The Beauty in Diversity

By Krouzep929

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Where Sam is a billionaire herself and the owner of Diversity and she also comes from royalty and Mon is a fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14


395 14 3
By Krouzep929


It was already Friday morning when Mon's phone's buzzed in bed.

"Mon speaking..she answered lazily."

Good morning to you too,here i thought you would be happy to hear my voice darling.I had a lovely time in Phuket by the way,thanks for asking.

"Sorry Em i didn't even check the caller id,i'm still in bed,half asleep but i'm glad you enjoyed it."

Sounds cozy can I come over and join you?she teased.

"Mon's instantly had a flashback of Sam barking at her like a little puppy and licking her like..uhm.."

"If you want my parents to freak out then sure, by all means Em,Mon made an excuse, well kinda."

I can't wait for us to go home,people over here are way too old fashioned for my taste.

"Mon rolled her eyes.If Emily had the power to change culture differences and a country's rules and laws just to have things her way,she would do that.Not that she doesn't bend the rules back home,her family's influentia,l so of course."

Petal did you fall asleep on me or something?

"Mon faked a yawn..I'm sorry Em,still tired i guess."

At least your officially on holiday and not slaving away at that company.In a few weeks we'll be breathing some fresh air in Hawaii and frankly i can't wait because the air over here is killing me.This Government really needs to step it up and do something about the pollution problem.

" really need to.."

Oh yes i almost completely forgot why i called.What is the dress code?I didn't exactly pack for something like this but i hope is not some silly theme party kind of nonsense and what do you think petal,should I wear my hair up or just let it loose?

"Mon pinched the bridge of her nose."

"Go for semi formal or smart casual,just as long as your comfortable and wear your hair however you like,you look good either way,Mon added not to sound indifferent or to give away her already irritable mood."

Are we going to take a rental or should i organize something else.

"No don't don't worry the company will provide us with transport."

You know what, I'll just organize a personal driver,there's no way I'm getting into a buss full of unruly people.

"Em will you relax?we're going with a company car."

Oh good,at least someone had a brain,but too bad this wasn't in the UK where people treat you like a VIP whenever you're next to me.

"Right..Mon said sarcastically."

Gosh petal i've missed you so much these past couple of days, i can't wait to show you, if you know what i mean,anyway i got to go, till later then gorgeous,bye..

"Bye Em.."

Emily's chaotic energy was emotionally draining her,Mon thought, and she was starting feel constrained.

"Mon sighed and opened the drawer to take out an envelope that was addressed to her a couple of days ago.Just like the Latte's,the invite also magically appeared on her desk,and it all carried the same scent,Miss Dior."

"She inhaled the smell and her heart began to race as it did that day when she first saw the writing on the envelope."

"Deep down Sam was always a hopeless romantic despite her quirkiness,love turned Samanan Anantrakul into a ball of mush,she became the meekest little lamb but it also did the opposite, right now she was being bold,provocative,a big show off,hostile and unforgiving,she had the tenacity of a lion and was showing her canines because she was finally going to meet her match Emily "a worthy opponent".

"Mon took another look at the invitation and Emily's words was replaying in her mind.

"too bad this wasn't on the Uk where everybody treats you like a VIP when i'm next to you"

She smirked...


                                                           ********SAMANAM ANATRAKUL******                                                     

Sam was feeling irritated by everyone and everything,first it was her lawyers pestering her about the deadline that was tomorrow, then it was Adena who was on the phone trying to be her personal stylist.

"You know what Adena,If you wanna wear couture be my guest, but I'm wearing something simple and comfortable.I won't be staying all night anyway, i've got things to take care of and according to the weather report we're going to have a heavy rainfall anyway."

What does that have to do with anything? and the sky is clear fyi.Go take your mood out on your lawyer,i'm already stressed about my outfit,i don't need your negativity right now Sam.I think i've gained an inch,dammit!.You're going to the bin! she cursed at the scale.

"Sam was scrolling at Singha's pictures for emotional support."

 I'm going to climb on the treadmill and wear something decent at least,more importantly, do not be late.

"Whatever,Sam said when Adena ended the call"

Sam fell back on her bed and imagined Mon's eyes staring back at her like it did in the past and not too long ago,filled passion,desire and most of all,love...

Not anymore though,because someone took that all away from her and crowned another person with Mon's heart.

Tears was rolling down her cheeks as she walked to the bathroom to rinse her face.

"Get your shit together, she said as she looked at herself in the mirror,your Samanan Anantrakul after all."

                                                                 ****O FORTUNA!***

Mon was in her room doing last minute touch ups when she heard her mother saying that her transport arrived.

She came down the stairs but saw that her parents including Nop and Fah, that Mon eventually got to meet and liked very much,gushing over something.

Wow Mon you look stunning and you're one hell of a lucky girl she heard Fah say when she walked towards them,you must be a big deal at that place.

"Thanks Fah,but what are you talking about ...

"Oh no.."

Mon was looking at her mum who had a disapproving look on her face.

"Okay you two, we have seen enough let's go,Mon's dad told Nop who got the hint,the three of them told Mon to enjoy their evening before they disappeared.


"I know mum, i know.You were right and I'm so sorry, Mon said regretfully."

Oh honey,i have been there remember,I know what it's like, but we can't keep making the same mistakes over and over and hurt other people in the process.I don't want any of you to get hurt Mon,and I don't care what Adena or Emily is like,it's still not fair to them.This needs to end tonight honey,please.

"It's over mum don't worry,it's been over for a while now.."

mum Pohn looked at the car but decided to keep her thoughts to herself,she didn't want to spoil Mon's evening,she worked hard and wanted her to enjoy the night.

You look so elegant my child, but maybe you should take a coat just in case,they predicted heavy rainstorms for this evening.

Hmm..weird,Mon said looking at the clear sky,I'll be fine mum don't worry.

Okay honey,enjoy your evening and be safe please Mon,her mum whispered into her ear as she hugged her only daughter,I love you.

"I love you too Mom and i'll be okay don't worry,she reasured her mum who looked worried for no reason."

Where too Miss? the driver asked.

"Modena Estate,please."

Oh and another thing miss Kornkamon, i'm going to leave the car with you after our next stop,the driver smiled.


"Mon panicked internally,how the hell is she going to explain this to Emily."

They arrived at Emily who was sitting on the terrace,making converation with her friends.

Emily who was used to this life was caught off guard when Mon showed up in a Aston Martin.She knew that the company Mon was fixing was in financial trouble but by the looks of it things drastically changed overnight and she knows Mon is really good at her job but maybe that was an understatement?she thought to herself.

Hello gorgeous ,you can't argue that we're a match made in heaven, she said as she pointed at the two of them.

Mmm..I missed these lips she smirked. 

Now tell me, how did you get this lucky to be driving this expensive and gorgeous beast called Waxing Gibbous?what does that even mean,Emily said with a puzzled look on her face. 

"Yea so the boss is kinda.."


"Mon gulped."

Your boss?

Mon,is this the company's car or your boss's property?

"It belongs to the company.."

You sure?

"Yes..Mon said without flinching."

There air was tense all of a sudden and Emily looked at Mon as if she could see right through her.

Hey Em! don't forget your keys,catch!Jasmine her friend called.

"Thank God, Mon thought and released a breath she didn't know she was holding."

We won't be coming home tonight so you guys enjoy your evening,the friend winked at Emily.

Thank you Lady Jasmine, Emily curtsied and took the car keys from the driver and headed to the fancy venue,that really looked spectacular even Emily had to admit, but something about this didn't sit right with her,Money talked and it was almost near to impossible for a struggling company that just got back on it's feet to cover all of the cost for this event not to mention the expensive cars.

Who the hell was this boss and why isn't anything adding up,she's an Actuary after all,she eats numbers for breakfast.


Mon was welcomed by the previous head of security of Diversity who was working as head officer at the event and to Emily's surprise there were aquaintances that attended the Christmas function, some of whom she actually knew very well,like the married couple at the restaurant.

Mon handed the receptionist her invitation and the official handed Mon her badge.

Miss Kornkamon there's going to be a small award ceremony so could you please follow the official.

"Sure, Mon complied"

This way please the official directed Mon who gave Emily an apologetic look.

It's fine you go,I saw some people that I know heading towards the bar.

With Mon out of sight,Emily ask the receptionist if she could hand her the invitation because "she quickly needed to check something."

Sure no problem and if there's anything else that you need you just have to ask, the girl shamelessly flirted with Emily and handed her Mon's invitation.

"Most Valued Guest" Emily was saying to herself.

Excuse me,Ginger right?Emily said looking at her name tag and at her not so hidden "treasures". 

 My but you do have a "beautiful name" don't you,Emily smirked and the girl was looking extremely flattered.

Anything i can do for you?the girl asked suggestively.

 Just one tiny little thing darling,can you tell me who else is on the MVG list.I'm expecting a friend but i don't know if he's going to attend or not so i just want to make sure.

Not a problem at all, but the thing is we only have a VIP list.I think you and your partner must be quite the exception to the rule,well clearly, she added.

 I can quickly scan the VIP list for you if you want?

Don't bother darling,but thanks anyway.

There's someting that you're not telling me Mon,first a car that's totally out of your league and now this MVG status,for you exclusively.

Emily scanned the crowd,everybody looked cheerful,nothing seemed to be out of place,still her guard was up.

She needed to mark her territory, she was sensing a rival.


Sam and Adena was almost the last to show up, to Adena's annoyance of course but at least they made an entrance,well obviously she thought, people were falling all over Sam's feet and she wasn't even wasn't impressed with Sam's choice of outfit who in turn kept telling her that this was a party and not the Oscars.

She was right about one thing though,it looks like a storm was coming.Good thing she came prepared.

Mam will you please follow me to your table the friendly hostess asked.

Please don't call me "mam",I'm probably way younger than you,Adena said biting the girl's head off.

"Whatever (w)itch" ,the twenty year old hostess said to herself and apologised with a plastered smile on her face.

The gang showed up and looked for Mon ,they also didn't know who Emily was except for Yuki of course because there was a lot of foreigners from European countries who looked like they were having a good time at the open bar.

Emily was having drinks with the married couple and two other people when everybody suddenly got up to greet the people who was heading their way.Both of them was really pretty, escpecially the one with the feline like eyes who was gorgeous yet aloof and by the looks of it, in a bad mood.

Adena,Khun Sam,the guests greeted and acted like they were Sam's groupies when they saw her.

Adena politely greeted the guests because hello? they happened to be vip's, but Sam only turned her head towards them and gave them a curt nod as she proceeded to make her way to the corridor.

Everybody was gushing over Sam despite her stoic behaviour except for Emily who was sitting in silence,with flared nostrils and a clenched jaw.

She has found her rival,her scent was hanging heavily in the air.

The same scent that she smelled on Mon that evening.


The announcement game that the event was about to start.

"Guys where's Mon,I wan't to meet her girlfriend",Jim spoke as she stuck her head out like a giraffe searching for Mon.

"Uhm guys, Yuki spoke,please tell me that's not Emily sitting opposite :"Ms.High and Mighty" and enjoying each other's company",shefacepalmed because it was indeed Emily.

 "She's hot and really "British looking".Damn that Adena is such a leech,maybe i should move to the UK and change my name to Martha",Jim was thinking out loud which got her an eyeroll from everybody.

"No way,what the hell was Sam thinking,who organized this function anyway," Kade asked flabbergasted at the seating arrangement.

"I think Sam made sure that Mon was going to sit at her table and I bet on her left side." Yuki added.

"That is a display of pure dominance", You know Sam being the "Alpha female in a pride of Lions", Tee smirked.

Oh great "Big Cat Week" Jim deadpanned.


The MC who was hosting the event was Miss.Seoul and after welcoming everybody and telling them a couple of jokes,they started giving out the awards.The most awards obviously went to team Diversity and was handed to them by Sam herself.

After calling out all the names there was only one left.

"'Ladies and Gentleman all of this could not have been done without the help of one special person,she's a strategist/fixer,who came all the way from the UK to help pull Diversity out of the mud,she's also a very dear friend of mine and Lady Sam will be thanking her on behalf of team Diversity.Please everybody, put your hands together for the exceptional Miss Kornkamon."

Mon walked that podium like dream and got cheers and whistles from the crowd.

Sam wasn't impressed by the whistles and Mon could tell without even looking at her,she wanted to smile and Sam could tell.

 "The tea girl" Adena thought,there's something about her,she turned her gaze to Sam and then back to the "tea girl."

Mon turned to Sam who was suppose to hand her the reward but instead they were looking at each other as if they were the only two people in the room to exist.

"Oh hell no, I can't be sober, watching this "baby mama drama" unfold before my eyes,Jim raised her hand to call the waiter who came immediately and ordered double scotch for the gang.

And please keep it coming,I need to calm my nerves, Jim added dramatically.

Kade mentally encouraged Sam to say something because she and Mon was staring at each other like love sick puppies.

Tee just facepalmed.

Yuki and Kirk was struggling to open the Champagne because Scotch wasn't doing it's job fast enough.


The MC cleared her throat.

Mon...  Sam began in a tender voice with a smile that reached her eyes.

Realization hit when Adena heard that name,she knew why her face was familiar and why Sam was glowing like she did on that pictures.

That was the girl,that was Mon who she assumed was a dog walker and tea girl,Sam's ex.Everything started to make sense.Adena was envious,jealous and full of rage all in one at that very moment.

Emily was sipping on her vodka watching everything unfold,knowing what needed to be done.


After the awards and Sam's speech that sounded more like a love declaration to the gang's ears and to most people who could read between the lines, Miss Seoul declared the night officially opened.Everybody was eating and drinking and having a good time or at least Adena and Emily was pretending to enjoy themselves, until a guest at Sam's table who's alcohol went to his brain started to make a commotion.

"Philip you need to stop or get out, Sam warned."

Security will take care of this lover ,Adena said as she was throwing daggers at Mon who was completely ignoring everybody else on purpose at the table, except for with Emily to Sam's annoyance.

This is a damn party Lady Sam he shouted and slurring his words,you need to unwind and live a little.Have some fun just look at all the beautiful women at our table,he was looking at Mon and literally salivating,Hey gorgeous how about a dance?

"Sam got up,I'm warning you Phil.Get out, nowww."

 Emily was just sitting there,secretly observing how far Sam was willing to go.

"Sam dammit, sit down!" Adena ordered,she was livid and had enough of Sam's antics who was obviously acting out of pure jealousy, unbeknownst to most people there.

People was trying to get Sam to relax as security was on their way but she wasn't having any of it and wanted to escort Phil out herself.


Sam just had to look at Mon to know what that meant,because words really weren't needed and she went back to sitting down.

Security came and escorted Phil out.

Adena wanted to punch Mon right there and Emily,well Emily was jealous but she wanted Mon more now than she ever did.

"DJ let's get this party started!someone shouted", it was Yuki who was already on her way to being fully hammered and the rest of the gang cheered her on.People moved to the dance floor and Phil's drunk moment was quickly forgotten.


Momets later Mon excused herself to go the restroom while Emily went to the bar to get drinks for them.

Inside Mon was busy looking at herself in the mirror,she was overwhelmed and wanted to let everything out,she wanted scream but this was not the place.

Just as Mon was turning around she felt a slap that left her cheek burning.

I don't care who or what you are to Sam you tramp! and I don't give a damn about your history, you just better stay away from her, you homewrecker,she belongs to me! do you understand me?she's mine! who the fuck do you even think you are you slut!coming between me and Sam!

Mon was shocked but not at the drama queen in front of her but at the person who came out of nowhere clapping her hands at Adena's maniacal performance and said person found it amusing for some reason.

Don't you know who's that standing in front of you? the voice asked Adena but kept her eyes on Mon the whole time.

Who the hell are you? and what the hell are you talking about? Adena wanted know, but the person just ignored her questions.

The person was standing there for a sec before she continued.

That right there is face that landed a thousand ships, Nita said with both admiration and regret evident in her voice.That's the face that Sam will start a war over ..

and that's the face that's going to end you.

So if i were you Adena, I would beg for mercy and then run.

"HoT"..Now it makes sense, Oh Sam..Mon thought.

 Adena had a murderous look on her face when realization hit for the second time.There was nothing sexy or degrading or silly about that term and that enraged her even more.

"Well I don't give a fuck who you are Mon !or you, she pointed at Nita but stay out of my way fucking way,or else you'll both regret it and she stomped out of the bathroom, literally walking a woman out of the way.

"Helen of Troy".. the defeated foe uttered in admiration and smiling at Mon.


Everybody was on the dance floor even Mon who decided that she had enough of this drama but as they were dancing the music all of a sudden came to a stop to the disappointment of everybody on the dance floor.

Okay everybody listen up I've got an important announcement to make,no make that two he added.

"And I bet it's not good Kade joked and the tipsy gang laughed,well Tee didn't drink."

We want to inform everybody that it's raining heavily outside,therefore it has been advised that all of you who are under the influence will make use of the Company transport,no person under the influence will be allowed to drive a vehicle and secondly, well you just have to find out for yourselves.

Emily cleared her throat..

"Petal,Emily said looking at Mon as she went on one knee, the crowd cheered."

"Would you make me the luckiest woman in the world and say Yes."

Mon was at lost for words.."do the right thing Mon came her inner voice..1 2 3"

"Yes"..Mon answered and Emily picked her up in her arms and kissed passionately her infront of the crowd and Sam,Adena could breath again but Sam felt her soul leave her body,

"Oh fuck no", "I think Fuzzy just lost the battle" Jim slurred.. 

The two couples will now come to the dance floor for a slow dance the DJ announced out of nowhere.

"Whoever hired this DJ is dead meat",a defeated Sam was saying to herself

The lights got dimmed and the mood was set when "When you love someone by Bryan Adam's " started to play.

The two couples was slowly moving on the floor,Emily was smiling,she played her cards well, close to her chest and won,Adena was busy making plans,she knew Sam was leaving after the dance to complete the deals,good thing she has brought a coat,she was going to give her a sexy surprise later and Sam wouldn't resist,not now.Mon knew Emily was over the legal alcohol limit and wouldn't be able to drive Sam's car. Sam who was dancing with Adena but was looking straight at Mon with those soft pleading doe eyes but Mon couldn't do anything,so she just rested her head on Emily's shoulder as she swallowed back the pain and tears.


The night reached it's climax,Sam left almost three hours ago,while everybody celebrated Mon and Sam's sudden engagement. Adena who was acting like a boss in Sam's absence came from the restroom and talked to staff or rather in her terms made them jump.The gang was drunk except for Tee who was the designated driver.Kade and Jim was the sad drunks crying over their "Fuzzy" who has lost the battle,Yuki and Kirk was carried out to the car by security, with orders from Sam of course.Mon tried to get the car keys from Emily who was in the mood to play games and before they all went their separate ways,Tee begged Mon to be careful and drive slowly because she was worried that the car was too fast and the road wet.

"Em stop playing, i need to get us home the weather is getting worse." 

"Fine" said a now heavely drunk Emily and kissed Mon on the cheek.

The floodgates of heaven has opened the way it was pouring outside,Mon was driving into heavy traffic even though it was 11pm on a stormy friday night.It felt like they got stuck at the red light with almost zero visibility.

Mon got so caught up in her thoughts that she couldn't here the sound of a truck's distressed  horn.

She looked to her left and it all happened so fast..


It was now almost past midnight when Adena left the venue after acting like a boss ordering the staff around.

"That felt good,maybe I should open my own Events Company,but that has got to wait because right now i have to focus all my attention on Sam and give her some tlc,she smirked because she was completely naked under that coat,i'll even let the destination wedding go and give her what she always wanted,we're getting married after the new year.It can't wait anymore."

Adena finally reached Sam's place and was let in by security without any hassle this time, because of the rainstorm.

"It should bloody rain more often she said out loud as she started to press the button that nobody seemed to hear, so she started pounding on the door because the rain was falling harder."

'"Fucking Adena,I'm not in the mood,why did they let you in" Sam cursed, she quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and got up to open the door.

Sam was staring at her in shock

"Surprise lover!"  Adena was standing there naked.

Sam's sad and shocked facial expressions immediately dissapeared to make way the most beautiful and radiant smile..

"Sweetheart" ..she whispered..

Mon returned her smile and fell into Sam's arms who was standing in her old office at Diversity,holding on to each other tightly.

                                                                **Meanwhile,back at the ranch**

Good evening Miss Adena the maid smiled but Lady Sam isn't home at the moment she got stuck at her...


Adena was just standing there shocked,naked and wet..because of the rain.

****To be continued..

Guys I'm sorry this took forever and again i'm so so sorry about the many grammar mistakes.I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

Thank you guys until next time.

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