Detective and Detective• Beed...

By RazHasNO_Name

7K 345 711

After the incident, Detective Tubbo Minecraft hasn't been in the right head space. His father, the head of th... More

Office file: 224
Brotherly reassurance
The whole package
Get started, Asshole
Helping hand
Not Phil
Missed you
Rose thorn
Dont think.
Take care


327 15 66
By RazHasNO_Name

I watched as Tommy dashed out to every puddle he saw being created. Tubbo and I had our hoodies on, but Tommy left his head free.

"Boys! Have a drink." He said, sticking his tongue out, trying his best to drink the rain.

Tubbo laughed and catches up behind him. He smacked him on the head. Tommy screamed, yanking the hoodie off of Tubbo's head. That crated a very intense hoodie-sleeve fight.

Tommy ran over to me, yanking my hoodie off.

"Hey!" I yelled shoving him. Tommy was in a pit of laughter, falling onto Tubbo. Tubbo pushed him up, which hit me.

It was a game of 'who can shove each other the most' which ended like a domino affect of Tommy onto Tubbo onto me. I stood Tubbo straight.

Tommy laughed, pointing at me and Tubbo. Our hair was glued to our faces, partially blinding the both of us.

"Come on, the ice cream place is over there!" Tommy pointed to the other side of the street. Tommy rushed his way towards it, followed by Tubbo.

I ran after them. Tommy opened the door for the both of us, a bell ringing.

The place was empty, aside from a worker of course. The place closed in thirty minutes, which makes sense.

We walked to the cashier. "What would you like to order?" She asks.

"I'll have a vanilla cone with sprinkles." Tommy said.

"I'll have a chocolate in a cup please." Tubbo put his order in. She looked at me.

"That'll be it thank you." I said.

"That'll be four fifty-eight."She stated.

I handed her a five.

After, I walked towards a booth near a window. Tubbo had sat next to me and Tommy sat in front of us.

"Didn't want anything?" Tommy asks.

I pointed to the mask. Tommy let out a small 'oh.'

"If you.. don't mind me asking. What's with mask?" Tommy asks.

I sucked in some air. "It's uh.."

"It's fine if you don't want to answer. Just curious, no pressure."

"No,no it's nothing. It's just uh..I have facial dysmorphia." I stated.

Tommy tilted his head slightly. "It's kind of like a big insecurity, but not at the same time. When I-I look at myself in the mirror I see this kind of warped version of myself." I say.

Tommy nodded slowly, and Tubbo shifted next to me.

"Sorry, did I bring the mood down?"

"No, you're fine. Thanks uh- for telling me. We can keep that in mind." Tommy said.

Just then, the lady walked to our table with the ice cream. Tubbo played with the spoon before taking a bite.

"So, does your family see your face?" Tommy asks.

"Well yeah. Or, sometimes. Sometimes I'll leave it on, just because I forgot to take it off or I just really don't feel like taking it off." I said.

Tommy hummed. "Aside from them, and two of my old friends, I haven't taken my mask off in front of anyone else." I said, sighing.

"Oh yeah, we never asked about your life before? How was it like in America?" Tubbo asked.

"Well not as rainy as this." I pointed out. The rain answered with a loud bang. I shuddered.

"Did you have any friends over there?" Tubbo asked.

"Two. Aimsey and Bill. They're actually from around here, but moved over there for school. They plan on visiting whenever they come to visit family." I said.

"They were my best friends.." I trailed. Since I got here, I've been avoiding thinking of the two. It hurts. They were the closest people I've ever known.

Tubbo placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey it's alright. As you said, they'll visit."

I hummed. "Yeah."

"Well, what about you two? How's life here for you guys?" I asked.

"Hell." Tommy said, warning a kick from Tubbo. "Ow! Not the place but the people. I hate Wilbur, I hate Skeppy, I hate Techno, and I hate you!" Tommy said, snickering and kicking Tubbo back.

Tubbo kicked him twice as harsh.


Tommy put his focus back in his ice cream, still having a staring contest with Tubbo.

Tubbo used his spoon and pulled it back, flicking ice cream on Tommy's face.

"Oh, you wait til' I tell Wilby bout' this!"

"Try me, asshole!"

"No! You'd probably taste horrible!"

"Oh shut it raccoon boy!"

Tubbo and Tommy finished their ice cream, and we walked out of the building, back into the rain.

"God damn, it was so warm in there!" Tubbo complained, crossing his arms for warmth.

"Pussy." Tommy called out, frolicking in the rain.

Tubbo muttered incoherent words, before pushing into me.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, picking his hood up to put it on him.

We walked behind Tommy.

"Pick up the pace losers! The apartment isn't gonna walk to you!" Tommy teased.

"You're lucky I'm too comfortable to do shit, or you'd be on the floor about now!" Tubbo yelled.

Tommy stuck his tongue out, shaking his head mockingly.

"You're such a child!"

Tommy turned around, facing us but walking backwards.

"I am not! I'm a big man! I get all the woman!"

"You must get all the poles to then?" Tubbo snickered.

I put my hand up to say something but it was too late. "Turn-"

Tommy slammed into the pole. "WHAT THE FUCK-!" Tommy yelled, tripping back and falling onto the floor.

Tubbo burst out into laughter, sounding like a dying dog on its last breath.

"You asshole!" Tommy yelled out, still into the floor.

I unlatched myself away from Tubbo and walked towards Tommy. I stuck my hand out and he grabbed it. I pulled him up and he brushed his pants off.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah." Tommy said, running towards Tubbo.

He smacked him on the head.

Tubbo laughed harder. "You should've see you're face-!" Tubbo sucked in more air. "That's fucking hilarious!"

"Yeah, yeah, get your laughs out bee-boy." He rolled his eyes.

I walked back to the children, us now all walking at the same pace.

About two minutes later we made it back to the apartment.

I opened the door, Tommy and Tubbo walking.

"Don't move, you'll get water all over the floor." I warned.

Tommy smirked, shaking like a wet dog. He got water all on the floor. "What? Sorry I didn't hear what you said."

I sighed. Tubbo hit him on the head. "ow-" Tommy rubbed his head.

I ran over to a closet and pulled two towels out. I threw one to Tubbo and the other to Tommy.

Tubbo dried his hair, ruffling it. He smacked Tommy with the towel before drying his own face.

Tommy huffed before copying Tubbo's motions. Tommy shook himself again, except less water flew off of him this time.

Tubbo threw his towel to me and I caught it. Tommy did the same. I put them down on the counter.

"Alright bitch boy, I think it's time we leave. I've already got three missed messages from Wilby." Tommy told Tubbo, shaking his phone.

Tubbo pulled out his, "Five messages from Wilbur, two calls, and one text from Techno." Tubbo smiled proudly.

"You got a text from Techno?" Tommy scoffed. Tubbo hummed proudly.

"Well I guess we got to go then." Tubbo said, looking up at me.

"Alright, but we're driving this time." I said, pulling out my keys. Tommy pouted, but didn't go further to complain.

We walked out, and didn't get at wet as before. As before, I sat in the front with Tubbo next to me. Tommy sat in the back.

"..where am I going exactly?" I asked, nervously chuckling.

"Here." Tubbo pulled out his phone, putting in an address. It was no more than a fifteen minute drive away.

"Alright then." I said, starting to drive out. As the device said, we got there in about fourteen minutes.

Nice neighborhood, two story house. The outside was very pretty. I could only imagine how pretty the inside was.

What interested me the most was a tiny white dog barking and snapping at the rain in the front.

Tommy scoffed, "Wilbur forgot to bring Apollo into the house again." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Techno's gonna be pissed~" Tubbo giggled.

Tubbo turned from the window to me. "I guess we'll see you tomorrow." Tubbo smiled.

"Oh yeah, and I'm taking this." Tommy said, pulling at my hoodie he was wearing. He walked out, running towards the dog house that had the words 'Apollo' engraved in the front.

"Don't blame him. I'm also taking this. Bye Ran!" Tubbo smiled, patting my head before dashing out of the car.

He followed Tommy and the dog into the house.

I put my hand out, but didn't bother.

I smiled, looking out at the two before driving away.

1475 words
Detective AU <3

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