Eternal Love

By AmaliaEmmeBekette

4.8K 23 42

The Neverseen are defeated and Biana plans a celebration sleepover! She plans lots of games that will hopeful... More

Introduction (Sophie)
Chapter one - Makeovers (Sophie)
Chapter Two - Truth or Dare (Tam)
Chapter Three - The Apology (Stina)
Chapter Four - What Once Was (Dex)
Chapter Five - Spin the Bottle (Keefe)
Chapter Six - (Sophie +Tam)
Chapter Eight - Surprise! (Tam) {Wow, this happened so quickly :/}
Chapter nine - Mission (Sophie)

Chapter Seven - "What the heck Forkle?!" (Sophie)

334 2 0
By AmaliaEmmeBekette

I felt a searing pain shoot up my spine and everything faded to black.

I was in the same high school as before, it still looked familiar, and the same tall, short haired brunette came running at me. "Sophie!" She exclaimed again, her green eyes blazing with excitement. I still couldn't figure out where I knew her from, but I could feel the memory buzzing around, just out of reach. I yelled out in frustration. What did this girl want with me? "Sophie?" The girl slowed down. "Don't you remember me?" Suddenly, the girl morphed into the person of my nightmares. Their voice was sickening and chilled me to the core. "I'l get out soon. And when I do, I'll make sure your sister finds out first." Gethen flickered away before I could react.

Light trickled into my corneas as I opened my eyes. I could see my friends huddled around me. At least, I thought they were my friends. Everything was still fuzzy.

"What happened?" I mumbled as I tried to sit up. Key word: tried. Instead, I fell through the cot!  I think I shouted something like, "Aaiiikkkee!" MY HEAD WAS IN THE MATRESS!!!

"You manifested as a phaser and a Flasher," Elwin explained nonchalantly. I huffed a sigh and he mocked a hurt look. "Sophie! Flasher is the best ability there is!" I had to laugh at his attempt to make me feel better, but my rear end was feeling a little sore. Okay, a lot sore. Maybe even like I broke something.

Elwin started flashing me with lights and gave me an elixir. "Drink this, it will help your bones heal," he told me, then noticed my casted arms. "Actually, you might need help," Elwin noted.

"Bangs Boy volunteers!" Keefe shouted, and pushed him up to my cot. Seriously, what was his deal? I noticed Tam was blushing like mad, but nobody brought it up. Either that, or no one noticed. Yeah, I was probably just envisioning it.

Suddenly, we were all alone. "Keefe," I mumbled. "What is his deal?" Tam shrugged his shoulders and opened the cork. He held it up to my lips and when I drank the foul liquid (if you could call it a liquid) I grumbled, "I feel so useless. I'm like a baby right now."

Tam chuckled. "The biggest baby I've ever seen," he joked. I rolled my eyes at him, but cracked a small smile. Then fell through the mattress again.

"Argh!" I yelled out as Tam picked me up bridal style and set me back on the cot. He chuckled again.

"We may need another phaser to come in here right now," he advised and got out my imparter. "Who should we call?" He asked me.

I thought for a second. "Call Leto," I decided. Tam nodded and hailed the principle of Foxfire.

In just a few seconds, Magnet Leto was in the healing center, and raised his eyebrows at her condition. "I don't see what you needed to call me for," he wrongly interpreted.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah? Well, I tend to fall through my cot every few minutes and need a flasher and phaser mentor." I explained and watched as Leto-Forkle's face paled. "You might as well just trigger my other abilities as well."

"Alright, Miss Foster. I will find something for you. As of the other abilities, I will see what I can do," Leto compromised, and made to go out the door.

However, before he could pass my cot I had to ask a question. "What are the other abilities that I have that you know of?" I interrogated.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Finally, he relented. "That would be froster, beguiler, and psionopath."

I had a big urge to roll my eyes. "don't you think that this would have been useful when  we were still fighting the Neverseen?" I questioned. The only response I got was a small smile and Forkle-Leto left the healing center.

Hi guys! Sorry about the short chapter (about 650 words) but I think I'm going to continue with the cut chappies. It works better with my crazy schedule and I might be able to get ahead! Believe me, that would be a major relief. Anyways, I will still be publishing every week and maybe on special occasions or days I'm camping I'll write larger chapters.
Thank you guys so much for 244 reads, it means a lot! I love all of you very much and hope you have a good week.
-Amalia ❤️

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