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Da fiercewrites

1.3M 20.9K 12.4K

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38.8K 650 715
Da fiercewrites


I get disruptively awaken by mom who's come barging in my room and practically dragging me to the mall with her, for a gift apparently for Dario who's birthday is in exactly twenty-four hours.

Honestly, i'm not the littlest bit interested but once she's mentioned the big party she's throwing him my stomach swirls in circles at the mere thought of meeting my moms other family basically.

My mind wanders to many million of questions, like do they know me? do they know she has a daughter that exist and is living with them currently?

"I'm thinking we should go out for dinner tonight what do you think?" she hums out cheerful and my eyes snap back to her, trying to at-least sound like im interested in what she has to say. "That'd be actually be nice mom."

Mom with a satisfied smile reaches for her phone in her purse and searches for a special number, before then placing the phone against her earlobe. "Matteo, hi! i'm calling to invite you for a early celebration tonight for Dario's birthday."

We finished shopping an hour ago and now i'm currently flipping and picking dresses up to the screen as I ask for Giannas thoughts, figured I should ask her just to be sure.

"No that ones awful put it away." her face scrunches and she motions to the purple dress, I roll my eyes with a frustratedly sigh, "Gianna you've said that about every single dress."

"Ariel your taste is questionable like seriously what is that lime green dress in the back hello? thats gross." I then reach for another handful of dresses and ignore her remark about my lime green dress. "Wait! that one!" my brows furrow but once i've picked back up the black dress she nods in approval. "You look hot in black."

I blow a kiss to the screen and end the call with an option now and quickly put on the tight black dress that was almost a little to short but still workable then reach for some knee high leather boots but all it really did was draw attention to the amount of exposed skin on my thighs.

My mind wanders to Dario and a smirk lifts my lips wickedly at the mere thought of his eyes running down my body. I walk over to my mirror and look at myself one more time, making sure I look perfect and even running my fingers through my hair trying to flatten any standing little hairs.

"Ariel lets go we're gonna be late!!!" my mom shouts obnoxiously loud from downstairs with a sigh I quickly make my way back downstairs and once i've landed on the last step my moms eyes wander to my face then my body. "You look beautiful Ariel."

My lips lift in a small smile at the compliment that feels almost sincere and my eyes as well lower, my mom has always been a beauty. There's no denying that.

Shes always been in shape, hourglass body with not even a little form of wrinkles on her face with how well she takes care of her skin. She's beautiful and I could see why Dario takes such interest in her....shes a woman, everything a man wants in a woman she has.

"We should go then, Dario will be meeting us shortly at the restaurant." shes then heading to the front door, and we quickly step inside of the car and drive to the restaurant in silence.

Once we arrive and step out of the car my eyes flicker back and forth at the restaurant, an Italian restaurant to be exact and from the looks of it...it's expensive then as we're entering mom gasps and walk towards the couple standing at the far edge waiting for us. "Matteo; Laura how are you both? oh its so nice to see y'all again."

Laura shines her pearly whites at mom and reaches for a hug, "We're doing amazing Susanna, thank you for inviting us its been quite awhile since we've seen you and Dario." the man, Matteo smacks his teeth together earning a glance from both women. "Speaking of Dario, where is my brother?"

Mom's eyes flicker to the phone in her hand and then back to him with a little shrug. "He should be here any minute." as he nods slowly Laura then looks over at me, and her eyes widen like she had no idea i've been standing here all along. "And who is she?"

"Oh! this is my daughter Ariel." my mom pulls me in closer to her while slowly caressing my exposed shoulders and my lips instinctively curve in a force smile, both Matteo and Laura look at each-other with an expression that's very easily readable.

They had no fucking idea I existed.

Nonetheless though Lauras face instantly brightens with a smile as she then shifts closer to me and braces me in a hug, the small and nice gesture feels nice, almost welcoming. "Its nice to meet you Ariel you are so beautiful, you almost look a-lot like your mom." I roll my eyes at the comparison but it seems to go right over moms head as she starts giggling.

"Thank you so much so are you!" she politely smiles at the returned compliment and then Matteo smiles while sticking his hand out to give mine a shake. "Its nice to meet you Ariel." I nod and reach for his hand.  "Its nice to meet you too sir."

A few minutes, we're still standing in the far left corner and while they all talk, catching up my eyes on their own flicker to Matteo who's clueless and I try finding some resemblance in his face, he almost looks a-lot like Dario they for sure looked like siblings, But Dario was still much more hotter then him easily.

"Mrs. Amoretto?" a waiter comes waltzing right up to us, looking a little far off confused but mom raises her hand out and his body immediately relaxes. "Yes thats me!" my mom replies while clutching on to her Gucci bag.

"Right this way, your table is ready." he replies back much more relaxed and led us through other tables while we all walk closely behind the waiter and stop at the table further from the others on the left, placing menus on each side.

Matteo and Laura both walk over to the other side, sitting across from us while mom left a seat open for Dario beside me then I zone from the boring conversation for another pass hour or so.

"Ah, there you all are im so sorry for being late." a deep and raspy Italian accent interrupts the conversation occurring between mom and the couple. I turn my head to get a good look at the man himself, and almost drool on spot.

Dario was too attractive for my liking, and i've seen plenty of attractive men in my life that if I wanted, I could easily have but this one just so happens to be forbidden from my touch and its the most annoying thing ever. Dario runs his fingers through his scalp to then the ends of it and my eyes flicker to his arm that flexes while he does it.

"Don't worry about it baby, I saved you a seat." she assured while he reaches a hand beneath her chin tilting her head and giving her a quick peck then shes motioning to the chair right beside me, but as his eyes move to the chair first they then settle on me.

Mannerly I hop on my feet to greet him properly but as I stand my dress lifts accidentally exposing more higher skin and his eyes flicker to the action before quickly clearing his throat and shifting closer to me, he then wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to him easily. "You're showing to much skin." I look over his shoulder and see my mom not even acknowledging us while he whispers quietly in the shell of my ear.

"Who are you my father?" I taunt back.

She continues her conversation flowing easily with Laura, honestly to her this probably wasn't alarming whatsoever but to me.... this was way more of an intimate hug with the way Dario squeezes down softly on my sides as his hot breath mix with mints and whiskey stuffs my nose.

Once we've all settled down the same waiter returns with our drinks and takes down our orders momentarily before walking away and Matteo finally indulges in the conversation. "So Fratello tomorrows the big 60." Matteo jokingly mutters causing the entire table to laugh.

Dario chuckles under his breath and gives him the finger with a small wink, "You wish." my mom then leans in and pecks his cheek with a pout that has me cringing inside. "You'll be thirty-nine and still handsome then ever mi amor."

Sure the moment i've entered the house i've wondered how old Dario is and I knew he wasn't gonna be young whatsoever but thirty-nine? this man was aging beautifully and I don't know whether thats an Italian gene or if its just....him.

"Thank you amor mio." he gives a sly grin then returns the kiss but on her cheek, pecking her a little longer earning soft eyes from the couple but it only makes me wanna barf in return.

The waiter returns shortly after with our food and we all quickly dig in, but as they all spoke amongst each-other I pull out my phone and start texting Gianna to keep me the littlest bit entertained.

"So Ariel," I look up and quickly swallow down the food to catch Laura already looking at me leaning on her elbows. "How old are you?" I take quick a sip of my water to easily swallow down the remaining food down my throat. "I'm nineteen ma'am."

"Are you living here from now on? " her curious eyes follow mine and I slowly shake my head, "Not really i'm just here on....vacation." I mean am I suppose to tell her I was practically forced to come live with my mom?

She nods and hums, "And what do you do darling?" my lips curve in a smile and I look over to the man sitting beside me who's grazing the hairs around his jaw listening carefully. "Well as of right now i'm working with Dario in his office."

Her eyes widen and her eyes flicker to Dario, "Oh is that true then Dario?" Dario nods slowly and continues to graze his jaw, and I suddenly get the urge to do it for him. "Yes I send her to different areas to work around time from time but shes mostly in my office."

Matteo chuckles and looks over at me with a playful grin tugging his lips, "I bet he's a pain in the ass." I laugh quietly while looking at Dario who's stare easily makes me nervous and so extremely wet and I shrug playfully back. "Well he's actually...pretty tolerable."

The waiters returned shortly after took retreat our plates and I went right back to texting and giggling to Giannas messages while my ears tune out the rest of the couples.

"We recently went to paris and ate at this amazing restaurant," the conversation suddenly sounds a little interesting and my eyes lift to hear more about the trip coming from Lauras mouth, I know every single spot in Paris.

"Ooo what was it called?" my mom asks out of curiosity and Lauras eyes extract away momentarily to think long and hard about the place but gives it up with a loud sigh, "I'm not exactly sure anymore what it was called, I think it started with a b perhaps ben-"

"Benoit." I finish the sentence for her and Laura claps her hands together while all eyes then settle over to me with raise brows. "Yes! Benoit have you've been there Ariel?"

I nod,  "I have ma'am." my mom then leans forward on her elbows to catch a glimpse of me and lifts a brow curiously. "You've been to paris? I didn't know that."

"And how would you?" I bite back with a little attitude hinting in my voice and Laura seals her lips together awkwardly at my slip up.

The table falls into deep silent for another minute or so before Dario is clearing his throat and clearing the air. "So what else did y'all do there?" he asks, changing the subject and I didn't utter another word after that.

The car ride home was awful, and easily readable. Mom is furious and as soon as we enter the house and i'm about to walk up the first step of the stairs mom sighs loudly stopping me in tracks. "I didn't like the way you spoke to me in-front of our guests Ariel, it was embarrassing." I scoff and walk back down.

"Susanna lets not." Dario mutters and grabs onto moms waist trying to pull her away from having a heated argument with me but I find it annoying. "It was only the truth? is it a crime to be honest?"

She scoffs and tugs her body away from Dario's touch and steps closer to where I am, "You knew what they would think stop acting innocent." I cross one arm over the other unbothered and clearly over this conversation. "What would they think mom? that you left your daughter at fifteen to get remarried about three more other times?"

She gasps and dramatically places a hand on her heart as if it stings her but I could easily read her like a open book, she didn't fucking care and my blood only boiled. For a split second I forgot Dario is still present and standing much closer to us with a loud sigh passing his lips. "Susanna lets go leave her alone." he again pulls on her arm to sway her away from me but she shakes his hold away.

"I am your mother you better start showing me some respect." her teeth grit together angrily and I laugh under my breath with a slow shake, "So now your my mother..." I breathe out and my eyes flicker to Dario before they settle back on her furiously. "Save your fiancé the trouble and tell him what you really are like."

Dario manages to pull Susanna away after shes muttering under her breath and before walking back up stairs, I give a quick grin in response back and wave a flirty hand in the air. "Goodnight."

Once i've made the last step up and walk away to my bedroom, I can easily hear the screams coming from my mom demanding him to tell her what I manage to tell him but I didn't tell him much.

On the contrary i've only been flirting with the man.


I toss and roll for the past twenty minutes trying to fall asleep but no matter how hard I try, my mind can't clear and drift away completely with a loud groan I push away the sheets from my body and lay on my back.

I decide to go downstairs and get a glass of water to help me sleep better, a cold glass of water always helps so I tiptoe quietly out of my bed and open the door as quiet as I can be and walk downstairs.

The lights were all completely off and the only source of light peaks from the windows giving me some guide to the kitchen and once i've made it in, I reach for a glass and pour some ice in the glass before placing it on the fridge, pouring the water from the machine.

I pick up the glass about to take a sip of the water but before doing so a loud grunt has me jumping from fear, and wondering where in the hell did that come from? are we getting robbed right now?

My eyes flood with panic and before even realizing it, my feet are walking on their own to the sound of repeating grunts and it was coming from a very far hall opposite to where Darios office is and as the hall comes to an end the light coming from a room has me arching a brow in question.

I fly open the door and practically drool in spot at the sight.

Dario is reaching for the bar shirtless and my eyes wander there for a split second before finally settling my gaze on his face and his eyes connect with mine through the mirror. "Ariel."

I swallow and shift back and forth nervously as he lets the bar go and reaches for a t-shirt slowly sliding it over his head and I almost wanna sob like a child once his shirtless body hides beneath the t-shirt. "I didn't know you had a gym."

He chuckles under his breath and reaches for a water bottle chugging the liquid down his throat as fast as he can. "I barely come in here anymore now I just come in when i'm blowing steam off...." he awkwardly inaplies

My lips purse together, "I'm sorry about what I had said earlier and if i'm the reason y'all were fighting." Dario shakes his head and starts walking my direction, with a sweaty forehead and his hair thats always perfect and slicked back was completely sweaty and sitting in different directions. "Its not your fault piccola."

"You can be honest with me." I take one more bold step and Dario gives another chilling little chuckle while he runs his fingers through the wet locks. "I am being honest piccola."

I hum in response and he returns to his spot where he's lifting weights, with an eyebrow lift he motions with a simple nod to where he's at. "Come here."

My eyes widen and I shake my head earning a small glare from him in return as I hold onto the glass of water tightly in my hands. "You're crazy I know what you're trying to do." Dario chuckles and this time lifts a finger motioning again, "Do you workout?"

"No and i'd like to keep it that way."

"You'd be surprised how it can kill some time and steam, come on i'll even help you lift the weight." a part of me is saying absolutely fucking not but then again, Dario will have his hands all over me.

A win is a win, am I right? so on timid feet I walk closer to where he's sitting and as I reach him Dario swings me over and sits me down, a gasp passes my lips but replace with a small giggle as he lifts the bar easily in the air for me to grasp on.

I try to lift it as high as I can but fail miserably and embarrassing, my eyes snap back to Dario with a glare as he starts laughing. "Why are you laughing at me?" Dario shakes his head and reaches for my shoulders, pushing them completely down. "You're entire body needs to relax, you're tense piccola."

Dario haunches down and suddenly the air becomes impossible to breathe from as he pulls down his body weight but not enough to squish me but enough to feel his body against mine, Darios eyes flicker to my lips then my eyes repeatedly.

"What does that word mean piccola?" I quietly whisper and a sly grin tugs his lips, "You've caught on to that?" I nod, "Its impossible not too you call me that a-lot."

Darios finger skims back and forth on the side of my cheek and slowly trails it to my bottom lip, tugging and teasing me and I won't pussy out so my lips part, inviting his finger in my mouth Darios eyes hood with desire as he stares at the action. "It means little girl."

"Don't you think that's inappropriate?" Darios lips lift in a smirk and he shrugs as he rests his arms on either side of my head while his body settles on-top of mine, "Don't you think the way you look at me is inappropriate?" he bites back.

My lashes bat innocently up at him, "And how do I look at you?"

"Like you want me to fuck you."

"Would it be a problem if I did?" I challenge back and lean into him to inch my lips closer to his's. "It should be considering I'm with your mother and sooner or late i'll be marrying her."

"Fine then don't fuck me," I breathe out and dip one of my hands down the curve of my body and then settle it on my stomach slowly lifting my shirt up and his eyes immediately settle to my exposed abdomen, "You can just watch me fuck myself."

"What ar-" Dario insists but stops as his eyes wander in-between us and he watches as my hand slowly travels lower and lower until im reaching the hem of shorts and tug on the waistband until my shorts are settled on my knees while I spread my legs apart.

Instead of darting away like the good fiancé he's claiming to be. He settles himself in-between my legs, breathing rapidly fast as his chest rises up and down staring at the sight while my hand slips underneath my panties and I place two fingers on my clit.

I arch my back and moan quietly as I flick my bud repeatedly and repeatedly until i'm a wet mess, then I swirl my fingers back and forth on my folds coating my fingers in my own juices and once i've had enough with teasting myself, I slip a finger in my entrance. "F-fuckk." I cry out as I slip another in and thrust them in and out.

Dario's jaw clenches tightly and moves his head to the side, looking the opposite direction but with another hand I grasp onto his jaw and turn his head back. "Watch me, I know you want too or you can just slip your own fingers in."

"Not a chance." he breathes out as his eyes glue to the situation happening in-between us, and my fingers only move faster causing the sounds of my sweet cunt to squelch and I can hear him groan in return at the erotic sounds. "I'm so close Dario." I whimper and arch my back, my chest touches his and my lips hover against his lips but he quickly pulls away and refuses to touch my lips or else, he'd be considered a cheater.

I flick my bud while my other fingers enter in me repeatedly and my legs shake underneath him at the sudden pleasure thats about to pass my body, "I'm gonna come o-oh." then as I finish my sentence my eyes roll to the back of my skull and with a loud moan I climax all over my fingers.

Darios lips part with fascination and before stopping myself completely, I bring my fingers back up and place them against the seam of his lips. "Taste me at-least." I pout and motion to my fingers coated in my come.

Dario opens his mouth slightly and I slip my fingers right in his mouth and he instantly licks my fingers clean while our eyes never leave one another and i'm suddenly wet all over again at the mere sight of my fingers in his mouth.

I pull them completely out and hover my lips against his's, "Happy birthday." I quietly whisper with my bottom lip in-between my teeth and give him a little smirk as I pull my shorts back up and get up to then existing the room without giving him the last word.


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