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About an hour and a half dinner was being served, Rose helping Ranboo slide the lasagna into everyone's plate.

Ann took no time to wait for the others, and as soon as she got food on her plate she began eating, getting scolded by Amy in the process, but that didn't really stop her.

Tubbo helped Mimi hand out drinks and the rest of the group began eating.

Light conversation flew by, but most of the time was spent paying attention to the food in front of them.

Soon enough food went and everyone pitched in on dishes, "arguments" starting and not finishing themselves.

"I thought you said that was on Friday!"

"I specifically told you Tuesday!"

"But Tuesdays the market day?"

"That's Wednesday!"

"I told you Wednesday wouldn't work, I have double shift that night."

"Oh, I told you double shift wouldn't work."

"But I told you that didn't matter and it was gonna happen because me and Dee planned on watching the competition that day!"

"Speaking of, your still for the green team?"

"Of course!"

"But I already showed you that hour long presentation on why red would win!"

"Yeah and I told you your opinion was shit!"

"All you'll be getting is shit when red wins."

"Bet on it old lady."

"Fifty bucks."


"Fifty five."



And the other side of the conversation was completely ignored.

But soon enough Amy and Mimi had to leave, Rose blaming it on their "oldness" and how they had to go to sleep early or else they would turn into walking zombies.

Mimi brought up the fact that early forties weren't that old and she could complain that she could probably be at the prime of her life right now and Amy completely rejected that idea.

"We'll be back soooon~" Amy said in singsong as she walked out of the door, Mimi waving to the rest of the house.

"Well I'm going to sleep so I don't kill something tomorrow." Ann said, saluting the group and walking to Ranboo's room.

"Hey wait, then where am I gonna sleep?-"

"The couch is always open~" Ann said, shutting the door.

Rose pulled on Ranboo's sleeve.

"What's up?"

"It's still early. Can we do something?" Rose jumped up.

"Uh.. I don't see why not. Who wants to go for dessert?"

"Yes! Let's go!" Rose said, running out of the apartment.

Ranboo looked to Tubbo who shrugged and grabbed his sleeve, running after the child who was probably already in front of the truck.

Ranboo stumbled, doing their best to close and lock the door with Tubbo's death grip on his sleeve.

Running down the stairs tripping many times, they stopped in front of the truck which, as suspected, Rose was standing there waiting for the pair.

Ranboo unlocked the truck, Tubbo and Rose basically racing each other to get in, giggling as they shoved each other out of the way.

In a few minutes they were parked in a plaza, heading towards the one and only DiamondHalo cafe.

Rose clung onto Tubbo's arm as the trio walked into the building, Ranboo holding the door open for them.

Behind the cashier was a decently tall male, dark green hair, and the pin 'Awesome person' written in sharpie over a different name stuck onto his black apron. A rainbow, Minecraft creeper, and crown pin were also on the apron.

Tubbo used his unoccupied hand to wave to the cashier who happily waved back.

"Hey Sam."

"Hey Tubbo."

Rose ran up to the glass displays looking at anything and everything.

Ranboo followed behind Tubbo to the front counter.

Ranboo waved to Sam who nodded his head up to him and smiled.

"What can I do for you all today?"

"Everything!" Rose said, mesmerized by all the treats in front of her.

"Maybe not that much." Ranboo deadpanned. "What catches your eye?"

"Hmm.. that." Rose pointed to a pink painted donut with sprinkles scattered on the top.

"I'll have a chocolate croissant."

"And I'll have.. a vanilla milkshake please."

"No problem-o. Will that be all?"

Ranboo nodded and Sam told him the price in which Ranboo paid.

Ranboo stood by Rose who was still looking at everything.

"Can we come here again?"

"How bout before we go to work tomorrow?"


"You know that'll mean we're gonna have to wake up extraaa early."

"Mhm! That's fine."

Roses donut came out first in small bag, then Tubbo's croissant and Ranboo's drink.

They found a booth and Tubbo and Ranboo sat next to each other, Rose sliding into the seat in front of them.

"Ranboo, your choice is bland. Just like you." Rose said, food still in her mouth.

"Says you. Nothing more basic than a strawberry donut."

"Ranboo you're more basic than a strawberry donut. A glaze donut even."

"What have I don't to you to make you so rude?" Ranboo gasped.

"Nothing, but your milkshake really annoys me."

"What did it do to you!?"

"We're in a cafe with anything you could ever wish for and you get a vanilla milkshake which you could get literally anywhere else."


"I don't understand old people."

"I'm not even that old."

So like-
I have no excuse on why I haven't posted in for ever, and I'm not gonna feed y'all Bs.

But here I guess-
Sorry for abandoning this for a while-
😢 😣

864 words
Detective AU <3

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