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"Charlie are you sure?" Aurora huffed out a breath as Charlie dragged her along the streets of Charlotte town.

"Course I'm sure, why wouldn't I be sure?" Charlie raised a brow as the pair now stood in front of a dress shop, with gorgeous dresses set in the window.

As the two entered the shop, the bell above the door rang, and they began searching racks for cloth and dresses.

"Moody.. doesn't seem like the type to like a desperate girl." Aurora tapped her foot. "After all, he did go after Diana at one point."

Charlie lifted a finger and tapped his chin very a few seconds. "True, but Diana always looks.. nice.. like Anne." The taller boy smiled to himself.

"Anne huh?" Aurora grinned as she held up a dress.

"I's not like that. I just think she's pretty is all.. Her freckles are nice." He finished, holding his smile while holding another dress up to Aurora's chest.

"Mhm." Aurora chuckled. "What about this one?" She held up a white dress with puff sleeves and ruffles at the bottom with a seemed pattern at the collar which went slightly up her neck.

"It's perfect." Charlie simply said before dragging her to the counter where a woman sat, who smiled at them.

They payed for the dress and headed out of the store.

"I really hope you're not just being delusional and this plan actually works Charlie." Aurora rolled her eyes as she linked arms with the boy.

As the pair reached the train station, they noticed a familiar face boarding the train. Moody.

The two looked at each other, each with two different expressions, Charlie with a smirk and perked eyebrows and Aurora with an annoyed yet worried look.

"We are not sitting with him." Aurora spoke firmly as Charlie's smile faded.

"Come on Aurora it's perfect." He pleaded as Aurora rolled her eyes.

"No he'll see the dress and we'll have to explain the whole thing." Aurora spoke worriedly.

"We'll just say you needed a new one that's all." Charlie didn't even give the girl another chance to speak before dragging her towards the train, boarding it before spotting Moody and sitting across from him casually.

"Oh, hey Charlie, Aurora." Moody grinned at the two.

Aurora didn't say a word, she sat with a forced grin and worried eyes as Charlie had to contain his laugh.

"Hey Moody, what were you doing in Charlotte town?" Charlie smiled, nudging Aurora slightly who gripped onto her dress.

"Just gathering some pastries for my parents." Moody lifted a few small boxes that seemed to each have a few pastries inside. "What about you too?"

"Nothing!" Aurora snapped back to reality as she heard the questions, a few people giving her concerned stares.

Charlie had to continue to stifle his laugh as he through a hand over his mouth.

"I mean- I-." Aurora was quickly cut off by Charlie.

"We were buying a new dress." Charlie smirked. "Super special occasion."

"Oh ya?" Moody raised a brow. "What's the occasion?"

"You'll find out for yourself-" Charlie began but Aurora clapped his mouth shut with one of her hands.

The rest of the train ride was silent, the three occasionally starting small talk but those didn't last long. Eventually the train came to a stop, everyone began to get off, Charlie walked in front of Aurora while Moody walked behind her, pressing up against her considering it was crowded.

Aurora pushed Charlie forward, trying to get off the train as fast as she could. They stepped off the train, soon enough they realized they were all headed in the same direction.

"So uh, how are we getting home?" Charlie rubbed the back of his neck.

"We could hop on the back of a carriage." Moody suggested. "Most of em are heading back to town."

Aurora shrugged. "Anything that'll get me home."

Moody spotted a carriage with hay bales on the back with an old man who sat with another old man. They hopped on, Moody and Aurora squished in between a couple of hay bales while Charlie sat on the edge of the carriage.

It would be a pretty long ride home, and it was already late, god her mother was gonna rip her head off.

"So uh, what is that dress really for?" Moody asked, tilting his head.

"Just to impress." Aurora shrugged, slumping her shoulders.

"Impress who?" God the man just kept digging deeper.


"What people?"

"No one."

"People or no one?"

"People, but no one who you should be concerned about."

Moody nodded slowly.

By the time they were already about fifteen minutes into the ride, Aurora had fallen asleep, her head rested on Moodys shoulder who's chin rested ontop of her head, sleeping as well.

Charlie took notice of this before falling asleep on a hay bail, yes, Charlie snores.

Aurora shot awake, the carriage was still moving but she knew where they were, she sat up, awaking Moody who rubbed his eyes, his hair was a complete mess.

And with that Charlie woke up too.

"We need to get off, I know where we are, we're close to the school house." Aurora sighed.

They boys nodded as the hopped off the carriage that was, thankfully, not moving very fast.

"I'm heading home, make sure Aurora gets home safe or I will find you." Charlie pointed at Moody with raised eyebrows before walking off into a separate direction.

The pair started walking into the woods towards the direction of their houses.

"You're hair looks a mess." Aurora chuckled.

"Nothing compared to yours." Moody laughed, pointing at her.

She opened her mouth to say something before hearing footsteps, she leaned closer to the boy standing next to her who grabbed her hand.

The girl didn't even notice until taking a deep breath after the footsteps faded.

Moody quickly let go, realizing what he had done as they continued walking, it was silent the rest of the way home.

When they reached Auroras house Moody towards the girl, giving a grin.

"Goodnight, Moody." She smiled, standing as tall as she could go and placing a kiss on the boys cheek.

He flushed a bright shade of red before stuttering a goodbye while walking off.

Now she just had to face her mother.

She opened the door slowly, the lights were on.

"Mom? Dad?" She called, but not to loudly.. for.. cautious reasons.

"Aurora!" Her mother slightly yelled as she ran up to her. "Where have you been? We've been worried sick."

"Im sorry, the train got to the station later than usual, and it took a while to get home." She tried to explain.

"I don't want to hear it, go to your room, I don't want to see your face until morning."

Aurora nodded, knowing she had the right to talk back, but she didn't want to get in any more trouble than she was already in.

She walked to her room, peeking into her brothers room first, seeing the young boy sound asleep in his bed.

She fell asleep as soon as she lied down, it wasn't a super eventful day, but by god was she tired.

Word count: 1227

A/n- y'all I finally finished another chapter I'm so sorry it took so long- but it's done! And I'll be working on another very soon!

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