The American Fire that Melted...

By cptscarlett7

10K 391 29

What could bring together an American working for Scotland Yard and a man in a 'minor position' in the Britis... More

Chapter 1: The Way We Met
Chapter 2: A Date?
Chapter 3: Anniversary
Chapter 4: Meet the Parents
Chapter 5: The Talk
Chapter 6: A New Year
Chapter 7: The Highlands
Chapter 9: Tragedy
Chapter 10: A Patriot
Chapter 11: Surprise Guests
Chapter 12: The Invitation
Chapter 13: Dearly Beloved
Chapter 14: Just the Beginning
Chapter 15: More... or Less... than Meets the Eye
Chapter 16: Work?
Chapter 17: Reminders
Chapter 18: Gone
Chapter 19: Not You
Chapter 20: Reconciliation
Chapter 21: Conclusion
Book 2!!

Chapter 8: Family

513 21 4
By cptscarlett7

"There's still time to change your mind. I could take care of it. I'll let him down easy for you," Sherlock said from where he paced behind Sophia's desk in her lab at Scotland Yard.

The woman smirked. "Sherlock, are you not excited about having me as a sister-in-law?"

"Could I have you but be rid of him? That would be ideal," Sherlock said with a grumble.

"You two fighting again?" She said with an eyeroll.

"My brother is being ridiculously stubborn about a certain... decision."

"Oh, what decision is that?"

She detected that Sherlock had stopped pacing and paused behind her.

She'd just taken a sip of her coffee when he finally blurted out, "He refuses to have a stag party."

Which almost caused her to spit out her coffee. "And that surprises you, Sherlock? Surely you saw that one coming. Your brother detests parties, much less one in which he is the center of attention."

"He's getting married, there will be a wedding and a reception—you are making him allow a wedding reception, right?"

"Of course."

"Which is why I'm here. Can you talk to him? As his Best Man it's my responsibility to plan a Stag Party. If he refuses to have one, it would be considered neglect on my part."

"I'm sure no one would look down on you because of Mycroft's decision, Sherlock," Sophia said with yet another grin.


"What did you do for John?"

"He and I went out for drinks. It all went rather—well, it wasn't my best laid plan. Which is why I feel I can do much better this time."

Sophia spun around in her chair. "Perhaps what we need is a compromise."

Sherlock's eyebrow raised. "Getting myself and Mycroft to compromise with each other could be your biggest achievement in life, Sophia. Are you sure you're up to such a task?"

"Sherlock, I have dated, courted, and am marrying your brother. What do you think?"

He examined her a moment. "Good point. Very well, I'll consider it. When will we have this parley to discuss said compromise?"

She spun back around to get back to work but spoke over her shoulder. "Come round to my place tonight for dinner. Mycroft is already planning on being there."

"Are you going to tell him I'm coming?"

"Oh yes. You showing up as a surprise would not bode well for the possibility of compromise."

Sherlock smiled again. "You really are good at this." Before he spun around and started to walk out of the room. When he reached the door, he stopped and turned back around. "Sophia?"

"Hmm?" she said, turning slightly in her chair to look.

"I'm... happy... that you are going to be a part of our family. You are the match that neither my brother nor I ever considered he might find. I find it... pleasing."

She smiled wide. "Yeah, I like you too, Sherlock. Now get out, I have work to do."

He smiled back before turning to leave.


"I don't see why you invited my brother to dinner. I thought this was going to be private. Just you and I." Mycroft said with what Sophia could only consider to be a pout.

She rolled her eyes as she prepared dinner. "Pouting doesn't look attractive on you, love. And it's been over a month since we had dinner with Sherlock. You know it's important to me, and it should be important to you. In fact, I know it is important to you, because I know how important your family is to you. You're just unhappy because you know what we're going to discuss after dinner."

"Indeed I am. A stag party," he said with disgust. "It's appalling. I can't believe you're going along with this. Encouraging it, even."

Sophia sighed and, after ensuring the pots and pans on the stove could keep themselves for a few minutes, turned to her fiancée and approached, slipping a hand up to cup his cheek. "Mycroft, love," she said softly. "I said we were going to discuss a compromise. I know for a fact that in your position you have refereed hundreds if not thousands of compromises between officials, entire governments even. You know what a compromise means, and it doesn't mean one party getting their way while the other gets the shaft. I promise you that you will find what I have in mind perfectly acceptable.

"Can you just tell me now? I saw the sealed box sitting in the living room. Does it have something to do with this?"

She glared at him. "No, I will not just tell you. That's cheating. And I swear, Mycroft Holmes, if you dare open that box, I will call off the wedding."

He scowled. "Goodness, you're taking this seriously."

"When you mediate between two warring nations, do you take it seriously?"

"I'd hardly compare Sherlock and myself to warring nations." She raised an eyebrow and said nothing. "Well, not this time at least." She continued to stare. "Very well, I get your point quite clearly, Mrs. Cartwright. You may stop glaring at me now."

She leaned up to her tip toes and kissed him on the tip of his nose and smiled before going back to the stove. "Alright then. You can go get the door, it's Sherlock."

Mycroft frowned. "But the doorbell hasn't—" Just then the doorbell rang. "Oh, you're getting good, my love," he cooed.

She grinned triumphantly as he pushed himself off the counter he'd been leaning on and left the room.

As Mycroft and Sherlock came back through, she heard Mycroft speak to Sherlock. "She's threatened to call off the wedding if I touch the box, so don't you dare do so either. My future hangs in the balance."

"Well, I'll obey," Sherlock was saying as they came into the kitchen/dining area. "But only because not doing so would mean not having Sophia in the family." He then practically skipped over to her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Good evening future-sister-in-law, it smells lovely."

"No schmoozing the negotiator, Sherlock," Mycroft said with a grumble.

Sophia giggled. "You two are terrible. Now both of you—set the table. Dinner is almost ready."


After dinner Sherlock and Mycroft sat at opposite sides of the sofa in the living room of Sophia's flat. She stood on the opposite side of the coffee table with the box in front of her on said table. Both men eyed the box, which she had ensured was totally unmarked. She'd used non-descript brown packing tape to seal the box and had ensured the rubbish that had contained any packaging and receipts for said materials had been taken to the bins earlier in the day.

"What I have in this box is the recipe for the perfect Holmes brother stag party, to include John Watson and Greg Lestrade—the only other two men who would consider either of you friend and be willing to put up with your nonsense."

Sherlock tried to scoff, but Mycroft spoke over him. "She has a point."

"I'm still skeptical. You're trying to say that you've put into that box precisely what's needed to ensure I am able to throw a stag party for my brother, and that he would agree to such stag party."

"Indeed. A sample of said items, you'll want more than what I have in the box. But it's three items."

"Three items?" Mycroft said.

She smirked. She could see both men's mental wheels spinning on overdrive trying to deduce what was in the box. "How about instead of you both ending up with smoke pouring out your ears, I just open the box and show you."

Almost in sync, both men slid to the edge of the sofa, literally on the edge of their seats. She picked up a knife she had on the table and made quick work of slicing through the tape. Both men were watching her every move as she then lifted the lids and reached a hand in.

First, a bottle of some of the finest Scotch Mycroft knew to exist. His eyes were already twinkling, and one of Sherlock's eyebrows perked up in interest.

Second, she pulled out a smaller box, but not just any smaller box—a cigar box. And Mycroft would know the brand anywhere. Once again, she'd manage to procure some of the finest. Whether he realized he'd done it or not, she saw Mycroft tongue dart out to lick his lips. Sherlock's other eyebrow joined his first.

Then, she went for the trifecta. She reached into the very bottom of the box and pulled out a folder, dropping it onto the table by the other two objects. Both men recognized it as a Scotland yard case file. Stamped in large letters across the front, "UNSOLVED."

She moved the box to set behind her, then turned back to the men, whose eyes were darting back and forth between the three items. She crossed her arms triumphantly and stood watching them. Finally, the two men's gazes went to her.

"Scotch. Cigars. And a pile of Scotland Yard's most mysterious unsolved case files. I've already gotten authorization for Greg to bring them with him for the Holmes brothers to work their magic over on them. A nice cozy stag party in the comfort of Mycroft's own library. Sherlock—there will be drinking, smoking, and mental deduction. Mycroft, you will be in the comfort of your own home, in front of your own fireplace, drinking your favorite scotch, smoking your favorite cigars, and... exercising that mental wizardry of yours. You will both be in the presence of the two—three if you count your brother—men that you find the least annoying on this planet. I'd say people, not men—but we all know that I'd have to be there and that defeats the purpose of a stag party. What say you gentlemen?"

Sherlock was the first to break the silence. "Is it too late to propose to you myself? You're a genius."

"She's mine, I asked first, and you cannot have her," Mycroft said, never taking his eyes off his fiancée. "And you are a genius."

"It was elementary, my dear Holmes brothers. You two have more in common than you realize—especially when it comes to vices. So?"

The men then turned to each other, unspoken communication going between them before they stood. "I believe our negotiations are complete," Mycroft said with a proud smile as he looked at her. "You my dear, are remarkable."

"I take great pride in making sure I know my first and fourth favorite men."

Sherlock frowned. "Fourth?"

"Her father and brother, you idiot."

"Ah," Sherlock said before giving her a warm smile. "Well, I'll take fourth on your list any day, dear sister-in-law. I should be off now. Thank you for the lovely meal, and the enlightening negotiation. I don't suppose I could peek at that case file now, could I?"

She shook her head and smiled before giving him a peck on the cheek and a hug. "Not a chance. Goodnight, Sherlock."

"Goodnight, Sophia." He then turned to Mycroft. "We'll discuss a date, then?"

Mycroft nodded. "It appears so, yes. Goodnight, brother mine."

"Good night."

Once Sherlock had seen himself out, Mycroft turned to Sophia. "You really are remarkable. I don't suppose I can hire you as a negotiator?"

"Sorry, I negotiate with computers, and Holmes brothers."

"Some would argue deep similarities between those things."

"I would have to disagree," she said as she approached and slipped her arms around his waist. "Computers can't do this," she said with a grin as she gave him a gentle kiss.


A half hour later Sophia saw Mycroft to the door. Once she'd closed and locked it back, she went back to the living room and sat on the sofa. She examined the items on the coffee table with a grin before pulling her phone out and sending out a text.

The game is on. Look for your invitation from Sherlock. -SC

A few moments later... Only you could negotiate that settlement. -JW

Brilliant! -GL


A few days later, Mycroft and Sophia sat on a settee in a private lounge at a rather posh restaurant in London. He'd convinced her to allow him to cover the cost of the wedding and reception, insisting that it would be easier, and that he didn't want her parents having to worry about anything other than being there. He'd already also insisted that he'd send a private jet for her parents and brother's family and would be covering the cost of their hotel stay. Too happy at knowing her family would be joining them in London for the wedding, she acquiesced. Now they were awaiting sampler platters of food they'd choose from for the reception, and then have the cake tasting to choose their cake flavors.

While they waited, Sophia could tell that something was on Mycroft's mind. "Are you alright? You seem preoccupied. Have you changed your mind about using this restaurant? I'm sure we can attempt to find another."

"No, no. It's not that, dear. It's just—well I've been thinking about something. I haven't quite convinced myself, though. I'm sorry to appear so perplexed over it as to cause you concern."

"What is it, love?" she said, reaching to take his hand in hers.

"My sister," he said. And those words gave plenty of explanation. About six months into their relationship he'd revealed to Sophia that he had a sister and all about the terrible things that had happened at Sherrinford because of her, and the state she was currently in. She knew that he and Sherlock took turns making weekly visits to her. On Sherlock's visits, the two played their violins together. On Mycroft's, it was mostly silence. He tried to make small talk, but Mycroft was not incredibly skilled in that area, and it didn't suit he or Euros.

"What about her?" Sophia asked gently. She was sure it had some connection to their upcoming wedding, only a few months away now. She wondered if perhaps deep down he was wishing that his entire family could be present but knew that was impossible due to her condition and her mental power. He'd also made it very clear, very early on, that he wouldn't be discussing Sophia with Euros, for her own safety.

"I—I would like her to meet you."

Sophia let out the tiniest of gasps. "You would?"

He looked down, scowling at himself. "Yes. Though it's foolish and unwise, I still find myself unable to settle it in my mind. It's just that deep down, in my mind and my... my heart... she is my sister. And you are to be my wife. You are going to be a part of our family, and despite the insanity and danger of it all, I keep feeling this desire. I don't understand it," he said, his voice trembling by the time he got to the end. "I wasn't going to mention it. I didn't want to worry or bother you with it. But it keeps eating at me and now you've noticed it and I promised I'd always be honest with you. So... there it is."

She gently began stroking his hand with hers as she held it with both her own. "When we began dating, I accepted that there would be the possibility of danger, Mycroft, because of your job. And as things grew more and more serious, I knew the danger increased. And when you told me about Euros, I accepted that there was also a possibility of danger in that. You know that with my work for law enforcement and the government that I am well aware of how dangerous the world is. I accept that danger every day when I walk into work. When I accepted your proposal of marriage, it was an acceptance that I was not only to be your wife—that of a 'minor' government official," she said with a knowing wink, "But also daughter-in-law to your parents, and sister-in-law to Sherlock, and to Euros. I not only accept that, but I also willingly and whole-heartedly embrace it. I would love to meet your sister, Mycroft."

Mycroft swallowed, tears threatening at the corner of his eyes. "Remarkable. You are simply remarkable."

She smiled sweetly at him and leaned in to give him a quick, gentle kiss just as the attendant came through to begin the tasting.


Three weeks later Mycroft and Sophia stepped off the helicopter at Sherrinford, with Sherlock following just behind and standing at Sophia's other side. He'd insisted, demanded in fact, that he would be present as well. Seemed the Holmes brothers were both determined to protect Sophia, and she thought that just perhaps Sherlock hoped that his presence would also show his approval of Sophia.

Not long after, the door slid opened and Sophia took a quiet, steady breath as she saw the long brunette-haired woman sitting nearby with her back to them. She wore a white nightgown of sorts. They approached, standing just behind a marked line, just as Mycroft had explained would happen.

"Sister, Sherlock and I have come together today." Mycroft paused and swallowed, and Sophia moved her hand ever so slightly, taking his within hers. "We've brought a guest with us today. Someone we'd like you to meet."

Sophia was watching the woman carefully and saw the almost imperceptible tilt of her head to the side as she took in that piece of information. After a moment, she decided to speak and squeezed Mycroft's hand gently. "Hello, Euros."

At that, the woman in the cell stood and turned. Sophia watched as she quickly measured up the situation, taking in how Sophia held Mycroft's hand, that Sherlock stood a few inches away on her other side. Then, she came up to the edge of the cell.

"Euros, this is Sophia. She and I are to be married in just a few weeks. We wanted you to meet her first."

Euros raised an eyebrow and looked for a moment to Sherlock, who gave a slight nod in non-verbal confirmation that this was indeed the case. She then turned back and gave careful examination to Mycroft, looking over every inch of him. She then turned her attention back to Sophia and took another step forward.

Sophia felt bold and took a step forward as well, just to the edge of the marked line. "I'm glad we've had the opportunity to meet, Euros."

Sophia knew that the woman would be able to tell if she was lying. Knew that there was a possibility that while the Holmes brothers had the mental where-with-all to withstand Euros' power of persuasion, there was a possibility that she wouldn't. That with just a few words, she could possibly be under the spell of Euros Holmes and do untold harm to herself or others. It was why Mycroft had been so anxious, and Sherlock as well. In the end, it had been Sophia who had convinced them both, because she knew that Mycroft would never be able to let it go if the seed had already sprouted in his heart—which it had. She stood as confidently as possible as Euros sized her up, from head to toe. As she came to her face, Sophia smiled at her. In a display that left Sophia with a flash of hope, Euros smiled back.

After a moment, Euros turned and walked back towards her bed. Sophia started to speak, but Sherlock reached and touched her arm as if to tell her to wait. She did and took in a breath when Euros moved to pick up her violin. She came back to the glass and began playing... Canon in D. A wedding song.

By the end, Sophia had tears in her eyes, and admittedly, so did Mycroft. As she played the last note, Euros lowered her violin, turned to her eldest brother and opened her mouth. "I approve."

Sophia gasped. So did Sherlock. Sophia heard Mycroft swallow hard. She decided to be the one to speak, since the brothers seemed at a loss for words. "I am honored. Thank you, Euros."

"Yes, thank you Euros."

The caged woman nodded and went back to her bed and laid down, signaling the end of their visit. None of them spoke till they were on the helicopter.

"As I understand it, she hasn't spoken a word since the incident."

"You understand correctly," Mycroft said.

"But she spoke."

"Indeed, she did," Sherlock said.

"Is—is that good?" Sophia asked. It seemed good. It felt good. But the brothers knew her better than she did.

"It's... a development. We'll have to keep a careful eye on her and see if there are any changes of behavior."

"But what does it mean?" She asked in wonder. "She spoke... when I was there. Her first words in two years—"

"Were to provide her approval of you. It seems she likes you," Sherlock stated.

"I hardly said anything, really."

"You were kind to her, Sophia. And she looked into your soul and saw that the kindness was not fake or with ulterior motive. She saw the kind, honest heart that I—"

"We—" Sherlock interrupted.

"That we see." Mycroft corrected himself with a slight eye roll to his brother.


Later that night, Sophia brought two glasses of wine into the library of Mycroft's home where he sat in a large oversized, overstuffed armchair by the fire. She handed him his glass.

"Thank you," he replied, raising it slightly to her.

"You're welcome," she replied before curling up in the chair opposite him. "You're concerned that her interest in me could be dangerous."

"Of course, I am. I always worry about your safety. In this instance there is a true potential threat."

"Or it could be nothing. Sherlock's work with her after Sherrinford may have truly broken through to her. She could just genuinely like me."

"I have no doubt she genuinely likes you, my dear. It's what she'll do with it that is of concern. It was obvious during...the incident..." he said with a swallow. Mycroft still had nightmares about it, Sophia knew, so talking about it still brought him great distress. "It was obvious that she saw others as pawns, playthings to be used and manipulated for her experiments and observation. I won't have her using either of us in that way. Not again."

"I understand, love. And I'll understand that you don't want me to go back there again—for now. But I hope that perhaps one day I'll be able to go, by your side, as your wife—as her sister-in-law. Might that happen? One day?"

He pursed his lips together but looked at his fiancée carefully and sighed. "Perhaps... one day."

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