The American Fire that Melted...

By cptscarlett7

10K 391 29

What could bring together an American working for Scotland Yard and a man in a 'minor position' in the Britis... More

Chapter 1: The Way We Met
Chapter 2: A Date?
Chapter 3: Anniversary
Chapter 4: Meet the Parents
Chapter 5: The Talk
Chapter 6: A New Year
Chapter 7: The Highlands
Chapter 8: Family
Chapter 9: Tragedy
Chapter 11: Surprise Guests
Chapter 12: The Invitation
Chapter 13: Dearly Beloved
Chapter 14: Just the Beginning
Chapter 15: More... or Less... than Meets the Eye
Chapter 16: Work?
Chapter 17: Reminders
Chapter 18: Gone
Chapter 19: Not You
Chapter 20: Reconciliation
Chapter 21: Conclusion
Book 2!!

Chapter 10: A Patriot

404 16 1
By cptscarlett7

The next afternoon, the Cartwright family, except for the two young grandsons of Mr. & Mrs. Cartwright—whom were down in the basement playing video games—were all gathered in the sitting area of the mountain home that Sophia had visited just a few months earlier for Christmas. They'd visited the funeral home that morning and arrangements had been set for two days later. Mycroft had been on and off the phone, taking most of his calls from the deck or downstairs in the office. He had just come back up and looked apologetic.

"I am terribly sorry to have to keep taking calls," he said with a bowed head, directed towards his future mother-in-law, as he sat down next to Sophia.

"It's alright, dear boy, I know you are a very busy man with your job. It means a great deal to me—to us—that you would come all this way with Sophia."

"I wouldn't dream of not being here to support her—and you all—in whatever way I can."

Just then, his phone rang again, and he sighed. But when he pulled his phone out of his coat pocket, his eyes went wide. "I am sorry, but I must take this call."

He quickly was back up and stepping out onto the deck.

"Exactly how 'minor' did you say his position in the British government, was, Sophia?" Daniel—her brother—asked as he watched the man closely through the glass doors.

"You know I can't discuss that, Daniel."

Just then, Mycroft stepped back in, but with the phone still held to his ear. "Yes, ma'am. Please just give me a moment and I'll see if she's available."

Mycroft turned to Mrs. Cartwright with a most peculiar look on her face. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Cartwright, but I have someone on the line who would very much like to speak to you and express her condolences. I think you might want to take this call."

Elizabeth Cartwright gave a confused frown before holding out her hand. "Well, I suppose, if you say so, Mycroft."

"Perhaps I'll just put it on speaker so the rest of the family can hear," he said quietly, and put his finger over his mouth to hush everyone as he handed her the phone and tapped the speaker button.

"Hello? Who's this?" Sophia's mother said shakily.

"Yes, is this Mrs. Elizabeth Cartwright?"

"It is."

"Please hold for the Queen," the woman's voice called out.

Everyone in the room—Sophia, her brother and his wife gasped before another voice came over the line. "Yes, hello?"

"Um, h-hello there—your majesty."

"Mrs. Cartwright, I understand we share a given name. You are Elizabeth, correct?"

"Y-yes, ma'am."

"I wanted to call and express mine and Sir Phillip's deepest condolences on the loss of your husband. I can't imagine quite what my life would be like without my Phillip. I understand your Paul was a true patriot of the Unites States of America, a skilled carpenter, and a good and honorable man. I wish you the best, and our family will be praying for yours in the coming days. I have had flowers ordered that should be present at the memorial service. I do hope that they bring some good feelings on what I know will be a sad day."

"Th-thank you, ma'am. Thank you, very much."

"You are so very welcome. Could I please speak to Mycroft now, Mrs. Cartwright?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'll just pass over the phone. Good—goodbye." The woman's eyes grew even wider as she held the phone out to Mycroft.

He took the phone, tapped the speaker button, and out of habit, straightened his suit jacket before placing the phone to his ear. "Good afternoon, Your Majesty." He listened for a moment and nodded. "Yes, ma'am, I will be sure they are... yes, ma'am, I will. Of course, ma'am. Oh—well, thank you, ma'am. That is appreciated. Yes... yes, I will tell her you said so. Very good. Goodbye, ma'am." He hung up the phone and looked to Sophia. "The Queen, eh—said to tell you 'hello'."

Daniel crossed his arms, shaking his head. "Minor position, my eye."

Mycroft smirked. "Your sister said something very similar not too long after first meeting me."

"Mycroft," Mrs. Cartwright said shakily. "I know I can't begin to understand or know what you do—but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would lead to me getting a call from the Queen of England!"

"Admittedly it is a bit of a shock myself, I assure you I wasn't expecting that phone call."

"But you've had phone calls with her before. Spoken to her. Met her," Daniel said, not in question, but statement of fact.

Mycroft nodded humbly. "Yes. Yes, I have."

Suddenly, a surprise to everyone, Mrs. Cartwright let out a giggle.

"Mom?" Sophia said, leaning forward and looking cautiously at her mother. "What is it?"

"Hold on, I'll just go get it..." She stood and walked towards her room. A few moments later she was coming back out with something held behind her back. "Mycroft, dear, no matter how hard a time my husband gave you, I do hope you know how much he really truly liked you. As you know, he was quite the joker, and enjoyed a good laugh. I feel I should remind you of that before I give you this."

"Give me something?"

"Paul wanted you to have it," she said before a grin came across her face and she pulled out from behind her back—a black ball cap with a large American flag patch on the front.

In unison, everyone in the room started laughing. Mycroft couldn't help the smile that covered his face as he shook his head and looked at the ball cap he now held in his hands. With a sigh he plopped down on the sofa next to Sophia, still looking at it. Just as they laughter had started to die down; he gave in and slipped the cap on to his head. Everyone began laughing again even more raucously. Laughter eventually turned into some tears, and the family grew quiet again.

"Mom, we need to talk about the wedding," Sophia said after a few minutes.

"I've been thinking about it," Daniel interrupted before his mother could answer. "I'd be honored to walk you down the aisle, Soph, if you'll allow me."

"I think that would be beautiful," Mrs. Cartwright said with a sweet smile to her son, then to her daughter. "I know it will be a difficult day for all of us, but your father will be there with us in spirit—and he'd want nothing more than for you to continue on in the happiness you've found with Mycroft, my sweet girl."

"But—so soon—are—are you sure?"

"You can't be suggesting that you delay? No, no, that won't do at all, my dear."

"Um, if I have to tell the boys their trip to London is rescheduled, I might never hear the end of it. In which case I'm shipping them off to live with you for a few months," Janice, Daniel's wife spoke up with a comforting smile to Sophia.

Sophia gave each of her family members a grateful smile. "I—I feel so strange feeling so happy in this moment. Thank you so much all of you for being so supportive of us when this is so hard for all of us."

"You know your daddy didn't want too much sadness."

"Then perhaps he shouldn't have been such a good man," Mycroft said without a second thought at his words.

The family members all smiled at him and Elizabeth Cartwright spoke, "He thought you were a good man, too, Mycroft."

Daniel snorted. "Dad would have absolutely flipped over that phone call." He shook his head again before leaning it back against the sofa he shared with his wife and muttered, "The Queen of England."


Two days later, as the family stood nearby the casket awaiting the pre-service visitation to begin, Daniel elbowed his mother. "Mom, look, that must be them," he whispered.

Two men came in carrying a huge bouquet of red, white, and blue flowers. Mycroft was tailing them, ensuring the flowers were well taken care. Once they'd set them down in an acceptable location, Mycroft waved them off and approached the family. "The Queen asked that I personally see that the flowers were safely delivered and placed in an attractive, yet discreet, location. Is it acceptable?"

Mrs. Cartwright took hold of the man's arm and squeezed. "Mycroft, they are remarkable, and they look wonderful right where you've had them placed. Thank you so much."

"Of course, Mrs. Cartwright. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

She smiled. "No thank you, son. Just be there for my daughter just as you have been."

He nodded and gave a slight bow. "It would be my honor."

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