
By Jesseybaby

84 27 0

Four girls. Four guys. Four glimpses into their lives and how they came together. * These are short stories... More

Story A
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Story B
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight

Part Five

3 2 0
By Jesseybaby

Part Five

Tonight, is the midyear party at the boy's house. A lot of people from our uni is going to be there. Not only are we celebrating making it halfway through the uni year but exams for term one is done and dusted. And on top of that we've all managed to survive with some of our insanity intact. I'm so keen for tonight I've already started drinking.

I downed my first two shots at ten am before Emily dragged me to the shops for a new outfit just for tonight. I thought shopping with Tia was mental, Emily gives her a run for her money. Surprisingly the other two girls managed to get out of joining us. Emily has tried on several stores twice and we've had lunch and she still hasn't found what she's looking for.

I've already said yes to several outfits I thought looked amazing on her but she's not convinced. We're nearing one thirty in the afternoon and I'm losing the buzz I managed to continue with lunch. Thankfully the current store we're in has comfortable chairs.

I have my legs dangling over the armrest as I lounge, scrolling through my social media while Emily tries on her ten millionth outfit for the day.

"Are we nearing the end of this journey, or should I order an alcohol delivery? Do you think they would bring it to me here?" I wonder curiously. You can order alcohol to your door these days, why not to the local shopping centre.

"Nothing looks right so no. And I don't think they would bring it to you."

I pout, locking my phone and dropping it on my chest. I turn my head as she steps out of the dressing room. She's wearing a glittery purple dress with sequins. Every single sequin catches the bright lights in the dressing room and shimmers beautiful.

"That's the one, you look amazing."

She sighs, turning each and every way in the mirror before her shoulders sag. "It doesn't feel right."

I groan. "What exactly are you looking for, Emily?"

"I don't know." She mutters disappearing into the stall.

I stare up at the ceiling praying for more patience. My phone vibrates on my chest. A teasing emoji message from Tyler. He's sent several emojis of mice and cheese. I roll my eyes and send back several of my own emojis, mostly clothing ones.

"Are you dressing up for someone else?" I ask, looking over at the stall. I can see Emily's feet under the stall and don't mistake the way they suddenly stop moving.


I lift a brow. "Kind of seems like you are."

"Is it that obvious?" she asks, poking her head out of the door.

I shrug, my phone vibrating again. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's okay to dress up for someone else. Just as long as you're happy with yourself." I tell her before checking the message.

Can you at least give me a clean shirt for tonight? – Tyler

Go buy one – Nora

"I am happy with myself." Emily disappears back into the stall.

I swing my legs off the arm rest and sit up properly. "Do I know the guy you're dressing for?"


I snort, crossing my legs. "Are you dressing up for Bryce?" I ask. Bryce is her ex from high school, the guy she claims she's definitely over. The very same guy she's been flicking the bean to while still claiming it means nothing.

I wonder what it's like for Emily to have her high school ex living across the street from her.  Nobody else has clued in that they use to date and neither of them have said anything to anyone. I just happen to know because of that one fateful night I overheard her proclamation of his name during her bean flicking session.

I needed the story because I'd assumed they'd been hooking up and Emily was quick to put that to rest, letting slip they use to date. They took each other's virginity in high school, which is super cute. They took a lot of each other's firsts.

Emily's silence is speaking louder than she ever could. She's definitely dressing up for him. See, I knew there was no way she was flicking the bean to relive glory days. She has feelings for him again!

"Emily, it's okay if you are. I think you should totally go for it, Bryce is a great guy." I say encouragingly.

She opens the stall wearing a black skin-tight dress. I've never seen Emily wear such a plunging neckline. I can see the curve of her breasts perfectly. I gasp.

"He is a great guy, but we just don't work anymore."

I blink repeatedly as she walks over to the mirror. Her back is on display, the low cut of the dress shows off her creamy skin. "Dude, you look amazing. This is the dress. If Bryce doesn't want to fuck you he's insane."

Emily blushes. "That's not what I want."

I raise a brow, walking over to her. "Then what do you want?"

I wrap an arm around her shoulder and snap a picture of us in the mirror. "Who are you sending that to?" she asks curiously.

"Group chat. The girls are going to agree with me, you look amazing in this dress. I'd fuck you." I wink before sending the picture to Nicola and Tia. I check the message that Tyler has sent.

Too much work – Tyler

I roll my eyes sending a shrugging emoji. Tia and Nicola heart the photo and send through several texts each of praises. I show Emily who looks semi-convinced this is the dress. Good, we're halfway there.

"I don't want to dress up just for him you know." Emily admits, turning her attention back to the mirror.

I raise a brow. "Then dress up for you. If he happens to like the dress, then so be it."

"I don't even know what I want from him...I've only started thinking about him in the last month or so." She admits, heading back into the stall.

I drop back into the chair, opening the message from Tyler. I roll my eyes at the disappointed looking emojis. "Maybe he's just bean flicking material."

"Nora." She gasps.

I snicker. "What? You're the one flicking your bean to him. Oh, maybe you just need to sleep with him, get it out of your system and you'll be good. I'm sure he'd be totally down for that. Suggest you relive your glory days for one steamy night and part ways again." I suggest, poking my tongue out suggestively.

I'm not entirely certain how to interpret the silence I'm greeted with. Does that mean she's considering it or she's just ignoring me? I think it's a brilliant idea. What have they both go to lose? They've already slept together and when they ended things the first time it was on good terms. And I mean she's flicking her bean to him, that has to mean something right?

I don't just flick my bean to anyone.

"You won't tell anyone right?" Emily asks coming out of the stall in the clothes she arrived in.

I shake my head, pushing off the chair. "Hell no, I told you this secret goes to the grave with me...unless you decide to tell the others of course."

She sighs, holding the black dress up for one more look. "I just don't understand why I've been thinking about him lately. We barely cross paths anymore and we've been over for a year and a half."

"Maybe you've got some unresolved issues. Nothing a trip to bone town won't fix." I wiggle my brows.

She rolls her eyes, gripping the dress to her chest. "You're horrible to go to for advice. I think I'm going to get this dress though."

I clap excited that she finally chose an outfit and that we finally get to leave and get our drink on. "I give excellent advice. Perhaps we should get some extra cleaning supplies for tonight though on the way home."

She frowns. "What cleaning supplies?"

"Something to clean up all the drool everyone will be releasing when the see you in this dress. Jaws will be hitting the floor!" I cheer, pointing to the ceiling as I walk away from her. She mutters several incoherent words behind me, but I ignore her, happy with my brand of teasing.


I should've gotten dressed for the party before I started drinking. I've got a buzz going and all I want to do is dance it off. It's kind of hard to decide on an outfit when I just want to dance around my bedroom.

I dance my way out of my shorts, my eyes straying to the open window. Tyler is still sitting on the windowsill in my mind. I wonder if he found a shirt for himself tonight or if he's going to go shirtless like he threatened to in the text he sent earlier. I was tempted to tell him I don't mind if he's fully clothed or not, both version are delicious in my mind.

I change into fresh underwear and matching bra. None of the clothes in my closet seem to suit my mood tonight. I wonder if maybe I should've tried on some clothes when I was out with Emily earlier today. It was clearly a missed opportunity.

I spy the LBD I don't wear all that often. It has a very low cut backing which means I'd have to ditch the bra and free ball it. I run a hand over the satin material and grin. I unclasp the bra and pull the dress over my head, the material cool against my warm skin.

I check myself out in the little mirror on the door and bite my lip. I turn to the side to check my bare back on display and my stomach knots. I wonder if Tyler will like the dress, would he be bold enough to make a comment about it? Do I want him to? Oh god, the knot in my stomach tightens.

I can hear Jason mentioning my name again to Tyler in his bedroom, Tia's words echoing at the same time what if he feels the same way. I shake my head; tonight is not the night.

"I need a drink." I mutter to my reflection, nodding.

I grab my converses and head downstairs to the loud noise of my friends talking. I find them in the kitchen lining up shots. Yes, excellent plan girls. Tia is wearing a t-shirt tucked into a tight skirt, an abnormal choice of outfit for her. Nicola is wearing jeans and a nice red singlet that could easily pass for pyjamas, generally a normal outfit for her.

Emily is absolutely blazing; she's wearing the dress she brought today. I'm so glad she hasn't backed out of the idea and absolutely rocking it like I knew she would.

I fan my face as I join my friends. "Emily, oh my gosh." I coo.

She blushes, lifting her shoulder. "I've had just enough to drink to wear it." she admits.

Tia laughs, handing her a shot. "Here keep the buzz going, you look so good."

Tia clinks a shot with Emily's and they down them together. "We haven't seen this dress in a while." Nicola notes, gesturing to my outfit.

I grin, spinning around for my friends. "This old thing does the job." I mutter, reaching for a shot.

Tia grabs another one and clinks it with mine. I down the clear liquid, letting the vodka tingle and warm my insides. I can feel the giddy rush racing down to my fingertips as I put the empty shot glass down.

"And sneakers? You absolutely loon." Tia grumbles disapprovingly at my shoe choice.

I shrug, slipping my socks on before stepping into the shoes. "Makes it easier to run away if needed." I wink.

Nicola and Emily laugh but Tia just shakes her head. "Why ever would you want to run away from Tyler?" she teases, smirking.

I roll my eyes reaching for another shot. Nicola covers the shot before it can reach my mouth. "We need to toast our last shots before we head over. It's the last of our vodka." She says, pouting.

She hands the last couple shots out and holds her own up. "Here's to the greatest friends ever." Tia declares thrusting her shot up higher.

"Here, here." I agree, clinking my shot with hers. Emily and Nicola mimic me and we all down our shots in unison. This shot sends a shiver down my spine and I spasm from the intrusion. "Shit." I grumble, putting the empty shot glass down on the island counter.

Tia whoops, clapping her hands. "Let's do this!" she points to the front door.

"Hell yeah." Emily cheers, linking her arm with Nicola and following Tia.

My entire body feels hot, warm skin prickling all over. My hair sways behind me, tickling my neck uncomfortably. I grumble halfway to the door. "You guys go ahead; I'm going to put my hair up."

Nicola flicks her hand up before the disappear out the front door. I race up the stairs and into my room, looking around for my scrunchie. Where did I leave the bloody thing? I pull my blanket off the bed, shaking it but nothing comes out of it. I scan the floor quickly but that turns up nothing.

I turn to my closet and grin, there it is. I put the scrunchie on the door knob, now I remember. I tip my head over, pulling my hair together before pulling it all into a bun on the top of my head. I check myself in the mirror, nodding satisfied with how I look.

I race downstairs and head for the open door, stopping short as I spy Dexter walking up to the door. what the hell is he doing here? I scratch my brain wondering when I last saw him, the coffee hut. Shit, we're overdue for the whole give me another chance talk. Fuck, I really needed to get the message across that I'm no longer interested.


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