone in need. She's probably too drunk to even know what she's talking about right about now. We both know if it was the other way around she would help me.

That's most of the reason why I'm here and I'm doing this, because no matter if we are friends or not, We always were somehow there for each other.

"Get in the car, Quinn. We'll talk about it on the way to your-"

"I'm not getting into the car with you. I can drive my own damn car." She muttered as she went looking for her keys.

Little did she know, I swapped those from her bag when I stopped her while dancing. Again, if I could do that, then anyone was able to as well.

"Alona, tell her that she's unstable to drive."

Alona shook her head and raised her hands up in surrender, "I have nothing to do with that. I've never seen a drunk Delilah, I don't know what she's capable of."

I rolled my eyes before taking out the keys and unlocking the car. I then got into the car with the door open and I started the car.

"Get in the car, Quinn."

She shook her head and she turned away from me. She was either a very stubborn drunk, or a very stupid drunk. I was going to go for both.

I got back out of the car to throw her over my shoulders again but she pulled out a blade. She raised it up to me as I just stared at her. Maybe I was supposed to be scared of her, maybe I wasn't. I just know that this wasn't really making me shiver to my timbers right about now.

She looked like a kid holding up a plastic fork. Which wasn't scary unless you made it scary. Quinn on the other hand was adorable, nothing was scary about her.

"Touch me and I'll cut you."

I took another step to continue to achieve my quest of lifting her over my shoulders but she snapped and pressed me against her car with the knife at my throat.

"I said not to touch me." She muttered,

I grinned before slowly moving the blade away from my neck. She kept her eyes on mine as my grin remained on my lips.

"Get in the car, Delilah." I say at last, "Please."

She shakes her head and denies, "You ruined my night."

"And I'm very sorry about that but you're drunk and I need to-"

"I don't accept your apology." She crossed her arms.

I scoffed as I looked over at Autumn and Alona for help but they looked around and pretended as if they weren't there at all. They were so immature.

"Quinn, You're making this so damn difficult." I ran my hands through my hair, "Why can't you accept my apology?"

"Because you don't deserve acceptance, You want my acceptance, you beg me for it. Then I'll think about accepting it."

I groaned before I pinched the bridge of my nose. I started to hear the cop sirens and I knew Delilah wasn't going to budge so I did what was necessary.

One knee was placed on the floor after the other. I then grabbed her hands into mine as I searched through her eyes from where I stood—well, kneed, and I took a deep breath.

"Delilah, I'm sorry-"

"For what?" She asked,

"For not seeing and believing how right you are for this CEO job. I'm sorry for screwing everything up for you and I promise to work on that. Can you please...find it in your heart to forgive me?" I asked her.

She smiled before she looked up at Alona. I turned a little to look at Alona as well as she seemed to be recording. I was going to kill her.

"I forgive you, Cartier. You can take me home now." She says before skipping over to the passenger seat.

I shook my head before palming my face. I got up from the floor and I turned around to Alona as I was about to yell at her and tell her to delete the video but Autumn stepped in between us. I glanced at Autumn before looking behind her and at Alona,

"Delete that video, Martin." I spat out,

The cop sirens got louder before she rolled her eyes and took Autumn's hands in hers. They then ran off to the car that they arrived in and I sighed. She was definitely not deleting that video.


I brought Quinn back to her house as she seemed to grow more drunk than she was earlier. That was quite impossible seeing as she didn't drink anymore since we left. Maybe it was because she was a lightweight.

"Come on, Quinn." I say before helping her out of the passenger seat.

She leaves on me as she chuckles with the smell of alcohol leaving her mouth. It was quite disgusting if I was being honest.

"Are you going to tuck me in?" She asked innocently as I shut the car door.

I nodded before locking the door behind me and walking with her up to her house. She reached into her pocket to get her house keys as she gave them to me. My best bet was that she couldn't really see. I'm surprised she hadn't passed out yet.

Without no one in the house, it made it easier for Quinn to be able to get up the stairs without disturbing anyone's peace.

"My room's on the right." She blurted out.

Yeah she was close to out of it. Her room was on the left and to our right was the bathroom. She couldn't even stand up right and according to what she just said, picking her up would be my best solution.

And so I did. I picked her up; bridal style and I carried her to her room. She giggled a lot before we entered her room. I placed her onto her bed before walking over to her dresser to see if I could find some Pj's for her to wear.

"You need to get ready for a shower and then you can put on your nightwear."

"I don't wanna shower tonight. I'll do it in the morning."

I nodded, "Okay but you still need to change out of that. It won't be comfortable to sleep in."

"But I'll look good, going to sleep."

I hummed and nodded as I continued to search for the right clothing for her to wear. She seemed to get up right about now as she lingered a few steps behind me. I was surprised she was keeping balance.

"Wouldn't I?" She asked,

I found the Pjs and I closed her dresser before turning around to her. She was smiling like she always did and she seemed to put her curly hair into a messy bun. She looked...wow.

"What?" I asked her,

'Wouldn't I look good sleeping in this?" she asked once again,

I looked at her outfit from head to toe before humming and nodding. She did look good in that, a part of why I was a little mad that the scumbag got to have all of her on that dance floor. I was not jealous, after all I had a girlfriend of my own.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you should sleep in this." I then gave her the pjs, "Go change into this." I demanded her,

She took the pjs before she smirked at me. She then took off one strap of her dress and then the other as she dropped it to the floor. Her eyes remained on me as my eyes remained the same. If I were to look down, I would see everything.

That would be very disrespectful and inappropriate in this case and I chose to look away. I clenched my eyes shut before I felt her hands finger on my chin. She then turned me to face her as my eyes opened back up slowly.

She smiled softly as her eyes roamed my face at every feature. "You can look."

"I can't."

I then slowly moved her hand from me as she sent me a small sad smile. She then tossed her Pj's shirt over her head and then slid on her pants. She was having the time of her life right about now Maybe that's what drunk Quinn was. Fun.

"Okay, I'm going to get you some water. Does your mothers have aspirin?" I asked her,

She nodded and I hummed before leaving out of her room and heading for her parents' bathroom. I went into the medical cabinet and I grabbed a small packet of aspirin. I then walked downstairs and grabbed some water.

All I had to do was make my way upstairs to her and make sure her head feels better. Then all I needed to do was make sure she was sober enough to sleep. That was probably going to be the hardest part of this all.

When I made it back to her room, she was already laying in bed sleeping. I finally was able to let out a sigh and catch a break.

I walked over to sit by her as I placed the water and aspirin onto her nightstand. Her eyes flickered open a bit before she smiled at me.

"Lay with me." She pleaded.

I picked up the aspirin and I handed it to her as she tossed it into her mouth and then took the water from my hands as she drowned it down with the water.

"I don't think that's appropriate."

"I'll behave. I promise." She frowned.

I sighed before I took off my shoes and climbed into the other side of her laying on top of the covers. I then looked over at her as she did the same to me.

She smiled before looking up at the ceiling. The back of our hands were inches from each other but it felt so close. I could feel the heat and presence of them.

"Why are you like this?"

The question caught me off guard and it had me thinking for a little but I found courage to answer it. She turned to face me and she raised her eyebrow.

"Like what?"

"You're mean but you care. Why can't you care and be nice?"

"Being nice only leaves me hurt." I assured her,

She frowned before chewing on her bottom lip. She seemed puzzled at my answer. Like she wanted to ask another but she didn't know how to.

"Thank you." She says before brushing her hands against mine.

"For what?" I asked,

I then looked down to see she was intertwining our hands together.

"For helping me today. I know you meant well, I was just a little angry, and I apologize for that." She says.

Our fingers finally intertwined as I looked down at them.

I gulped before a heavy feeling in my heart started to rise. My breathing got heavier and I felt like oxygen was unreachable.

"You really think I'm sloppy?" She asked me,

I looked up at her and raised my eyebrow,

"Sloppy? About what?"

"My kissing. When we kissed..." she trailed off, "You didn't like it?"

I sighed and shook my head, "It was for a mission, Quinn."

"And you're saying you wouldn't want that again?" She asked in a soft voice.

I shook my head denying it and chewed at my bottom lip.

"I would." She leaned up with her elbows holding her up, "I can't stop thinking about it."

I gulped and my eyes widened as I could see her grow closer and closer to me.

She was drunk.

It was the liquor talking.

She was just drunk.

"Rosie I-"

"Don't call me that. You're not allowed to call me that."

"All your friends do, even my friends do. Why am I not allowed?" She frowned,

"I don't like when you say it. Only my friends and family call me that. You are never to be a friend."

She turned away from me and her mouth fell. She waited for a moment before I sat up with her.

Maybe I upset her. She had 50 different mood swings and I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"Listen, Quinn I-"

"I want to kiss you." She blurted out before turning towards me.

It was the alcohol talking. It was just the alcohol.

"You need to get some sleep." I said before I sat up and turned away from her.

The bed shifted and she found herself on my side of the bed. When I turned around our faces were close.

She had her lips tucked into a thin line as she was frowning.

I looked from her eyes and then my eyes shot down to her lips.

Something in me couldn't help myself, I found myself leaning in. Soon the taste of her mixed with alcohol was explored through out my mouth.

She hooked her arms around my neck as we leaned down with her back hitting the bed and my hips right in between her legs.

Her kisses always were so soft and sweet. It was like a drug that I craved for more and more.

Her nails drove into my back leaving marks as she fought me for dominance.

Her fingers reached in between us both as she fought with one hand to take my pants off.

I came back to my senses. I couldn't do this. It wasn't right on so many levels.

She was drunk, I was sober.

I was in a relationship and so was she...kinda.

She was straight, I was like massively gay.

She was good and I was bad.

I pulled her away from me as I searched through out her eyes.

"I can't do this."

She nodded before chewing on her bottom lip. She scooted back and away from me to give me space.

"I'll just sleep on the couch." I said before I hurried up and ran out of her room.

This was bad. Really bad.

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