The best things come in small...

By Debdon59

54.5K 3.2K 229

Jungkook is rich ,handsome and picky, only the best will do for him. Jimin came from a similar background but... More

Is he good enough?
Electric shocks
In your debt
Treading carefully
Be afraid of mad Jungkook
Sneaky minder
Satisfy me
Shyness overload
In the heat of the moment
Unburden you
Confused feelings
Lonely and lost
Anger inside
Forever thinking of you
the truth
Redeeming their name.
Not the right words
I like you
its not him its you
Scream my name
Who do you belong to
My love my life
Hidden Agenda
Epilogue of life

Self blame

1.6K 110 7
By Debdon59

Jimin went to his door rubbing his eyes looking adorably sleepy.
"Oh..Jungkook....I'm sorry I left work early,I'll make the time up...."
"I don't give a shit about that....., how are you feeling? Tae said you had a headache?"
"Er yer..., it's not as bad now...oh do you want to come in?"
Although he asked his tone was negative as if he didn't want the other there.
"Sure....,I bought some medicine and I expect you haven't eaten so I brought some food too."
"Jungkook you shouldn't , I'm not your responsibility,"
"I never said you were but as a friend surely I can be concerned?"
Jimin sighed and let the other in.
He turned the lights on wincing slightly at the brightness.
Jungkook handed him the bag of medicine, Jimin looked inside...,there was a lot.
"I didn't know if you were allergic to something so I got various types."
"Good job I'm not suicidal!" Jimin joked
"Don't say that! It's not funny..." Jungkook said angrily.
Jimin lowered his eyes feeling well and truly told off.
He put the medicine in a cupboard his back turned to the other as he bit his lip trying to quell the threatening tears.
"I'm sorry Jimin, I shouldn't have shouted."
"It's ok it was a stupid joke." Jimin whispered.
"Let me put this away..."
Jungkook went to the kitchen cupboards which as he suspected didn't have much in them.
"So I'll cook us something ok?"
Jimin felt disquiet.
"You aren't going out?"
"Nah and besides I need to talk to you about something,"
Jungkook set too in the kitchen, jimin watching. Before long lovely aromas filled the rooms .
Both sat down to eat ,Jimin pausing every now and then as it was quite filling.
"Why did you think I was going out?"
"Oh, er I thought you might be going out with your girlfriend..."
"My girlfriend ?"
"Well Tae thought you had someone as you kept going out and..., well I saw you both today in a cafe when I walked home..."
Jimin hurriedly got up to take his dishes to the sink only to find himself caged there by Jungkooks arms either side of him keeping him there.
"So were you jealous?"
Yes ! Jimin wanted to shout, instead he just shook his head .
"It's good you have someone...,I-I'm happy for you."
He was turned round rather forcibly.
"Look at me and say that to my face!"
Jimin couldn't do it, instead he pushed the other away and stepped towards the sofa.
"It's um getting late, what did you want to say?"
Jungkook felt a glimmer of joy at Jimins disquiet, he sat down on the sofa and patted the seat next to him.
Jimin came and sat right on the corner.
Jungkook smirked.
"I can stay over if you want?"
"No because ..."
"You don't want me cheating on my girlfriend huh?"
Jimin looked up at him then down and nodded then gulped as Jungkook leaned down capturing his lips in a leisurely way.
Jimin couldn't help responding he'd missed this, then shame filled him, he shouldn't be doing this, he pushed the other away.
"W-we can't it's not fair in your girlfriend,"
Jungkook sighed," I don't have a girlfriend,"
"But that woman?"
"Is a police officer..."
"Police...,is something wrong?"
"That's what I need to talk to you about, now listen..."
He explained everything, from Hobi's concerns to his friend in the police force to the woman leading an investigation.
Jimin was stunned,how had he missed all this and why hadn't his father asked him beforehand?
"I failed them, I'm their son and I failed them....."
"No Jimin you didn't , your father probably thought he was capable and if this was a reputable group he would have been ok but they fight dirty."
"But he did it for me, even though I told him I was doing well...,why!why did they have to die!!"
Jimin fell on the floor sobbing,Jungkook picked him up sat him on his lap and hugged him rocking him back and forth for comfort, letting the other ramble out his thoughts.
"I never questioned it after either....,I just went along with it, selling everything and desperate to clear their name...all this time and I was weak not defending them, I believed what was said..., I'm a bad son......"
"No Jimin, people believe the evidence in front of them, not to make light of it but you saw me with a woman and thought I had a girlfriend ...,see how easy it is to believe?"
Jimin just felt overwhelmed , his headache came crashing back making him feel nauseous, he gulped putting his hand over his mouth gagging, jumping up he ran to the toilet throwing up everything he'd eaten, whimpering at the pain pounding in his head.
Jungkook helped him up, cleaning his face and carrying him to his bed.
"Ok, I'll get some medicine and water,"
Jungkook fetched one and came back,
"Sit up, take these it should help your head and stop the nausea."
Jimin swallowed grimacing as the tablets went down. He flopped back on the bed feeling weak, he was aware of Jungkook removing his clothes and wiping him down with a cloth and putting pjs on him but he did nothing to help it was just too much.
Jungkook put Jimin into the bed seeing he was almost asleep. Debating with himself he then used the bathroom undressed to his boxers folding his clothes up and then climbed into the bed.
He curled Jimin to him and the smaller automatically hugged him in his sleep,Jungkook sighed, tomorrow he had to tell Jimin about the wire the police wanted him to wear if he was contacted, he didn't like the idea it seemed dangerous.
He lay for a while thinking of how this could be managed but tiredness overcame him and he drifted off.
Jimin was dreaming, he felt he was being chased he couldn't see who it was but they were gaining on him, suddenly Jungkook was there yelling at him to come to him as he did so a maniacal laughter sounded and a gunshot was heard, Jimin saw Jungkook a surprised look on his face hold his stomach where blood was running over his hand before he looked at Jimin sorrow in his eyes before slumping to the ground.
"Nooooo!!" Jimin screamed.
"Jimin,jimin wake up it's a nightmare! Jimin!"
Jimins eyes opened and he found he was sobbing, Jungkook was looking down at him.
"Hey baby it's a bad dream ok, just a dream...."
Jimin sobbed it had felt so real, he clung onto the other ,
"You died! You died you were trying to help me..., it felt so real!"
"I'm ok baby, look I'm alive and breathing it was just a bad dream ok, not real,I'm gonna get you another tablet it will help you sleep it's still early morning,"
"No,no just stay here I'll be ok if you just stay here...."
Jungkook hesitated then lay back pulling Jimin to him and patting his back, the soothing motion calmed Jimin down and lulled him back to sleep his small hands gripping Jungkooks waist and not letting go.
Jungkook was worried, if Jimin was like this now what would happen if he had to wear a wire?
He tried going back to sleep but his thoughts didn't allow it so he lay wide awake holding the other until it was time to get up.

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