I may be broken but don't lea...

By demonic_nightmare513

487 9 51

Dominic Michael Lyons finally left their horrible family and went to go find out what they classify as. You c... More

Info about the character's
The classification
Before we even get to the Daycare
The Daycare
Adoption day sucks
I'm a bit of a M̸̛̝͈̀̊͋̒̔̃ė̴̦͔̠̒̿͛̄͊͝͝͝ş̴̨̡̡̜̥̰̜̓͆͗̑̏̈̇̕͜͝ͅš̵͙͍͚͉̙͜ͅ
That was scary
On the hunt
Him and home
Night terrors and a bath
A careful shopping day Part 1
A careful shopping day Part two
For now
Holy shit, that was a long ass day.
This one's for you
Last a/n

You're not leaving my side

16 0 0
By demonic_nightmare513

(It's a mixed of POV's just to let you know.)

Horror, that's the word that could be used to describe what Luna felt. Pure horror was seen on his face.

There were bruises, cuts, and what was the scariest was the scars that litter the Little's body. A huge one was on his torso; on the left side, it went all the way from right below his armpit to his waist. The saddest thing was that it was all red and swollen. There were some other cuts and bruises and scars on his legs too but his legs themselves didn't look right.

Realizing that he was staring, Luna quickly looked back up to Dominic who was looking away.

Now, for all of you weird people, YES DOMINIC IS STILL WEARING A BRA! Thank you. Anyway,


"Alright Starshine, can I take your eyepatch off?" I ask Dominic. He looks back over to me and nods so I take off the eyepatch just to be even more horrified. His hair covers 90% of the left side of his face so you don't see it much but, I had to move it when I got the eyepatch off. Turns out he was hiding a big ass motherfucking scar on his face, and a green eye.

"'m sorry." He says to me quietly. I look down at him confused and sad for him.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." I try to tell him but he just shakes his head.

"She'll be mad, very mad!" He tells me, scared. Now I have absolutely no idea what he is talking about. So I try to get him to calm down.

"Hey, hey, baby. No one's going to be mad, okay?" He nods still not really believing me. "Now can we put your clothes on so no one sees you in your bra and diaper?" I ask him, trying to divert his attention. He slowly nods his head and I grab his shirt and pants/shorts that I picked out for him.

The shirt was a simple black and purple striped long sleeved shirt with a little kawaii demon cat on the back and a kawaii moon on the front. A pair of plain black shorts. (Not jean shorts!) Then over the shorts is a soft red and black mid-thigh length skirt. And then last but not least a pair of black and white striped thigh highs.

I had finished getting Dominic dressed when he started to whine again.

"What's the matter baby?" I ask him as I grab his hands to keep him from hurting himself.

"I wan hair diffent. Peas." He whines out. (I want hair different. Please.) I nod my head and go to grab the things to do his hair. I decided to just brush his hair and tie it up into a ponytail so he looks like Pebbles from The Flintstone.

"There you go! Would you like accessories?" I ask him as he turns his head to look over at me. He nodded his head and I grabbed him a blue fake rose headband and placed it on his head. "Are we good now?" I ask him softly.

"Yesh." He replies quietly, most likely falling a bit more into headspace. I smile softly back at him.

"Let's go out and get you something to drink! And how about you hang out with me for the rest of the day?!" I ask him with a bit of joy.

"Okie!" I hear him replied back with.


I like being with mum-Luna, he's nice to be with. He got me dressed and listened when I didn't want him to look.

Luna picks me up and places me on his hip making me feel even smaller. Luna's about 6'0", 6'4" and I am sadly only around 5'3".

Luna goes and takes me into the kitchen again and brings me over to the bottles. He picked out one that had Winnie the Pooh on it and filled it up with Angel milk.

Once he was finished making it I made grabby hands towards it.

"Here you go baby." Luna says as he hands me the bottle. I grab it and lay my head down on his shoulder as I play with the hair on the back of his head close to his neck. I slowly started to get sleepy but realized that now everyone can see my face. I start to whine and hide my face in the crook of Luna's neck. He soon takes notice.

"What's the matter, Starlight?" He asks softly, but the nickname soon makes me feel even smaller if possible. I whine and try to hide my face even more. "Baby?" He says once more taking my face out of his neck.

"'ey gon 'ee me 'ace 'nd auf!" I whine out once more not really wanting to hear people laugh or make fun of me. (They going see me face and laugh!) Luna moves me to see my face.

"Lovie, no one is going to make fun of you. If they do, I'll have to talk to their Caregiver." Luna tells me trying to comfort me. I nod my head slightly and put the bottle back in my mouth as Luna moves me back to where I was on his hip and we left the kitchen.


I take Dominic out of the kitchen and into the playroom with all the other kids. My two littles noticed me first.

"Daddy!" The two of them yelled happily.

"Wh-where di-did yuh-you g-go?" Elijah asked. I smiled softly and moved so they could see the Little on my hip.

"I was helping this Little." I tell them with joy dancing on my words as I lightly tickle Dominic's stomach. He laughed a little, muffled around the nipple of the bottle.

"Who's that daddy?" Noah asks while pointing at Dominic. I smile a bit more.

"This is Dominic!" I tell them, my voice now fully consumed in joy.

"Buh-but Domf- hmf." Elijah started but stopped because he messed up and then started again. "D-Dominic ha-hasn't s-slipped i-i-into sp-space?" He asks, finally happy with what he wanted to say coming out right.

"I'll explain everything better when you are in a different space, okay?" I tell him adding a question at the end. Elijah nodded and walked off to go hang out with other Littles. Noah shortly after ran off too after smiling at me.


Luna still had work he had to do but he didn't want to leave Dominic alone especially when he had finally slipped into head space and with all the scars, bruises, and cuts that he had all over his body.

Luna turned his head towards the Little who was laying on his shoulder now just sucking on the bottle. Luna giggled a little.

"Starlight? Would you like a binky instead of a bottle?" He asked the Little. Said Little looked up at Luna and nodded before hiding back into the crook of Luna's neck.

Luna smiled and went over to one of the shelves with pacifiers for Littles who needed one.

"Starshine, which one do you want?" Luna asked Dominic hoisting him up to see the shelf.

Dominic perked his head up and looked at the shelf. There were many different binkies but the one that caught his eyes the most was one that was a bright-ish navy blue base, silver and blue stones, a moon on the flat part in the middle with a little star next to it, and the word 'Dream' on the handle.

Dominic made grabby hands towards the one he liked and Luna grabbed for him. Also knowing that the head space the Little was in Luna also grabbed a pacifier clip that had moons and stars over it and clipped it to Dominic's shirt and binky. Dominic smiled around the binky at Luna.

"Let's go, my little Dream!" Luna told Dominic thinking nothing about the effects of saying that.

Dominic was starting to go down a spiral of thoughts making him slip more but he pushed the thoughts to the back of his head.

Luna decided to just continue doing his daily tasks but carrying a whole ass being on his hip.

At some point in the day Viper walked up to Luna when he was doing something on the desk.

"Hey, Luna?" Viper asks in one of those confused, and or sarcastic but knowing voices you hear from the best friend in movies that take place in high school. Luna turns to look over at Viper before looking back at what he was doing.

"Yes Viper?" Luna asks right back, more concerned with the task he was on.

"You mind explaining who's on your hip?" Viper asks with a raised eyebrow while pointing to the person in the other male's arms.

"Oh, it's Dominic." Luna replied plainly, almost as if he had done this time and time again. To say Viper was even more confused was an understatement.

"I-i-i-in head space?!" Viper yelled a bit loudly causing the sleeping Little on Luna's hip to start stirring. Luna glared at Viper.

"Yes, now please be quiet and do not wake him." Luna snapped back. Viper put his hands up in surrender as she backed away laughing.

"Alright, alright, I get it." Viper laughed out loud. "But in all seriousness Luna, are you going to adopt him? I see the way you look at him." Viper asked with a knowing look plastered on her face. Luna stopped working and slowly looked over at the sleeping boy in his arms.

"I don't know Viper. I want to, I really really do but I don't know if he would want to be taken into our family." Luna whispered. Truth be told, Luna is terrified for what is to come if he doesn't adopt the boy. There are no papers or documentation on the boy, this fact made Luna fear it was to come if someone else adopted him or if no one adopted him. Viper smiled softly.

"Luna, there is without a doubt that Dominic would love to be with you and your partners." Luna looked over at Viper worried.

"But how do you know?" He asked anxiously. Viper smiled again.

"How do I know? Luna, you are the only person that Dominic fully slipped around besides Elijah. You are the only one that actually cares for him. You are the only one, besides Elijah, that he has fallen asleep near or on. Along with what I can tell, Dominic didn't really have a good mother figure in his life, but I can see that he thinks of you as that figure. He will love you and your family. Talk to mason and see if you guys can do the one to two week pre-hand adoption meet and if Dominic likes you guys, adopt him." Viper ranted on to try and comfort Luna. Luna smiled.

"You really think so?" Luna asked hopefully. Viper nodded his head.

"I know so." Viper reassured Luna as his smile (Luna) widened. "Now, how about we go put Dominic down in his crib so you and I can finish work? We only have three hours left." Viper asked. Luna looked back over to Dominic then over to Viper and nodded his head. "Okay good, now let's go. JADE! ME AND LUNA NEED TO GO DO SOMETHING REAL QUICK ARE YOU GOOD ON YOUR OWN?!" Viper yelled over to Jade.

"YEAH!" Jade yelled back. Dominic started shaking in his sleep causing Luna to worry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Dominic whispered as he shook even more. Luna moved him to be in front of him as he held the boy close.

"Your okay baby, I'm right here, no one can hurt you anymore." Luna whispered into the boy's ear as he slowly started to stop shaking. Viper looked back over to see what Luna was doing and smiled.

"Come on, let's go." Viper told him quietly as he started to guide the two to the boys bedroom.


I'm walking with Luna but I'm not paying attention to it. All that's going through my head is why Dominic would love to be with him and his partners.

Well, I mean, there are a bunch of reasons that Dominic would go with Luna in a heartbeat and I will go on a rant to tell all of them.

Luna is the only person that Dominic has allowed to touch his bear. The only person that he has really fully slipped around. The only person that he has fully connected to. The person that would most likely have in place of a mother figure. And there are most likely even more reasons that I don't know about but who cares! That boy loves Luna and would love to get adopted by him. I would bet my life on it!


Three hours had passed and every hour on the hour Luna would check on Dominic to make sure he was okay.

We are now rounding four hours, almost everyone but Luna, Dominic, Viper, Jade, Elijah, Noah, Harley, and Ivy. Harley and Ivy are waiting for their Caregivers to finish helping Luna so they can go home. While Elijah and Noah are waiting for Mason to show up to talk to Luna so they can go home.

Dominic has been sleeping this whole time. Why? While Little he gets really sleepy from having all of his stress taken off of his shoulders.

"Do you guys really think that Mason will want to have another Little? I mean we already have two." Luna spoke to Viper and Jade worriedly. Viper and Jade laughed.

"For the last time Luna yes!" The two yelled at Luna half ass-ing being mad.

"Yeah but what about Dominic? Do you think he will want to come home with us?" Luna asked worried again. Viper and Jade looked at each other and then back to Luna. Viper took a deep breath before going off on a tangent.

"Luna, how many fucking times do I have to tell you he will love you so stop fucking doughting your self!" He yelled damn near at the top of his lungs. Lucky for her the other Littles were in a different room.

"I know but-" Luna started before he got cut off by Jade.

"But fucking nothing! You will be fine he will love so stop. Please. we beg you." Jade yelled at Luna. Luna sighed.

"Fine. I guess you guys are right." Luna says finally giving in to his friends. A couple of moments later Mason walks into the daycare.

"What was I needed for that was so urgent?" 

(Hey, my Demons, Devils, and other creatures. I hope have all had a decent day. Thank you all for reading this, last time I checked it was at 84 reads which I thank all of you guys for. Sorry that this chapter took so long, I had school and a couple of other problems going on in my personal life. But I hope to get another chapter out tomorrow though. Don't forgt to comment please, I would love to hear what you guys have to say. Also leave a comment if you want me to start a one shot  Little space story. Anyway Good bye Demons, Devils, and other creatures!)

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