The Traveller

By Firehedgehog

37.7K 2.9K 874

The Multiverse died. It shook. It wailed. Everything died lost to the endless void. Two survived changed, now... More

Prologue: We Watched it Die
Chapter One: White Error's
Chapter Two: Meetings and Libraries
Chapter Three: Dream a Potter
Chapter Four: Here be Dragons
Chapter Five: Fated
Chapter Six: In The Dark
Interlude: Its the end as you know it
Chapter Seven: Cycle of a curse
Chapter Eight: Blotchless
Chapter Nine: You are Error... no not you
Chapter Ten: Blotchless Return
Chapter Eleven: Eat me Break me Take My soul
Chapter Twelve: Who would care
Chapter Thirteen: Return of Dragons
Chapter Fourteen: Bug
Chapter Fifteen: Finality
Chapter Sixteen: A matter of falling Part One
Chapter Sixteen: A matter of falling Part Two
Chapter Seventeen: A Child among Monsters
Chapter Eighteen: Bittersweet
Chapter Nineteen: Mangled Dustberry
Chapter Twenty: A Fox In Strings Part 1
Chapter Twenty: A Fox In Strings Part 2
Chapter twenty-One: Those that Return
Chapter twenty-two: Trollish Visits
Chapter Twenty-Three: Return to Eat me Break me Take My soul
Chapter Twenty-Four: Traveller's fall
Chapter Twenty-Five: The End's Destroyer
Interlude: Fragments
Chapter Twenty-Six: A Puppet the Mask hides
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Insurgence
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Oh little Dragon child
Interlude: Multiverse Forgotten
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Keep Doctor's away
Chapter Thirty: Memoir
Chapter Thirty-One: A bit of help
Chapter Thirty-Two: More then One type of Traveller
Chapter Thirty-Three: Awakening
Chapter Thirty-Four: Up to Karma
Interlude: Maybe time for a break...
Chapter Thirty-Five: Karma
Interlude: More Fragments
Chapter Thirty-Six: Stories Lost
What if: Lets never ever talk about this EVER!
Chapter Thirty-eight: A Soul Indeed
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Breath of Choice
Chapter Forty: Titan
Interlude: Storm
Chapter Forty-One: to Heal
Chapter Forty-two: Memories of Yesterday Part One
Chapter Forty-Two: Memories of Yesterday Part Two
Interlude: Spite
Chapter Forty-Three: Scenic Banter
Chapter Forty-Four: Purrr
Chapter Forty Five: Not Done Playing part one
Chapter Forty Five: Not Done Playing Part Two
Chapter Forty Five: Not Done Playing Part Three
Chapter Forty-Six: A Matter Of Fate
Chapter 47: Recovery
Chapter 48: Star to See you
Bonus Special: Scenes that never Happened and never will happen
Chapter 49: Training montage... wait where did it go?!
Chapter 50: Under One Sky

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lets never ever talk about this EVER!

164 18 17
By Firehedgehog

Not a chappy for everyone, and Traveller finds himself in a  very uncomfortable time and the urge to murder a friend.

"You... want me to what?" Traveller said looking away from the map he had been studying.

"Just.. an itty bitty favour," Retconned said sheepishly.

"The last time you asked that, I ended up raising Error, Geno and Fresh when there mother died," Traveller pointed out.

"Its not that bad an issue...maybe," Retconned said with a cough.

Travellers gaze was hard.

"Come on, I'll show you," Retconned said grabbing his hand, and dragging him to another multiverse.

"Well?" he asked pushing his shades down to show his very unimpressed eyes.

"There," Retconned said pointing.

"Its a passed out Sans," he dryly responded.

"That's the local Nightmare, I need you to be him," Retconned told him.

"Woah woah.. slow down, what do you mean be him?" Traveller said backing up "I'm not that good with shape shifting..."

"I want you to consume him and take him place."

"What the Funk..." Traveller said.

"UNRAD!" a passing Fresh cried before poofing.

"You have two seconds before I figure out a way to kill you and rip your essence from existence," Traveller said angrily eye lights going red.

"Time out time out, wrong word!" Retconned shrieked.

"Explain!" he ground out between clenched teeth.

"That Nightmare was cursed, there is no cure. He can't die, he can't live and there is a fake going around pretending to be a corrupted him. The only way to save him is to have someone briefly merge with him, to break the curse... and your the only one I know that has the skills to do so," Retconned said wringing his hands.

"You realize my being and essence may overwrite his existence if I do this Retconned, why is this so important," Traveller asked.

"I know, but... he was very kind to the local Goth. Raised them when the local Geno and Reaper abandoned them, Goth... died trying to save Nightmare... Reaper actually killed Goth and dragged Nightmare here," he said tearfully.

"I.. can't promise anything Retconned, if I can't do anything else I can..." he trailed off "I can send him on."

"Thank you," Retconned said vanishing.

Traveller walked over to the downed Nightmare, he really didn't like this..

He had things to look forward to now a days, what if Karma needed him during this time or Oneiro funked up even though he spoke to him on that quick visit.

"Ouch.. that is nasty," he said sitting down next to Nightmare, it was a nasty curse he'd wish on no one and was definitely done by the local Reaper.

One of those corrupted Reaper timelines, which explained why Geno jumped ship also.

"Look like one death god cursed you, and another will try to save you," He sighed, as this ability came from his Goth side. Death sometimes had to posses people to catch wary souls that escaped, it didn't kill the host but could find themselves becoming one with Death.

Lets.. hope that didn't happen.

Then he vanished.

Nightmare woke with a gasp, eye lights rainbow briefly before settling.

"Stars.. it worked," Traveller said sitting up gingerly, the body awkward and adult stiff from there curse.

He could still feel Nightmare, mind deep asleep.
That was good, lets keep themselves separate.

He started to get up and froze, a panickd hand reached down.

Traveller swore.

There was good reason, Retconned hadn't told him Nightmare was heavily pregnant.

Nightmare was at least sixth months along in an ecto pregnancy, he had to get Nightmares mind to wake up asap so he could jump ship as he was not staying adult and giving birth.

The baby now unfrozen due to the curse, kicked.

He whimpered.


Three hours later he was freshly cleaned and dressed, relaxing in a hotel in a lesser known AU without resets.

"This is not good... never going to do Retconned a favor ever again," he said rubbing his skull, he was laying down as walking around was making the bonelette more active.

He had carefully dug through Nightmares memories, this Nightmare had been kidnapped from his AU and badly hurt by his kidnapper. He was dropped in swaptale close to dusting, Blue saved him and he was amnesic.

This was like a bad Soap.

They fell in love married, and found baby Goth who they adopted.

Then years later Reaper found out his child survived after he tried to kill him as a bonelette, and murdered Goth. Nightmare tried to stop him but was heavy with child, and was cursed. Blue had no idea what happened, only that mate and child was missing and a fake corrupted Nightmare appeared.

Parts of it he had to check the codes to find out more.

"Right... I can do this..." Traveller said, he had dressed this body in a pair of jean overalls, and a purple sweater as the old ones were rags and purple socks. He had no idea what happened to Nightmares circlet, but likely the fake had it.

He was tired, he might be powerful but controlling a very pregnant body was exhausting.

Soon he was asleep.


"I wonder how many I'm carrying, I'm so big," Nightmare said placing a hand on his stomach.

"Either way your perfect, there perfect," Blue said kissing him.

"I hope our children get to meet my side of our family one day," Nightmare softly responded.

"Whoever they are, they have to be great if there related to you Nighty," Blue laughed.

Traveller woke with a start, blushing from Nightmares memory.

He was so killing Retconned for this.

Or at least prank him to hell.


It took about a month for Nightmares body to recover enough, but not enough to wake Nightmare from his deep sleep.

Traveller pulled the hood of his robe over his skull, thankfully his normal robe was made from magic so he could easily size adjust it. He grunted at a rather fierce kick, the bonelette was rather active today but he'd finally managed to a portal to the AU Blue and Nightmare had settled.

"Nightmare..." a fragile broken voice said, Traveller winced.

"It is you... oh my stars, where is Gothy.. why are you still pregnant you should have given birth months ago!" Blue cried frantically.

"I'm sorry..." Traveller said quietly, Blues face fell.

"Your not my Nightmare... but... why are you in his body..." Blue whispered tearfully, realizing right away what was going on.

"This, should take place a private spot," he responded.

"Yes.. probably a good idea."


"So he's still alive, just asleep.." Blue said relieved.

"I really need him to wake up, this isn't my body nor do I want to give birth," he said making a face.

"Do that again, that looked so funny on my mates face," Blue said with a tired laugh.

"Ha ha, either way call me Traveller," Traveller told him.

"Thank you for bring Nightmare home," Blue said quietly.

"I'm sorry i couldn't bring your son home," he whispered.

"It hurts.. but I think my soul knew months ago..." Blue said quietly.

"We'll figure this out, Nightmare definitely loves his children we just have to make him wake up," Traveller chirped.

"hey come closer, I want to try something," Blue said.

"Sure," he said leaning closer.

His eyes widened as Blue kissed him, or rather the body.


Traveller fled the body as Nightmare woke with a vengeance to his mate.

"That was disgusting," Traveller said spitting into the sink, feeling ill but at least he was no longer in that body.

"Your a child!" Blue shrieked in shock, looking totally freaked out.

"lets never do this again!" Traveller said fleeing that multiverse.

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