You Wanna Be Famous?: TDI x M...

By Timmy184

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In the world of Total Drama a teen named Kai Ryoka suffers from multiple personality disorder. (He is basical... More

Chapter 1: Not So Happy Campers - Part 1
Chapter 2: Not So Happy Campers - Part 2
Chapter 4: Dodgebrawl
Chapter 5: Not Quite Famous
Chapter 6: The Sucky Outdoors
Chapter 7: Phobia Factor
Chapter 8: Up The Creek
Chapter 9: Paintball Deer Hunt
Chapter 10: If You Can't Take The Heat
Chapter 11: Who Can You Trust?
Chapter 12: Basic Straining
Chapter 13: X-Treme Torture
Chapter 14: Brunch Of Disgustingness
Chapter 15: No Pain No Game
Chapter 16: Search and Do Not Destroy
Chapter 17: Hide and Be Sneaky
Chapter 18: That's Off The Chain
Chapter 19: Hook, Line, and Screamer
Chapter 20: Are We There Yeti?
Chapter 21: Trial By Tri-Armed Triathlon
Chapter 22: Wawanakwa Gone Wild
Chapter 23: Camp Castaways
Chapter 24: I Triple Dog Dare You
Chapter 25: Haute Camp-Ture
Chapter 26: The Very Last Episode, Really!
Chapter 27: Alternate Winner?
Chapter 28: Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Island!
About Kai
Total Drama Action

Chapter 3: The Big Sleep

1.3K 30 7
By Timmy184

(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Island, twenty-two campers arrived and learned that they'll be spending the next eight weeks at the crusty old summer camp. The campers were faced with their first challenge, jumping off a cliff into the shark-infested waters. While most campers took the plunge, a few were forced to wear the dreaded chicken hat. At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to two campers, Courtney who has experience as a CIT in summer camp, but refused to jump, and Ezekiel who managed to tick off every female at the camp with his sexist comments about women, in the end, the first camper voted off Total Drama Island was Ezekiel, proving that home-schooling and reality TV don't mix, who will be voted off this week in this dramatic campfire ceremony? Find out tonight on Total... Drama...Island!



Three days have past and now it was challenge time. The episode begins with Chris walking to the cabins with a megaphone in hand. He pulls out a airhorn and he blasts it into the megaphone. Leshawna wakes up and hits her head on the bunk above her

(Leshawna): Ow! It's 7:00 in the morning! Do I look like a farmer to you? 


The scene changes to the campers outside of their cabins. Eva is listening to her MP3 player, Cody wants to touch it, but she angrily growls making him back away

(Chris): Morning, hope you slept well

(Heather): Hi, Chris, you look really buff in those shorts

Chris smiled

(Chris): I know. I hope you are all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute

(Owen): Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast

(Chris): Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your 20km run around the lake

(Eva): So you're funny now? 

She is angry at Chris and goes to attack him but Duncan holds her back

(Eva): You know what I would think be funny? 

(Courtney): Eva, try to control your temper! 

Courtney whispered to her

(Eva): You're enjoying this, aren't you? 

Chris shrugged his smile not leaving his face

(Chris): A little, you have 30 seconds

Eva glares at Chris



Courtney Confessional

(Courtney): Okay, that girl Eva has got to handle on her temper, she's only been here one day and she has already thrown her suitcase out a window and broken the lock on one of the bathroom doors



(Chris): Okay, runners, on your marks, get set, go! 

The campers race. Tyler runs. the contestants continue to run while Gwen, Harold, Katie and Sadie walk. Bridgette and Justin run past them and Noah runs past Heather. The Gophers who passed her looked annoyed at her slow pace



Heather Confessional

(Heather): I don't run, and I definitely don't run in high-heeled wedges



Heather stops once she sees Owen licking a puddle he is having a hard time catching his breath

(Owen): Can't......catch......breath...must......must...have...condition! 

(Heather): Yeah, it's called "overeating," look into it

Leshawna was also struggling but glared at Heather

(Leshawna): What's your excuse, you skinny, annoying, ooh, I'm too tired of insults...

They see Chris following them with a scooter while using a megaphone

(Chris): Pick it up, people, if your not back by dinner time, you don't eat!

(Heather): I hate him so much!

(Leshawna): For once I agree with you

Leshawna said as she begun running again


The scene changes to the contestants in the cafeteria where some of them are tired and some looked unaffected. Chris is filing his fingers when Owen suddenly kicks open the doors carrying an unconscious Noah

(Owen): Clear a table, stat! 

Owen dropped Noah onto a table

(Leshawna): We made it! 

Leshawna cheered as Harold slowly came in clutching his chest. Owen is using CPR on Noah

(Courtney): What took so long? We lost the challenge! 

(Harold): I think I'm having heart palpations!

(Gwen): Hey, wait a minute, if they lost, that means we won the challenge! 

The Screaming Gophers cheered Noah woke up from the cheering. He also cheered only for Chris to cough into his hand which stopped their cheering

(Chris): Whoa there, hold your horses, guys, that wasn't the challenge

Gwen had a look of disbelief on her face

(Gwen): What did you just say? 

Ignoring her Chris walks over to a curtain

(Chris): Who's hungry? 

The curtain opens, showing a huge buffet



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet




Owen Confessional

(Owen): And then I saw it, the buffet table, it was beautiful, there was turkey, and the naval bars, and bakes beans and maple syrup? Can I have a moment? 

Owen wipes away a tear




Kai Confessional

(Kai): Something deep inside me told me that this was a trap. But I ignored that feeling I was so hungry and that food looked heavenly!



The scene goes to the buffet where the contestants ate all of the food they held their stomachs while groaning. Chris stood on a table holding his megaphone

(Chris): Okay, campers, time for part two of your challenge!

Chris yells through his megaphone

(Owen): I thought eating was the second part?

(Gwen): What more do you want from us? 

Gwen complained she was tired, full of food and just wanted to take a nap

(Heather): Weird goth girl is right, haven't we been through enough? 

Chris appears to have taken a thoughtful look

(Chris): Um, let me think about that...

Chris drops the thoughtful look and smirked

(Chris): No! It's time for the Awake-A-Thon! 

(Kai): The what-a-thon? 

(Chris): Don't worry

He jumps off the table he was previously standing on

(Chris): This is an easy one, the team with the last camper standing wins invincibility for the team 

(Gwen): So, what you're saying is the 20k run and the turkey-eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake? 

Chris nodded with a massive smile

(Chris): That's right, Gwen

(Gwen): Man, he's good

Kai nodded in agreement

(Kai): Dangerously good

(Chris): Move, move, move!

He ushered the campers walk out of the cafeteria. Kai walked alongside Gwen he decided to strike up a conversation with her

(Kai): So, how long do you think it'll be before everyone's out cold? 

(Gwen): I'd say about an hour, give or take

A sleepy Owen yawns and walks past Gwen and Kai

(Kai): I'd say less


The scene fades into outside, the sunset changes to daylight, it is 11:59 AM. The campers all look tired but besides that everyone was doing great. Chris is heard whispering off screen

(Chris): We are now 12 hours in with all 21 campers still wide awake

(Owen): Woohoo! Stay awake for 12 hours? I could do that in my sleep. Woohoo! 

He stands only to freeze in place and falls. He started snoring



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): The Awake-A-Thon was definitely the most brutal thing I've ever done in my life...



Gwen yawns, the Screaming Gophers' lose 1 point, they now have 10 players awake 

(Gwen): This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life

Kai who sat next to her also yawned

(Kai): It could be way worse

Gwen turns to look at him

(Gwen): Oh yeah? How?

Kai smiled at her

(Kai): I could be stuck here without you to talk to

Gwen looks happy, and Heather stares at them suspiciously



Heather Confessional

(Heather): So, my strategy is to get two other campers to form an alliance with me and take to the final three, the only question is who can I find that is either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say?



Heather spots Lindsay doing a handstand

(Gwen): What are you doing?

Gwen asked Lindsay clearly got the attention of Kai and Gwen

(Lindsay): Trying to get the blood to rush to my head, I think it's working

(Beth): Can I try? 

Lindsay smiles

(Lindsay): Sure!

Heather smirks evilly

(Heather): Perfect... Oh Lindsay, Beth, can I talk to you both for a sec? 

Lindsay and Beth exchanged looks and both shrugged

(Lindsay): Sure

Lindsay and Beth followed Heather far enough that they were still in Chris's sight but also out of hearing distance from the others

(Heather): Okay, I have a plan to get me and two other people to the final three and I chose you guys

The two girls gasped

(Lindsay): Really?! 

(Heather): You should know that this is a very big deal, I am placing my trust in you and trust is a two-way street

Beth and Lindsay nod really fast 

(Heather): So you'll do everything I say then? 

(Lindsay): Sure, EEEEEEEEE, we're going to the final three! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 

Lindsay's loud shrieking bothers Heather



Beth Confessional

(Beth): Oh my gosh, Heather is taking me to the final three, I'm going to the final three, I'm going to the final three! I wonder what will happen then...



(Lindsay): Speaking of alliances, you know who I think is really cute? 

She looks at Tyler who sat down

(Heather): Oh no, no, no, no, you can't do that

Lindsay frowned in confusion

(Lindsay): Why? 

(Heather): Because he's on the other team

While that was part of the reason Heather just didn't want Tyler getting in the way of her manipulating

(Lindsay): Huh? 

(Heather): You can't date people from other teams it's like against the alliance rules

Heather quickly came up with that rule

(Lindsay): There are rules? 

Lindsay asked still frowning

(Heather): Remember what I said about trust, Lindsay? Of course you can always leave the alliance if you do, though I can't protect you from getting kicked off

Lindsays frown faded and she looked worried

(Lindsay): No, I wanna be in the alliance!

Heather smiles

(Heather): Good. Then its settled

She states while she and Beth leave. Lindsay saw Tyler waving at her. She was unsure what to do


Eva stands up unplugging the headphones connected to her MP3 player

(Eva): I'm going to the bathroom

Heather watches her walk away and also noticed her MP3 player fell out of her pocket Heather stood up, and smiles evilly, Heather stretches beside Chris, without Chris noticing, Heather picks up Eva's MP3 player she quickly walks back 

(Lindsay): Uh, isn't that Eva's MP3 player? 

Lindsay asked having watched what Heather did

(Heather): Yep

(Lindsay): Well, isn't she gonna get really mad when she realizes it's gone? 

(Heather): That's what I'm hoping for

She smiles evilly, the screen goes black, then the episode continues, It is night time, it is 23:59 or 11:59 PM. Bridgette falls asleep, Geoff almost falls asleep, he wakes up, Izzy sleeps. Some of the Screaming Gophers sleep while Justin is in a frozen position smiling with bigger eyes to make him stay awake. Some of the Killer Bass sleep while Courtney is running in place. Tyler starts to drift off into slumber, he wakes up and sees Katie and Sadie sleeping. Suddenly, a bear appears attacking Katie and Sadie, Tyler wakes up and screams, Katie and Sadie wake up and gasp, it turns out to be Tyler's nightmare. He immediately fell asleep as the girls look confused

(Chris): Congratulations, campers, you've made it to the 24-hour mark, time to take things up a notch

Chef walks over and is dressed as a pink sheep. Chris pulls a tablecloth which reveals books

(Chris): Fairy tales

Kai groans

(Kai): Not the fairy tale books!

Chris picked up a random book

(Gwen): Oh, he's serious...

(Chris): Ahem...

Chef plays a tiny harp, Chris laughed finding his tough and imposing co-host dressed as a harmless pink sheep amusing. The cook growls clearly not liking that he was dressed up like a sheep

(Chris): Once upon a time, there was inside this boring... 

Chef continues playing the harp and looks at the campers who are sleeping

(Chris): ...Kingdom

Beth yawns

(Chris): A boring village, and inside this boring sleepy village filled with...

Geoff almost sleeps and wakes up again, Cody almost falls asleep he was sat close to Gwen and Kai

(Chris): ...Boring people, who did very boring

Owen dreams of something, he dreams of a harp standing beside the lake, a sheep jumps over the harp, another sheep jumps over the harp, Chef, as a sheep jumps over the harp. In the real world Chef appears in the air, he is in a ballerina's costume

Chef uses magic sparkles to make everyone sleep, the song called "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" is heard. He dances like a ballerina, Eva, and Geoff look surprised, but they are affected with Chef's "magical sparkles" and fall asleep, Noah and Leshawna looked surprised, they also get sparkled by Chef. DJ ties himself to a tree, he also gets sparkled, he yawns and falls asleep. The tree falls on him, the Killer Bass lose three people, and they now have 6 people

(Gwen): Timber

Gwen joked to Kai who smiled at the joke. Kai saw Courtney was moving in place



Courtney Confessional

(Courtney): I figured that if I kept moving, I get out last all of them, I just had to keep my eye on the ball

She tells the camera while barely holding back a yawn



Some of the Killer Bass are sleeping, Courtney is continuing move on the spot, Justin is still standing in a frozen position. Some of the Screaming Gophers are sleeping and some of them are awake

(Heather): We should talk about our strategy

Heather shoulders Lindsay who is sleeping she then wakes up

(Lindsay): Huh? 

Lindsay immediately falls down and falls asleep. Heather looks at the sleeping Beth

(Heather): Beth? 

Beth did exactly what Lindsay did. The Screaming Gophers lose 2 people, they now have 5 people awake


(Gwen): Okay, favourite song?

(Kai): A Little Faster. Favourite colour?

(Gwen): Um, midnight blue

Kai smiles

(Kai): Ooh, mysterious, I like that

Gwen smiles, then yawns

(Kai): Aw, don't fall asleep, okay, quick, favourite movie moment?

(Gwen): You're gonna think it's cheesy

(Kai): I promise I won't

(Gwen): Okay, the kiss at the end of that road trip movie, you know the one with the guy and three girls

Kai tapped his chin and immediately knew what movie she was talking about and chuckled

(Kai): I know that one! 

Suddenly, Owen walks by, interrupting Gwen and Kai while sleepwalking naked. Gwen and Kai looked shocked at what they just saw. The two looked at Owen's clothes, which they are laying beside the seats. They looked at each other neither wanted to see a naked Owen



Owen Confessional

(Owen): Did I mention that I ate the entire dish of baked beans and maple syrup? Funny thing about baked beans, they make me sleepwalk



Katie and Sadie snore together. Gwen and Kai noticed the duo sleeping

(Kai): Oh, cool, they even fall asleep together

It's still night time, a shooting star passes by Kai turns to Gwen

(Kai): Still awake? 

(Gwen): Yeah, It's weird, but I think I'm so tired I'm not tired anymore, does that make sense?

(Kai): It does and doesn't at the same time

Kai and Gwen lay on the ground

(Kai): Where's the Little Dipper again?

Kai asked staring into the sky

(Gwen): See the Big Dipper? 

She points to the constellation of the Big Dipper

(Gwen): Follow the handle to that bright star, the pole star and it's right there

Kai yawned 

(Kai): Cool

 Gwen was about to fall sleep but she quickly wakes up by Kai's talking

(Kai): Look at him, it's like he's a statue

Kai points at Justin who stands frozen

(Kai): He hasn't moved in over, 50 hours

(Gwen): Hello!

Gwen calls out waving at him but got no response

(Kai): Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip

Kai makes random noises to get his attention but still he didn't falter

(Gwen): That's amazing, look at the concentration

Kai scratches his head as Kai stood up and taps Justin, Justin moves, he opens his eyes, showing that his eyelids were painted and he was sleeping the entire time. Kai and Gwen gasped Eva also saw it and quickly brought it to Chris's attention

(Eva): His eyelids are painted, I saw it! 

Eva yells causing Chris to look up from his book

(Chris): Get out, oh, I've got to see this!

He runs up to Justin and looks at him Justin smiles sheepishly. Chris smiled as he spotted the paint when Justin blinked

(Chris): That is so crazy incredible, but your still out, dude

Justin is disappointed, the Screaming Gopher lose another person, they have 4 people

(Kai): Kinda wishing I left him alone

(Gwen): It's a good thing we found out because if he was the last one standing and it was discovered that he cheated we'd lose

Kai nodded

(Kai): That's a fair point


The time changes, night changes to day then night then day again. Harold is sleeping, Duncan puts Harold's hand in a cup of cold water, Harold yawns, as he wets his pants Duncan laughed 

(Duncan): Oh gross it works, dude peed his pants! 

Harold wakes up, he gasps seeing that he peed his pants, he quickly covers it. Katie and Sadie wake up, Noah accidently kisses Tyler's ear in his sleep. Noah and Tyler wake up and seeing what position they were in they scream and run off. Cody had fallen asleep leaving only Gwen, Heather, and Kai awake leaving the Gophers at 3 people. Gwen yawned

(Gwen): I'd kill for a coffee right now...

Chris walks over holding a fresh cup of coffee

(Chris): What is the matter with you, people? 

He takes a sip of his drink 

(Chris): Come on, fall asleep already!

(Gwen): You gotta hook me up, man! I'll even eat the grinds, anything! 

Chris looks at Gwen's begging and makes a decision

(Chris): Alright, you five stay with me, the rest of you go and get a shower for heaven's sake, you stink! 

The three Killer Bass, Bridgette, DJ, and Geoff wonder why Harold is covering his groin, not knowing it was because he peed his pants thanks to Duncan, he runs off as he did he accidently kicked a rock which hit Kai in the back of his head

(Kai): OW!

Kai shouts in pain and frustration. Kai's eyes widen as he inhales sharply he hunches over and one of his eyes closes. 'Kai' turned around glaring at Harold

('Kai'): Watch where your going you darn kid!


The final five campers sat on tree stumps at the campfire

Chris took a long sip of his coffee which felt like torture to Gwen

(Chris): I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet last night I said "Chef, I don't want it to come to this but darn it, these campers are tough and so I've come up with the best sleeping-inducing activity I can find."

Chris shows a tv labelled ASMR. 'Kai' stood up and looked at the screen

('Kai'): ASMR? The hell is that? 

(Chris): Autonomous Sensory Meridian ResponseIt. It will make you sleep faster man

('Kai'): Huh? Seriously?! You're terrible at this! 

He pointed at Chris

('Kai'): Back in my day we fell asleep with history books because of how boring they were!

'Kai' kicks the tv screen he yelled in pain as he held his leg in pain. He stomped over to where he sat earlier getting odd looks from those around him

(Gwen): Uh Kai? What's with the old man act?

'Kai' turns to look at Gwen with an annoyed look on his face

(Kai): My names not Kai its Chester don't forget it missy!

It took Gwen's tired brain a minute to realise it but she remembered Kai telling her about his characters

(Gwen): Oh is this another character? 

(Chester): What are you on about?!

Chris coughed into his hand grabbing everyone's attention

(Chris): Thanks to Kai's-

(Chester): Chester!

Chris narrowed his eyes at Chester

(Chris): Thanks to Chester's idea I have an even better way to get you to sleep! I will be reading...

He shows a book with a maple leaf on the cover

(Chris): The History of Canada, chapter one, the beaver national symbol and a "real" fine hat

The Screaming Gophers and the two Killer Bass members groan and all but Gwen glared at Chester for giving Chris the idea 


(Chris): ...Which of course was the precursor of the discussions 

Eva falls asleep, followed by Heather, The Screaming Gophers lose a person, they have 2 people and the Killer Bass also lose a person it was now only down to Duncan

(Chris): leading the war of 1812

(Chester): This is a great story I might take a nap...

Chester muttered as he prepared to fall asleep Gwen grabs Chester's arm

(Gwen): Please don't leave me

Chester pauses his one visible eye widened and he sharply inhaled. He fixed his posture and opened his other eye. He rubbed his eyes and looked around in confusion

(Kai): Wha- Gwen? What's going on?

(Gwen): Huh? You don't remember? You put on your Chester act

Kai didn't seemed to pleased to hear her say the name Chester

(Kai): Oh... Chester? That's great...

Chris shuts the book

(Chris): Time for a bathroom break, any takers? 

Duncan smirked at the two Gophers

(Duncan): I've got this l can go all day

(Gwen): Yeah, but can you hold it for another ten chapters?

(Kai): Yeah, I can hold it for a lot longer man

Duncan immediately heads to the bathroom

(Chris): You've got five minutes, long as you don't mind a little company

Chris points at the cameraman who followed Duncan

(Duncan): Fine, but stay out of the stall!

The camera man nods his head. Gwen sighs

(Gwen): So... How many different characters did you come up with?

Kai looked surprised by the question

(Kai): Oh- Uh... Well you already know about Svetlana and Chester-


The Camera Man knocked on the door having been waiting outside for a while

(Camera Man): Duncan, you in there, man? 

After two more knocks and no response he opens the door finding Duncan asleep on the toilet


The camera man whispers to Chris he smiled

(Chris): And we have news, it looks like Duncan's taken a dive on the can which means the official winners of the Awake-A--Thon is... 

Gwen and Kai are the last people to stay awake. They look ready to pass out

(Chris): Gwen and Kai! 

Chris raises their arms

(Chris): The Screaming Gophers win! 

The Gophers cheered for the two. Kai and Gwen shared a smile as they happily fell asleep knowing they had won the challenge 


The Killer Bass are standing outside of the cabins their stuff is thrown outside because Eva lost her MP3 player not knowing Heather had stolen it. Eva's screams of anger could be heard

(Eva): Where is my MP3 player?! One of you must stolen it, I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back! 

She angrily throws a book, which almost hits Harold. Courtney looks at her teammates a tired look on her face

(Courtney): Okay, whoever took it better give it up now before she destroys the whole camp!

Heather walks over with a fake smile on her face

(Heather): Hey, guys, wow, this place is a real mess

(Courtney): Someone stole Eva's MP3 player

Courtney explained Heather faked a look of shock and digs into her pocket and held up Eva's MP3 player

(Heather): You don't mean this do you? 

Eva is surprised that Heather found her MP3 player

(Heather): I was wondering who it belonged to, I found it by the campfire pit. You must have dropped it

Eva smiled in relief and took it from her hands

(Eva): Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Heather nods she smiled evilly when she spotted the looks the Killer Bass were giving Eva

(Heather): No problem! 

She turned around and left



Heather Confessional

(Heather): Turn a team against their own members, easiest trick in the book



Eva turns to her teammates smiling sheepishly

(Eva): So, sorry about the that little misunderstanding

The Killer Bass glare at Eva. They were all tired and didnt want to deal with her anger

(Eva): Guess no one stole it after all... Okay, maybe I overreacted a little

She laughs nervously


The scene changes to night time, the Killer Bass are at the elimination ceremony for the second time. Chris walks over to tell the campers who would be staying and who would be leaving 

(Chris): You've all cast your votes there are only nine marshmallows on this plate, when I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow, the camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers and leave, you can never come back, ever. The first marshmallow goes to Duncan

Duncan claims his marshmallow

(Chris): Bridgette

Bridgette stands claiming her marshmallow with a smile

(Chris): Courtney, Katie and Sadie

Courtney stood up smiling and Katie and Sadie stood cheering

(Katie and Sadie): Yay! 

(Chris): Tyler

Tyler lets out a relieved sigh and claimed his marshmallow

(Chris) DJ and Geoff

DJ and Geoff smiled at each other and stood up to claim their marshmallows

(Chris): Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening and it goes to...

Eva looks shocked and nervous, Harold is nervous, too. Chris paused dramatically. The camera's get close ups on Eva and Harold's faces

(Chris): Harold

Chris throws Harold his marshmallow

Harold caught the marshmallow with a smile

(Harold): Yes!

(Chris): Eva, the Dock of Shame awaits

Eva quickly gets angry

(Eva): Nice, really nice, who needs this lame-o TV show anyway?! 

Katie and Sadie look at each other nervously, Eva angrily walks to the Dock of Shame, along the way she kicks Chris's shin

(Chris): Ow!

He looks at the campers who hadn't been eliminated

(Chris): Have a good night sleep tonight, you're all safe



Courtney Confessional

(Courtney): See, I told you, you can't act like a total raging psychopath and then expect people to just forgive you, no matter how tough and strong and fast you are, she's never gonna have a career if she doesn't get her act together




Heather Confessional

(Heather): So, Eva was one of their strongest players, and now she's gone. I am so running this game



(Courtney): Bye-bye, Eva! 

Eva grunts and throws a stick at Courtney, Courtney ducks

(Courtney): Touchy! 


Chef is driving the Boat of Losers with Eva on board

(Eva): I guess my temper got the better of me, again, but whatever, they just lost their fiercest competitor I hope they realize that


Courtney places her hand over the campfire

(Courtney): And to not end up here again next week

The group placed their hands over the campfire making a circle



Eva: Duncan, Courtney, Harold, Tyler, Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Katie, Sadie (9)

Harold: Eva (1)

Eliminated: Eva

Elimination Order: Ezekiel, Eva

Thats it for this chapter hope you enjoyed it. Feedback is welcomed have a good day/night stay safe chao

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