Easy - The Girl who Lived For...

By PaigeMcPherson2023

8.9K 295 67

Everyone knows the story of Lily and James Potter. How they were killed by the most feared dark wizard of the... More

Prologue [EDITED]
Part 1 - Hazza P and the Chamber so Big it's full of Secrets
Shopping with Scarhead [EDITED]
Truth at Hogwarts [EDITED]
Lessons and News Articles [EDITED]
Halloweenie [EDITED]
Making Amends [EDITED]
Snake Heirs [EDITED]
Petrification [EDITED]
Going Home [EDITED]
Part 2 - Hazza P and the AWhooAHeeAhhHoeHoeHoe
Updated Cast
Summer 1993 -- 1/2
Summer 1993 - 2/2
The Flight of the Fat Lady
🎁🛷🦌🎅🤶🎄Merry Christmas, Jerks 🎄🤶🎅🦌🛷🎁
Zoom Zoom Broom
Blackmailing- I mean Patronus lessons
The Attempted Murder of Roonil Wazlib
The Night it Ended [PART 1/3]
The Night it Ended [PART 2/3]
The Night it Ended [PART 3/3]
The Aftermath [UPDATED]
Part 3 - Hazza P and the Competition of Death
Updated Cast
Updated Cast
Dreaming of the Riddle House
A/N (Early Parts Editing) and memes
Generous Invitations
Reunion (The Quidditch World Cup [Part 1])
The Game - (The Quidditch World Cup [Part 2])
The Dark Mark - (Quidditch World Cup [Part 3])
Home and Safe and Shopping
Welcome to Hogwarts
The Adventures of Draco Malfoy the Ferret
The Unforgiveable Curses
Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
The Goblet of Fire
The Emotional Support Stuffed Animal and the Miracle Lawyer
The First Task
We Threw A Rager
The Second Task
The Third Task

🎶We're off to go to Hogwarts. The Wonderful Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry🎶

153 9 1
By PaigeMcPherson2023

I woke long before the sun the next morning, and wasn't able to go back to sleep. I shrug on a pair of black ripped jean shorts and a white shirt, before going downstairs and out into the muggle world for a walk, ignoring what Fudge had instructed. 

The muggle world was more peaceful than the wizarding one, by a lot. I strolled down the street, and turned a corner, running into a big black dog. "Hey Sirius. How's the convict life treating you?" I asked the dog, who barked. I walked off into an alley, and the dog followed me, turning into Sirius Black when we were out of sight. "How is this possible?" he murmured. "Well here I am, your besties daughter right here," I smirked. "That's not what I - hang on, who are you?" he asked. "Peyton Mary Marlene Potter, pleasure to meet you," I smirked at his face. "That's not possible," he mumbled. "It is. Technology is very advanced. How's the hunt for Pettigrew going?" I ask. Sirius eyed me. "How do you know so much?" he asked. "Lily Potter kept extensive diaries. I've been reading them. Let me guess, you escaped from prison to commit the murder that got you put in prison," I raised an eyebrow. Sirius nodded. "Pettigrew is hiding with the Weasley family," he said. I faltered. "What? No he isn't," I frowned. "Yes, he's the rat," Sirius said. "The rat?" I gasp as realization dawns. "Scabbers. A normal rat can't live past four at the most, but we've had him for twelve years. And his toe ..." I lean against the wall. "Scabbers is Ron's rat, and he seems extra careful with him lately. Should I try and get him for you or something?" Sirius nodded. "Thank you ... Peyton," he said, turning back into a dog.

I walked back towards the Leaky Cauldron and opened the door, walking inside. Mum turns to from at me. "Where have you been?!" she demanded. "Went for a walk," I shrugged, sitting down. "You aren't allowed to go into the muggle world while we're here!" Mum said. "That's why I didn't tell you," I raised my eyebrow like it was obvious and went up to my room. 

Minerva was sleeping in her cage and Malia was lying on the bed snoozing. I put my headphones on and started my loop while I read one of my books; The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis. There was a knock at the door about an hour later, and Fred and George walked in. "Ah, Chaos and Chaos. What can I do for you?" I asked, pausing the music. "Mum says hurry up," Fred told me, and I get up. With a wave of my hand, Malia floats into her carrier, and my trunk, along with Minerva's cage and Malia's carrier float up. "Why are you doing magic outside of school?" George asked. "I removed the Trace when I was nine, keep up," I walked passed them, my bags floating past me. 

When I get downstairs, Dad was reading the frontpage of the Daily Prophet with a furrowed brow and Mum was telling Hermione and Ginny about a love potion she'd made as a young girl. All three of them were rather giggly. Harry, Ron and the twins walk in and sit down next to me. "What were you saying?" Ron asked Harry as they sat down. "Later," Harry muttered as Percy stormed in. After breakfast, we had to deal with the chaos of leaving.

Dad, who had been outside waiting for the Ministry cars, stuck his head inside. "They're here," he said. "Come on." Dad marched Harry and me across the short stretch of pavement toward the first of two old- fashioned dark green cars, each of which was driven by a furtive-looking wizard wearing a suit of emerald velvet. "In you get," said Dad, glancing up and down the crowded street. Harry got into the back of the car and I, in turn, got in the other one. I was joined by Mum, the twins and Ginny. The journey to King's Cross was very uneventful, mostly spent the boys whispering under hushed tones, Ginny trying eavesdrop, Molly sighing that the twins were giving her a migraine, and me just reading in the corner. 

We reached King's Cross with twenty minutes to spare; the Ministry drivers found us trolleys, unloaded our trunks, touched their hats in salute to Dad, and drove away, somehow managing to jump to the head of an unmoving line at the traffic lights. Dad kept close to Harry's elbow all the way into the station. "Right then," he said, glancing around them. "Let's do this in pairs, as there are so many of us. I'll go through first with Harry." Dad strolled toward the barrier between platforms nine and ten, pushing Harry's trolley. With a meaningful look at Harry, he leaned casually against the barrier, and the boy imitated him. In a moment, they had fallen sideways through the solid metal. "Ginny and Percy, you next," Molly said. "I can go with Ginny," I sighed, and we copied what Dad and Harry had done, falling sideways onto platform nine and three- quarters.

I looked up to see the Hogwarts Express, a scarlet steam engine, puffing smoke over a platform packed with witches and wizards seeing their children onto the train. The twins arrive next, followed by Ron and Hermione. Percy and Mum suddenly appeared behind us. "Ah, there's Penelope!" said Percy, smoothing his hair and going Pink again. I turned away to hide my laughter as Percy strode over to the Ravenclaw Prefect from last year, walking with his chest thrown out so that she couldn't miss his shiny badge. We clambered on, and leaned out of the window to wave at Mum and Dad until the train turned a corner and blocked them from view. "I need to talk to you in private," Harry muttered to Ron and Hermione as the train picked up speed. "Go away, second years," said Ron. "Oh, that's nice," said Ginny huffily, and she stalked off. I was right behind her.

"What's up with Mum and Dad?" Ginny asked. "They think Sirius Black is trying to kill me and Harry," I told her bluntly. We walk into our carriage from last year, which had gotten squished. There was Matilda, Kella, Aubrey, Candace, Caridy, Rebekah, Charlotte, Ella Rose, Nina, Bridget, Savannah, MJ, Ashley, Aubrey's sister Dove, a girl with long dark hair, and some cute brown haired boy. In summary, there were eighteen people squished into a six person carriage. "Everyone, this is my brother Remus," Caridy introduced. "He's a relative? Damn it, why are all the cute ones related to friends," Ginny commented, and Remus went scarlet. "And this is Dove, my little sister," Aubrey introduced. "Okay I ship it," Bridget declared. We turned to look at the Slytherin. "What? Remus and Dove would make an adorable forbidden love couple!" Bridget laughed. "I totally agree. I'm Nevaeh White -- by the way," Nevaeh said. "Okay, no to be rude, but can some of us find a different carriage. There are almost twenty people in here," I said. "Yeah, let's leave you old people to it. Come on Remus and Dove," Nevaeh pulled herself off the floor and offered a hand to the two other first-years. The trio left. "We'll leave you lot," Caridy said, and Candace, Charlotte, Ella Rose, Rebekah, MJ, Ashley, Savannah, Nina and Bridget left. 

I grinned at the more empty space. "How was your holidays?" Kella asked. "Mine was relaxing, I got back into work, but I'd been demoted to farm work with Winston instead of working in the vineyard with my older brother Gale. Even then, it was peaceful having a break from magic," Matilda sighed. "We went to Romania, then Mum forced Peyton to have a week at the Dursleys, which ended up being a month. I just hung out with my brothers," Ginny smiled. "We went to Norway," Aubrey shrugged. "Really? How come you didn't tell us?!" Matilda exclaimed. " Well I don't really want to talk about my engagement-"


Aubrey winced. "My parents took us all to see the Norwegian Royal Family. They are one of the purest bloodlines, and the Queen is related to Helga Hufflepuff," she said. "You met a royal family! What was it like? Who even are in the Norwegian Royal Family?" Kella gushed. "Well there is King Edmund III and Queen Meredith, who rule. Prince Kristopher IX, who's fifteen, Princess Sonja I, who is fourteen, Prince Elias IV, who is ten, and Princess Astella VI, who is nine. My parents brought me over to discuss my betrothal to Prince Kristopher," she whispered the last part, but Ginny, who was sitting next to her, caught it. "You're engaged to the future King of Norway!"

My jaw dropped. "So you are going to get married and have kids, who will be the heirs of Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, and be Queen of Norway?" I raised an eyebrow. "Can we talk about something else, anything else?" Aubrey buried her head in her hands. "We will talk about this later. Peyton, how were the muggles?" Matilda asked me. I reached onto my bag and dumped a bunch of lollies on the seat. "Well I got along with them alright until the last night. Harry's aunt Marge was staying, and we made fun of and insulted Harry all week, but on the last night, she crossed a line. She basically said that Lily was a defective bitch and James was useless and incapable of doing anything, so Harry blew her up and we ran away. So we stayed at the Leaky Cauldron for the rest of the holidays, and I got a bunch of money out from my vault that apparently Lily and James left me. Oh -- did I mention I saw Harry's godfather Sirius Black?" I bite into a chocolate frog. "Look at that -- I got your missing relation Aubs: Slytherin," I grinned, holding up the card. "Ooh, I'm actually going to take that since I need that card, but that doesn't mean I like the joke," Aubrey snatched the card out of my hand. "Wait --  you saw Black? And he's Harry's godfather? Why didn't you say anything?!" Kella gasped. "Because I'm helping him and he's innocent," I grab a packet of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean and grab one out, popping a red one in. "Why do people always hate on the blood flavor, it isn't even that bad!" 

"Peyton - focus," Kella snapped her fingers, and I look at the girl. "Why do you think Black is innocent?" I toss her one of Lily's diaries, and she flicks through it. "Sirius asked us to make Peter the Secret Keeper, apparently Sirius being the keeper would be to obvious. Secret Keeper -- what is that?" Kella asked. "The Potters knew they were being targeted, and that all of the Death Eaters wanted them dead. So Dumbledore suggested the Fidelius charm, which means that one or more people can be the Secret Keeper, so no one could find the object or person or location unless the Secret Keeper told them how to get in. They chose Sirius, but Sirius convinced them to change it to Peter Pettigrew, and a week later the rat betrayed them, Voldemort killed the Potters, and Peter framed Sirius and blew up an entire street, killing a whole lot of people," I pick a black jellybean out and put it in my mouth, smiling. "Why do people hate on the licorice flavor, its not even that bad?" 

"First, licorice is disgusting. Second, if you know all this, why didn't you say anything?" Ginny asked. "Because it isn't proof. That sort of evidence isn't definite, or at least it won't be in their eyes," I sigh, pouring the whole box of disgusting beans in my mouth. "Why did I do that?" 

"What did you talk to Black about? And how -- since all the Muggles and Wizards and Witches in the world are trying to find him?" Aubrey asked. "Sirius Black is an Animagus. All of their friend group was, since their friend Remus Lupin was a werewolf and werewolves don't attack other animals. James Potter was a stag, Peter Pettigrew was a rat and Sirius was a big black dog," I swallow the beans and reach for a box of muggle chocolates. "So you are trying to help him find Peter?" Ginny guessed. "Already found him. The trouble will be getting him. Tell me, Ginny, do you know a small gray rat that has been around for twelve years and it missing a toe?" I ask her. Ginny's eyes widen. "Scabbers! Ron's rat is Peter Pettigrew!" "Correct-a-Mundo. The trouble is, Ron seems extra protective over Scabbers. And the Azkaban guards are guarding the school, since they think Sirius is after Hero-Complex and me," I sigh.

"I'm going to go find Ron and tell him," Ginny stood up. "Ginny, he's not going to believe you," I stand up and follow her out. "Ginny. Ginny come-" I stop suddenly. "The train, Ginny the train isn't moving anymore." She turns to look out the window and sees the windows going cold. All the lights went out, and I couldn't see past my hand. "The Azkaban guards, Ginny we need to get in a compartment," I feel for a door, then open it and shoved her in, and she squealed in pain as she hit someone. 

"Who's that?"

 "Who's that?" 



"What are you doing?" 

"I was looking for Ron --" 

"Come in and sit down --" I walk in and shut the compartment door behind me, trying to sit down. "Not here!" said Harry hurriedly. "I'm here!" 


"Quiet!" said a hoarse voice suddenly. 

There was a soft, crackling noise, and a shivering light filled the compartment. A man in ragged clothing appeared to be holding a handful of flames. They illuminated his tired, gray face, but his eyes looked alert and wary. "Stay where you are," he said in the same hoarse voice, and he got slowly to his feet with his handful of fire held out in front of him. 

But the door slid slowly open before he could reach it. 

Standing in the doorway, illuminated by the shivering flames in Lupin's hand, was a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling. Its face was completely hidden beneath its hood. 

I heard a scream and gasped. It was like all the life was leaving my body, like I couldn't breath. A terrible, terrified, pleading scream echoed through my head. I wanted to to help whoever it was, but when I tried to move I  couldn't... a thick white fog was swirling around me, inside me-

The next thing I know, I am lying in a bed. It's not a cozy bed, but more of a stale one. I sat up and groaned. "Here, eat this," Madam Pomfrey thrust a big block of chocolate at me. Never one to turn down chocolate, I bite of a piece, and felt a warmth spread through my body. 

"Are you okay?" 

I turn to see all of my roommates sitting by my bed. "I hate dementors. And who screamed?" I asked. "No one screamed," Aubrey said nervously. "When did we get to Hogwarts?" I ask. "Yesterday, technically. You've been out for at least twelve hours," Ginny said. "I thought you were having a fit or something. "You went sort of rigid and fell out of your seat andstarted twitching, and then you went still, like you were dead." The girl looked scared. "Don't worry, you weren't the only one who collapsed, your brother did as well, but he woke up on the train," Matilda assured her. "Attention seeker. How did the feast go?" I asked. "Is that really the first thing on your mind?" Kella laughed. "You know I hate talking about myself," I smiled, holding out a piece of chocolate, but none of them took it. 

"No you don't."

"No I don't."

Aubrey grinned. "Remus got Gryffindor, by the way, and Dove's sorting lasted like three minutes, apparently it was difficult for the hat to decide between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but she ended up with us. And you know that weird girl Nevaeh?" she checked. 

"Yeah. And why is she weird?" I asked. 

"She had a hat stall," Matilda said. 

I shot up. "You're kidding? There hasn't been a hat stall in decades. How long was hers?" I ask. 

"Seven minutes. I heard Caridy talking to Charlotte about it. According to Nevaeh, the Sorting Hat couldn't decide between Slytherin, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, but decided with Gryffindor," Kella explained.

"This year is going to be fun," I smirk. 

"Not only that, you remember your dad and Black's friend that had the ... uh ... furry little problem?" Matilda asked. 

"Yeah?" I frowned. 

"He's our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," Ginny told her. 

"Oh this year is going to be awesome," I grinned. 

"And there are dementors posted around the school looking for Black," Kella finished. 

"Slightly less awesome, but it will still be epic. We should have a cheer, like when the muggles go in a small circle and put there hands in the middle in muggle movies and they chant something, then run off. Like instead of Go Team Go! on three, we could be; Annoying students that make teachers need therapy and question all their life choices on three!" I mimic the action, and Ginny rolled her eyes. 

"Are you feeling better, Miss Potter?" Madam Pomfrey walked over. "She's flatlining. Call it. Time?" Matilda joked, and I chuckled. "No, no, I'm going to live forever, Tilly. I'm gonna be made of plastic," I grin, and the girls roll their eyes. "She's fine, just give her some ibuprofen and she'll walk it off," Matilda said. "I have no idea what that is," Madam Pomfrey told the red-head. "You pure-bloods. It's a drug that relieves pain, inflammation and fever -- you know what, forget I said anything," Matilda rolled her eyes. "Always do, ginger," I comment, getting out of bed. "Let's ditch this joint and go take some ibo-pro-fenny."

"Ibuprofen," Matilda corrected.

"What I said, ibo-pro-fenny."

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