My Saber Star(Complete, In Ed...

By Ryos_Shadow_Cheney

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Takes Place half a year into the disbandment of Fairy Tail. Lucy Heartfilia had sacrificed Aquarius to save... More

Chapter 1: Lucy's Sucide Attempt
Not a Chapter. Please Read
Chapter 3: Lucinda of Sabertooth
Chapter 4: Fairy Tail is back
Chapter 5: Hisui joins Sabertooth; U did this to me!
Chapter 6: Seven year Coma; Lucinda Awakens
Chapter 7: My Saber Star 🍋
Special Mentions: Copper

Chapter 2: I Hate You! I Love You

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By Ryos_Shadow_Cheney

Lucinda's POV:

I wake up to the horrid sound of someone banging on my door. Taking a wiff of the air, I let out a very annoyed groan as I know who's at my door. Getting out of bed, I look at the clock before opening the front door to be faced with a very annoying reporter named Jason. What the Fucking Hell Jason, it's six o'clock in the damn morning! I yell at him.

"You have a long day of modeling today Lucy! Now go get dressed and make yourself look pretty! Alright, cool!" He gives me a thumbs up.

I put up with his annoying ass for half a year, and I planned on my last day being yesterday, but thanks to Ryos, I'm still fucking living! I'm already in a pissy mood, but hearing Jason call me by that name.... that just set something off in me.

As he was about to leave, I stop him.

Listen here Jason, I have put up with your annoying ass for half a fucking year! I am at my limit, I'm done! I won't be modeling for you anymore, because I quit! I don't want to see, hear or smell your sorry ass ever again, don't ever speak to me again and DON'T CALL ME BY THAT DAMN NAME! I kick him in the jewls sending him flying. Trying to calm myself, I hear whispering from the crowd of people that gathered.

Great, just fucking great. The looks I receive are looks of terror. I hate those looks.

Don't look at me like that! Scram, get lost! I hear things like "She's a Monster" or "Isn't that Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail?" I prefer being labeled as a Monster over being labeled as a Fairy. I grab the person who said that by the collar of his shirt. Don't ever say that name in my presence again! Letting the man go as I earned more feared looks, I go back inside my condo and lock the door and windows behind me.

Sliding down on the floor, I hug my knees and cry.

When did I change so drastically? Is this really me? Looking back on my actions just now I realize that I've turned into a monster. You know what? I don't even fucking care! Let them see me as a monster, I don't give a damn. This is who I am now, and it's all because of those damn Fairies! When I had enough crying, I grab the stuff I need and walk into the washroom for a shower, the memories I desperatly want to leave behind plauging my mind.


I bit my tounge in atempts to hold back my emotions as I wrap a towel around my body and step out of the shower. I catch a shiny object in the corner of my eye.

It's.... my razor. Not just any razor either, this razor is my best friend. With a smile creeping it's way onto my face, I walk towards the sink and grab my best friend.

I drag the blade across my flesh. One swipe on my left arm, another on my right arm, and some more on my wrists. Now driping blood from all over my arms, I bring the blade down to my legs and make several deep cuts on my flesh. Satisfied with my art work, I take off my towel and bring the blade to my stomache. Dragging the blade across my stomache, I let out a laugh at the sight of my own blood.

Damn, this feels great! I must have more! I go to bring the blade to my skin again, but find that I can't. What the hell happened? Why did it stop?

"Lucinda, stop this. Please drop the Razor."

That voice... How the hell did I not pick up his scent?


Rogue's POV:

I know it's strange to wake up this way but, my wakeup call was Jason crashing in through my window. I ran downstairs to find out what made that crash sound, only to find Jason passed out on my floor with broken shards of glass around him. He's breathing, so thats a good sign.

Jason, what happened? I shook the reporter only too receive a look of terror in his eyes.

"S-she... S-she's a M-monster!"

Who's a Monster, Jason? Before I get a answer he faints. That's when I catch a wiff of Strawberries on him.

Lucinda? I remember Yukino saying something about her working as a model for Jason. She must've lost it with his annoying ass and gave him what was coming. I let out a sigh as I let my shadows envolupe Jason, transporting him to the hospital via Shadow transport.

I bet Jason pissed her off. I better go to her before she does something drastic. I shadow travel through town only hearing one thing that made me very worried.

People are labeling her as a monster. They're scared of her.

As I got closer to her condo, the stentch of blood reaches my nose.

Oh God No.

I pull out the lacrimal com that Sting gave me and call him. Before he could say anything, I just get to the point.

Sting, Get to Lucinda's Condo right now.

"On the way!"

I hang up the com, and carefully enter the condo through the shadows. Following the stentch of blood, I am led to the washroom. Once in the washroom, the sight that I am faced with makes my stomach sick.

Lucinda is on the floor completely naked in a pool of her own blood with freshly new cuts lingering all over her arms, legs and stomach. I didn't care that she's completely naked right now. She's about to make another cut on her stomach. I have to stop her.

I slowly approch from behind in my shadows. Coming out from the shadows, I grab the Razor in her hand too prevent her from doing anymore damage.

Lucinda, stop this. Please drop the Razor. I spoke softly in attempts too not scare her.

I watch as her body goes stiff.


She's so fragile.

I swear, whatever or whoever had driven her to this point is going to pay dearly. I carefully remove the razor from her hand and toss it out the window not caring that it broke. I'll pay for that to be repaired later.

Letting out a sigh, I grab the first aid kit from the counter and began to treat her wounds. I know Sting is here, but it doesn't seem like she's picked up his scent yet.

"I really hate you Ryos." That statement stung a bit, but I know she doesn't actually mean it. Her train of thought is clouded with hate. Whatever happended to her has caused her to let her hate out on everyone around. I bet it has something to do with Fairy Tail. I know better than to just straight up ask her, doing that will only make her angry. I need to be paitent and wait for her to confied in me.

Lucinda... I need you to listen to me. I know that you hate me right now, but I want to help you-

"Help me? I highly doubt that Ryos, if you really wanted to help me then why the fuck did you stop me!? I want this! I want to feel this pain! I jumped off a fucking cliff, because I wanted to die!"

I know she doesn't really want that. If she did, then she would've just hanged herself already. Best not voice that out, I don't need her getting any ideas.

Lucinda, I know thats not what you really want-

"How the hell do you know what I want Ryos!? Tell me!"

I put the first aid kit away, and carefully pulled her into my arms as she pounded her fists on my back. I need her to know that I'm here for her, that she's not alone.

I know that's not what you want, because eyes don't lie. I pull her back slightly and brush away the tears falling from her eyes.

"I'm c-crying? Damn it, not again."

I give her a soft smile.

I won't force you to tell me what's going on, but I need you to know that Sting and I are both here for you. You are not alone, and never will be alone. We will be here all ears when you're ready. I use my shadow magic to force the door open making Sting's presence known. I place a soft gentle kiss on her temple.

"Lucinda, please don't do this anymore. Watching you jump off that cliff scared the shit out of me. I don't want to lose you... you're my only blood family, and I love you more than you know."

He's right Lucinda. When you're ready to confied in us, we're here. Just please... No more. You are my m-.... I cut myself off. I can't tell her she's my mate, not while she's going through this. I pull her into my arms again, and place my head in the croc of her kneck.

I love you Lucinda. I watch as she brakes down and apologizes continuesly. She probaly thinks that I love her like a sister seeing as Sting is already a brother to me. I have to let her think that for now, but when she overcomes her depression... that's when I will tell her what she is to me.

"Rogue, she's asleep. We'll keep an eye on her at the guild. I don't want her to be alone at all. "

I nod. Do the others know?

"They do now. I had my com on the entire time. If you have anything to say go ahead and say it, the others are still on the line."

I carefully give Lucinda to Sting before walking over to the lacrimal. I see Minerva holding a sobbing Yukino.

Minerva, Yukino... I need you both and everyone else in the guild to act like normal and do not give looks of pity. That will just make things worse for her. With a thumbs up from them, I hang up the com.

Let's go sting. I'll have Yukino and Minerva come and get the things she'll need. With that said, Sting and I left for Sabertooth with Lucinda now back in my arms.
Word Count: 1,738

A/N: There ya have it. Some hurt-comfort angst.


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