
By Jesseybaby

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Four girls. Four guys. Four glimpses into their lives and how they came together. * These are short stories... More

Story A
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Story B
Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight

Part Two

2 1 0
By Jesseybaby

Part Two

Four o'clock couldn't come any sooner. Today the clock seems to be ticking by so slowly. An hour feels like several. It's taken an eternity for four o'clock to finally come around. The worst part is time is going to fly by now. It's the law, it's how it works.

I stretch my arms above my head, waiting for Nicola to show up. She texted saying she was running late a little bit. I don't mind because we generally cross paths with Bryce several times during the hour we spend running through this trail. His car was already here when I pulled up and I haven't seen him in the five minutes I've been standing here.

He should be coming around any minute now. Maybe he'll come by before Nicola shows up and I can spend the entire time admiring him without anyone catching me. I lift my right leg, catching my foot with my hand and stretch my legs. I alternate a few times before bending over to touch my toes.

I switch to the other arm and toes, drawing in a deep breath. I can hear feet hitting the pavement coming to my right. I suck in a sharp breath wondering if its Bryce. I switch to the other arm quickly then panic and straighten up. I don't want to miss him running by me.

I look to my right and sure enough it is him. He's running in slow motion in. He doesn't look all that sweaty yet, maybe it's his first lap around the trail. His arms bent and tucked to his sides, his hands in fists moving as his legs push him along. He gets closer to me, his serious focused face relaxing as he looks at me.

His mouth moves first, turning up at the side to flash me his pearly whites. His eyes open wider as he looks up at me, and I'm sure they are their usual stunning blue colour. His head lifts up, his mouth moving as he slows and eventually stops in front of me.

His mouth continues moving like he's talking to me but I don't hear a single word he's saying. His brows knit together, a look of concern spreading over his features.

I blink, readjusting to my surroundings. Uni trial. You're going for a run. "What?"

He laughs. "I said you've got a friend." He points to my shoulder.

I turn my head to find a bug sitting on my shoulder staring up at me. I squeal, flicking it off and proceed to shudder moving away from the bug. "Oh my god, why didn't you flick it off?" I rub my shoulder aggressively.

"He was just chilling out."

I glare at him. "Chill out. Bloody Christ." I mutter.

"You running solo today?" he looks around for my running partner, Nicola but she's still not here yet.

I shake my head. "She's running late today."

"Well, I better get back to it, see you around, Emily." He starts moving again.

I smile. "Yeah, see you around."

He flashes me his teeth again before jogging off. I tilt my head watching his shorts riding up his legs and back down again. The band of his shorts sit dangerously low on his hips too. Bryce takes good care of his body, something he's always done even in high school but I don't ever remember him looking this good.

His back is even nicely toned. I sigh happily, taking several mental pictures to add to the bean bank. I chuckle at the ridiculous name.

"Hey, sorry I'm late."

I scream, flinching big time at Nicola's booming voice. I turn to look at her surprised. She shakes her head, laughing at me. "Fuck, Nicola." I cover my heart as it races a million miles an hour. I feel like my entire life just flashed before my eyes.

Shit, did she see me totally checking Bryce out? She doesn't look like she totally busted me doing that. She starts stretching her arms. "Sorry, I thought you heard me say your name."

That's twice I haven't heard people talking me today. Maybe I'm beginning to lose my hearing. And my sanity, clearly! This whole running on Tuesdays at the uni trail just to get mental pictures for the bean bank is going to drive my insane. I'll be unhinged before I know it.

"I'm not all here today." I answer. It's not a complete lie, I am feeling a little off in outer space today. Right now, especially.

She laughs. "It's all good. How was your day?"

I sigh. "Eh, it was alright. I managed to get some good time in on the assignment after class today. It's starting to come together." I explain, stretching my arms again because I can.

She moves to stretching her legs. "That's good. Does that mean you'll reconsider coming out tonight?"

I shake my head. "Nah, I think I'm on roll. When I get home I'm going to work out on it some more and hopefully have a first draft done tonight. What about you? How was your day?"

She groans. "My day was a day. I'm really struggling to grasp this new course and I'm beginning to regret taking it. I only wanted extra credit and to do something a little different but fuck...why did I decide to do that?"

I laugh. "What is it? It can't be that bad."

"Behavioural economics."

I pull a face. "Ugh, you're on your own there."

She laughs. "Gee thanks. Nah it's not that bad...just more complicated than I originally thought it was going to be."

We start jogging along the trail side by side. Our conversation eases into a lighter subject before fading into silence. The only sound is the wind in the trees, random bird noises and the thudding of our feet on the ground as we run.

We both seem to get into concentration mode and separate after a while. Nicola seems to ease off, falling behind me as I push myself to think about the burning muscles and not Bryce's muscles. I don't know how long we've been running for but any minute now he should be about to lap us. Or we should at least cross paths with him.

I'm waiting with anticipation, wondering if he's chest will be glistening with sweet. My teeth dig into my bottom lip, the visual I had this morning during my bean flicking session comes to mind. Several drops of sweat dribbling down his chest, growing in size and teasing me before soaking into the band of his shorts.

The longer I think about the lucky drops of sweat the more I realise one bean flicking session won't be enough today. At least I'll have the house to myself tonight. I can moan his name if I want to without anyone hearing me, busting me for masturbating to him.

"Hey." Nicola says behind me. I slow my pace thinking she's talking to me but when I turn to look, Bryce runs pass me.

Our eyes meet as he goes by and I draw in a deep breath, almost choking from the sudden extra air. My eyes drop to his chest, the sweat glistening back at me tauntingly. He continues running pass me and my pace slows enough to fall into step with Nicola.

In mere moments he's gone, disappearing far ahead of us he blends in with the surrounding bush. Nicola slows her pace completely and I stop with her. She drops onto the fallen tree and tries to catch her breath.

I close my eyes, drawing in several deep breaths. I try to focus on lowering my heart rate and easing my breath but I keep picturing Bryce and his sweaty chest. My fingertips tingling with the sensation of wanting to touch it but for the life of me I can't remember what it's like. It happened so long ago that I can't remember the sensation.

It wasn't even that long ago. The last time I was in bed with him was a couple days before our high school graduation. Almost two years ago now. I strain to remember what a chest feels like under my hands, any chest but I can't.

I open my eyes to find Nicola pushing off the fallen tree. She stretches her arms and shaking her legs. "Want to run it in reverse?" she suggests, pointing in the direction we just came from.

I nod. Absolutely. If we run that way I'd get to see Bryce running towards me and I can only begin to imagine the fuel that would add to the burning fire.

We set out in the opposite direction and I wait in higher anticipation than before for when we cross paths with Bryce. It takes a little longer than I thought it would, but it finally happens. Again he moves in slow motion, his legs pushing him along with his arms tucked to his side moving. His face softens when we cross paths, a small smile on his face but I don't read into that too much.

I keep giving him a small smile too every time we cross paths. It's just human nature to be nice to others you cross paths with. It's something I do to many people and I'm sure it's the same thing for him.

The only problem I have with running in the opposite direction of him is I don't get to watch him slowly fade away. I don't get to watch his back muscles flex and move as he runs. It's a pity, his backside is more than enough to fuel a night of fantasies alone. The amount of times I've imagined digging my fingernails into those muscles, it's borderline unhealthy.

We cross paths with Bryce several more times and I thoroughly enjoy every single one of them. Every time I take more mental pictures for the bean bank, already thinking of ways to turn those pictures into fantasies.

My head is plotting ways for his body to move and ways for mine to move in return. It's getting harder to focus on running and keeping my balance the more my mind tries to drive me wild. I'm thankful with every stride my thighs get the opportunity to relive some of the pressure building between my legs. Fuck me, who gets this horny while running?

Fantasy Bryce is moving his body above mine, getting ready to take me. I slow my pace as I wait in eager anticipation. I really should wait until I get home for this fantasy but it's right there, and the moment just feels absolutely right I can't possibly deny myself this joy.

Unfortunately with my concentration on fantasy Bryce being so intense I don't focus on where I'm going. I'm ripped out of fantasy land as my foot snags on something, my entire body pulled with force. I cry out as I fall to the ground, scraping along the ground as I fall flat on my face.

"Fuck, Emily! Are you okay?" Nicola is right behind me and gets to me in no time.

I groan, rolling onto my back and look up at her worry-stricken face. "I'm good." I rush out, forcing myself to sit up.

My entire body is grumbling in pain from hitting the floor but my left leg and right arm are screaming in pain. I turn my gaze to my left leg and my stomach drops as I spy blood rushing out of the scratch there.

I lift my right arm to inspect it, ignoring the pain telling me not to do that. yep, I've got a big scrap there too. God I'm good.

"Are you okay?" a deeper voice joins us.

I look up in time to see Bryce dropping down to my level. "I'm okay." I hiss as I bump my arm on my leg.

"Let me look. That looked painful." He comments, reaching for my leg. His fingers send bolts of warmth through my body, a complete contrast to the pain racing through me.

"You saw that?" I whisper. I don't mean to say it out loud, but I panic. I was hoping he didn't see me actually trip and fall on my ass, just that he happened to come across us like this. God, I'm an idiot. His fingers dig into my calf muscles before he lets go of my leg completely.

This is all his fault anyway. If he didn't look so divine and edible while running, I wouldn't be flat on my ass right now. "Come on, I'll help you up." he offers me a hand, standing up.

Nicola offers her hand as well and I let both of them help me off the ground. My entire body grumbles at the thought of being off the ground but it's not too bad. I can stand on both feet which means I didn't hurt myself too bad.

"You good? Bryce can carry you to the car if you need." Nicola asks.

Bryce frowns, looking at her. "I can?"

She smacks his arm. "If she needs to be carried, yes you will."

I think about Bryce carrying me and my stomach knots. Nope, that can't happen. I don't need that kind of extra fuel. Definitely not, I'm doing a good job of imaging those kinds of things without actually being able to draw from experience.

"I'm fine, I can walk just fine." I blurt out, taking a few steps to prove it to myself and them.

Bryce holds his hands out as if waiting for me to trip again. "You sure you're okay?"

I nod. "I'm great. See?" I take a few more steps and nothing is groaning in pain. Just a dull ache where my two scraps are and my pride from falling in front of the guy I'm fantasising about.

"Come on, let's get home so we can clean you up." Nicola hooks her arm with mine.

What a great idea. I can go home and wallow in my embarrassment. I can get the chance to breath away from Bryce and his teasing sweaty chest. I look over my shoulder as Nicola guides me to trail carpark.

"See you around." I say.

He waves, staring at me before looking away. He seems to drift off into thought before he shakes his head. He spares me one more look before he turns, jogging off.


My leg and arm don't look so bad now that I've showered and cleaned the scraps up a bit. The pain is long gone, thanks to either the Panadol I took or the two whiskey and cokes I've had. Probably both. I've cut myself off at three drinks because I have this assignment to complete. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to focus for the last half hour, the house is buzzing with noise as the girls get ready to go out for the night.

Nicola and Tia are going axe throwing with Jason while Nora is going over to the boy's house tonight. Tia has asked me again if I want to join them, but I declined again. Nora asked on her way upstairs, but I don't think she heard me when I said not tonight.

I hear loud footsteps on the stairs behind me and sigh, closing my eyes threatening to close the laptop and give up for the night. The couch dips beside me and I open my eyes to find Nora has flopped over the back of the couch. Her skirt rides up showing me an eyeful of her underwear and bare ass.

She giggles, crawling onto the floor to straighten herself. "Oops, sorry." She pulls herself up beside me, looking at my laptop to see what I'm doing. "Whatcha working on?"

"An essay but I'm getting nowhere, there's too much going on around here."

Her mouth turns down. "Sorry, we'll be gone soon. You could come over for a little while then come back and finish your essay. It'll be fun, I promise."

I sigh. "I'm not doing so well on this subject so I should focus all my attention on this essay."

"Well if you change your mind, you know where to find us." She pats my leg, pushing off the couch.

Tia and Nicola come barrelling down the stairs, the thudding ten times louder then Nora's footsteps. "Have fun studying babes. We'll send pics." Tia calls racing out the door with Nicola hot on her tale.

"Bye, have fun." I call, waving to the wide-open door.

Tyler steps into the doorframe just as Nora reaches it. "Hey." She greets him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

His arms wrap around her waist, and I take that as my cue to look away. I look down at my laptop just as the screen goes dark. I grumble, waking it back up. "You coming tonight, Emily?" Tyler asks.

I look over at him, shaking my head. "She's got an essay to do." Nora answers for me.

"Oh, the joy, you have fun with that."

"Thanks. You guys have a fun." I say, crossing my legs making sure the sore one is on top.

They turn for the door, but Nora turns back suddenly. "Oh by the way don't touch the snacks on the counter, I plan on coming back for them soon."

I raise a brow. "Babe, why don't you just bring them with you?" Tyler asks.

Nora shushes him. "I need to check on my friend later so I'll just grab them then."

"Don't you guys have snacks?" I query.

Tyler shrugs. "I'm particular about my munchy snacks." Nora answers. Oh right, now I understand what they're doing tonight.

"You guys are getting high on a Tuesday night?"

"We don't have class tomorrow and Bryce is suppling, the bloody legend. I knew I liked him." she winks at me, giving me a weird look I don't fully understand. I shake my head watching them leave the house, shutting the door behind themselves.

I turn my attention back to essay no longer in the mood to work on it now that someone has mentioned Bryce. The rushing desire I'd begun to feel earlier before I fell flat on my face comes back. I look over my shoulder at the stairs leading up to my bedroom.

No! I've already flicked the bean once today, I cannot start doing it twice a day. That would be borderline crazy. That's rich coming from me.

"Ugh." I groan, throwing my head back. I need to get laid. With an actual other human being. I need a male induced orgasm.


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