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"And part of me wants to walk away 'till you really listen

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"And part of me wants to walk away 'till you really listen."


"Josie, what's going on?" Aurora held onto the girls hand who wouldn't look her in the eyes. "People are talking, they're staring."

Josie's eyes landed on Anne who was speaking angrily with Billy. Auroras breath hitched, knowing Anne's temper always got the best of her.

"I'll be right back, Josie." Aurora rushed over to Anne, immediately trying to calm her down.

"Anne come on, you're upsetting Josie let's just go." Aurora was ignored, Billy said horrible things, and all of the sudden Josie ran out.

This was one of those moments where Aurora felt helpless, like she had no say, like she couldn't do anything. She stood their, her mind clouded.

Auroras parents had left already, Charlie and Moody were to walk her home. She found them both talking to each other while Moody strummed his banjo.

"I'm leaving." Aurora spoke quickly and impatiently.

"Ok well you'll have to wait for us, we're not ready." Charlie responded.

"I'm leaving, now." Aurora spoke sternly. "I don't care if you come with me or not but I'm going to look for Josie."

"It's not safe Aurora, it's dark." Moody frowned.

"I'm not a child." Aurora snapped and both boys went silent.

"Fine then, go off on your own, we don't care." Moody stared at his banjo.

"We don't?" Charlie whispered, raising his brows.

"No, we don't." Moody spoke through his teeth. "Go on then."

"Im going." Aurora pursed her lips. "And don't speak to me like I'm a dog."

Aurora whipped around and headed outside, searching around the area for Josie.

About ten minutes in of searching, she heard faint sobs behind one of the fair games that was still set up.

"Josie?" Around walked behind the booth, finding Josie who wiped tears from her cheeks.

"Please go." Josie didn't dare look up at the girl.

"You don't have to tell me what happened Josie." Aurora slowly sat down next to her. "I'll sit here in silence, I just want to be here for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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