Love hurts | A scream fanfic

By tw_to_tvd_

26.2K 538 40

A story in which we will follow Lia Freeman and her friends during the new ghostface attacks. We will see who... More

Main cast
What does your girlfriend need this time?
Are you okay?
where are you going?
Who Is It?
welcome to act three
our big finally!
not herself
new main cast
new york
matching hair
just a place of comfort
it's happening again
What do you want?
Go away!
Pinky promise
big reveal

I love you, Lee

1.1K 26 7
By tw_to_tvd_

After the two roommates went back to the group, they had already come up with a plan. The plan being quite stupid if you'd ask Lia, The idea was for Sam to go out in the open and wait for a call from ghostface. Kirby said she could track ghostface if Sam kept them on the phone long enough, so that's the plan they went with. 

As they all walked out of the theater together and the two roommates were about to go their own way when Tara called out to them. "Where are you guys going?" She asked the two. "Home. You guys made it more than clear to me that I am no part of this group." Lia told her girlfriend knowing she would come up with her own plan to keep her safe. Even if Lia was hurt that her own girlfriend believed she could be the killer, that isn't gonna keep her from protecting Tara. "I don't wanna stand in you guys way, just text me if anything goes wrong and i'll be there." Lia says before she walk home with Brooke. 

Tara looks at her sister. "What if you're wrong and it's not her? She might not forgive us, forgive me." Tara said in a panicked voice. "We're not wrong and it's no suprise she left again. Guys can't you see it she's ghostface, she's been all along. She killed Amber just to thow herself off the suspect list." Mindy said trying to convince the others. "Besides we'll find out soon enough, won't we?" With that being said they got started with their plan, The only thought on Tara mind was her girlfriend. The one she loved more then anything, the one she would do anything for. Deep down she knew Lia wouldn't be able to do such thing, she knew her Lee was no killer. 

Pov Lia: 

I've been at the apartment with Brooke for a few hours now and we've been coming up with different plans to expose Mindy. "Okay, but how do we get her to admit it though?" I asked my roommate who had just shown a whole presentation to me about her plan. "We outsmart her, catch her in the act. Everyone these days has a phone if we can catch her on camera that's enough prove for the others." I nod my head, still slightly unsure if it would work. The killer has to be smart, they don't just make mistakes like that, they don't just get caught in the act. "What if they find out and go after us, we have to be able to protect ourselves." I tell her being more worried about her than me. 

"They will come for you anyway, you're their main suspect you said that yourself." She's right I am, I know I might not have said it to the others before but it's true. The killer didn't just call Sam, they called me too and send texts threatening me. Apparently I took something from them and I have to pay for that. "They don't know that and I don't trust them enough for them to know." My phone went off and i'ts Tara she texted me


Tara: Meet us at the theater

Lia: We'll be there as soon as possible

"We're meeting the others at the theater." I tell her going to my room and she follows right behind me. "Have you just forgotten what we talked about just a few moment ago, you don't trust them so why follow their plan?" She asked me and I lean down to grab something from underneath my mattress. "I've got my own plan." I say holding up a gun. "Where the hell did you get that?" She asked me lowering the gun in my hand. "I kept it from back in woodsboro, just in case." I tell her. 

Pov Tara: 

I am on the phone  with detective Bailey. 

Tara: we want to lure him to a secure location and trap him inside.

Bailey: and then what?

Tara: we execute him

there was a moment of silence. 

Tara: Are you gonna help us? 

Bailey: let's kill that son of a bitch.

Bailey: Now, i'm stuck here, but Gale gave us the keycards to the theather. It's got heavy seveillance and security cameras, but we can use that against him. I'll tell Kirby to meet you there. 

Tara: Got it. 

Bailey: And remember, travel in public. The more people around you, the less chance he has to take a shot at you before you get there.

I end the call, looking up to the others. "I'll text Lia to meet us there, if she really is ghostface than it's best we keep her close." The others agree and I text Lia to meet us at the theater, not telling her we have a plan yet. I don't believe she could be ghostface, but she could have killed Sam's therapist. She was gone for hours and answered none of our calls, that is just unavoidable. I love her and I really hope we're wrong about this, she's just been through so much and I haven't been there for her. Tht's one thing I regret, I should've been with her and help her get better. I was thinking to much about myself to even realise she wasn't feeling good. 

Pov Lia: 

We walk into the theater and Kirby closes the door behind us. "I cleared the whole place before you got here. So, this is the only way in or out. He steps in through the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside. We turn it into a kill box." Kirby strated to explain the plan and I nod. It's not a bad plan, it's just that I think ghostface isn't gonna fall for this one. "Weapons?" Sam asked her "One gun, and I hold onto it." Is she serious that is such a ghostface move. "How are we supposed to protect ourselves, huh. You want me to punch him while he stabs me." I say annoyed. 

 "I am the only one with a badge here and that's the way it's gonna be. We're safe here." Kirby tells me. Safe how is it safe if we're just waiting for the killer to show up and attack us. "You're insane, none of this is safe. You can't outsmart ghostface, have you not learned anything from the past." I storm out of the room hoping they fall for it. I kind of expected something like this to happen, that's exactly why I brought my own gun. 

I hear someone come from behind me so I quickly turn around to be met with my beautiful girlfriend. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Tara told me in a whisper as she approached me. "I'm a shitty girlfriend, I see that now." Tara sighs. "I love you, Lee. I always will. so please forgive me." I pulled her in connecting our lips. Tara placed her hand on the back of my neck kissing me back. 

"I never wanted you to be just a chapter for me, I wanted you to be my entire book Tara. I love you and I want to be with you, that's all I know right now, that's all I have going for me." I did not think I would be having this conversation with her. "I lost everything except for you, I won't lose you now and not ever." As I was about to connect our lips again Tara screams out in pain when ghostface shoved their knife into her back. "Tara!" She gets shoved to the ground by ghostface and they started swinging their knife at me. "Fuck you Mindy!" I duck down just in time for the knife to pass me and god I just saw my life flash before my eyes. I get a good punch in, hitting them right in the face and giving me enough time to get to the door with Tara. "Let's go, let's go, let's go." I say holding her up by her waist whilst pushing her towards the door opening it. 

I let out a loud scream as Sam appears on the other side of the door. "We have to go!" I yell at Sam who grabs her sisters hand pulling her along. I close the door behind us trying to keep up with them. "It's Kirby. She's the killer." Sam tells us and she's probably right, she tricked us. "No shit!" Chad yells catching up to us. "I heard you guys screaming." He says and i'm really not liking this anymore. "So what we're trapped?" I ask mostly Sam looking around for any sort of exit. "She made this whole theater a kill box. for us." 

"Hey what about that? There is an exit door. Maybe it leads to the roof or something" Tara says pointing upwards, hell what are we gonna do on the damn roof, jump off of it. "Only one way to find out." I start walking towards the ladder Ghostface jumps infront of me Charging at me with their  knife, giving me just enough time to jump to the side, Tara doing the same. Ghostface now swinging their knife at Sam and Chad.

Chad ducked as ghostface swung their knife, Chad tackled the killer to the ground. "Smile for the camera, motherfucker!" Chad grabs a camera swinging it against ghostface head while me and the sisters ran to the back of the stage. "This way!" Tara yells us following right behind her through a hallway, ghostface hot on our heels. As we ran ghostface was catching up to us. "Fuck!" I scream out in pain as their knife cut into my arm. "Get fucked!" Chad threw the camera at ghostface trying to slow them down, which helped me get ahead of the killer again.  

When we got into the other room I grabbed the popcorn machine that was on the counter and threw it on the floor to slow ghostface down. It wasn't for long though as the killer easily pushes it to the side and swings their knife at me yet again. I got just enough time to lean back and the knife missed me. I jump back everytime the knife came swinging back at me, slowly getting trapped in the corner of the room. The killer was about to stab me in the shoulder when I grab a hold on their arm holding the knife back the best I can. 

Sam and Tara ran over grabbing ghostface by the shoulder and pulled them away from me. Their backs hit the counter behind them making the girls loose grip on ghostface giving the killer the chance to push the girls off. Chad quickly took his chance punching ghostface in the face, the hit being hard enough to knock them to the ground. Ghosface lifts their head and Tara gave them no time before she kicks the killer in the face. "Tara let's go." I yell taking her hand and pull her with me, watching as Chad grabs a glass jar now standing over ghostface with it ready to smash it into the killers head. All of a sudden another ghostface came from behind Chad stabbing him in the stomach, he let out a loud and painful scream. Tara was going to run over to him so me and Sam hold her back. "Chad!" She screams as knife after knife went into him. "Run." Chad managed to get out before he fell backwards onto the ground. 

The two killer stood up both wiping their knifes clean at the same time. "Go, Fuck sakes go!" I yell pulling her with me through the door and Sam right behind us. "This way. up here. Come on." Sam says leading us but I stop running looking back. "We have to find Brooke, she's here somewhere." I tell them knowing it's my fault she's here in the first place, she might also be our way out. "Two ghostfaces, Lia. Two people missing from our group, Brooke could be the other ghostface." Sam tells me and I shake my head not believing it. "No! it's not possible, she has nothing to do with this. we have to find her, believe me."I could tell they didn't trust her and I can't blame them, they don't know her like I do. "Fine, you both just go and please trust me on this one, I love you guys." I say kissing Tara on the cheek before running to the entrance leaving them behind. 

I go over to where we threw our jackets earlier, going to grab the gun out of my pocket. I was stupid enough not to keep it on me, than  maybe Chad wouldn't have had to die. It's gone, my gun is gone. I feel the other pocket but it's not there, ghostface must have taken it. When I go back to the girls I see ghostface jump out from behind the curtains, hopping down from the stage. The girls turn around to be met by another ghostface walking up to them. I was thinking about what to do, I mean I don't have my gun now and I can't do much. 

Sam handed Tara a brick her back pressed against ours. Sam looked over her shoulder to her little sister. "I need you to be ready, Ready?" Sam asked us as she held up the brick in front of her. "I'm ready." she says holding her brick up too. "Come on, motherfucker!"

I come out with the idea of going to them when gun shots are fired. Ghostface ran off and I look up to the stage to see Kirby holding her gun. "It's okay!" She looks around to see if both ghostfaces are really gone. "Stay the fuck back!" Sam says while Kirby gets down from the stage. "We know it's you, Kirby." Tara adds and Kirby keeps on getting closer to them, so I go over to them picking up a brick holding it up to her. "They said stay the fuck back!" Tara grabbed my wrist pulling the brick down slowly.

"No, one of them knocked me out." she tells us when we hear another voice coming from behind us. I drop the brick hearing it's bailey. "Get away from the girls!" He tells her and she holds her gun at him ready to shoot. Both of them aiming their guns at eachother. "What are you doing?" I don't like this, both of them could be the killer. I go to stand infront of Tara, making sure that no matter how this ends she will be fine. "Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?"

"Jesus christ! whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him. he's probably the killer." I saw how Kirby's eyes changed. "Behind you!" Kirby screamed warning Bailey about ghostface coming up to him, instead of moving he shot her, twice. Ghostface stands besides Bailey, not harming him in any way letting us know it's bailey, he's ghostface. "Great job." He tells ghostface and the second one joins them.  "Both of you."

"You." Tara said not really believing it could be him. "Yeah, of course me. Frankly I expected more from the three of you after what you did to us." What is he even talking about. "What do you mean, 'us'?" I ask him and the ghostface to his right took of their mask revealing Quinn. "Hey, roomies." She was dead we saw her die. "You didn't see that coming, did you." 

"Yeah, because you died!" Tara says and I scoff, they really played us. "Kinda didn't, though. It was a good way to get off the suspect list." she takes off her gloves and holds up her knife. "Stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy and Ethan on the train. That sort of thing"  And I thought this girl was nice, I take it all back. "Okay, so if it's you two who's the other one, Danny." I say waiting for the other killer to take their mask off, I need it to be Danny, it can't be the girl that i've grown so close to over last few months. It couldn't have been fake, she felt like home. I felt like I was really myself when I was with her, like I could tell her anything, she would always be there for me.

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