Wolves of the Highlands

By hazel3

25.6K 1.5K 105

Every summer for as long as Sorcha can remember she always went to her grandparents castle in Scotland. Where... More

Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty


1.5K 89 9
By hazel3

I woke up to giggling outside my door,and sun light in my eyes. I sat up and streached out as I looked around. I wasnt inmy room at my grandparents. I was in a room that Heather had givin me until we figure out what exactly we need to do to go home. Pulling the furs off me I set my feet on the ground. Shivering at the coldness of it hitting my feet. I quickly slipped the slippers that were given to me on and just made it to my door when it swung open. Catriona came running in and hid behind me as Roxy barged in with Verena who had Carrick already on her hip. Catriona's laughter and Roxy's own determined laughter had my own bubbling up. Roxy went to grab Catriona and missed as she doged away and back out the door. "They've been like this since we woke up." I reached out and took Carrick from Verena giving her a break. We walked to the hall following the loud laughter of Catriona. "What should we feed him?" I looked down at Carrick just as he put my braid into his mouth. "He looks about the age that Cain began eating oatmeal." Verona pursed her lips a bit in thought. "Would they have oatmeal here?" I shrugged my shoulders "I dont know? Lets find Heather she would." I bounced Carrick on my hip making him let out tiny giggles. The Hall was filled with more men then women. Which came appearent when mumurs and grumbling filled the room. I could see Verona become uncomfortable and even Carrick seemed to quiet down. I could feel someone staring at me watching me. I looked around and spotted a man with a bruise on the side of his face.
He glared at me trying to get me to look away from him first. I gave him an unimpressed look and walked away. Which seemed to set him off. I could hear the slam of his mead cup hit the table. It starteled Carrick making him jump a bit from the noise. I pulled him closer to me trying to sooth his whimpering. "So what now Lord Kendrix, ye have whores fighting for ye now?" I couldnt help but laugh at the man. Everyone turned to me with confused looks all except for Verona and Heather. "A whore ye say? Then what does that make ye since I knocked ye on yer arse?" Verona reached over and took Carrick from me,Stepping away far enough so she wouldnt be caught in the middle. "Oh yes thats right a Graham." That did it he knocked back the chair he was sitting in and charged at me. He didn't reach me however Broden stood between us. A deathly look on his face. That should have terrified me but it just gave me a sense of comfort. The mans face turned red with his anger. He had no problem with attacking me a women half his size. Broden was a diffrent story. He shrank back away from him and had a small look of fear.

"Unless ye want to keep yer head walk away from her." I watched as what seemed like every muscle in his body tensed up. The man looked at me over Broden's shoulder. A look of pure malice in his eyes took over the fear that was once there. "A bitch for the dog." I have heard bones break and pop out of socket. I have never heard the breaking of one that Brodden had caused. I could do nothing but stand their in shock. Heather shouting was what brought me out of it. By that time I was already blocked off from Verena and Carrick. I was panicking I didnt have my weapaons, and everyone around me had theirs drawn out. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" The shout wasnt hard to hear over the already shouting men. I looked around and saw Roxy pull Catriona behind her. She held on to Roxy with a tight grip. The man she was facing off with hauled back and slapped her. She fell to the ground with the force of it. I began pushing through people trying to get to my friend. Only to stop when Verena let out a panicked scream. I could feel myself begining tear up unable to help ethier of my friends. A grimy hand came into my view and grabed a chunk of my hair. Jerking me off my feet and dragging me on the ground. I had no room to kick or hit. The only thing I could do was follow and hope his hold would loosen. However his grip grew tighter with every step. We stepped into the circle were Broden and the man stood. Broden his shirt ripped while the other man was dripping blood. The person who held me threw me to the floor. I couldn't catch myself in time. My head hit the stone floor and I could tast the metallic iron of my blood as it flled my mouth. I slowly stood from my spot. I turned to face the man and glared as I spat blood on his face. He stood shocked for a moment before wiping it from his face. He flicked it to the ground and made strides toward me. This time I was ready for him. Broden had other plans. He reached out and grabbed the man by the throat. The man tried pulling at Brodens hands trying to get oxygen into his lungs. I reached out and grabed his arm. "Let him go you kill him and it will not end well." His grip lossend on the man until finally he dropped to the ground. Broden spun around and lifted me off the ground. I was so suprised by his action I could do nothing but wrap my arms around his neck. "Broden put me down I need to check on my friends, Catriona and Carrick." A deep rumbling came from him almost growl like. It vibrated his chest and sent shivers through my body. The sudden roughness of stone on my back had me gasping. Brodden stared down at me his eyes turning a dark green. He let out a growl before pressing his body against mine. I tilted my head back to look at him and was met by his lips. I froze in place every part of my body seemed to be buzzing. My eyes slid close as he wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me so close it felt like nothing could come between us. Without realizing it I had wrapped my arms around his neck. He ran his tounge along my bottom lip. Asking for entrance and I let him. My breathing picked up and all I could do to keep myself from falling onto the floor was hang onto him tighter. A small moan escaped me causing him to let out a deep rumbling growl. When finally he pulled away both of us were breathing in heavily. Then it was like a cold bucket of water qas poured over me. I couldnt
be doing this right now. I was supposed be finnding a way home. I needed to find everyone and make sure they were alright. I couldnt be standing here with Broden kissing him like this. He seemed to realize I was about to run. His face became serious and he buried his fingers in my hair. He pulled me forward to were our forheads were touching. "Lass ye are mine as I am ye's..If you run or end up going back to your home, I will follow ye and find ye. Nothing will or could keep me from ye." I looked into his eyes amd thats when I knew. His eyes reminded me of the wolf because he was the wolf. I quickly pulled away from him even though every fiber of me screamed no. I full out ran back to the hall. Looking for my friends and Heather. There was so many questions I needed answered. It wasnt just a myth it was actually truth,The McBains were wolves. I ran to heathers healing room. Hoping that she and my friends were there. To my luck they were. I quickly closed and locked the door. Wanting to keep a good distance between Brooden. Even if I knew that that door wouldnt stop him. If he wanteded to get through it."Verena Roxy are you okay!" We threw oursleves at each other and huged. Letting out the sigh of relief I was holding. I let them go and faced Heather. "Heather all the stories,myths are true arn't they!?" The guilty look on her fave was all I needed to know I was right. Both Verena and Roxy were looking at me as if a had two heads. While Catriona looked at me with a huge grin. "There are somethings that need to be told." I stood there waiting for her start. She looked at each of us girls and sat down. "When Rome first landed here they brought with them great devastation and slaughtered many man women and child. With little hope the people realized they had no hope. So they turned to a witch. This witch was very old and wise. She healed the sick and helped crops grow. Birthed the children and kept evil spirits at bay. She cast a spell that allowed the men to fight like wolves. Now only select men were given the gift. True warriors at heart who wouldn't be tainted by evil. Now with their new powers I guess you could say we beat back the romans. There was a huge sacrifice though. The men soon realized that without their true soulmates they would fall to madness." Verena Roxy and I looked at each other unable to really express how we felt. I wanted to bolt straight out of there. Dragging Verena Roxy Catriona and Carrick with me. "Once the witch realized what the spell had done she created the stone . in order to help the warriors find their mate." My eyes widened as Verena finally spoke. "So you mean to tell me the only reason we are here is to what be soulmates to someone." Roxy laughed histaricly "Its like twilight to the extreme." Her laughter turned to sniffles and she began crying. I stood up from my seat and went to unlock the door. "Sorcha how did you know?" I looked back at heather "Because I already found my wolf."

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