Loved You In Another Life...

By MaMajesty_

6.1K 377 146

After the tragic deaths of both Skeppy and Badboyhalo, they meet again in the afterlife through their jobs. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 17

190 13 3
By MaMajesty_

Skeppy POV

I stare at the ceiling, exasperated by the endless thoughts swirling through my head. Bad. Bad. Bad. It's always him, isn't it? When I'm bored or tired or lonely, it's always him that comes swimming back into my mind.

It's both the most wonderful feeling I've ever had, and terrifying at the same time. The fact that someone like him is always on my mind.

It's calming though, sort of like an anchor to pull me through any of my worries. His hair, his smile, his laugh, it's addicting. I can never get enough.

And that's what scares me.

No doubt about it, I'm falling in love. Falling so deep that there's no escape from this endless hole I find myself descending into.

But that's the thing about falling, at some point you have to hit the bottom. Sure, the sensation of flying through the air is amazing and thrilling, but that can't last forever. At some point, I'll hit the ground, at some point the weightless happiness has to end.

It's my fault for not thinking this through before I decided to become close with him, not accounting for the fact that maybe we would get a little too close.

After all, what room is there in this cruel world for an angel and a demon to be together? It's a losing battle on both sides, no matter how much I wish I could change that.

Heaven is supposed to be a paradise, but everyone's different, and one place can't be perfect for everyone. Not in this broken world.

It's almost laughable how long I took to realize it, how long I wondered why my stomach would jump and my cheeks would burn at the mere thought of this pretty boy.

How could I take this long to realize my feelings for someone who I've fallen for so hard?

Maybe it's the fact that being around him turns my brain to mush, makes me unable to form a coherent thought. I can't think about what he is to me without feeling like I've been set on fire, a hot searing fire that tears through me, yet feels so good.

At least I know it now, know how far gone I am, acknowledging why the butterflies swarm me day and night.

It's a realization that I wish I could be happy about, wish I could shout to the entire world, or maybe just to him, because he is my entire world.

But, alas, an angel and a demon aren't meant to be together, and even with all the power in the world, I know, it was never meant to be. And that's what breaks me.

Speaking of Bad, my communicator has been buzzing with messages from him all night, most of which I've replied to, trying to seem as happy as possible, but I've started to get exhausted.

Not by him, god no. Just by myself, by my thoughts and my tears.

Sending Bad a quick message to say I'm going to sleep now, I fling my communicator to the side and try to close my eyes.

After tossing and turning for hours, I finally drift out of consciousness and am engulfed in a new dream.

We're running, running as fast as we can to a location we don't even know yet. It doesn't even matter where we end up, not with our light laughter drifting through the cool night air.

We're careless, free from the normal bonds of life and we're loving it.

It's like we're children again, giggling and running off in the night, sneaking away from everything that holds us down just so we can have a moment of giddiness.

We end up at a park, a field with a basketball court and some dirty benches, illuminated by the street lamps nearby.

I find myself in this dream, feeling completely in control, yet I can't make any choices of my own. Not that it matters, I would never choose to do anything differently.

It's raining now, not pouring down on us, but there is a gentle pitter-patter of water droplets falling around us, wet splotches on the pavement.

I look at my mystery boy, and am immediately enchanted. His long hair is shining with droplets of water, his eyes closed as he spins in circles with his arms out wide. He looks mystical and effortless.

A light giggle escapes my lips and he opens his eyes to smile at me, a flash of bright white as he dances over to me and takes me in his arms. We dance and dance until we can't move anymore, and by then we stumble off the wet concrete and fall into each other on the grass.

It's all cherry lips and sunshine smiles, our perfectly in-sync brains molding together perfectly.

Legs tangled together and fingers intertwined, my smile only grows wider by the second. This is my mystery boy, he's always been mine and that's all he ever will be. Just the same way I'll always be his.

Just my mystery boy and I, dancing in the rain until we can't remember our names.

My eyes shoot open, but not in a panicked way. My heart is beating, but not from fear.

So yeah, maybe these dreams are my memories, but as happy as I was, this can't be true.

Because now I'm abandoning the person who was made for me, abandoning him for the supposed enemy.

There must be something wrong with me, because even though I know my mystery boy isn't just my imagination, all I can do when I dream of him is imagine that it's Bad in his place.

That it's Bad kissing me breathless, dancing with me. Bad smiling with so much love in his eyes and twining his fingers with mine.

I see the way this boy looks at me, like we're the only two people in the world, and though I feel an endless amount of love from him, I only feel my face light up when I imagine Bad looking at me in that way.

What I'm supposed to do in this situation, I haven't a clue. But I do know that the curiosity of whether or not that beautiful demon boy likes me back, even just a little bit, is eating me alive.

So, what better to do than treat him the way I wish I could, act like he's mine in the way he never will be.

I already regret this idea, before I've even started.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Bad's already at work when I arrive for the day, my usual bouquet of flowers in hand.

I've made a habit of this, bringing him this slightly too couple-y of a gift every week, a different color each time.

Today, I bring him the whole rainbow. Lilies and daisies, roses and tulips, flowers I can't name but are just perfect for Bad. All tied up with a deep red tissue paper, his favorite color.

Dropping the flowers soundlessly to the clouds below me, I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Morning, beautiful." I mutter, feeling stupid already.

Slightly jumping in surprise, Bad turns around to reciprocate the hug. "You scared me! And what's with the sappiness all of a sudden? Did you sleep ok?"

"I'm fine, Badboy, just want you to know how pretty you are. I brought you flowers, by the way."

His face lights up with so much happiness that I would have ascended to heaven right then and there if I wasn't already an angel.

Leaning away from Bad, I pick up the bouquet and hold it out to him.

Taking the flowers, he cards through each petal, looking at each clipping carefully. It's amazing how no matter how many times I bring him the same gift, he always gives the same reaction: stunned, mesmerized, and overjoyed.

"These are so pretty!" He coos, "I wish there was stuff like this in the Nether, then I'd be reminded of you 24/7!"

My face burns at that statement. "Well I think of you always even without something to remind me."

Bad sets the flowers down and lifts me off the clouds, twirling me in circles until I can't see straight.

"You're too sweet, I don't deserve you."

Flopping one of my wings over Bad's face, I giggle. "No, I don't deserve you."

He squirms away from me, feigning annoyance but I can see the wide grin on his face.

I try to memorize every detail of this moment, file it away for later if I ever need to remember  what it feels like to feel so unbelievably happy that I feel I can't take it anymore.

Bad's face is what I try hardest to remember, the way his eyes are screwed shut and his smile wide.

He rarely smiles like this, saying his fangs scare people. I think it's beautiful though, think he's beautiful no matter what he does, but to see him happy is the best of all.

Our moment is interrupted by the flash of light signaling our first soul of the day.

Bads smile drains and he looks at me with a pouting lip. "I almost forgot we have work to do."

Offering a soft smile, I hold out a hand for Bad. "Yet we still have to do it. C'mon, if you can do this, I'll treat you to a very well deserved night out after this."

Unable to argue with my offer, he takes my hand. "Only for you."

"Only for you." I repeat back to him, because it's true, everything I do is only for him.

○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ●

1640 Words

*End of Chapter 17*

Filler chapter I'm sorryyyyyy :<

Please vote if you liked this chapter :)

Remember to eat, drink water, and get sleep because you deserve it <3

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