The Beauty in Diversity

By Krouzep929

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Where Sam is a billionaire herself and the owner of Diversity and she also comes from royalty and Mon is a fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

357 14 3
By Krouzep929

Sam was having a coffee with Adena at their usual coffee place discussing the details about their upcomming wedding.The idea of a destination wedding with 500 guest isn't what she wanted at all and not that she couldn't afford it,of course she could,she was extremely wealthy but she preferred a more intimate setting with her closest friends,her grandmother and Mon's parents.

Oh for f8ck's sake, Adena!Adena's parents you idiot..Sam mentally scolded herself.

"Are you okay lover?" "You know what they say about frowns right?.Can't have you looking wrinkly on our wedding day."

Sam tried to be optimistic about this whole situation because she's getting married soon and who's not happy when it's the love of your life right?so she just agreed and smiled.

"What the hell are they doing here?"Adena looked like she wanted to puke.

Who?Sam asked looking over her shoulder. 

"Oh," she said taking a sip of her coffee and also hiding behind her mug, she wasn't sure if she was still angry at them or happy to see them,probably both she told herself.

They walked past Sam and Adena and pretended not to notice them at first.

Oh hi Adena!they all greeted with fake enthusiams.It's so nice see you again,How have you been? Kade asked as she went in for a hug that Adena dodged expertly.

"I'm sorry but i'm wearing Givenchy".I have an appointment and I don't want to get creases on this blouse, but you do understand don't you?Or maybe not.. she said mockingly.

Well at least we're not leeches, Jim said bluntly.

 Okay, we have to go our table is ready,Tee made and excuse as Yuki and Kade literaly had to drag Jim away who was in a stare down with Adena.


 Adena made a disgusted face as she watched them go. "Such a classless mess" she sneered." Do they really have to attend my wedding? "

"No wait, don't answer that."she continued with her rant

"I need to go see my therapist, people like them usually triggers my anxiety."

I'm sorry lover, Adena said in a haste as she checked her very expensive designer watch.I have to do a couple of rounds before my appointment.Don't be sad,we will be seeing each other tonight,ciao.


Sam wasn't even paying any attention because her mind was somewhere else.

"Wtf just happened" she thought. "I know they deliberately ignored me but I don't care. I'm perfectly fine with having no friends at all, she pouted while looking over at their table."

I'm not in needy, in fact i'm leaving, and she started to walk.

"No you idiot go back and give them a piece of your mind.They should be the ones begging you  for mercy . You are Samanam Anantakrul remember?

Of course I am, she agreed confidently.

Sam was standing at their table checking her finger nials and looking at theceiling as if it was interesting.

Everybody was throwing each other subtle looks and Jim nudged Kade with the elbow.

"I'm sorry madam are you lost?"Kade asked Sam.

"Sam gave her a death glare and everybody burst out laughing."

Oh C'mon Fuzzy you know we were just joking.

That wasn't even funny,she sneered.

 Anyway "Grumpy ",we owe you an apology for goig behind your back, but you know we did it for Diversity right and the staff?and it worked. 

"Yea amongst other things" Yuki blurted out and Tee nudged her.

Wanna join us Sam?Kirk asked nervously.

"Fine and I'm not done with you by the way", she said pointing at him. 

After catching up and making fun of each other, Tee started to talk about the wedding.

"So you're getting married,I almost can't believe it buddy"

"Yea", Sam replied indifferently.

Probably can't wait right?Kade tried.

Sam only shrugged her shoulders as she continued to sip her third coffee for the day.

Observing Sam's reluctance to talk about her upcomming wedding, they decided to change the subject.

Jim was scolding Sam for letting Kirk drive her cars,Kade bragged about her new movie that deserved an Oscar,Tee and Yuki was being flirty with each other while Sam was watching the two of them and Kirk was looking at her knowing what or "who" was going through her mind.

''I have to get back to work'',she said as she called the waiter over to pay her bill.

You're in a hurry today,Jim said surprised because they all know Sam and punctuality doesn't co-exist in the same sphere.

Yea you know ''obligations'',Sam said akwardly as she diverted her attention to the waiter.

 'I'm sorry, but can i get a Latte and Cappuccino to go please?.''

Kirk cleared his throat when he heard the order.

 Sam looked at Kirk but saw that everybody was serving her looks 

''What? do I have something on my face?'' Sam asked grabbing her pocket mirror from her bag to check out her face and teeth.

There was nothing on her face or anything stuck between her teeth,so why the hell are they still staring?

"Okay someone needs to start talking before i..."

Do you have a caffeine addiction that we didnt know about? Jim asked,and when did you start drinking Latte's?

Ohh.. that,yea I'm trying out new things,Sam said akwardly.

"Of course you are, sure ,right ,aha, good for you'' came the replies.

Sam was standing there with a slight blush on her face and also annoyed at them for putting her on the spot but she regained her composure and retaliated because she was Samanan Anantrakul.

''Gues what?"

"What?" they all asked simultaneously.

"I'm not inviting you to SamCorp's Christmas function next week."

"Come to think of it, who invited you all in the first place anyway because I sure as hell never did but there you are every year showing up with vip badges. I need to speak to Markerting and fire whoever is responsible for this breach of conduct."

They all laughed because they knew that was Sam's silly way of getting back at them but it was also their little banter that they had every year.

"Anyway I have to get going",Sam quickly grabbed the coffee from the waiter and left before they made another silly remark about her so called "caffeine addiction".


"Guys do you think Fuzzy is making the right choice?" Jim asked.

''She got engaged to be married, so i guess?'', Kirk replied.

"I don't think she's ready settle down yet",Kade spoke.

"She is, just not with Adena", ''but I think she will go through with it anyway''. Tee replied.

''Even if Sam's not ready,Adena will make sure that she will be when the time comes,'' Kirk said

''Yea it looks that way,I know Adena comes from a wealthy family but not even close to the life that Sam is giving her or going to give her. "I'm sorry but I'm wearing Givenchy" Jim said in a moking voice.

''Does she actually think that I'm walking around with a fake Chanel bag?''

''We all are thinking that Jim'',Kade deadpanned and they all burst out laughing.

"You guys,"  Yuki whispered, "her family's business isn't doing that great according to Mon and please don't tell her that i told you guys although she didn't explicitly tell me not to either, but she asked us to please look out for Sam.

What the hell?everybody was shocked, except for Jim.

"Why am i not surprised?" I told you guys, "Leech" Jim repeated.

''Don't worry babes,sounds like Mon wanted you to inform us, Tee reasured Yuki.

"Where's Mon going anyway?" Kade asked confused and everybody shot her weird looks.

She's leaving after the new year,Hawaii apparently for a vacay and flying straight back to London after that,you know,her home?Yuki replied.

Oh, I completely forgot...

Everybody's mood turned sour.

                                                              ******Adena *Anantrakul* ***

Adena was standing at the door of Sam's condo, extremely annoyed.Sam stayed in a luxury security complex and by now one would've thought that security would just let her pass without any hassle but no.

 "I need to have a talk to Sam about that". To think she chose this place for the safety of that damn mut of her's,he should be in kennel, preferably far away from here.

 Adena pressed a button to make her presence known.

"Took you long enough," she hissed at the maid who opened the door as she pushed past her.

Madam, lady Sam is not home.

"I know," i just had coffee wit her,but i'm here to pick up something that i left the other night.

 She knows Sam's maids only leaves when she gets back from work or stays in when she's out of town or in case of an "emergency",so this was her only chance before Sam returns.

"I'm going upstairs so go find something to keep yourself busy"

When she saw the maid disappear into the kitchen,she went upstairs to Sam's bedroom.

"Now where did that woman put you",she talked to herself as she started to search through Sam's drawers and closets. Sam's place wasn't particulary big, it was quite small in comparison to her's wich was really spacious. A place that she probably had to put in the market if she wasn't going to marry Sam and also look for a job on top of that, and although she was a qualified Realtor she never had to work a day in her life because of her "spoilt brat piviledge".

The idea of working a  9-5 job and be the laughing stock of her entire social circle would mean the end of her.

 "What if that maid didn't put it away, or what if Sam really got rid of it ,she wasn't exactly pleased with design in the first place". 

"No i just have to find it" and she frantically stormed down the stairs, she looked around to make sure that the maid wasn't in sight before she opened the door to Sam's office.

Adena started going through folders that was neatly stacked on top of the desk but it was mostly work realated. She started looking through her cabinets and the bookshelf with no success.

"Dammit!"she slammed on the table as she pulled on one of the desk drawers and found it locked,she tried the other one and lucky for her it slid open.The first thing that she saw was an old toy of Singha and picked it up with a pincer grasp.

"Gross," she mumbled under her breath as she let it fall on the desk."where the hell is that creature anyway" 

"Sam hasn't mentioned him lately ,which is weird because she's literally pushing that dog down my throat all the damn time,like I would ever love it. 

"Here we go" she said while grinning like the cheshire cat when she found the design.The paper was crinkly she thought, did she actually try to throw it away or did that old maid do this?, what does it matter anyway just as long as Fred gets his hand on this and turn it into a reality, she said to herself as she kissed the piece of paper.It could be worth $8 million usd's when finished."

She started to put the folders back but she saw one folder that looked totally out of place that read "Miscellaneous".She had to get out of Sam's office but her curiousity got the better of her  so she opened it. It had pictures of nature,Singha,Singha with Sam and Sam alone smiling and laughing at someone behind the camera.I've never seen her like this,Adena felt envious,jealous and angry at whoever made her smile like that.She wanted to stop looking but her hands automatically picked up the last photo that had a quote at the back.Her jaws tightened and her nostrils flared when she read it. 

This must be "her" she whispered when she flipped the pic.

Creases started to form as she intensily gazed at the image.

''Why do i get the feeling that i've seen her before,she looks so familiar, but where and how?Sam never even mentioned her past before."

"No, this must be some old picture of a friend from school..or something, the girl seems young and the silly quote at the back is a dead give away, enough to make anyone puke. Hot?pfft,i doubt that,she said as she examined it more time, letting her confidence take another plunge.She hastily put everything back in it's place except for Singha's old toy that she completely forgot about.

"Urgh!.. damn thing."

"You know what?" she said as she looked at it, "you don't belong here anyway" and she threw it in the bin next to Sam's desk.

She made it out of the office just as the maid appeared.

"So,I haven't found what I was looking for but it's fine", Adena lied,and there's no need to tell Sam about my visit,I will inform her on my way.

"By the way," 

"What happened to that mut that's always turning this place into dump?''

He's with Mon and..

"Good,let him stay with his nanny or dog walker ,whatever they call themselves these days.Hopefully she will keep him there.

 Adena walked out and slammed the door behind her when she left.

"What a ray of sunshine" the maid sneered.

What did the "Queen Consort" complain about this time? another maid asked when she heard the noise.

"Everything'' ,she's also under the impression that Mon,who Lady Sam keeps mentioning is a dog walker.

''Who's going to tell her?'' the other maid mocked and they both burst out laughing.

                                                                 ******DIVERSITY HQ*****

 Mon came from the printing machine when she saw the cup with a drawing of Singha sitting on her desk.She smiled and looked over her shoulder to see if Sam was still around but to her disappointment she had already left.She knew Sam was spending time with Singha,Emily and her friends went on a 7 day trip to Bali but she declined, she wanted to spend the time she had left with her parents and Singha until Emily will return for the Xmas function as her plus one. 

Her days at Diversity was almost coming to an end and like Sam, there was no reason for her to stay longer than needed,her job was complete,Diversity was thriving once again.Sam and Mon, "The Perfect Team" like Yha said and not like she didn't know what Yha was actually trying to insinuate, but professionally they did make a good team.It was always fun working together but it wasn't always easy,even back then.There were times when they bumped heads, especially when she had to take the lead and Sam outright refused to follow her,because she was "Khun Sam" and "her boss" just to end up telling her that she wouldn't be able to focus on work that day because of her "migraines''. Mon has always found Sam's quirkiness endearing and her cockiness even cute,no scrape that ,she found it extremely sexy,especially when she was in boss mode and handling her like a pro..her business!her business! like a pro.

Mon quickly corrected herself, afraid that somebody could read her thoughts, but the floor was almost empty because everybody was in a festive mood doing anything else but work.She wasn't feeling it though,she was fighting an internal battle.She took a seat and sipped on her Latte, opened her phone and scrolled through Jim's IG page,always looking for that one pic.

That was Jim's engagement celebration weekend in Phuket.She booked them into a fancy resort, just the girls of course,they were posing for pics that day because Jim always went way out with these kinda thing ,even their color scheme had to match.She hired a professional photographer, a very flamboyant 40 year old guy and asked everyone to give him their cooperation because he didn't come cheap.

Mon giggled as she remembers how Sam had literally done the opposite by trying to get her attention,to the annoyance of the photographer who begged them stay in position.Mon obliged but Sam was so close to her face just as the flash went off. The photographer wasn't amused to say the least by Sam's childish behaviour, but he was impressed by his own photography skills though because it came out beautifully.

Sam pinched Mon's back to get her attention. 

"Sweetheart?...look at me,Sam whispered"

"Ouch! ..babe stop it", Mon giggled.

"Lady Sam i need you to stay still",the photographer warned.

Sam just rolled her eyes.

"Sweetheart..please look at me or i'll kiss you",she continued

"No babe not now..look the photographer is going to kill us."

"I will kill him first" she smirked.

"Shush babe, he's taking the pic" poor Mon tried hard to focus.

Mon...Sam tried again.

"Does she have ants in her bum?the photographer asked himself.Why can't she sit still? oh my goshhh.."rich people".If this is a mess i'm quiting life. Oh wait! it actually came out perfect.Damn i'm good."

Marry me..

*********To be continued.


Guys this fic is almost reaching it's end and i'm curious to know what is going to happen.I didn't even know Sam asked Mon to get married fr:/.I just can't with these two.

Emily needs to get back from that trip and take Mon back to the UK,hopefully they will get married and live happily after just like Sam and Adena.#couplegoals;)

Anyway guys I'm sorry for taking forever, but you know my studies comes first:)

Oh and btw. Adena and Sam stole those quotes,it wasn't me:D

Enjoy this chapter

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