Helping Aurora

By AdoringlyFlorence

219K 6.6K 741

When you turn 16, you are matched with your forever person. Aurora is matched with both Scarlett and Olivia... More

Quick question
20 (for real)
Sweet girl


14.6K 375 33
By AdoringlyFlorence

Aurora, Scarlett and Olivia spend the next half an hour talking about the more serious side of things. They go over basic rules, expectations, living arrangements and any other questions the little one had about her future.

A few more serious questions are answered too. Such as their preferred titles and what age Aurora will eventually fall into.

The whole time, Aurora remains on Scarletts lap. She listens attentively, speaking when spoken to and telling both women what the wanted to know when asked. Her head was nestled against the woman's chest, hand absentmindedly playing with a lose thread on her sweater. Olivia remains close too, her own hand tracing gentle circles on Aurora's back.

"So when the time comes that you're able to slip into your headspace, we'll all sit down and make a list of set rules for all of us to follow. This is new to us also, so we'll probably make mistakes. Probably get things wrong and we need you to know that it's okay to talk to us. Communication will be one of the most important things in this kind of relationship, okay?"

Aurora nods her head as she lets out a quiet sigh, the warm breath of her exhale hitting the skin of Scarlett's chest through the material of her shirt. She was a little excited over what was to come, but she was also extremely nervous too.

"This all goes at your pace," Olivia adds, her voice quiet, and Aurora's eyes flicker up to meet her own. "There's absolutely no rush, okay?"

Aurora's lips quirk up into a tentative smile as she nods her head. It comforts her slightly to know she wouldn't be pushed into anything straight away.

"Alright," Scarlett bounces her legs slightly, "we have about half an hour left together today, so let's make the most of that and do something fun, okay?"

Though Aurora's heart sinks a little at the prospect of saying goodbye already, she nods her head in response to Scarletts question.

"What would you like to do?" Olivia asks as her eyes flicker around the room. There wasn't much to do, but there were a few things that could possibly hold the little ones attention for a while. Such as books and puzzles. "Do you want to read?"

Aurora hesitates slightly before nodding her head.

"Yeah?" Olivia smiles as she rises to her feet, "you wanna pick a book with me?" She holds out her hand, and Aurora nods as she climbs out of Scarletts lap and tentatively takes it. She feels absolutely tiny when she see's just how tall Olivia was in comparison to her. She comes up only to her chest.

Scarlett watches as her wife guides Aurora over to the small selection of books in the corner, crouching down next to her and slipping a gentle arm around her waist as she quietly talks the little one through all of her options. She was already so in love with the sight of Olivia taking such good care of their little one.

Soon, they were heading back over to her, and whilst Olivia sits back down with the book in her lap, Aurora visibly hesitates as she glances between Scarlett's lap and the spot left on the couch between both women. Scarlett offers out her arms on the off change Aurora would want back on her lap, and the little ones cheeks flush red as she smiles bashfully and leans into Scarlett's arms allowing herself to be lifted.

She settles on her lap with her back to Scarlett's chest, watching as Olivia scoots closer to fill the empty space before opening the book. She'd picked out the very hungry caterpillar. A little more babyish than she'd like, but she couldn't lie and say she wasn't intrigued about the contents inside.

That and she'd never been read to before. So that intrigues her also.

Olivia's voice remains soft and gentle as she reads, lulling Aurora into an almost dream like state. She ends up curling up properly in Scarlett's lap, relishing in the tender touch of the woman's hand grazing up and down her back. By the time Olivia was done, she was more or less asleep in Scarlett's arms.

Both women share a soft look as Aurora dozes off, knowing that, much to their dismay, it was almost time to say goodbye. Olivia closes the book and sets it down on the arm of the couch before reaching out to gently graze her thumb across the little ones cheek.

Bleary eyes flicker open at the sensation, and Olivia sends Aurora a tender smile as she brings her hand down to rest on her leg. Aurora feels lips press against the top of her head, and she smiles softly at the action as she lets out a deep sigh and reluctantly sits herself up in the woman's arms. She remains on her lap however, wanting to soak up the last few moments of comfort and cuddles before it was time for them to go.

"When do I get to come...come home with you guys?" She asks almost timidly as she looks unsurely between both women. A part of Aurora wanted nothing more than to come home with them now, but she knew that wasn't realistic. They were still practically strangers to her, no matter how much she already adored them.

Olivia and Scarlett share a look before the latter speaks.

"We have two more sessions like this, on Wednesday and Friday, and whilst we have to talk to Maria first, -the lady who matched us together, we're hopeful to bring you home by Monday at the latest."

Aurora's eyes light up, "Seven sleeps." She murmurs quietly, and Olivia smiles softly as she reaches up to brush away a strand of hair from her face. She tucks it behind her ear, the pad of her thumb swiping gently over her cheek. Aurora smiles shyly at the action.

"Yeah baby. Seven sleeps." She reassures, and Aurora flushes red at the pet name as she falls back into Scarlett's arms and buries her flushed face into her chest.

The woman was quick to hold her close, sharing a tender look with her wife as before reaching for her hand. Olivia takes it, giving the appendage a soft squeeze before scooting forward to rest her head against her shoulder. She smiles softly when she feels Scarlett's head rest atop of her own.


A week passes quicker than Aurora could believe. The next two sessions with Scarlett and Olivia were similar to the first, except for the fact they'd gotten to take her out on the last one. They bought her ice cream, and along with allowing them to wipe her face when she was done -ice cream was messy business okay?- she'd even allowed them to properly carry her for the first time.

Olivia had carried her into the parlour, and Scarlett had carried her back out to the car. She was hooked on it. Being held. It made her feel so safe and warm. Especially when they would pat her butt softly or rock her seemingly without even realising. It was really like they saw her as their baby.

She'd spend a total of four hours with these women, and she was pretty sure she already loved them.

When she arrives at the centre on Monday morning just after the little hand hits the ten, both Scarlett and Olivia were already there. Both women look up at the sound of the door opening, and Aurora grins bashfully as she sets down her luggage and heads over to them.

Olivia takes her into her arms first, and Aurora relishes in her scent and safe embrace as those strong, familiar arms hold her close. She even calls her baby again, making her tummy do butterflies. Scarlett was next, and Aurora giggles slightly when she lifts her up into her arms and playfully rocks her side to side.

"My god, I missed you," the woman murmurs into her hair, and Aurora smiles happily as she tightens her legs around her waist.

"I missed you too." She whispers, and at her words Scarlett's arms tighten around her. As she pulls away from the hug, Scarlett doesn't bother putting her down. She simply situates her onto her hip, giving her a soft bounce as she give her butt a few gentle, yet maternal pats.

"Alright my loves. Are we ready to go?" Olivia asks as she comes to stand next to them, Aurora's bags in hand.

Aurora nods with a happy smile as she lays her head against Scarlets shoulder, hands clinging to her shirt. She feels a gentle touch against her back -courtesy of Olivia before Scarlett begins carrying her out of the building,

"How do you feel about sitting in this?" Olivia asks as she pulls open the back door of their car, reaching over and setting Aurora's bags down onto the empty seat. Aurora peeks her head up at the question, a light flush decorating her cheeks when's she takes in the sight of the car seat that hadn't been there before.

"You can say no. Remember, your pace." Scarlett reminds her, and Aurora nods in acknowledgement as she holds her arms out for Olivia. She missed the look of shock shared between both women as Olivia takes her and lifts her easily into the seat. It was quite clearly custom made for someone exactly her size, and her tummy does the butterfly thing when she realises that they must have done this just for her.

"Only Scarlett or myself are allowed to unbuckle you, so if there's ever a time you want out or aren't comfortable, I need you to communicate and tell us, okay?" Olivia's asks asks as she gently guides Aurora's arms through the straps, and the little one flushes yet again as the metal was clasped together before being connected the buckle sat in between her legs.

Now she really did feel like a baby.

"Words baby." Olivia gently reminds as she runs her fingers through the straps to make sure they weren't too tight, and Aurora nods again, her lips parting and one single syllable escaping.

"Yes." She whispers.

"Good girl." The woman praises, and the flush on her cheeks darkens. She was pretty sure she looked like a tomato by now. Almost as though she was reading her mind, the corners of Olivia's lips quirk up into a smirk. With one soft kiss to the head, Olivia closes the door and rounds the vehicle to the drivers side.

Scarlett was already buckled up in the passenger seat, and Aurora stares at the back of her head slightly before bringing her attention to outside the window.

It was time to go home.

The drive takes two steady hours, and that includes a stop at a McDonald's drive through where Aurora had gotten a happy meal. She was delighted with the purchase, especially when she realises the toy she'd gotten was a cute Disney figure. She doesn't let go of it once, not even when they'd stopped for a much needed bathroom break. (Though Scarlett did make her set it down when it came time to wash her hands.)

Soon, they were pulling up outside of a large house, and Aurora stares, mouth gaped open in shock as the car was pulled to a stop and both women exit the car.
She'd never seen anything so fancy before. She couldn't rip her eyes away, not even when she was unbuckled and lifted into a familiar pair of arms.

"What is it baby?" Olivia asks as she gives her butt a soft pat to get her attention, and Aurora blinks slowly before finally managing to flicker her eyes over to Olivia's own.

"Nothing," she murmurs somewhat embarrassedly as she shakes her head, and though Olivia eyes her suspiciously, she doesn't push her to talk for which she was thankful. She was carried inside the large house, her hands clinging to the front of Olivia's shirt. Scarlett was already there waiting for them, and Aurora, suddenly desperate to be in her arms, let's out a quiet whine as she pleading reaches for her.

It wasn't that she didn't adore Olivia, because she most definitely did. She loved her gentle pet names and strong arms that held her like she was the most important thing in the world. But there was just something about Scarlett. Something that made her feel instantly soothed.

Scarlett pouts as she takes Aurora into her arms, situating her onto her hip with ease and giving her behind a soft pat.

"Should we go see your room sunshine?" Scarlett murmurs, taking her wife's hand and pulling her closer to them. Olivia was pouting slightly and the loss of Aurora in her arms, but it was soon gone and replaced by a smile when Aurora takes her hand and holds it to her chest.

Aurora nods shyly at her words.

"Yeah? I think that sounds like a plan too."


Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts if you want me to continue!!

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