Beauty The Beast

By Anonymous_QueenDom

4.2K 126 1

***Note: It's all fiction.*** A beast. A human. Both are destined to be soulmates. One thinks that it's unfai... More

1 | The Wait
2 | The Arrival
3 | The Threat
4 | The Mistake
5 | The Pet
6 | The Decision
7 | The Chase
9 | The Seekers
10 | The Unusual
11 | The Beast
12 | The Promise
13 | The Riddle
14 | The Weapon
15 | The Night
16 | The Back Door
17 | The Prisoners
18 | The Plan...Gone Wrong?
19 | The Forest
20 | The Chinchilla Valley
21 | The Rescue
22 | The Revelation
23 | The Call
24 | The Nostalgia
25 | The Vision
26 | The City
27 | The Reunion
28 | The One
29 | The Truth
30 | The Search
31 | The Return
32 | The Conference
33 | The Alverales

8 | The White Continent

103 5 0
By Anonymous_QueenDom

"1 month..."


"1 month in this cold, Luna. We've just stepped in and I already feel terrible," He whispered.

"Who said anything about staying here for a month?" She turned to him with a known smirk. He frowned before his eyes widened.


"How can you think that I'll drag you along to stay in a place we aren't used to for a month? Our work here is just for a day, or two, then we're off."

"A couple days? Why did you get a month's permi___"

"I said it's a day's work here, not that of the mission itself."

Alphard was so confused. She'd made everyone believe that they were going on a 1 month mission in the name of a vacation to the continent! Suddenly something clicked on him.

"Wait! That means you know the exact location to where the person we're looking for is?" Another smirk confirmed his assumption. "How?"

"We shouldn't be discussing this out in the open, let's set our cabin first." Alphard agreed.

They had brought folding container cabin to save time over building an igloo and help them keep warm. Once set, they were both a bit tired and sat down for a while.

"Now tell, how?" He asked again.

"Why're you so keen to know?" She raised an eyebrow, he rolled his eyes.

"Get over with all that 'a good agent suspects even his own self' thing. I'm keen is all, because I don't understand you,"

"Good that you don't," She murmured.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. 2 days before I started asking Greg to get the authority consent, I went to the the crime scene, there I found some weapons and that they were imported. Back then I thought that our criminal was hiding in some fancy town, you know among loads of people to make it difficult for us to get our hands on them. But the next day when I made a visit to the place again, I found this..." She pulled out a silver chain from her back pocket and gave it to him.

It had a locket, which he opened and saw a map instead of photos like people usually keep in lockets. He understood that one of the attackers must have dropped it at the scene.

"What if this was purposely dropped to distract us from the actual path?" He asked, Luna smiled. "What?"

"You're talking like an agent," He just realised he'd, that made him smile too. "It might be and that's why we aren't staying here for longer than a day, or two. We trace the path from that locket and if we don't find anything we're leaving."

"And if we do?"

"We leave in that case too. Remember we're on a vacation and so cannot make arrests, we make note of everything we find and report it to the agency and get back here officially. But yeah, we can sure hold someone captive to try and get more information on their plans and can also kill someone, but only in self defence."

"Makes sense." He shrugged. "When do we start?"

"We can now, the weather seems clear, no sign of snow storm, or something. What say?" She asked.

"All right," They got up.

The moment they stepped out, she sensed shifters. A keen look around and she found that they were in their wolf form.

D*mn it! She cursed. I can't even kill them in front of Alphard and risk him see their bodies taking back human forms!

"Alphard, get back in." She pushed him in and closed the door behind them.

"What're you doing!?"

"Shh! Wolves outside!" She whispered and started rummaging through her bag. She let out a relieved sigh when she found what she was looking for.

"What's that?" He asked.


"How will that help?"

"Their lungs lose oxygen and shortly after, they lose their consciousness too." She handed him a bottle too. "Cover your face and hands then spray it right on their snouts." He nodded and they stepped out after covering themselves.

Only she knew that chloride weakens a werewolf's energy and brings death in one's unconscious state itself, but not instantly.

There were 6 of them. One by one both of them handled each of the wolves and came out safely without any injuries.

"Now what?" Alphard asked.

"Drag them to the opposite side, far from our place." They began doing as she said and came back an hour later.

Luna was relieved that the transformation didn't take place in Alphard's presence. By the time their bodies start transforming back to humans they'd be already dead.

"You know much about wolves," He said.

Werewolves Alphard, werewolves.

"Don't mind. You good enough to carry out on the mission, or need some rest?" She asked. Dragging wolves wasn't easy, they were pretty heavy.

"I'm good, let's go." He replied. They restored the chloride bottles in and she pulled out another similar one. "Another one?"

"It's hydrogen," She replied.

"What do we need that for?"

"It'll help us stay downwind so the animals around don't catch our scent."

And so wouldn't the werewolves.

"Oh, I recall it from the wildlife documentaries you made me watch, not the hydrogen liquid part though." He took it from her and sprayed over his clothes.

They followed the map and made to the end some 1 and a half hour later. The place was built well enough to carry research and was between so many glaciers. They took hiding behind one and watched people walk in and out.

Seeing shifters outside their door, Luna was sure her descision to make the search here was right and that she'd surely get her answers here.

"Will it be okay if I get to the other side and leave you here alone for a while? That way we could get more information," She asked.

"Okay, be careful though." Her heart skipped a beat.

Stop worrying about me and making me fall for you even harder! She masked her joy.

"Don't worry about me. You stay alert, be on guard from both the sides___"

"Shh!" He placed his left index over her lips and pulled her down. They stood up after a few seconds. "Phew, that was close."

"I'll leave, I've no doubts now. You can handle it here."

She was sure of it for he'd managed to protect them in between their conversation while she there had failed to sense a shifter that passed by, he could've seen them if not for Alphard's quick move.

Alphard there felt proud to receive so many compliments from her since the day began. He quickly shook his thoughts away and focused on the task.

She made her way through the icy rocks and was now standing close to a window. She could see someone moving from outside.

"Those fools were of no use! Both of them! I send them to get their hands on the Wolverales boy and they not only fail, but were found floating in the sea, dead!" A gruff male voice spoke followed by a bang of hands on some wooden material.

Thank you, that's what happens to the ones trying to mess with my mate! She thought.

She got close and peeked in, making sure that not even her silhouette gets caught. When she did, she saw a tall and well built man standing with his bare back facing the window.

He must be in his early fifties.

"Calm down, honey. We'll get our hands on him," Said a female voice.

Not gonna happen on my watch, b*tch!

"When!? We're trying for the past 25 years and till date have met nothing, but failure!"

"We've our men looking out for him all around Suberswills and also in here, we will succeed." The female replied. From her voice, Luna could make out that she must be some 5, 6 years younger than the man, in her late forties.

"Those 6 haven't come back yet!" He yelled.

And they will never.

"You're losing control, my dear. They were here for the day and reported that the one we seek isn't here yet. They will come back tomorrow as they usually do," The female said.

Nah, this time you'd have to pick their dead bodies up.

"You're right, I'm losing control again," His voice shook a bit.

"That's why I'm here, to let you not lose it. Come to me." She called him, the man popped his knuckles and took steps towards what looked like a makeshift bed. Luna immediately looked away when she realised that both the people on the other side of the window were...completely unclothed.

She managed to catch a glimpse of his right arm and clasped her hands over her mouth, preventing herself from gasping out loud.

This can't be! It's just impossible.

With this on her mind she made her way back to Alphard and breathed in relief when she found him in one piece.

"You okay? Why're you sweating while out in the cold?" He asked.

"I got near a window and peeked in hopes to find was a...bedroom..." She trailed. "...and a man and a woman..." No wonder she hadn't found any shifter roaming around that window!

"You didn't!" He whispered, trying to control his laughter. "It's a good way to keep warm in this cold, you know." He teased.

"Shut up! We need to head back."

"Yeah," They made their way back to their cabin.

Still taking cover behind the glaciers, they heard rumbling behind them. It was difficult to say if it was an avalanche, or a storm, but their feet automatically started running towards the shelter.

Just when Luna thought they'd made it, Alphard pushed her away making her collapse on the ice below. It took her a moment to regain her composure, but when she did, fear filled her lungs. She stood there like being possessed by some invisible force, unable to move.

"NO!" She screamed when her senses finally kicked in, tears started rolling down her cheeks. "What have you done, you idiot!?" She ran to the pile of snow in front of her and began digging it with her hands.

She tugged at his arm that was visible from under the snow and got him out. She dragged an unconscious Alphard inside the cabin and checked his pulse. It was so faint that it scared her.

She couldn't make out if it was hypothermia, or just a regular passing out from the blow he'd experienced. His clothes were all wet, so the first thing she did was to remove those and wrapped him in the blanket she'd used as a barrier to not look at his bare body.

Night had fallen and it wasn't getting any warm. He was still pale and unconscious.

You'd have to do it Luna, it's nothing wrong in doing it. He's your mate, all yours. It's no wrong doing it. He's a doctor, he knows how body heat transfer works; he'd understand. She convinced herself and got beside him under the blanket, hugging his upper body.

She was still sobbing.

She wasn't sure how much time passed when she felt him move beside her.

"Luna..." He whispered faintly. He tilted his head a bit and found her clinging on to him. "What happened?" She sat up on hearing him.

"You idiot! I swear if you do anything like that again, I'll kill you myself. What in the world were you even thinking, huh?" He just stared at her and his face went pink. He pursed his lips while closing his eyes.

Luna couldn't understand his reaction. She'd just scolded him and he was blushing? It was only when he closed his eyes that she realised why - inners don't cover much - and reacted quickly.

"My arm hurts," Alphard tried getting up.

"Don't!" She shouted causing him to open his eyes. "Put these on before you get up," She gave him his clothes then walked out of the cabin and found that another day had begun.

Alphard got up and put on the clothes that Luna had given him and got out too. He found her standing with her back facing the door, staring ahead at nothing.

"Hey," He placed his right hand on her left shoulder. She turned to face him. He saw that she hadn't slept at all and was...crying? "Whoa, what am I witnessing? 'The Luna Royalves' and crying?" He tried to bring back the smile he'd die for, but in vain. He cupped her face and saw that she wasn't only crying, but was scared too. "I'm sorry," He wiped her face with his thumbs.

"I'd to take your clothes off, don't get me wrong. They were w___"

"Shh, come here." He hugged her and stroked her hair. "I'm well and good now and it's thanks to you." He let go of her. "And yeah, about the unclothing me part...I understand that you had to..." He blushed at the thought that Luna had probably seen all of him. She noticed it.

"I didn't, Alphard." She assured him. "I spread a blanket over you then took all that you were wearing from under it."

"Thanks," He didn't know what else to say.

"We should leave this place now," She said.

"Didn't find anything in here?"

"I did and that's why we should leave. The wolves we fought yesterday weren't just wild animals, but trained to keep tabs on anyone who might come for those people. We know we're the ones and before they find out that we'd entered their region, we should be out,"

"You're right," They got in. Packing their bags, they were off for the cruise. They reached the port and got on the ship around 7 am. "Where to now?" Alphard asked.


"What about the mission?" He frowned.

"We're heading to that part of Suberswills town which is known to nobody, but me and my parents, now you shall find out too, it is to carry out the mission."

"A secret lair?" He sounded excited and what she said made him go wild with amusement.

"An underground workspace containing all that you'll ever need. From a library to a laboratory, everything."


Author's Note:

What do you think that Luna had seen on the bad guy's arm that she's now heading to the underground workspace?

Stay tuned folks! Heheh ;-)

Read my other stories on Wattpad #Crowded Silence (completed) #Holding On to Silence Until; You Came Along (ongoing)

Follow me here and on IG, link on my Wattpad profile, or simply type in anonymous_queendom

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Thank you!

Hope you enjoy :-)

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