Haikyuu x Y/n oneshots

بواسطة ily-yams

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Haikyuu characters x yn oneshots Swearing sometimes Female Y/n More information in the intro Enjoy المزيد

yachi hitoka : cute
kosume kenma : frequent customer
tendou satori : sleepover?
kunimi akira : walk me home
yamaguchi tadashi : locked up
oikawa toru : good enough
sakusa kiyoomi : finally
semi eita : something changed
author's note
akagi michinari : hurt
shirabu kenjiro : never again - pt 1
shirabu kenjiro : never again - pt 2
bokuto kotaro : lack of sleep
miya osamu : different
kita shinsuke : a new feeling
goshiki tsutomu : stay

suna rintaro : hiding spot

926 18 2
بواسطة ily-yams

Suna! Also this I way long the expected...

For A Minute - WizTheMc
"You don't need to fall in love, baby, I'll jut be your drug."

Suna POV
I really can't go to practice today. I'm too exhausted and I know Kita will scold me for not practicing enough. I seriously can't deal with this today.

So, even with the risk of Kita catching me, I walk away from the gym and towards the two art rooms. Unfortunately, I can't go home due to the gym being on the way to my house so I have to stay here.

The two art rooms of my school, Inarizaki high, are on the left side of the school which I know from the art classes that we need to take. I don't know why there're two of them but I'm thankful that there are because I know only one will be in use for the art club.

And a free checking through the windows of both rooms, I found that I was right. I open the door to the second art room and decide that this is as good spot to hide and rest.

But I'm surprised to see a girl inside when I turn around to sigh. Her head turns which indicates that I interrupted her when I opened the door, and she pulls down her headphones as she stares at me curiously.

She has (h/c) hair that goes well with her face and her headphones match her artistic outfit. She has a normal looking paint brush with some sort of dark blue at the end and it's only then that I realize that she was painting before in interrupted. But why does she look... familiar?

Before either of us can say anything though, a voice booms from the hallway. "Suna! Where the hell are you?!" Atsumu. "Kita knows you're at school! He knows you're ditching!"

As if on instinct, the girl points towards a cabinet that looks to be for big canvases. I rush towards it, opening to find that there's nothing inside, before crawling in. I close the door just as the one for this art room opens and I hold on a sigh of relief.

I can't see anything except the light that comes from the cracks in the door so I stick to hearing instead.

"Oh, L/n. What're you doing here? I thought you were in the art club?" Atsumu asks.

"I am," the girl that I now know as L/n answers. "I'm the only student that has a lot of experience in art so whenever we start a project, I go into a different room with a different project. It helps me focus on my own thing."

"Ah okay," Atsumu moves on. "Have you seen Suna? My teammates with hair that looks like two triangles."

I roll my eyes at his comment of my hair but I await her response. Is she going to tell? Thankfully, she doesn't.

"No, I haven't. I wouldn't have recognized him anyways." Her tone then changes to one of annoyance. "You showed me a picture of your team one time when you were telling me how great of a setter you were. That was also the only time you've ever talked to me."

"I'm talking to you now!"

"Two times isn't enough for me to know what your teammates look like."

"So you want to talk to me more~."

"Please god no." I have to resist a laugh at that. "Can you just go? You're ruining my concentration with your presence."

"Whatever." I hear a soft click from the door which means that Atsumu left. I also don't hear any more yelling if my name so I know that he gave up.

"You can come out now," L/n's voice instructs. I slowly get out of the cabinet, careful not to bump my head. The painter smirks in my direction. "Ditching volleyball practice are we?"

"I've tried before," I explain, now talking a seat on the cabinets. "I've always gotten caught."

"Well, you can hide in here from now on," she suggest. "I'm L/n Y/n. I'm part of the art club and I'm Atsumu's classmate as you may have picked up."

So that's why I recognized her a bit. I've been to Atsumu's class a few times before and I've notice everyone there. Including L/n.

"Suna Rintaro."

She nods before turning back to her painting and putting her headphones back on. I don't bother talking anymore. It looks like she doesn't want to be bothered and I don't really care or want to talk to her either. So instead, I rest my head into the top of the cabinet and fall asleep.

I'm woken up by a shake to my shoulder. I grumble and turn to the side just to fall off something and onto a hard surface. That wakes me up and makes me take in my surroundings. Including the girl laughing at me.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," L/n teases. "I tried to wake you up by calling your name but you were dead asleep."

"Shut up." I scowl at her before taking my bag that I was using as a pillow. Before I walk out the door, I look back at her while my back still faces her. "But I might take you up on your offer."

"I look forward to it," she responds with a smirk. I give one back before closing the door behind me.

I don't know when I'll see her again. I'm going to go to practice as usual since I actually do love the sport, it's just tiring. But a ho knows? Maybe I'll feel exhausted enough to hide in the second art room with L/n.

It's been almost two months since I went into the art room to skip practice. But just because I haven't been to the art room again doesn't mean I haven't seen L/n.

After that day, I've noticed her everywhere. I notice her in the halls, in class, in the library and even on her way home. It's not staring or stalking, it's just observing. Like how I've observed that she doesn't have any friends.

Speaking of her, I'm on my way to the art room to skip practice once again. I'm not super tired but I just really don't want to go today. So I'm taking her offer.

I open the door, placing my bag on the cabinet I slept on last time. I know my phone is dead and that I forgot my charger so I don't bother to open my bag. Instead, I look up at the ceiling.

"Well hello to you too," L/n greets sarcastically from her stool which makes me glance at her. Her painting from last time has improved from what I can see from here. Or is it a different painting? "It's the same painting, I'm adding more details now," she tell me, as if reading my mind.

She turns back around, getting a little paint on her cheek on accident. She doesn't seem to notice but I don't bother telling her, she'll find out later probably.

When the ceiling gets too boring to look at, and get and and start to make my way over to her. I suspect whatever she's painting will be better then the plain white ceiling of the school. But as I'm about to take another step, I stop when I realize that she might not like it if I bother her. She said she comes to this room to focus and be away from her art group.

Just as I'm about to turn back, L/n speaks up. "You can watch," she tells me, not looking back. "The people in the art club like to exchange feedback and the teacher gives them tips. You won't do that but I don't mind if you talk."

Silently, I stay by her side with her not even giving me a single glance. I don't really listen in art class so I can't tell if she's doing the any techniques correctly, all I know is that it's really pretty.

It seems to be a cityscape that she's trying to make realistic. It looks cartoonish at the moment but I can tell she's adding more detail to make it look better.

As she uses a brush to paint the lighting of one of her buildings, I glance at L/n. She looks peaceful but that's not the only thing I notice. "You don't have your headphones," I comment.

She looks surprised at my observation which makes me look away. Did that sound weird? But my gaze lands back on her when she lets out a soft chuckle.

"I left them at home today. I was in a rush," she explains.

"Oh," is all I can say. I don't know what else to say, having never been good with conversations to begin with.

"Are you not taking a nap?" She asks, still not looking at me. She looks so concentrated on her painting, it's kind of... I don't know.

"I'm not as tired as last time. An my phone is dead so I don't have that entertainment."

"Well, if you wanted, you could draw?" She says, much to my surprise. "I mean, we are in an art room."

"I'm not much of a drawer. I've nerves really drawn before."

"That's because you don't pay attention in art class," she teases. My head quickly snaps to her, surprised that she knows this.

"How did you know that?"

She chuckles again, finally looking at me this time. "The art teacher asked if I could help teach the art class one day so that I could set a good example to people who want to be artists after school." She smiles at me with a pointed look. "As I was giving the class a few tips, I couldn't help but notice a certain someone sleeping in the back of the classroom. Smart move, if I wasn't walking around the classroom, looking at everyone's work, I wouldn't have noticed you."

I can't help but wish I was awake for that class but I brush off that though. "So? How'd I do?" I ask teasingly.

She gives me a smirk in return. "A blank paper. Very creative."

"I thank you, kind lady." She smiles.

Surprisingly, I spend the rest of the club hours watching L/n paint. It's kind of entertaining to watch her smile when she does something good and frown when something doesn't work out. Neither of us talked but I steal a few glances from time to time.

At the end of club time, I take my bag from the counter and make my way to the door. "See you around, L/n." She smiles and waves in return.

As I walk out, I notice someone staring in my direction, eyes boring into my head with curiosity. When I turn, I'm surprised to see the art teacher with what looks like hope I'm her eyes. "Are you friends with L/n, Suna?"

"Uh, no. She just let me stay there," I respond. The teacher seems a little disappointed but nods anyways.

I've noticed that L/n doesn't have any friends but this confirms it. I stand in the hallway for longer than I should, hesitant on my next move. Two seconds later, L/n walks out of the room with her backpack on by only one shoulder. She has her phone out, clearly texting someone from how fast her fingers are moving. But when she notices that someone is still here, she halts and looks up in surprise. "Suna?"

"Let me walk you home," I say, surprising both of us. I don't know why I said that but there's no taking it back now. Maybe it would be a little nice to walk her home.

She smiles. "Sure but why?"

"It's almost dark."

"Okay then."

We converse a little as we walk in the direction of our houses after figuring out we live nearby. But our conversation stops when someone calls my name. Talking with L/n man's me completely forget that we have to pass the gym to get to my house.

"Suna, were you ditching again?" Kita asks from the door, a stern look on his face. I look back with a tired expression, as usual. Well, there's not point in trying to lie so I open my mouth to speak up but L/n interrupts.

"You must be the captain of the volleyball team. I'm sorry for not telling you but I needed Suna last minute for my art club. Soon, I'm going to be practicing painting people so I wanted someone sport related so I can draw an athlete," she explains calmly. "Even if he doesn't look like an athlete," she adds under her breath, I send her a small glare and I can't see her shaking, trying to to laugh.

"Oh, I see," Kita nods, fave relaxing from his scary expression earlier. "Thank you for telling me. "This one ditches from time to time so I just came to the conclusion."

"I totally understand. It's hard keeping track of the lazy ones." I roll my eyes. "Well, he's walking me home so we better get going. Nice meeting you!"

"You really had to add that, didn't you?" I ask as he start walking again.

"Of course." She smiles. I roll my eyes once again before we start a new conversation.

We talk the whole way to her house, surprisingly. Even if I'm not much of a talker, it's fun talking to L/n for some reason. Maybe I'll be coming to the art room more then I thought I would. I smile at the thought of seeing her more often.

It's been a few months since the second visit. Now, I would call L/n and I friends. We talk during the 10-minute breaks, I've had lunch with her a couple times and, not to mention, I've skipped practice on purpose - pretending I'm tired - just to see her. Okay, I admit, I'm might have the tiniest crush on her.

But the skipping practice is why Kita's talking to me privately during lunch right now. It's clear that I've been skipping practice more than usual. He's warning me that if I don't come to this practice, coach will have to kick me off of the team.

No matter how much I hate the exercises and the 24/7 moving, I actually really like volleyball and I don't want to be kicked off of the team. Also, I won't be able to see the twins fight as often.

"I'll come to this practice," I reassure him. He nods, his eyes going soft for a millisecond before turning back to cold.

When the school bell finally ends, I walk with the others to practice. The twins argue while I watch in amusement, taking out my phone because why not. I'm showed L/n some videos of them fighting. I kind of wish she could see them now.

Practice goes on as it usually does. We do some stretches before practicing different things such as serving and blocking. Then, we start to make teams to play I quick practice match before it's time to leave. But just as we're about to start, were interrupted by the door bursting open.

I don't turn around, thinking it's just another fan girl of Atsumu's. We don't let them in during practice so that we can all concentrate but some of them don't get the memo.

My thought is proven wrong when I feel arms around my stomach and a head and chest on my back. I can't stop the small blush and my rising heartbeat when I smell that familiar smell. I only turn when I hear sniffling.

"L/n? What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask, concerned. I realize how unintentionally mean that sounds but L/n doesn't seem to care. She keeps her head on my back.

I try to ignore the staring and the snickers as I bring her to the side of the gym, toward some of the walls where people won't hear us. She still clings onto me for dear life. I don't push, just wait for her to calm down.

"Sorry, that was embarrassing," she mumbles into my chest which I made her do after turning around. She pulls her head back but doesn't look into my eyes. "You're the only person I can actually go to in this situation. You're my only friend."

Usually, I would tease her but I don't now. She probably wouldn't appreciate it. "What is it?"

"Some underclassmen were playing around in the hallways while I was finishing up my basketball player painting." She pauses to sniffle again, taking a deep breath. "Just as I was about to put it away, they came barging in and accidentally punched a whole right through the canvas."

As soon as she says that last sentence, she sobs harder onto my jersey. It's not loud enough to bother the others but loud enough that I see how much pain she's in. She works so hard on all her paintings and for one to be ruined must hurt, especially one that has to be done on a tight schedule.

"Get up," I instruct, surprising her a little. She gets up and looks at me in confusion with her glossy eyes. "I have to stay for this practice or else I'll be kicked off the team and it's a little late, but tomorrow I'll help you with your painting after school. Even if I might get kicked off the team." She looks like she's about to protest but I quickly shake my head. "That's an order, no buts."

I push her onto the bench, making sure she's sitting on a comfortable position. Then, I give her one last glance before walking back into the court. But I kind of regret it.

"Ooh~," Atsumu coos. I glare at him but he laughs. "Of course, you must take care of the girlfriend. Don't mind us."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Yeah sure," Osamu teases this time.

The others smirk but stop when I strong aura surrounds the team. Kita stares at me so I stare right back. I meant what I said, even if I got kicked off of the team, I would help L/n, make a new painting.

To my surprise, he smiles. Like Kita's a telepath, I understand what he's thinking. He's going to let me and I won't be kicked off the team. But isn't coach's decision...? Whatever. Let's just get this practice match done with so I can go home.

I get up and walk to the coach meaning it's the end of me awkwardly sitting on the bench. It was kind of worth it because I got to watch Suna play. I arrive in front of the coach who motioned for me to come closer.

He looks at me with an apologetic look which confuses me. "I'm sorry but I completely forgot the towels in the club room. Would you mind getting them for me?" He asks.

"That's fine," I respond with a small smile. He thanks me before handing me the keys. Practice will probably be over when I get back.

It takes a little while since I realize he didn't actually tell me where the clubroom was. Once I asked a teacher, I get there and quickly pick up the towels.

I make my way back to the gym, careful not to drop them. I slowly open the door to the gym and place the towels beside the coach who smiles at me. "Thank you so much," coach says.

I then turn to the boys who just finished practice and who are probably thirsty and looking for their towels to show off any sweat. Before I can say that it's no problem, I stop myself. There are a few boys who lift the ends of their jerseys to wipe off the sweat from their faces due to the lack of towels. Suna is one of them.

My breath gets caught in my throat as my eyes land in his exposed stomach. I only look away when I hear the coach's soft chuckle. More heat rises to my cheeks as I turn my head the other way. I feel like such a pervert even though I only stared at Suna's stomach for about two seconds.

The boys soon approach when they realize that I've brought the towels. What surprises me is that that all bow. "Thank you for bringing the towels."

Instead of responding, I squirm away in embarrassment. I hear a familiar chuckle but I still don't look back. Stupid Suna.

Soon, the boys take a few minutes to relax before going to change. I steal glances at Suna, thinking about his words earlier. He catches my eyes this time I glance at him.

I give him a look saying 'are you sure you want to help me tomorrow?'. He nods before turning back to his friends who tease him about something.

I smile as he ignores them with a blush on his face. I can't wait for tomorrow.

-Timeskip- (it's almost done I promise)
"Took you long enough," I tease the boy who enters the art room.

"Sorry I'm late to class, sensei," Suna teases back, bowing after putting his bag down. "I'm ready for you to paint me."

At lunch, I decided to do something else. I don't want to ask that same basketball player if I could redraw him so, I asked Suna if I could paint him. It will help my project and Suna just has to sit there. As a bonus, I get to stare at Suna without having to explain myself.

"Okay. I need you to take off your clothes and stand right there." His smirk is completely washed off his face and is replaced by shock at my words which make me chuckle. "Kidding. You should have seen your face."

He grumbles something incoherent - something about lucky and like - before sitting at the spot I told him too, not taking off his clothes. As he sits down, I get up. "What're you doing?"

"I'm going to examine as much as I can up close so I know what details to watch out for," I explain. As soon as I start my art, I'm immediately in art mode and there is almost no getting me out of it. That's why I don't even notice how close I'm getting to Suna.

I start with the legs, squatting to get a good look. He's a volleyball player so he's got really good thighs which I already expected. But I see a detail that I might need to draw.

I make my way up, examining his body frame. I take mental note on how long his arms and legs are and how his shoulders slump. I'll use a pencil to measure later but I find it very useful to do this up close.

My focus is broken when I reach Suna's face. The blush on his cheeks is apparent which brings one of my own on my face. We stare at each other, me looking down at him since he's sitting and I'm standing, and I suddenly realize what I just did. The art club has done this before but examining Suna feels so much more embarrassing.

"Do you have to do that every time you draw someone?" He asks, eyes piercing into mine. His eyes aren't widened, he still has his same bored expression, but his blush doesn't match the face. And his eyes hold a little more of an emotion I can't place.

"Uh, no. For this project only, she told the group to be very precise and examine the person up close first."

"So, you're going to be staring at me during your work?" He asks, face moving closer to mine with each word. I can feel his breath on my lips and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Yeah," I whisper. I can barely hear myself but it seems he can hear me. "Are you comfortable with that?"

"Absolutely." The next second, our lips are pressed together in a sweet kiss. Suna's hands hold my hips and he pulls me down so that I'm sitting in his lap. He then starts to lean forward as my hands cup his cheeks.

I can't even begin to describe the feeling that explodes in my chest. I can feel his every touch as the world around us fades. The first time Suna came into the art room, I never would have guessed I'd be here, but I don't regret it. And, by the way he holds me so eagerly, I don't think Suna does either.

I let go when I start to run out of breath, panting as I look up at him. "Well that's good because I don't think I'll be able to take my eyes off of you while I paint," I flirt in response.

"That was terrible."

"Oh shut up."

He chuckles and pulls me in for another kiss. Who am I to say no to that? I can start my painting another day. I'll just have to ask him to come when there's no practice.

I'll paint him... eventually.
I'm sick :(

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