OMARI: When He Wakes

By AlaskanRookie

18.2K 721 382

After taking the last step off the Hospital Roof, Sunny wakes up in what seems to be a different reality. One... More

(1) The Truth, Guilt, and The Jump
(2) Fading, MARI, and HELLSUNNY
(3) The ENDLESS FIELD, Orchids, and A Promise
(4) A Picnic, A Camera, and Numbness
(5) Together Again
(6) Morning, Recovery, and Orange Joe
(7) Pancakes, Coffee, and Tea
(8) Suprise Visit, Catching Up, and Outside
(9) School, OTHER LIBRARY, and Faint Memories
(10) Into Your Dreams...
(Updates and QnA)
(12) Afterschool, Chatting, and The Reaper
(13) Bargaining, Circumstance, and Returning
(14) Revival, KEL, and a Text
(15) Left on Read
(16) Rushing, Reunion, and Retelling
(17) Pain, Panic, and Moving Forward
(18) Coming To, Caretaker, and First Steps
(19) Hugs, Baby Carrots, and Medicine
(20) Homeward Bound
(21) Prepping, Home, and MEWO
(22) A Call, Fried Tofu, and Sandwhiches
(10K Views and QnA)
(23) Stairs, Bed, and Fractured
(24) A Orchid, Dreamers, and BASIL(?)
(25) Recital Day...
(26) Breakfast, Planning, and MOM
(27) Mother, Son, and...
(28) Father, SISTER, and a Surprise

(11) The Chase, a Dream, and a Snap

592 22 22
By AlaskanRookie





... KEL was tapping his foot eagerly on the classroom floor, his finger doing the same against his desk. His vision constantly went to the clock and back to his paper, biting his pencil lightly as he looked deep in thought.

2:53 PM

Everyone was quietly reading their textbooks, quietly reading about history and whatnot, completely focused on their assignment... well, mostly everyone.

BASIL glanced up from his book, seeing KEL sitting next to him rapidly tapping his foot and clearly not paying attention to their lesson. ("I hope KEL'S doing alright, he seems... antsy") He worried a bit about him, thinking for a moment before placing hie index finger where he left off and leaned toward him.

BASIL: "H-Hey, KEL?" He looked around nervously, worried that MR. JOHNSON would notice. He cleared his throat lightly before tapping his shoulder. "KEL?"

KEL: "Hm?" Finally taking notice, KEL blinked a bit before looking to BASIL. "Oh, uh, sorry bud!" He attempted to say in a whisper, moreso sounding like he was trying to be quiet. "What's up."

BASIL: "I-Its fine, no worries. And well... You seem a bit lost in thought, is all-" He said in a concerned tone, holding a hand out to his shoulder. "- Are you okay?"

KEL:"Oh..." He looked to him a bit surprised, smiling quickly after and nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine man! No need to worry, I'm just uh... excited, hehe." He looked towards the clock. "It's just, after school and all, we're finally gonna visit SUNNY! I've been too busy with sports to do that myself, and I dunno how long it's been since you've gone and all, but it's been too long since we've gone together, so I just can't wait until Three!"

He had a pure smile, hopeful and eager, that made BASIL smile too, giving a suppressed laugh. "I mean, I wish AUBREY and HERO could come with us, but I know their jobs and all keep em' busy. But hey! Maybe tomorrow or something, it'll be Summer after all."

BASIL: "Y-Yeah..." He rubbed his neck nervously and exhaled. "I've got quite a bit of work to do though. Thank goodness they let me do it over Summer Break, haha."

MR. JOHNSON had tapped KEL'S desk, making both boys jolt with surprise. "Now now, if you have time to chit chat, you have time to finish your work... Especially you, KEL. You do know there's more work on the back, right?"

KEL'S eyes widened as he flipped over the paper. "Oh crap!"

The class had begun laughing at KEL'S obliviousness, even getting a light chuckle out of BASIL. MR. JOHNSON put his hand up and lowered it. "Alright alright, Class is almost over, just finish your paper and turn it in when the bell chimes. Those of us who don't finish it by then can stay after class until they are."

KEL was shocked at this, but immediately shook his head, taking two quick breaths before reading the questions again. Everyone went back to their papers, and MR. JOHNSON made his rounds about their desks once more.

BASIL was just about done with his, but soon got interrupted by KEL getting his attention. Actually whispering this time, he asked BASIL something.

KEL: "Hey bud, you're coming straight to the HOSPITAL for the visit after, right?"

BASIL thought for a moment. "Mmmm... I have to get something from my house first, b-but you go ahead! I'll catch up after." He said with a faint smile.

KEL: " You sure, man?" He saw BASIL nod and shrugged, smiling after. "Okay, but if you get tired I won't be there to piggyback you again."

Hearing this made BASIL blush with embarrassment, remembering how he got to school that day and clearing his throat. He heard KEL give out a light snicker as they both went back to work. BASIL once again stopped, just briefly, looking at the clock...

2:55 PM

(...Please be okay...) He thought to himself, tightly closing his fist as he went back to work. (I just hope that...You're having better dreams than mine...) As he went on working, he heard the brittle cracking of the BLACK VINES again, choosing to ignore it and focus solely on his paper as best he could...




... Panicked breathing echoed in the HOSPITALS(?) hallway, footsteps accompanying them along with various things crashing in the distance. MARI and SUNNY were dashing through the The Hospital Doors, MARI didn't let go of SUNNY'S hand as she pulled him with her.

Behind them... HELLSUNNY had slammed through the doorway, breaking the metal doors off their frames as he grabbed the door frame. Staring straight at the two siblings, it opened its mouth and let its raspy, hoarse voice bellow through the hallway. It let out an inhuman, blood curdling screech, it's mouth gaping wide as it's eye focused on the two.

They both kept trecking forward down the seemingly endless corridor of the HOSPITAL. SUNNY looked back, seeing... whatever that thing was, their eyes meeting as it easily crushed the metal frame, it once permanent smile now turned into a frown, griting its jagged. Without hesitation, it lunged forward, SUNNY getting a better look at it as it came charging forward and growing more terrified.

MARI quickly held his wrist tighter and ran faster, not looking back as she heard the destruction in its wake. She knew exactly what was behind her, and knew why she had to keep running and keep SUNNY next to her no matter what.

It was relentless, running on all fours just to catch up to the siblings, maw gaped open and screeching as it's eye was focused on one thing.


It's raspy, broken voice screeched through the hallway, getting closer and closer, forcing itself to break through the metal doors. SUNNY looked back, eyes red as he saw that monstrosity crashing through the doorway. MARI turned around and saw not only HELLSUNNY running towards them, but saw SUNNY looking at it as they ran.

MARI: "D-Don't look! Just keep running!!" She pulled him closer, desperation in her voice.

SUNNY panted heavily as he faced forward, running as fast as he could. Looking back, he heard it breaking more doorways, his heart racing a mile a minute. "Wh-What is that... thing?!"

MARI, unable to properly put her thoughts together, was struggling to find what words to say. "I-I..." Her train of thought was immediately thrown off the rails as she heard it fall to the floor, quickly looking back and seeing its elongated arm and pitch black hand stretched out towards them, far too close to reaching them. "Just keep running!!"

It swung its face up, and it's smile was non-existent, replaced with a frown filled with absolute disdain towards the siblings. Watching them run off, it clenched it's massive, pitch black hands and slamming it into the ground, cracking the floor beneath it. It looked around and saw the broken metal frame of the door, it's smile quickly snapping back to normal.

The siblings kept running, despite not hearing it chasing them anymore. MARI, knowing never to let her guard down, had tightened her grip onto her brothers hand, not thinking about how firm of a grip she had on him in the first place. That, however, was put to the test, as SUNNY'S panting was soon cut off, and she felt his hand slip out of her grasp abruptly.


MARI nearly tripped as she felt his hand slip, taking a few steps forward trying to stop in her tracks as she quickly turned her body around. SUNNY was on the ground, his knees bent and a piece of thick metal framing beneath his feet. HELLSUNNY didn't waste a moment, quickly springing into action and lunging itself forward, ready to grab SUNNY as it shrieked.

MARI'S heart began to sink, seeing her brothers trying to get up and seeing his strained expression as that monster was looming behind him, it's gaping smile growing wider as it reached out to him. Her heart was racing, hearing it in her ears as her teeth clenched.

In the span of a second, flashes of SUNNY falling appearing in front of her, that same look of being scared, confused, and looking to her for help. It was just like the day of the Recital, and she was going to let him down... all over again...

... No.

Not again.

NEVER again.

She didn't even realize it, but her body was moving on its own, rushing towards SUNNY, tears falling behind bet as she leapt towards him. Even if this was a dream, she couldn't let SUNNY down. She WOULDN'T.

So in a desperate attempts to save her brother, she pulled him towards her and held him close as she landed. Pulling him behind her and turning her back to the monster behind her. She didn't care if she took the blunt of his attack... she needed to protect her brother, to save him... to not let him fall ever again.


She clung to his hospital gown, burying her head into his shoulder and holding him close. SUNNY did the same on instinct, hugging her tightly as they both shut their eyes tightly, readying themselves for whatever that monster was ready to do to them...




It was silent. Only their sharp breathing and heartbeats making any noise. It was... eerie. It took a few seconds to realize they weren't trampled, beaten, or even moved. They had opened their eyes slowly, utterly confused by this as MARI was the first one to actually raise their head up.

As she did, the first thing she did was look at SUNNY, making sure he wasn't hurt. And based on how he looked more confused then terrified, she knew he was fine... for now. Her attention quickly turned to HELLSUNNY, turning around and immediately wincing, drawing back as she saw it... standing there.

It was like it was in getting ready to grab them, but just... stopped. Like it was frozen in place, it's huge fingers still curled as it's elongated arms reached out towards them. It looked... almost strained, it's smile still gaped, but trembling in place. It's whole body was trembling lightly, all except for its dilated pupil, which was still... focused on them.

SUNNY had looked over MARI'S shoulder, doing the same as she did, just seeing it stand there. They were both rightfully confused, having seen it show it's bloodlust not just a few moments ago, but that confusion was replaced by fear as they saw it finally move.

It fell to its knees abruptly, shocking the siblings as it dropped its arms to its side. Mouth still gaped, it's head began to shake rapidly, soon shooting up straight and stretching out its thin, long neck. MARI held her hand in front of SUNNY as it began making such jagged, sharp movements.

Staring at it in pure shock, MARI snapped herself out of it by shaking her head, fumbling to stand up as she grabbed SUNNY'S hand. "C-Come on! Hurry!" She shouted out as she pulled him up, adrenaline pumping through her as she pulled his arm. SUNNY, however, couldn't get up, as much as he wanted to move his legs. She knew this immediately, getting pulled back as she felt him not put any effort into it.

SUNNY was confused, but looked at his legs and saw how red the back of his knees were, not even realizing how much they were trembling. "M-My legs!" He said in a shaken tone, making MARI realize that he couldn't walk on his own. She looked back and saw HELLSUNNY arching its back, screeching and roaring like it was in pain, and for a brief moment, looking like it was fading.

But that didnt matter right now. This could be their only chance to escape, so without thinking she quickly knelt down and picked him up on her back. SUNNY wrapped his arms around her as she picked him up, not hesitating to dash down the hallways once more, not turning back to look at it but looking to the side, hearing it's screeching as she kept running down the hallways...




MARI panted heavily, sitting in one of the Hospital Rooms with SUNNY in her arms. She didn't let go of him the entire time, and hugged him closely even as they were supposedly safe.

He was hugging back, catching his breath but not nearly as much as she was. After they both sat there for a minute, MARI finally pulled back, keeping her hands on his shoulders and took a deep breath.

MARI: "A-Are you okay? Did it get you?" Her eyes darted about SUNNY'S body frantically, making sure he wasn't hurt or bleeding.

SUNNY let her look him over for a moment before nodding, putting his hands on her forearm lightly. "Y-Yeah, I'm alright... mostly." He looked down to his legs, seeing them still bright red and trembling.

MARI held a hand up to her mouth, gasping lightly as she saw how bad they've gotten. She extended a hand to it but stopped halfway there, not wanting to aggravate his condition. She closed her eyes and sighed weakly, holding her hands to her chest.

MARI: "SUNNY..." She opened her hands and saw them trembling. "Why... why didn't I wake up? If I did, I-I could have stopped that thing from... h-hurting you..." She still believed that this was just a dream, and this time was just different than the last, looking at her brother and giving the faintest hint of a smile. "Well... at least this time... I actually got to save you."

She wrapped her arms around him and hugged tightly. SUNNY was quick to return the hug, sighing lightly as they embraced one another. They stayed like that for a few moments, simply enjoying the calm warmth of one another after something so heart pumping.

SUNNY was the first to pull back, looking away from her for a second gather his thoughts. "... H-Hey, MARI? Do... Do you know WHAT that was? It looked so... f-freaky. And almost looked... like me."

MARI was caught off guard by this, taken aback as she had never really had to think much about it... or really got to talk with her brother in these dreams. Struggling to actually say what it was, she reached out and grabbed his hands lightly.

MARI: "I-It, uhm..." She looked into his eye and saw how confused and scared he was, more emotion than he's ever showed... both in and out of her dreams. "... It isn't important now. All that matters is your safe. And... I promise that I won't let that thing get to you." MARI looked determined while she said this, squeezing his hand as she said this. (I actually saved him... this... NEVER happened before. I... I have to protect him now. Even if this is a dream, I have to at least try...)

SUNNY was still rightfully confused, but seeing MARI like this instead of looking sad and worried did put him at ease, even just a little. So he nodded slowly, doing his best to squeeze her hand back, with minimal strength. "Okay..." He looked around slowly, realizing that they were in another Hospital Room, but... different. "Is this... the HOSPITAL?"

MARI snapped out of her deep thoughts and looked around with him, seeing another Hospital Bed and everything laid out the same as SUNNY'S Hospital Room. "Yeah... I think so at least. It... odd though-" She looked over herself and saw she was wearing the same clothes she was out of her dreams, not the usual plain white dress. And he looked... just like he did in the Hospital Bed.

(This is completely different from my usual dreams... or nightmares. Is it... because SUNNY'S actually awake?)

She was deep in her thoughts once again, distracting herself as she tried to figure out just what was happening. SUNNY saw this and decided not to disturb her, looking down to his knees and seeing how red they were. (I... still can't feel anything. I couldn't move my legs back in the hallways... MARI didn't even hesitate to pick me up.)

Both siblings were thinking about all that just happened... too caught up in their own thoughts to realize that a figure was looming in the back of them... a massive arm creeping out from under the Hospital Bed. And a eerie smile peeking from underneath.

SUNNY finally looked up with a soft smile, reaching for MARI'S hand to snap her out of it. "Hey, MARI?" She blinked a few times and looked to SUNNY seeing his smile and feeling at ease for a moment... only a moment.

Her eyes went red with fear as soon as she saw something emerge behind his head... those massive pale arms, leading to pitch black hands that focused on one thing as they prepared to strike... SUNNY.

"Thank you... for saving me."

His smile was short lived, looking confused as MARI was terrified, trying to pull him towards her abruptly before SUNNY felt himself stop... not realizing that HELLSUNNY had wrapped it's hands around his head. Scared and confused, he managed to get one word out-







...One moment felt like an eternity for her, like time had stopped on the exact second that SUNNY'S neck... snapped.

In an instant, his head was turned too far to the side. His shoulders and hands soon dropping down slowly, MARI'S heart beating out of her chest as she saw him go limp...

All while that monster was smiling... wider than it ever has before. Her hands were trembling, trying to reach out to him despite knowing it would be fruitless. All she could do was stare forward, even as a thud was heard, SUNNY'S body dropping to the side as tears began falling down her face.

"...I-It... it's just... a dream... "

Her shoulders loosened, leaning back as she was staring at SUNNY, lying on the floor motionless.

"He's... he's okay. He's at the H-HOSPITAL, resting... th-thats not him... tha..."

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She WOULDN'T. Too focused on trying to convince herself that this wasn't real... only able to snap out of it once HELLSUNNY wrapped both of its massive hands around her neck. MARI'S stammering came to a compete stop, only able to gasp sharply as she stared HELLSUNNY. Her eyes were red with fear, teeth grit as she tried to grab its hands to pry them off her neck, to no avail.

She couldn't breathe. It wouldn't let her. All she could do was stare at its face as it choked her... that eerie, wicked smile only growing as it did. It leaned its head back, crackling echoing in the room as MARI heard it speak in that all too familiar raspy, broken voice.

"yOu... CoUlDn'T... sAvE mE... aGaInnnnnnn..."



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