Infinite Soulmates

Por Italiansyren

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The year is 1990, and 20 year old Michelle is about to be face to face with her boyfriend who is coming to Am... Más

The Meeting
Lunch with Pelle
The First Night
The Next Morning
You're in Trouble
Happy Halloween
It's All Happening
Mayhem in America
Mayhem in my Home
A Very Mahem Day Trip
The Black Sheep
Thanksgiving with Mayhem
Goodbye Boys
Christmas Shopping
Pelle Meets the Family
The Past
Black Metal Baking
New Year's Eve
Pelle's Birthday
Flight 7691; Now Boarding for Oslo at Gate 22
Back Home in Ski
Scheming with Jorn
Tonight, You Belong to Me
A Day of Sightseeing in Oslo
Embrace the Darkness
Unleashing the Darkness

Welcome to Norway

310 8 1
Por Italiansyren

It had been an extremely long flight when the flight attendant came on the PA system saying that we are starting to make the decent to land and that everyone and their trays need to be in their full and upright positions. Everyone onboard began to wake up and shuffle their belongings placing them under the seat in front of them and made sure that their seats were upright. You looked out the window and thought how close you were to Pelle right now, you were even more excited as soon as you saw land. You knew that he was home either still sleeping or just waking up. That thought made you smile from ear to ear because you know what he looks like when he first wakes up, his grouchy little face with his eyes barely opened and his long, beautiful blonde hair all messy and hanging in his face. He was just beautiful no matter which way you sliced it.

Your heart began pounding with excitement the closer your window became with the ground. Once you touched down your heart was singing. You were officially the furthest away from home than you've ever been before. You now knew how Pelle felt when he landed in America. Everyone started filing off the plane, so you grabbed your things and Toby's leash and had Toby get out ahead of you. As the passengers in front of you started to walk so did Toby. These next few steps to get off of the aircraft were KILLING you. It was time you and Toby got off of the plane, finally!! Once you were on the jetway you and Toby began to run for the airport and then you saw Jorn standing there waiting for you. He met you halfway and gave you a big, tight hug and then squat down to give Toby some love.
    "Welcome to Norway!"
    "Oh, thank you." You said smiling.
    "Are you hungry?"
    "I know a great place where we can grab breakfast."
    "Sounds good! Let's go get my luggage and get out of here."
Jorn chuckled and replied,
    "Ok sounds good."
He took Toby's leash from your hand and walked him through the airport. You walked over to the baggage carousel and waited patiently for your purple suitcase to show up. After ten minutes of waiting you saw it. You grabbed the handle as it came by,
    "Ok Jorn, I am ready to see Norway!"
    "Ok, let's go then."
He was still walking Toby as you were pulling your luggage behind you. You followed him as he walked over to his truck. He looked at you and asked,
    Do you want Toby in the cab in the front with us or in the bed of the truck?"
    "Put him in the bed, let him sniff in the new air!"
Jorn got Toby into the back of the truck and removed his leash from his collar and handed it to you in the cab once he was in.
He started the ignition and you guys pulled away from the airport. It was a dark and gloomy day but it was still beautiful. As Jorn was driving you to breakfast, he said,
    "Listen, you're not going to have to hang with me as long as you thought you were today. Oystein wants to do an earlier rehearsal once he found out I was off of work today. So you and Pelle are going to be reunited sooner than you thought."
You must've had quite the look of excitement on your face because he looked at you and began to laugh. You looked at him with your mouth still dropped and said,
    "Seriously, that was the perfect news to give me after that flight."
You touched the side of his arm and then sat forward in awe of your amazing luck.
    "Oystein and Pelle have no clue that you're here."
    "They're gonna be shocked to shit huh?!?"
    "Especially Pelle." He said smiling.
    "Well, it wouldn't have been all that bad hanging out with you all day today. I get along with you."
He smiled and put his eyes back on the road. He pulled into this cute little diner and you both put Toby in the cab and left the windows cracked for him. The two of you walked into the restaurant and were immediately seated. As he sat across from you, you asked him,
    "So what time did he move the rehearsal time to?"
    "Noon." He said staring at you, and started laughing again at your reaction. "I figured that after breakfast, I'll take you to my place and you can freshen up from your trip. You know, shower and then do the girly shapeshifting thing you do."
You laughed and the waitress came over to take our drink order. After she left, Jorn looked at you and said,
    "He is just absolutely gonna shit when he sees you!" He said laughing.
    "I hope so!"
    "He has no idea how close he is to you right at this moment."
You leaned forward and said,
    "I knoooow! I hated lying to him and telling him I was going to NY. Do you think he's gonna be mad?"
    "I highly doubt that very much."
You sat across from him and smiled. It was nine AM and you had three hours before you see him. You were excited beyond belief.
    "So I was thinking about getting there early so that you can go into the henhouse and surprise him when he gets there."
"Two and a half hours." You thought after Jorn told you that. Once the waitress brought your drinks over she asked if you were ready to order and you both ordered. She took the menus with her and went over to the window to put your order in.
You and Jorn were sitting by a window and you both could see Toby in the truck with his nose out of the window sniffing at everything and everyone that went by. The two of you laughed and you asked,
    "So how are the rehearsals going?"
He sat up straight and said,
    "Really well actually. Everyone sounds really great and we are tight as hell."
    "Are you guys gonna be ready for the gig?"
    "For sure." He said as the waitress come over and put the food on the table in front of you and Jorn.
    "That's awesome." You said looking over your breakfast, grabbing your napkin and putting it on your lap. Jorn had already started eating and swallowed and said,
    "You'll be able to see for yourself today when you're at practice."
Your eyes got wide again as you were chewing and you quickly swallowed and said,
    "That's right! I'll be seeing you guys rehearse today.. just another thing for me to look forward to."
The two of you had a great breakfast with great conversation. Jorn is hilarious and tells some really good jokes. He had you laughing so hard over breakfast that you were drawing attention to your table. Especially after he told a joke and you laughed and orange juice came out of your nose.
After breakfast you tried to pick up the tab when the check came, but Jorn was not having it.   
    "It's MY treat!" He said winning the battle over the ticket. He looked at it and reached for his wallet in the back of his jeans and paid the bill. He looked at you and said,
    "Are you ready?"
    "Sure am."
You grabbed the sausages that you had left on your plate, put them in a napkin and brought them out for Toby. The flight was hard on him and you wanted to reward him for being such a good boy on a thirteen hour flight. You handed Jorn the napkin and asked,
    "Do you want to feed these to him?"
    "Yeah." He said taking the sausage filled napkin out of your hand. He walked over to the truck and opened the passenger side door for you and then fed Toby the contents of the napkin. Toby was so happy that he licked Jorn's face clean. The two of you got in his truck and headed for his place.

    Once you were there, Jorn showed you where everything was and gave you some fresh towels for the shower. You turned on the water and regulated it to your liking. You opened the bathroom door and asked if he wouldn't mind keeping Toby company.
    "I got him, don't worry."
You hopped in the shower and you swore that it was the best shower you had taken in your life. The hot water beating down on your sore muscles felt amazing. Once you were done in the shower, you wrapped a towel around yourself and opened the door and walked out into the living room where Jorn was watching television on the couch with Toby right next to him. When he saw you half naked he sat up and looked the other way. You laughed and said,
    "Jorn, I'm wearing a towel, you can look at me."
He looked into your eyes and you asked,
    "Where is my suitcase?"
    "'s in my room, you can get ready in there."
    "No problem."
You looked at the time on his clock that he had in his living room. You had an hour to get out of there and head over to the Henhouse. Now, you were more excited than ever...soon you would be in Pelle's arms. You opened your suitcase and Jorn yelled from the living room,
    "Don't wear anything too nice, the Henhouse is a shithole."
    "Ok!" you yelled back at him.
You opened up your suitcase and started to rummage for a pair of ripped jeans and a shirt to wear. Once you found what you were looking for, you got dressed and made sure you put on a pair of matching panties to go with your black bra. You then took out your make up and laid a towel down on Jorn's bed and sat facing the window and began to put your makeup on. Once you were done, you pulled out your hair dryer and dried your hair, leaving it down and lightly sprayed hair spray in it. Pelle loved your hair down, he said you looked metal because your hair was very dark brown almost black and it was one length all the way down to your butt. Jorn came in and said,
    "Beautiful as always."
You smiled at him as you grabbed your black and white Converse, sat on the edge of his bed and put them on.
    "He's gonna flip when he sees you." Jorn said. "Are you ready?"
You and Jorn walked into his living room and he turned off the television and both of you started making your way towards the door, Toby followed you and Jorn closed and locked the door. As you made your way down the stairs you asked him.
    "Do you think that he'll be mad that I didn't tell him I was coming?"
    "He's going to be a lot of things but mad is it not going to be one of them."
You all got in the truck and he started to head over to the Henhouse.

As you pulled up onto the rehearsal space, you noticed it was in an old run down chicken coop building. It looked like it was really old. The grass in the front was unkept and overgrown. You also noticed that there were woods on either side of the building. You all got out of the truck and you asked Jorn if there was any place for Toby to relieve himself.
    "Pretty much anywhere not in the main walkway."
You took Toby over towards the beginning of the woods and let him run in a little bit and then once he found a tree he liked, he made it his. He came running back to you and as you walked back you saw the door to the Henhouse was open, Jorn must've gone inside. As you were walking up to the derelict building you heard him inside playing bass. You walked through the door and he looked at you and said,
    "Oops, sorry, let me clear a place for you to sit."
He threw notepads and magazines onto a little table that was in there. You sat down and Toby sat beside you.
About fifteen minutes later you heard someone pulling in, in the front of the rehearsal space. Jorn looked at you and said smiling and raising his eyebrows,
    "They're here!"
You started to panic.
You heard two car doors slam and Jorn ran out. Toby wanted to follow Jorn but you held him back by his collar.
    "What are you doing here so early?" Oystein asked.
    "Rehearsing. What do you think I'm doing?"
Jorn was keeping them outside and then you got a bright idea. You walked with Toby over to the door, peeped out the doorway and saw Pelle standing there with his arms folded while Jorn and Oystein were talking and let him go. He barked and you heard a familiar voice say,
    "Holy shit!  That dog looks just like.."
You peeped your head out again and saw Pelle walking over to Toby.  He jumped up on Pelle putting his front paws on Pelle's shoulders.  He then looked at the collar and saw that it was in fact Toby and then he started looking around confused. Turning in circles until he finally spotted you as you walked out of the Henhouse. He had a huge smile on his face as he ran top speed to where you were, picked you up and hugged you so tight that you actually lost your breath for a minute. He buried his face into your neck and breathed you in, smelling your hair.  He pulled his face away and looked at you with a full tooth grin. He was just staring in disbelief with tear filled eyes and said,
    "You were my trip to NY. I had to think of something, I missed you so much that I couldn't take it anymore. I booked a flight and here I am...with Toby!" You said laughing as a tear rolled down your cheek.
He kept smiling at you in disbelief then bent down and put his hands on both sides of your face and held your head while he kissed you with more passion than he did when you picked him up from the airport in Colorado back in October. He pulled away, wiped your tears with his thumb and asked,
    "Where are you staying?"
    "I was hoping that I would be able to stay with you and Oystein."
    "Yes, of course!"
The two of you started walking over to Oystein and Jorn with your arms around each other and Pelle looked at Oystein and said,
    "We've got company!"
"Yeah, I can see that." He said as he pet Toby.
He walked over to you and Pelle and he gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said,   
    "Welcome to Norway!"
You all talked outside for ten more minutes and then Jan pulled in and smiled when he saw you. He began walking up and said,
    "Hey you!" He said coming over to you with his arms extended out coming in for a hug. He also pet Toby, who everyone was also happy to see.
    "Well, let's get in there and rehearse." Oystein said.
Pelle squeezed your hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss it. You put your hand on the side of his face and tilted your head to adore him. As the others went inside, you and Pelle stayed outside for a minute. He walked closer to you and put his thumbs in your belt loopholes and then slid his hand onto your ass and said,
    "Now that they're gone, I can kiss you properly."
    "Please do!"
He bent down and kissed you passionately while grabbing and rubbing your butt. You threw your arms around his neck and fell into his deep kiss. A few minutes later he pulled away and held your arms out to their side and said,
    "You look amazing!"
    "So do you babe! Your kiss was amazing too! I missed it." You said puckering up for another peck. Pelle leaned in and kissed you softly and then said,
    "I can't believe that you are actually HERE! I never in a million years have thought this is how my day was gonna go...but I'm happy it did!  BEST DAY EVER!!!"
He couldn't stop smiling and neither could you. Oystein appeared in the doorway of the Henhouse and said,
    ""Pelle, are we starting anytime today or..."
    "Yeah, sorry, we're coming."
He took your hand and you both walked through the doors together. You called for Toby and he followed you in,  you kissed Pelle one more time and took your seat. He picked up his mic and they broke into Freezing Moon.

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