By czecklo

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Valentina , a naive 18 year old sweet girl ,loves to help people ,extremely empathetic. Raised by a single mo... More

The secret of the mysterious book
Am i going crazy?
Have i reached a third level too?
Seeing his mate for the first time!!
way to her world
Meeting her!
A new phase of life
Not a prince charming anymore!
In his world!
In his world[2]
her father and her
The twenty questions and the encounter with him !
in his castle
Trouble in the castle
King's maid?
His to do as his please!
The devil king and the survey to the west
The devil and the strange power
Delilah and the scary forest
The new friend and the prank!
These royals are awful!
Love or obstinacy?
Her powers!
she's back!
Spawn in the hands of time

The devil king came here too?

95 7 0
By czecklo

Author's pov~

There were many questions running in her mind ,but because of her act of being mute,she didn't have any option but to stay silent.

''i wold take the details from miley'' she thought in her mind.

She always hated intimacy and the fact that she was standing under the hawk -like gaze of the king was making her claustrophobic.

So bowing her head ,'shetook two steps backward and then turned around to exit the room ,when his voice made her halt in her steps.

'We will be heading with my army after breakfast ,so make sure you get your necessities ,it will be a long journey''.

She quickly nodded her head and dashed out of his room ,

she was looking at her feet ,,while still walking with her mind consumed with thousand of thoughts,when she bumped into someone.

Looking up she saw a beautiful aristrocratic lady ,taller than her by four inches,looking down right at her with her sharp and bright amber eyes .The facecut she had seemed quite familiar to valentina ,her long brown hairs reached below her hips ,her body looking too much taut ,she looked so attractive,,her beauty so dreamy that it would make boys throw themselves at her.

Valentina was still occupied in admiring the all too attractive lady when she chuckled and said,''I know I'm beautiful ,but the way you are staring at me is creepy,so please move out of my way''

Blush covered valentina's cheeks and she immediately took a side ,giving ample space to the lady and her servants which were looking at her trying to hold back their laughter.

Embarrasment covered her whole being and she kept standing at the same spot until the lady along with her servants disappeared into the king's office.

She was still looking at the door ,rewinding the embarasing moment that just happened a moment ago ,when she was pulled by her arm ,all of a sudden making her gasp , turning arond she saw miley ,who was looking back at her with disappointment lacing her features.

Opening her mouth she said,''Thank god! You didn't offend the royal princess ,or else the king would have not thought for even a single second before snapping your neck ,she is the princess of mrunia ,princess aurora ,she is just as mighty and as talented as king ambroz,they both work together ,she is king's personal advisor ,since the king is going to the west ,she is to accompany him , i am warning you ,the princess is not cruel ,but a royal is a royal ,and you need to behave ,try to nt get on her bad booksand your lifein this castle would be easy ,she is getting married the next month with the king of our neighbour kingdom ,this marriage would help mrunia to extend its boundaries and would make it more stronger.''

They both kept walking ,while miley was narrating her about princess aurora's mightiness ,

Entering the room ,miley helped valentina in packing her back ,making sure she keeps all the material of her basic necessity ,just like a mother would do with her daughter ,

She kept scolding valentina in between ,warning her continuously about the Do's and Dont's.

This motherly act made Valentina's eyes well up with tears .

When miley saw this she panicked and came towards valentina and cupped her cheeks and started to comfort her ,'' Hey hey hey ! I was not scolding you ,I'm just scared ,you would be all alone among the royals , god forbid ! you are still a kid ,atleast for me you are a kid ,going there all alone ,i dont want anything to happen to you ,that's why im continuously telling you to do this and that''

Valentina simply shook her head and interwined her hands around miley's waist while still sitting on the bed ,and placed her head on it ,and sobbed silently for a few minutes

Miley let her ,thinking that she must have scared the child.

But the actual reason she was crying was different.

She got this motherly warmth from miley ,after the last night's icident ,she was troubled and tramatized abd alll she wanted was to share this with someone ,cry and get comforted but realising that she was all alone in this world ,she stayed silent and sobbed to herself only ,and now when she got this support and care ,she couldn;'t help but cry ,letting all her misery ,fear and panic wash away to some extent along with those tears .

After a few minutes she wiped her tears and looked at miley who was looking at her with a gentle smile ,making her smile back at her in response.

Caressing her face ,miley said,''Wipe your face ,you look scary ,and come downstairs ,we would have breakfast ,when the royals would get done with their food.''

This was true ,although the workers were treated good ,without any abuse or anything ,bt they were not allowed to eat with royals ,they can eat at the same dining table ,but only when the royals would be done with their food.The servants had their fair share of food always ,the king made sure of it.

After washing her face ,valentina entered the dining room and helped the servants in setting up the table .

She noticed that instead of water ,some glasses were getting filled with a liquid as dark as blood,while some glasses were filled with normal beaverages ,she thought maybe it's the kind of special drink that these people consume.

Soon everyone started entering the hall.

Mia also came and sat on the chair which was directly infront of valentina and sat on it ,not before passing valentina a smirk ,which made her uneasy and shift on her spot.

Soon Aurora came ,followed by her servants ,

She came and passed evryone a small smile and bowed her head ,acknowledging everyone's presence in the room.

Her servants came and stoood behind valentina ,silently.

Some ministers came and greeted aurora and settled down on their respective chairs.

One thing valentina noticed was that ,in the presence of Aurora ,mia was ignored ,like she was invisible ,as if she didn't even exist.

Mia's whole face was red with anger ,but no one paid a glance to her ,or maybe it was ,that they didn't want to .

They all assemb;ed and soon the whole dining table was occupied ,except the main head chair.

Soon ,Ambroz entered the hall and everyone stood up from their seat ,greeting him.

He signalled with his hands and everyone sat down.

Soon they began to have their breakfast.

Valentina was busy with drawing imaginary circles with her tip of heel of her sandal,whereas Ambroz was busy at looking at her every action.

She was looking like a lost child ,so cute and innocent ,completely listless about her surroundings.

Somehow ,the thought of her sitting with him ,on this same dining table ,having dinner with him ,erupted in his mind ,but got vanished the next moment.

This thought was stupid ,

His expressios went rigid ,while his gaze was still stuck at valentina.

Miley on seeing this got scared ,thinking that Valentina has again somehow offended the king ,so she immediately went for her rescue and pullled valentina behind her while bowing down as an apology in the king's direction.snapping both valentina and ambroz out of their respective trances.

Ambroz continued his breakfast with a plan formingin his mind ,in order to get his imagination true without even making her his wife.

Time skips~

After the royals wered one with their breakfast ,the servants also served themselves in their plates and began eating the food ,valentina was soo hungry ,that she also dived into her plate ,and began eating as if she was starved since ages ,making the other servants chuckle at her act and clara made an annoyed face and continued eating her food.

After they were done , the servants went back to erforming their own tasks ,and miley took Valentina to her room ,and readied her for the journey .

She braided her hairs ,in a french syle ,which complimented valentina's eyes and face cut ,and applied light lip gloss which was just a mixture of rose and strawberry which they had speciaaly made ,on her kips ,since Valentina never preffered makeup ,Miley chose not to do anything other than lipbalm to her face.

Valentina took her cloth bag which was beautifully embroidered ,hanged it on her shoulder and exited the palace accompammied by miley.

She saw everyone present at the entrance.

Mia was also standing there ,but she was there to bid her goodbye to ambroz.

The horses .chariot for the royals and caravans came and assembles infront of the entrance and everyone started to sit in their respecive caravans.

Aurora came accompaniedby her servants and sat on her chariot ,accompaied by her two servants while the rest of her servants and the king's soldiers sat on the horses .

Miley placed valentina's bag in one of the caravan and valentina took her first step in order to climb and sit in it ,when an all too familiar voice made her halt in her steps.

''Not you!'' valentina shot her head up in his direction and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows when he said ,''you are my personal servant so you have to sit in my chariot''

Valentina's hands fisted on hearing him call her his personal servant as she was still not used to being called as a servant ,owing to the fact that she was a free living being in her world ,but nonetheless ,she nodded her head and toook steps in his direction and sat on the seat which was a bit smaller in height and was adjacent to Ambroz's large seat ,the chariot ,that he had was beautiful and luxurious ,it was almost like a mini house.

Everything of his comfort was provided there ,and valentin loved it's architect a lot.

She came and sat near his feet and waited for veryone else to settle down so that they can leave when a though hit her suddenly ,which made her get up and jump out of the chario and run back to the castle ,making miley panic and the other's look at her with furrowed eyebrows and annoyed faces.

Soon she came back with a notepad and the pen which was provided by miley to her.

Passing miley an apologetic smile ,she went passed her and climbed the chariot .

She turned around to look at her again and waved her a goodbye.

Miley just faintly smiled trying to hide her worry behind that smile and waved valentina her goodbye.

The chariot started getting pulled by the horses ,while valentina kept waving hands in miley's direction while passing her a small assuring smile ,naware of the man who wsbehind her ,whose gaze was comfortably fixed on her figure.

When miley disappeared from valentina's side ,she turned around and looked ahead ,and sighed .

Nervousness beginning to climb her senses.

She had told him that she is from the west ,and now he was taking her there ,and she was scared about her truth getting revealed.

Indeed ,she was praying ,but she was unaware to the fact that her prayers were going to deef ears because the vile manbehind her ,had planned a whole cruel strategy to make her submit to him ,by trapping her in his trap .

This trip was going to change her life ,for sure.

Sighing again ,she looked up at her side ,only to regret her decision ,because ,ambroz had his chin rested on his hand which was resting on the seat of his chariot and he was consistently staring at her ,which made her quite nervous,making her turn back and look traight again ,while wondering in her head ,''did i do something wrong?''

But soon her unspoken question was answered by him ,''if you have to go or do somewhere ,the basic ettiquettes that you can adapt right now are to inform me ,ask me ,understand''

Refusing and fighting back was at the tip of her tongue ,but since she couldn't say anything ,she chose to silently nod her head .

Six hours passsed and she and she was getting tired and her back started to ache.

So she meekly tried to stretch ,which was observed by ambroz and getting the right opportunity he said ...why don't you sit here ,,it woud take two more hours to reach a safe place ,then you can rest comfortably ,while the tents would be set up by the guards.''

Thinking for a while ,she politely shook her head ,making ambroz anger boil .

He politely asked her ,a girl ,for the very first time in his life to sit on the seat and share it with him ,and this girl has the fucking audacity to say no?

The beast inside him wanted to haul her up by her waist and place her on his lap and make her regret her decision but he somehow controlled himself and said again ,this time in a cold voice.

''Valentina ,sit here!'' the tone he held demanded no contradiction ,and valentina immediately got up and settled herself down on his seat.

This was crazy.

The tone he used actually hypnotized her body and she was no longer the controller of it .

IT worked on it's own and obeyed him.

The fact alone scared valentina of the power he held.

Two hours passed ,with her sticking to the corner of the seat ,inorder to not touch ambroz by any chance ,where he cozily sprawled across his seat ,in order to annoy her and test her limits

The chariot finally came to a stop ,and the servants got down ,and started to set up the tents ,and valentina for the first time saw something this much astonishing.

A lady came ,and stood infront of the workers who were setting up he tents ,and chanted something under her breath and ,a transparent yet golden sheet of protection covered their whole area , the beds were brought and placed into the chambers of the royals , she through her magic ,lit the whole place and turned around to look in ambroz's direction.

She bowed her head down and walked back in her caravan .

Soon Aurora with her servants came and greeted ambroz and silently walked passd them into her tent.

A small tent was soon ,offered to valentina ,which relaxed her to some extent ,thinking that she wont have to share room with the king.

She happily went in , discarded the corset off her body and laid on her bed ,letting the sleep engulf her.

Time skips .

Valentina felt cold all of a sudden in the middle of the night ,something heavy was placed on her body ,prohibiting her from breathing properly .

She was still in her sleep ,when she felt something wet on her face ,it slided up and down ,making her uncomfortable .

Opening her eyes ,she saw a faint silhoutte of a man ,cobvering her whole being ,pressing her under his body weight ,making all the exhaustion and sleep vanish away from her body and the panic surge in .

She tried to wriggle and screamed which was immediately silenced by him capturing her lips into his.

That person gave a deep suck on her lips ,and then softly started to suck on them ,making the events of the last night play on her mind like a broken record ,making her blood run cold.

She stayed still under him ,while her body was still shivering violently and her heart still hammering loudly in her chest.

After a few seconds he stopped and detached her lips from hers ,making her immediately turn her head away from him and take a deep breath.

He put his head on her cheeks and inhaled her scent through his nose ,basking in it.

Anger and fear consumed valentina's whole being ,so she said ,''move away ,and get out''

She placed her hands on his neck and scratched it with her whole might ,pulling his skin brutally and kept on slapping him on his neck ,making him groan in anger .

He grabbed both her hands and placed it above her head ,making her arch to him ,drawing all her confidence away.

She got silent all of a sudden and waited for his next move ,with her senses on hyper-alert mode.

When he didn't feekl her struggle beneath him ,he relaxed his hold on her fists ,but still didn't leave her and startd to speak.

''I missed doing this to you so damn much'' and nuzzled his face in her chheks.

Making her push herself more into the mattress.

''I mised you '' he said again

And this time ,with his other hand ,grabbed her waist and hugged her tightly with his one hand.

Valnetina was getting uncomfortable to her extent and just wanted him to vanish or someone to come in and save her ,bt the reality of the situation could not be neglected.

''Let's continue from where we left ,shall we?''

The devil king came here too?

Soory for leaving you guys on cliffhanger.

Give me votes and follows guys.

The next chapter will be about something exciting

warm regards

Author sylvie

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