Coffee and Tea - Moody Spurge...

By hooverforreal

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"And then she smiled, and that's what I'm after, the smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter." More

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182 4 4
By hooverforreal

"And part of me wants to walk away 'till you really listen."


"Josie, what's going on?" Aurora held onto the girls hand who wouldn't look her in the eyes. "People are talking, they're staring."

Josie's eyes landed on Anne who was speaking angrily with Billy. Auroras breath hitched, knowing Anne's temper always got the best of her.

"I'll be right back, Josie." Aurora rushed over to Anne, immediately trying to calm her down.

"Anne come on, you're upsetting Josie let's just go." Aurora was ignored, Billy said horrible things, and all of the sudden Josie ran out.

This was one of those moments where Aurora felt helpless, like she had no say, like she couldn't do anything. She stood their, her mind clouded.

Auroras parents had left already, Charlie and Moody were to walk her home. She found them both talking to each other while Moody strummed his banjo.

"I'm leaving." Aurora spoke quickly and impatiently.

"Ok well you'll have to wait for us, we're not ready." Charlie responded.

"I'm leaving, now." Aurora spoke sternly. "I don't care if you come with me or not but I'm going to look for Josie."

"It's not safe Aurora, it's dark." Moody frowned.

"I'm not a child." Aurora snapped and both boys went silent.

"Fine then, go off on your own, we don't care." Moody stared at his banjo.

"We don't?" Charlie whispered, raising his brows.

"No, we don't." Moody spoke through his teeth. "Go on then."

"Im going." Aurora pursed her lips. "And don't speak to me like I'm a dog."

Aurora whipped around and headed outside, searching around the area for Josie.

About ten minutes in of searching, she heard faint sobs behind one of the fair games that was still set up.

"Josie?" Around walked behind the booth, finding Josie who wiped tears from her cheeks.

"Please go." Josie didn't dare look up at the girl.

"You don't have to tell me what happened Josie." Aurora slowly sat down next to her. "I'll sit here in silence, I just want to be here for you."

Josie slowly nodded, tears again falling down her face. She let her head fall onto Aurora's shoulder and all she did was sit there and comfort her. It didn't matter if they had nothing to say to each other. If people were going to spread nasty rumors about Josie based off of Billy Andrews word, then Aurora would be the first to take Josie's side, because that was her sister. Not by blood maybe, but they were sisters none the less, and nothing can break a sisters bond.


"You don't understand, Billy Andrews is a nasty boy." Aurora grimaced as she poured a cup of tea for her mother and father.

"He comes from a lovely family, I don't doubt he's anything but the same." Alice took a sip of her tea.

"Yes, a very respectable family." Frank agreed, not taking his eyes off the newspaper.

Aurora was already dressed and ready for the day, she didn't bother arguing with her parents because honestly it was a waste of her time. She poured another cup of tea for Ian and set it at his seat at the table for whenever he was ready to come out of his room.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Aurora sighed, seeing as both her parents didn't even acknowledge the knocking.

The girl swung open the door, revealing Moody, who seemed out of breath and sweaty. Aurora widened her eyes, quickly stepping out of the house and closing the door behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Aurora scolded the boy.

"I'm sorry about last night." Moody huffed out. "I don't know why I was being so mean, I just worry about you."

"I don't need you to worry about me, I can worry about myself." Aurora looked down at her shoes, rocking back and forth on her heels.

"I just want to be here for you." Moody mumbled.

"Ya, well, I don't need you or your protection, I'm fine on my own." Aurora stared the boy down but he refused to look her in the eye, and after a few moments of silence she spoke again. "Go on then."

Moody didn't say anything else, he just stared at her, recognizing the same words from the night before. Aurora quickly turned around and went inside, closing the door behind her.

"Who was that?" Alice turned towards her daughter as she stacked plates.

"No one important." Aurora flashed her a smile and quickly went off to her room, her mother watching her as she disappeared into the hallway.

"I bet it was that Spurgeon boy." Alice sighed.

"If she thinks things are gonna work out between her and that boy we have not raised her a proper lady." Frank replied, still staring at his newspaper.

"Honestly, such an Ill mannered boy." Alice grumbled, continuing the conversation.

"Honestly." Frank scoffed. "We did not raise our girl to be a ministers wife."

Alice stayed silent, twiddling her thumbs while thinking about the conversation.

Meanwhile, Aurora stood in her room, back up against the door. She took a deep breath, replaying the recent events in her mind.

"You did the right thing." Aurora whispered to herself.

She kept picture the look on Moody's face. His frown, the hurt look in his eyes. Why had she been so cruel to him? She thought to herself.

She paced around her room, walking to her window and opening it, she just needed fresh air, that was all.

Suddenly, Charlie appeared in front of the window, causing Aurora to yelp and jump back.

"Hello!" Charlie gave a toothy smile.

"Charlie!" Aurora whispered yelled at her best friend. "What is the matter with you?"

"I just came for a visit." Charlie scowled as he began climbing through the window. "Are your mother and father home?"

"Yes, that's exactly why you shouldn't be here." Aurora grabbed the boys arm and pulled him through the window.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok after last night." Charlie dusted himself off and took a seat on Aurora's bed. "Are you alright?"

Aurora huffed and sat next to Charlie on her bed, staring at her feet.

"Moody stopped by, to apologize." She spoke softly.

"And.. what did you say?"

"I told him off." Aurora replied. "I feel awful, but I'm just so angry with him."

"He had no right to act like that." Charlie reassured the girl. "He just worries for you, he cares."

"I don't want his pity!" Aurora raised her voice, standing up from her bed.

It was silent, Aurora hadn't even thought about the fact that her parents were practically down the hall.

"I don't want your pity either, Charlie." Auroras heart pounded in her chest, she was so infuriated with both Moody and Charlie.

"Listen, Moody just wanted me to tell you-." Charlie was cut off by Aurora.

"Moody sent you here?" Aurora stared in disbelief. "That's why you're here? Because he wasn't man enough to even tell me what he has to say?"

Aurora grabbed a pillow off her bed and started hitting Charlie with it. It was comical, but she really was angry. She spoke in between hitting Charlie with her pillow.

"Get" whack "Out" whack "Of" whack "My" whack "Room!"

"Aurora, for heavens sake please!" Charlie blocked the pillow from his face as he headed towards the window. "I'm going, I'm going!"

"Don't come back here." Aurora threw the pillow down as Charlie began climbing out the window. "I mean it, if I want to speak with you, I'll come to you."

Charlie said nothing else, just gave here a knowing look before walking away from the house.

Aurora sat down on her floor, back up against her bed. She sighed, out of breath. She pulled her knees close to her chest and lied her head on top of her arms.

Suddenly, her mother burst into her room.

"Was there someone in here?" Alice looked around.

"No?" Aurora looked up at her mother.

Alice gave a cautious look around the room before speaking again.

"Why are you on the floor? Get up, you're not filthy." The woman shut the door to the room once again, her footsteps could be heard creaking up the stairs.

Aurora sighed, pushing herself up off the floor. She looked around. What was she to do now?

All of the sudden, an idea sparked. She ran out of her room and towards the front door, slipping on her boots and grabbing her hat.

"Where do you think you're going?" Her father asked from the sofa, her younger brother was on the floor in front of him playing with little wooden trucks.

"I'm just going to visit the Cuthberts, I'll be quick." Aurora grinned.

"Be home before lunch time." Frank waved her off and Aurora let out a breath of relief.

Aurora rushed out the door, and began her walk to green gables to see her beloved Anne, the only person that she knew would truly listen to everything she had to say.


A/N: Hello everyone!! I'm so sorry it's been so long, I've been so so busy with school and lots of theater involvement. I'm absolutely in love with writing this book and I forgot how many people enjoy reading it so I promise I'll try to publish better and longer chapters very soon. For now, I hope you're happy with this little chapter!
(Also I hope you liked my pillow sound effects 😭)

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