Beauty The Beast

By Anonymous_QueenDom

4.2K 126 1

***Note: It's all fiction.*** A beast. A human. Both are destined to be soulmates. One thinks that it's unfai... More

1 | The Wait
2 | The Arrival
3 | The Threat
4 | The Mistake
5 | The Pet
6 | The Decision
7 | The Chase
8 | The White Continent
9 | The Seekers
11 | The Beast
12 | The Promise
13 | The Riddle
14 | The Weapon
15 | The Night
16 | The Back Door
17 | The Prisoners
18 | The Plan...Gone Wrong?
19 | The Forest
20 | The Chinchilla Valley
21 | The Rescue
22 | The Revelation
23 | The Call
24 | The Nostalgia
25 | The Vision
26 | The City
27 | The Reunion
28 | The One
29 | The Truth
30 | The Search
31 | The Return
32 | The Conference
33 | The Alverales

10 | The Unusual

86 5 0
By Anonymous_QueenDom

"Please be the same as mine," Alphard prayed. "Please,"

Bullets from her body were removed and the sutures were also done on her thigh. But she was still unconscious and blood transfusion was the only thing she needed at the moment, she'd lost too much of it. To make matters worse, she was still not breathing normally and her skin was as pale as a corpse.

He dropped a drop of her blood over a tile with required reagents to test the blood group.

D*mn it!! He cursed when agglutination didn't occur in any of the 3 antisera used. Universal donor it was and his was good in no way except for when he's in need and now wasn't the situation.

He decided to run home and fetch her parents. Their blood should match with that of Luna's. He sprayed the hydrogen liquid over his clothes to stay downwind, took his keys and got into the forest, making sure he'd locked the place.

Knowing her parents would be at his place today, he decided to get to the back door through the forest. He reached the place and thankfully, without any interruption. He used his keys to unlock the door and stepped in slowly.

A small space filled with indoor plants separated the living room from the back door and so it was normal for the people inside to not notice anyone coming in through the door, it was exactly the case now with Alphard. He hurried and stopped despite his urge to save Luna's life on hearing them speak unusual things.

"Luna hasn't found her mate yet, Dorian and that worries me." Will said.

"Why exactly, Will?" Dorian asked. "She seems to put up fine."

"That's the thing, she seems so, but is actually suffering. We know what a werewolf has to undergo when it takes long for it to find its mate," Laura added.

Werewolf? Mate? What was going on here!? Alphard wondered.

"Why don't you arrange one for her?" Dorian suggested.

"The last time I tried, turned out to be the first time she sobbed, Dorian." Will said. "Besides, who will risk their lives by breaking the mate bond with their own mate? It's no use,"

"Any human, maybe?" Dorian asked, Will laughed.

"That's exactly what I tried, but gave up. You don't know her Dorian, she is the type who'd prefer to die alone even if her 'destined' mate turned out to be a human." Will said.

"She thinks that it's unfair for humans to have to tolerate us beasts." Added Laura.

Werewolves are not only real, but I'd been living with them for my entire life!? So many questions were racing through his mind, the white wolf wasn't forgotten. Now he'd no doubt it was Luna. But if they were werewolves why haven't they sensed my presence? Maybe because I was human? Then how'd Luna?

He was sure she hadn't seen, but sensed him at the forest earlier today and refrained herself from turning into a wolf. He wasn't imagining the eye colour and the long canines.

"She's a smart young woman, Will. She won't let you, or the pack down, be patient," Dorian said. "Is that your wolfmark on your upper arm, Will? I haven't seen it since I arrived." Dorian tried changing the subject, but to Alphard, even that was news.

"Yeah, town's Mayor and all. Always expected to be seen in suits," Will laughed. "Laura has it in the same spot too, you should've seen it on her,"

"I don't wear half sleeved, or sleeveless dresses, Will." Laura laughed. "What a way nature had created us in? It blesses us with the same mark as that of our mates and in the same spots, then also takes it away when one dies, or simply doesn't wish to be with the other." Laura pondered. Alphard froze at that.

While cleaning her injuries he'd seen a snowflake like mark on the left side of her torso, just above the hip bone and wondered how similar it looked to the one he'd on the same spot.

So that's how she'd sensed me!? I'm her mate??  Having read stories about these creatures, he knew what they were like, at least to some extent. Luna's words started ringing in his ears.

The things she'd said about her love - "I'll protect him with my life if I need to."

The words she'd said to him on the cruise - "It's over my dead body that even a single hair of yours will ever be harmed."

How foolish had I been to not even realise that those sentences literally meant the same thing!!

Tears rolled down his face. He remembered that she'd once hinted it was him on the cruise when he'd asked her the name of her beloved one.

What have you done, Luna? Not only suffered alone, but also risked your life for me?

"Yeah, I and Camille had it on our left cheeks, near the ear." Dorian said in a sad tone. "It disappeared as it should soon after she died." He sighed.

"It's all right, buddy. Be strong," Will started. "Her loss came in as a great shock to all of us. We'd to make poor little Luna take therapies to help her deal with the mental disturbance."

"That kid is still a puzzle to me Will," Dorian chuckled. "She herself had to endure so much and yet when I told her that Camille's last words were to protect Alphard, she never took a second thought and promised me she'd protect him with her life and to him our kinds will only exist in stories."

"That's our girl," Laura said proudly, Alphard chose the moment to come into view.

"And so she did..." He trailed.

Everybody stood up looking at him not knowing how much of their conversation he'd heard.

"Alphard...? How come you're here?" Dorian asked and all of them rushed to him.

He fell on his knees and began sobbing so much that everyone got worried.

"What's the matter, son? What happened?" Laura placed her right hand over his head.

"If only I'd known about all that I just heard, she would've shifted into a wolf at the time, not caring if I was there and..." He wiped his face and told them what'd happened. "We need to head there as soon as possible,"

They didn't waste a second after that and used the back door to get out of the house.

"Everyone, be careful till the suburbs are left behind. The ground here is slippery because of the rain," Will cautioned.

"All three of you keep your wolf senses alert, we can be attacked by anyone from anywhere," Alphard said.

Thankfully, there was nobody to cause trouble and they reached the workspace soon. Once in, Laura ran straight to her daughter. There were no tears in her eyes, but a faint smile on her lips.

"Look at her, Will. You once asked her make you proud, can we be more proud as parents than to know that she keeps her promises no matter what?" She stroked Luna's head gently.

"She's never let me down ever, Laura." Will said and turned to Alphard. "What now?"

"She's lost too much blood, an immediate transfusion is needed. If she doesn't gain consciousness within 12 hours anything can happen...we might even lose her..." He pursed his lips together to prevent himself from sobbing again.

"Ours doesn't match with that of hers," Laura said.

"It isn't possible, you're her parents!" Alphard reasoned.

"Yes, she inherited the group from me and the Rh type from her mother," Will said.

"What is her blood type?" Dorian asked.

"O negative," Alphard answered and then remembered that his father had the same. "Dad?"

"Yes, Alphard. Proceed with the tests now!" They rushed into the lab and very soon the transfusion began.

After the transfusion, Dorian was made to rest out in the lobby, while Alphard never left Luna's side. After a while he decided to come clean with whatever he'd heard and went to talk with their parents.

Dorian told him everything starting from his mother's murder, to them confiding in Luna for his safety. He let out a heavy sigh.

"All this sounds like an utter fiction, I don't know how she managed to stay with me and away at the same time when she was longing for her mate..." He ran a hand through his hair.

"What do you mean?" Laura asked. He stood up from the couch he was sitting on and lifted his shirt up revealing the mark.

"Seeing this?" He asked her parents. "I saw a si___"

"It's the same as Luna's!" Will cut Alphard's sentence.

"Yes, I saw it while tending to her wound and was baffled until I overheard your conversation."

"When did you get it?" Dorian asked.

"On my sixteenth birthday, dad. It was there when I woke up on the day."

"Sixteen is the age when most shifters find their mates, but we don't get our marks until we meet them in person, this is unusual." Will said.

"What's more unusual is that Luna has had it since birth," Laura said. "So we never thought of it to be her wolfmark, but just a mere birthmark."

"You both are missing out on the most unusual part here," Dorian began. "Human females can be mates to male shifters, but have you ever seen, or at least heard of a female shifter having had a human as her mate?"

"What?" Alphard asked.

"Yes Alphard, your father is right, no female shifter has ever had a human mate." Will said.

"Does Luna know about this?" Alphard asked.

"I don't think so, otherwise she would've somehow tried to find the truth and I don't think she's concentrating on anything else other than your safety from the time you arrived back in town." Will continued. "We'll think of all this later, but if you really are her destined mate, then her recovery will be faster than usual just with you being present around her."

"Go Alphard, don't leave her side till she's completely healed." Dorian said. Alphard rushed in immediately.

He sat there beside her bed, looking at her. Her breathing was steady now compared to earlier and colour had returned to her skin. He held her right hand with both of his and took it to his lips.

"Don't leave me, Luna, please stay with us. I may live, but won't and can't strive to survive without you..." He started sobbing silently.

Luna woke up to the excruciating pain on her thigh and torso. She grunted to keep in control from screaming. That woke Alphard up.

He must've fallen asleep while sobbing and realised he'd slept for two straight hours.

"Alphard?" She mumbled. "Who else is here?" She asked as it took her a while to sense the familiar energies.

"Our parents. You needed blood and mine wasn't compatible with yours, so I'd to bring them in." He answered.

"Neither is theirs. Who did then?"


"Uncle Dorian?" She asked a little disturbed.


"Where's he?" She tried getting out of the bed.

"Stay there, Luna. You're still weak, you can't get out." He pressed her back to the bed. "What's wrong with dad giving you his blood, anyway?" He asked, having no idea why she was acting so.

"I see you're not aware of it, Alphard. He has trypanophobia!" She stated.

"What!?" He didn't know of it and so was surprised, but collected himself soon.

"Please check on him for me, please. I need to see him."

"I wasn't aware of it till now, but if it helps you calm down, it's been a couple hours since the transfusion. I'll get him," He ran out.

"What happened?" Will asked a bit worried on seeing Alphard.

"She's awake and is asking for dad." He said. "Why didn't you tell me you've fear of needles?" He hugged Dorian. "You contained your fears to save her life? Thank you, dad." Will stroked Dorian's back. Alphard let go of him. "How did Luna know about this?"

"The day you two were leaving for the cruise. When you were up, she was checking your doctor's bag to make sure everything's packed and I was there..."

"Thank you..." Laura whispered. Dorian smiled weakly at them and they all went to see Luna.

"Uncle!" She exclaimed.

"Stay put Luna, else I'm not letting anyone in." Alphard said. She rolled her eyes, but compiled.

"I'm fine, dear." Dorian got near her and kissed her forehead, then let her parents see their daughter.

"Why didn't you tell us you'd found your mate?" Laura asked.

"What's a mate, mom?" She asked not aware of Alphard having heard of everything.

"There's no need to put up the act from now on, Luna. He knows it all," Will said.

Alphard told her everything that happened from when he'd carried her back to the workspace, including the three unusual things discussed earlier. She sighed as if a huge weight was lifted off of her. Alphard saw how hard it'd been for her to stay herself with all this madness going on.

"It's all right, Luna. I understand you'd to keep a certain things from me because of my past and me being just a human. But now that I know of it, it's all gonna be fine."

"No, Alphard." She closed her eyes.

"What?" He asked perplexed.

"You're forgetting that you're still what you were. A human. I can't and won't ruin your life just because I wouldn't suffer."

"Luna, if it's because of the promise, then it no more matters. He's your mate and___"

"No uncle, promise, or not, I can't do this. I'm a beast and can lose control easily, I can't do this to him." She breathed.

"Luna dear, this isn't as easy as you think it is, please give it another thought." Laura said aware that both Luna and Alphard will suffer because of the decision.

She let out another sigh, Alphard then knew that all this was tiring her and she needs to rest. They can have this talk once she's good enough to stand on her own.

"No more talks for now. We'll talk this out when she's fully recovered. Now isn't the time, let her rest." He said genuinely.

Everybody agreed and were soon out of the room. Alphard checked with the wounds once again and then proceeded to leave. Before closing the door after him, he glanced at her. She'd her eyes closed, one intense look and it was like he'd almost heard what was going on in her mind.

"I wish I was just a human and could live happily with him..."


Author's Note:

Good day folks!

The story's most impressive ranking, as of now is for the tag unusual; so here it is, the unusual things regarding our soulmates, but it is not all, so wait up ;-)

Their coming together is taking too long, I myself am too eager for it! Guess this might drag on for a while...or maybe not? Stay tuned!

Read my other stories on Wattpad #Crowded Silence (completed) #Holding On to Silence Until; You Came Along (ongoing)

Follow me here and on IG, link on my Wattpad profile, or simply type in anonymous_queendom

Read, comment, vote and share.

Thank you!

Hope you enjoy :-)

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