Take care

78 9 13

"Rosealie Beloved, if you don't come out right now-!" Ranboo yelled, at this point not caring if any surrounding apartments heard him.

This morning was not going well.

He had accidentally slept through his three alarms, stubbing his foot as he jumped out of bed, couldn't find his mask for six minutes, woke up Rosalie, and now she won't give him his satchel back.

"Take me with you then!" Rosalie yelled, hiding behind the locked bathroom door. She clutched the satchel close to her body and hid her face in it.

"Rose, be reasonable! I have a job to get to-! I'm already- more than ten minutes late!" Ranboo yelled, walking towards the bathroom door.

"Take me with you!" Rose yelled back, her voice muffled by the satchel.

"Rosie, I'm not sure if I was allowed to bring you in the first place! Plus, I'm not sure what I'm doing today, and I just- I can't watch you today-" Ranboo said, throwing his arms around animatedly even though she couldn't see him.

He was stressed, and on his last nerve. Rose was being uncooperative, and he was close to snapping.

"But- I-!" Rose yelled back from the bathroom, cutting herself off.

Her voice wavered and she whined, throwing her head on the satchel.

Rubbing her nose with her hand she stood up, holding the satchel close to her as she opens the door.

"I'm sorry." Rose said, staring down as she stuck her hand out to give Ranboo the bag.

"Rose- are- are you okay-?" Ranboo asked, kneeling down on one leg. He grabbed the satchel and placed it on the floor behind them.

She nodded slowly as she wiped a tear away from her face. "I'm fine- go to work." She said, still staring down at the floor but moved her face away so Ranboo couldn't see her.

"Thorn, why are you crying?" Ranboo asked, grabbing one of her hands lightly.

Rose flinched her hand away from Ranboo and crossed her arms.

"You and Ann keep on leaving. It's- it's not fair." Rose said, shaking her head. "We were- we were supposed to hang out together this week cause- cause then I'll leave and then- and then I won't see you guys again." Rose finished, dropping her hands down and looking at Ranboo.

Ranboo's breath hitched before he sighed. "Oh Rose. I'm so sorry." He said, opening his arms out as an offering. Rose threw her arms around Ranboo and he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm sorry Rose. I- I didn't know you- I'm sorry- we've- we've been busy but-" Ranboo sighed and gulped, collecting his thoughts.

"Okay." Ranboo sighed, nodding his head before letting Rose go.

"Okay, how bout- I take you into work today. We'll- figure something out, and then afterwards- we call Annie and go get something to eat, and then- do whatever, your call." Ranboo said, sliding his hands on his knees.

Rose wiped dry tears off of her face before nodding, a grin replacing her frown.

"But- we have to go now- I'm- I'm so late- Christ-" Ranboo rushed, picking his satchel off the floor and waving Rose towards the door.


"You're late." Tubbo said as soon as Rose and Ranboo walked into the office, shutting the door.

Rose was giggling as Ranboo dragged a hand down his face, getting glaze flakes on his eyebrows which he rubbed out.

Rose giggled harder as Ranboo flicked the glaze piece at her.

Tubbo cracked his knuckles and turned around in his chair, standing up.

"Oh hey Rose?" Tubbo said, waving at the eleven year old.

Rose waved back, grin showing full teeth before she kicked Ranboo's leg, "I'm gonna find Tommy!" She yelled, tugging Ranboo's jacket before running out of the office.

"Rose- don't-! And- and she's gone." Ranboo said, flinching as she slammed the door shut.

Turning his head back towards the office he blushed as Tubbo looked at him with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"Oh-! Right- uh- there was some- issues at the house so- yeah." Ranboo said, scratching the back of his neck absentmindedly.

"Right." Tubbo nodded. "Well, I hope she knows Tommy is in Technos office". Tubbo said, turning back towards his chair.

"She'll- she'll figure it out." Ranboo sighed, following behind Tubbo.

"So, what's going on right now?" Ranboo asked, ruffling a hand through his hair as an attempt to focus.

"Nothing much actually, Conner recently reported something but Niki and Jack went out since Tommy was with Techno and you were uh- not here."

"Oh- uhm- sorry." Ranboo said, his face flushing with embarrassment. 'Right it down to never be late to work ever again-'

"Nah, it's alright." Tubbo waved his hand. "I kinda didn't want to start anything serious today so." Tubbo shrugged.

"Right- okay-" Ranboo nodded. "So.."

"So, I'm gonna work on some law shit and you are going to read it for me since I have to much of a headache to look at a document more than two paragraphs long." Tubbo clapped his hands together before handing a stack of papers to Ranboo and pulling out a small not pad and a pen, sitting down.

Ranboo nodded and sat down on the chair across from Tubbo's.

Thirty minutes later, in the middle of Ranboo's reading there was a crash from outside the office, followed by yelling and a pair of chaotic giggles.

Tommy and Rose dashed into the office, Tommy locking the door as Rose ran to hide behind Tommy's desk.

"What did you guys do-?" Tubbo said, dropping his pen to glare at Tommy.

"We have angered the Blade!" Tommy yelled, hiding behind Rose.

"Oh my goodness."


945 words
Detective AU <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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