Hearts Divided: A Mafia Love...

By gremlinsbookstash

2.5K 628 1.2K

Within the throbbing heart of New York, I find myself entangled between Cain Maverick, the formidable gang le... More

Author's Note
Meet the characters
Chapter 1 - Scarlett
Chapter 2 - Scarlett
Chapter 3 - Blaze
Chapter 5 - Cain
Chapter 6 - Scarlett
Chapter 7 - Cain
Chapter 8 - Blaze
Chapter 9 - Scarlett
Chapter 10 - Cain
Chapter 11 - Scarlett
Chapter 12 - Cain
Chapter 13 - Scarlett
Chapter 14 - Cain
Chapter 15 - Scarlett
Chapter 16 - Blaze
Chapter 17 - Cain
Chapter 18 - Scarlett
Chapter 19 - Scarlett
Chapter 20 - Scarlett
Chapter 21 - Blaze
Chapter 22 - Cain
Chapter 23 - Blaze
Chapter 24 - Scarlett
Chapter 25 - Cain
Chapter 26 - Scarlett
Chapter 27 - Cain
Chapter 28 - Scarlett
Chapter 29 - Scarlett
Chapter 30 - Scarlett
Chapter 31 - Blaze
Chapter 32 - Cain
Chapter 33 - Cain
Chapter 34 - Scarlett
Chapter 35 - Scarlett
Chapter 36 - Scarlett

Chapter 4 - Scarlett

132 44 94
By gremlinsbookstash

Feeling exhausted, I let out a deep sigh as I reached over and shut off the blaring alarm, signaling the beginning of another work week. The weight of the day settled on my shoulders as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and slowly got out of bed. I knew it was going to be a challenging day at the office with non-stop meetings and pressing deadlines.

I struggled to get myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to begin my morning routine. My basic tasks were completed with ease, but I paused in front of my closet, considering which outfit would be suitable for the day ahead.

After much contemplation, I decided on a navy suit to project confidence and competence. Though Mondays were not my favorite, I took a moment to inhale deeply and reaffirm my skills and capabilities. I was ready to face any challenges that may arise with ease.

No matter how many times I searched, the cards were nowhere to be found. With frustration building, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and tried to boost my dwindling confidence.

As I inhaled deeply, I couldn't help but think about the constant surveillance at my workplace.

My office was conveniently situated right next to my boss's, with only a transparent glass barrier between us. This allowed Inferno Knight to easily observe and track my every action without any hindrance.

As the realization dawned on me, my anxiety lessened. I had no reason to worry; I was completely innocent. Throughout my time there, I had always been diligent and error-free. Despite this unexpected turn of events, I had faith that my boss would take into account my flawless history.

My trusted bag hung casually off my shoulder as I descended the stairs. Without meaning to, I found myself glancing into my sister's room, immediately noticing the haphazardly scattered clothes on the ground and the lingering scent of familiar cologne from days prior.

A feeling of betrayal flooded through me as I processed the realization that she had kept her relationship with this man a secret from me. However, I did not have the luxury to dwell on it. Instead, I headed to the kitchen eagerly, anticipating the burst of energy that caffeine always provided. As my coffee machine whirred, I quickly glanced at my list of tasks for the day, mentally preparing myself for any challenges that may arise. After scribbling down some notes in my journal, I returned it to my bag before adding a hint of sweetener to my coffee. Despite taking pride in my ability to make Starbucks-level coffee, nothing could beat the delicious drinks crafted by my favorite barista.

In the early days of my employment, I discovered a delightful coffee shop that quickly became my favorite place to take breaks. Luckily, it was situated near my workplace, so I didn't have to waste time commuting back and forth.

I climbed into my car and began driving, unable to shake thoughts of the alluring cafe owner from my mind. He certainly caught my eye, but I couldn't act on any feelings because he was already in a committed relationship.

I didn't want to disrupt their happiness.

----- ♡ -----

Despite my pounding heart and nervousness, work went by uneventfully. My boss had a meeting with me to review the videos from the previous week. The footage clearly indicated that I was the last one to handle the cards, but it also showed me returning them to his desk before moving on with my tasks.

Even with relentless efforts, the perpetrator remained elusive. Inferno Knight made the decision to keep the incident concealed from other employees, in case the thief was someone within the company.

Effortlessly, I breezed through the morning, diligently completing my paperwork. The hours seemed to pass in a blur, and before I knew it, it was already lunchtime. I was astonished by how much I had managed to accomplish. Without pausing, I saved my work and powered off my computer. I gathered my necessities and headed out to Cain's cafe without delay.

I tried to remain composed, but the buzz of excitement in my chest gave away my true emotions as I made my way towards his establishment.

Located at the intersection of a moderately bustling street, the cozy cafe emitted a warm glow, beckoning curious souls to step inside and experience its welcoming ambiance. The alluring fragrance of freshly brewed coffee and freshly baked pastries permeated the air, tempting anyone who passed by with the promise of comfort and indulgence. Inside, the decor consisted of charmingly rustic wooden tables and chairs adorned with plush cushions, along with vintage elements that enhanced its charm. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with an array of genres for customers to peruse and delight in.

Cain and Kristopher, the two bartenders, welcomed every customer with genuine grins and expertly mixed drinks. This café was a haven where time seemed to stretch out and people could take pleasure in the simple things.

It was a haven for anyone in need of a brief escape from the hectic outside world.

Walking into the café, I was immediately struck by Cain's infectious smile. Despite my own shortcomings, I couldn't help but admire his seemingly effortless charm and warmth. In the short time we spent together, it was clear that he had mastered the art of emotional control.

The café was quiet and not too crowded at this hour, allowing for a leisurely conversation with both of them. Over time, I had become good friends with Cain and even established a cordial relationship with Kristopher, despite his persistent insinuations about a potential romantic connection between me and his boss, which has yet to materialize.

I swiftly sat down on a high stool and requested a hot caramel coffee and a simple croissant. Perhaps it would have been smarter to order something more substantial, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to watch Cain in action; it was one of my guilty pleasures, even if it revealed my infatuation with him. He never said anything about it, but I couldn't help blushing whenever he caught me staring at him. The surge of exhilaration that coursed through me each time he acknowledged my admiration for him was indisputable.

Watching him create his drinks with such smooth, fluid motions always left me in awe. It was hard to believe that he was just a barista, as his grace and precision resembled that of a musician, possibly a pianist.

Aside from his charming personality, there was something else about Cain that drew me in and intensified my attraction towards him. It was the air of confidence he exuded and the way he presented himself through his fashion choices. He possessed a natural grace and looked effortlessly put-together at all times. Today, he sported a crisp white dress shirt that perfectly complemented his style, and his slim-fitting pants showcased his physique. I could only imagine how polished his black leather shoes appeared under the warm ambiance of the cafe, even though they were hidden from my view by the counter between us.

His hair was neatly groomed and slicked back, a subtle hint of cologne lingering around him. His confident gait and composed attitude were in perfect harmony with his polished appearance, making him stand out among any group.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from him as he made my coffee, completely captivated by his every move. I could never resist admiring the way his muscles moved under his shirt. Sometimes, I even caught myself getting lost in my thoughts and losing focus on everything else. A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips before I directed my attention to Kristopher, who was all too familiar with my lingering glances. He always found it amusing when he caught me staring, a common occurrence that I didn't particularly like admitting to.

Kristopher was a kind man, with a charming appearance to match. His flowing hair was usually tied back in a neat braid, though I could sense he longed to let it loose if Cain didn't disapprove. Despite his rough exterior, his joyful attitude and boundless energy never failed to bring a smile to my face. Occasionally, Cain would become frustrated by his constant cheerfulness, but I found him to be a true pleasure to have around.

Although I never told them, they both shared an uncanny resemblance with members of a notorious gang in my former town. I used to work as a journalist in Los Angeles before moving to New York. While I loved my job, the toxic environment took a toll on my mental well-being, which was already suffering due to personal problems. Ultimately, leaving that job was a difficult but necessary decision – one that I will always stand by.

A few months prior to leaving my last job, I was given a task that I was not thrilled about. It involved reporting on a topic that made me uncomfortable - two members of a notorious gang openly resolved their conflict without worrying about the potential repercussions.

The problem was supposedly resolved quickly, according to the authorities.

The reality of the situation was far from the initial reports. Though law enforcement did intervene and apprehend a few suspects, there were numerous unknowns and inconsistencies in the information provided. Certain details didn't quite add up or may have been embellished.

Of course, there were numerous discussions and arguments surrounding the incident, especially concerning the lack of involvement from any authorized superheroes. But there were also people who noted the LAPD's reluctance to take action on the matter.

As news stations rushed to cover the incident, rumors began to circulate that one of the captured individuals was the leader of the illegal group. Yet, there was no concrete evidence to support these claims.

The media was clearly sensationalizing the story to gain more viewership. I could tell because my former colleagues had also fallen prey to these tactics, and as a result, so had I.

I made a conscious effort to maintain objectivity and fairness in my reporting, as is expected of any professional in this field.

As I combed through the vast amount of information on this particular person, I discovered a few images. While they were slightly fuzzy, you could still recognize certain defining characteristics. Every time Cain crossed my mind, I couldn't help but envision this man who bore many resemblances to him, apart from his curly hair and lengthy beard.

Though not entirely impossible, it seemed highly improbable that he would change his appearance and end up in the same town as me. Yet, I couldn't help but contemplate the potential outcome if I were to find out my favorite bartender was secretly a criminal.

For a few months, the widely talked about event remained in the spotlight, dominating the front pages of every newspaper and news channel. However, despite heavy media coverage, no fresh information came to light. Some speculated that the whole incident was staged to demonstrate the police force's capabilities. In truth, the police were under intense scrutiny as superheroes encroached on their responsibilities. Despite their tireless efforts, they struggled to prove their value, and people were beginning to notice.

The general consensus was that the police force was plagued with corruption and that superheroes were the only answer. My personal encounters, however, proved this belief to be only partially true - and it wasn't just a one-time incident.

Although it was common knowledge that certain law enforcement officials were receiving bribes from criminal organizations, could they truly be blamed for trying to make more money? Considering their meager salaries and the ever-rising cost of living, it's no surprise that they struggle to provide for their families and fulfill their basic needs.

Yet, not all superheroes were truly righteous. Some were just as corrupt as the police they were supposed to replace, while others merely pretended to be brave but would flee at the first sign of danger.

Kristopher set a croissant down before me and winked mischievously. "You appear to be lost in your own world today," he observed, grinning widely.

I couldn't rid myself of the nagging suspicion that he knew about my crush on Cain. From the start, he would make playful comments about it, but I initially dismissed them as harmless teasing. Despite not being as skilled at making coffee as Cain, Kristopher still impressed me with his brewing abilities, despite the constant critiques from Cain.

I mirrored his smile and was about to respond, but my phone on the countertop began vibrating, cutting me off.

My eyes quickly scanned the screen, catching the words of my sister's brief message:

I won't be returning home tonight. Please don't stay up for me.

I carefully read over the message for a few moments before urgently typing out a reply. But just as quickly, I erased everything and locked my phone.

Betrayal and unjust treatment consumed me. I had always made it a point to express my gratitude for her kindness. The guilt of knowing she had given up her own dreams and aspirations to care for me during my darkest moments of depression and suicidal thoughts was overwhelming.

Since I've been on the path to recovery and leading a relatively normal life, I've been more than eager to fulfill all of her desires.

I have showered her with lavish getaways, extravagant presents, and an endless supply of affection. Therefore, when I noticed her secretive actions and hesitancy to confide in me, I was completely caught off guard.

While I recognized her right to live her own life, I couldn't shake the promise we made as children to always support each other, no matter what challenges came our way.

I wasted no time in placing my phone on the table, right next to my wallet, as soon as Cain handed me the cup of coffee.

A small smirk played across Kristopher's face as I finally found the words to answer his question.

"It was a rough day," I said, shrugging off any further explanation.

Mid-conversation with Kristopher, Cain's question broke my concentration and drew my attention away from him.

"When are you going to quit coffee?" he asked, suggesting that I should try some of his teas that he knew I would enjoy.

Cain was always concerned about the amount of caffeine I consumed, especially when I would combine excessive amounts of coffee with a can of Monster Energy Drink to create the ultimate beverage.

His advice was always a welcomed gift, especially on days when I couldn't shake off my restlessness or the effects of too much caffeine.

My response to this question has remained consistent for the past three years: "Maybe next time."

My hand automatically moved towards the coffee cup, adorned with the shop's recognizable logo. As I reached for it, my fingers grazed against Cain's, causing a subtle and electric sensation to course through me. I managed to steady the cup before it could spill, but if it hadn't been resting on the table, I may have fumbled and dropped it. My eyes quickly flicked up to meet Cain's face, but as always, he showed no reaction to our near interlocked fingers. The contrast between his cold touch and my warm one only heightened the intense attraction between us.

I couldn't help but study his face, as I often did, admiring the confident and captivating aura he exuded. He was undeniably more handsome than any man I had ever laid eyes on. The urge to kiss his cheek or trace my fingers along his chiseled jawline overwhelmed me, but I fought against it and withdrew my hand. I remembered that he had a girlfriend and how devastated I would be if someone crossed boundaries with my own significant other.

Kristopher tried to hold back his laughter while assisting another customer, causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance. Meanwhile, Cain went back to his regular duty of brewing coffee.

I silently indulged in the buttery croissant, breathing in the delicious aroma of the coffee and appreciating the atmosphere surrounding me. I was impressed by the commitment of the two people before me; it was evident not just in their long working hours, but also in their unyielding enthusiasm for their chosen field.

At first glance, it seemed like their love for coffee was the motivation behind this place. Yet, the luxury cars parked outside spoke a different story. Whenever I stopped by, I couldn't resist admiring the red Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat and the green BMW M4 Competition. They were both eye-catching rides. Though I couldn't be certain which one belonged to Cain, my guess was the Hellcat due to its fierce appearance, which mirrored his own.

As I finished the last sip of my coffee and prepared to head back to work, a sudden warmth on my lower back startled me. No one was supposed to be touching me at the moment, so this caught me completely off guard. But what shocked me even more were the shocked expressions on Cain and Kristopher's faces as they stared at me.

I shifted my gaze to see the source of such strong responses. The view that met me made my heart race and a shiver run down my back.

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